123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230 |
- // import REST from 'vuejs/api/rest-axios'
- // import JSONAPI from 'vuejs/api/json-axios'
- import MA from 'vuejs/api/ma-axios'
- import qs from 'querystring-es3'
- import Vue from 'vue'
- import MGQ from 'vuejs/api/graphql-axios'
- import { print } from 'graphql/language/printer'
- import gql from 'graphql-tag'
- import searchresultGQL from 'vuejs/api/gql/searchresults.fragment.gql'
- export default {
- namespaced: true,
- // initial state
- state: {
- keys: '',
- terms: [],
- filters: [],
- uuids: [],
- items: [],
- offset: 0,
- limit: 15,
- infos: null,
- count: 0,
- noresults: false,
- // infinteState will come from vue-infinite-loading plugin
- // implemented in vuejs/components/Content/Base.vue
- infiniteLoadingState: null
- },
- // getters
- getters: {},
- // mutations
- mutations: {
- setUuids (state, uuids) {
- state.uuids = state.uuids.concat(uuids)
- },
- resetUuids (state) {
- state.uuids = []
- },
- setResults (state, items) {
- // console.log('setResults, items', items)
- if (items) { // avoid bug like items = [null]
- state.items = state.items.concat(items)
- }
- // console.log('setResults, state.items', state.items)
- },
- updateItem (state, item) {
- // state.items[data.index] = data.item // this is not triggering vuejs refresh
- // find the right index
- const index = state.items.findIndex(i => i.id === item.id)
- // update the array
- if (index !== -1) {
- Vue.set(state.items, index, item)
- }
- // console.log("mutation updateItem state.items", state.items)
- },
- resetItems (state) {
- state.items = []
- },
- setKeys (state, keys) {
- state.keys = keys
- },
- reSetKeys (state) {
- state.keys = ''
- },
- setTerms (state, terms) {
- state.terms = terms
- console.log('search store setTerms', terms)
- },
- reSetTerms (state) {
- state.terms = []
- },
- setFilters (state, filters) {
- console.log('store search setFilters', filters)
- state.filters = typeof filters === 'string' ? filters.split(',') : filters
- },
- reSetFilters (state) {
- state.filters = []
- },
- setInfos (state, infos) {
- state.infos = infos
- },
- setCount (state, count) {
- state.count = count
- },
- resetCount (state, count) {
- state.count = false
- },
- setNoresults (state) {
- state.noresults = true
- },
- resetNoresults (state) {
- state.noresults = false
- },
- resetOffset (state) {
- state.offset = 0
- },
- resetInfos (state) {
- state.infos = false
- },
- incrementOffset (state) {
- state.offset += state.limit
- },
- setInfiniteState (state, infiniteLoadingstate) {
- state.infiniteLoadingState = infiniteLoadingstate
- }
- },
- // actions
- actions: {
- newSearch ({ dispatch, commit, state }) {
- console.log('Search newSearch, state.keys', state.keys)
- commit('resetUuids')
- commit('resetItems')
- commit('resetCount')
- commit('resetNoresults')
- commit('resetOffset')
- commit('resetInfos')
- if (state.keys || state.terms.length) {
- this.commit('Common/setPagetitle', state.keys.join(', '))
- } else {
- this.commit('Common/setPagetitle', 'Base')
- }
- dispatch('getResults')
- },
- nextPage ({ dispatch, commit, state }, $infiniteLoadingstate) {
- console.log('Search nextPage', $infiniteLoadingstate)
- commit('incrementOffset')
- commit('setInfiniteState', $infiniteLoadingstate)
- dispatch('getResults')
- },
- getResults ({ dispatch, commit, state }) {
- const params = {
- keys: state.keys.join(', '),
- terms: JSON.stringify(state.terms),
- offset: state.offset,
- limit: state.limit
- }
- console.log('search store getResults, params', params)
- if (state.filters) {
- console.log('getResults filters', state.filters)
- params.filters = state.filters.join(',')
- }
- // console.log('Search getResults params', params)
- const q = qs.stringify(params)
- // * Qs.Stringify () Arrayformat: 'Repeat' : https://programmerall.com/article/31901061156/
- // const q = qs.stringify(params, { arrayFormat: 'comma', encode: false })
- // * arrayFormat is not working, made state.keys.join(', ') instead
- return MA.get('/materio_sapi/getresults?' + q)
- .then(({ data }) => {
- console.log('search MA getresults data', data, state.terms)
- // commit('setItems', data.items)
- commit('setInfos', data.infos)
- commit('setCount', data.count)
- if (data.count) {
- commit('setUuids', data.uuids)
- // loadMaterials is on mixins
- // https://github.com/huybuidac/vuex-extensions
- // dispatch('loadMaterialsGQL', {
- // ids: data.nids,
- // gqlfragment: materiauGQL,
- // callBack: 'loadSearchResultsCallBack'
- // })
- const ast = gql`{
- searchresults(ids: [${data.nids}], lang: "${drupalDecoupled.lang_code}") {
- ...SearchResultFields
- }
- }
- ${searchresultGQL}
- `
- MGQ.post('', { query: print(ast) })
- .then(resp => {
- console.log('loadSearchResultsGQL resp', resp)
- dispatch('loadSearchResultsCallBack', { items: resp.data.data.searchresults })
- })
- .catch(error => {
- console.warn('Issue with loadSearchResults', error)
- Promise.reject(error)
- })
- } else {
- commit('setNoresults')
- }
- })
- .catch((error) => {
- console.warn('Issue with getResults', error)
- // window.location.reload()
- Promise.reject(error)
- })
- },
- loadSearchResultsCallBack ({ commit, state }, { items, callBackArgs }) {
- console.log('search loadSearchResultsCallBack', items)
- commit('setResults', items)
- if (state.infiniteLoadingState) {
- if (state.offset + state.limit > state.count) {
- console.log('Search infinite completed')
- // tell to vue-infinite-loading plugin that there si no new page
- state.infiniteLoadingState.complete()
- } else {
- console.log('Search infinite loaded')
- // tell to vue-infinite-loading plugin that newpage is loaded
- state.infiniteLoadingState.loaded()
- }
- }
- },
- refreshItem ({ commit, state }, { id }) {
- console.log('Search refreshItem: id', id)
- const ast = gql`{
- searchresult(id: ${id}, lang: "${drupalDecoupled.lang_code}") {
- ...SearchResultFields
- }
- }
- ${searchresultGQL}
- `
- MGQ.post('', { query: print(ast) })
- .then(resp => {
- console.log('refreshItem searchresult resp', resp)
- // dispatch("loadSearchResultsCallBack", { items: resp.data.data.searchresults})
- commit('updateItem', resp.data.data.searchresult)
- })
- .catch(error => {
- console.warn('Issue with refreshItem', error)
- Promise.reject(error)
- })
- }
- }
- }