symfony_mailer.mailer_policy.contact_form.copy.yml 464 B

  1. uuid: a6c8aaf1-3f3b-481a-8276-ca3e9d204599
  2. langcode: en
  3. status: true
  4. dependencies:
  5. module:
  6. - contact
  7. _core:
  8. default_config_hash: XNel772jUgO_1nTeBKv6KY1dOnm9ZTxw873dLdQn21I
  9. id: contact_form.copy
  10. configuration:
  11. email_body:
  12. content:
  13. value: |-
  14. <p class="contact-email-intro">Here is a copy of the message you sent using the contact form <a href="{{ form_url }}">{{ form }}</a>.</p>
  15. <hr>
  16. {{ body }}
  17. format: email_html