symfony_mailer.mailer_policy.user.password_reset.yml 802 B

  1. uuid: c5135122-4990-4542-af33-4e0c425f5a67
  2. langcode: en
  3. status: true
  4. dependencies:
  5. module:
  6. - user
  7. _core:
  8. default_config_hash: dQw-zK_rH2Z6J-fK28ea5w0gq4Q05DCafWCz5Je36-M
  9. id: user.password_reset
  10. configuration:
  11. email_subject:
  12. value: 'Replacement login information for [user:display-name] at [site:name]'
  13. email_body:
  14. content:
  15. value: |-
  16. <p>[user:display-name],</p>
  17. <p>A request has been made to reset the password for your account at <a href="[site:url]">[site:name]</a>.
  18. You may now use this link to <a href="[user:one-time-login-url]">log in</a>.
  19. This link can only be used once to log in and will lead you to a page where you can set your password. It expires after one day and nothing will happen if it's not used.</p>
  20. format: email_html