123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657 |
- uuid: 8cc24bdd-d0ae-466c-81d5-d388e6c851e8
- langcode: fr
- status: true
- dependencies: { }
- _core:
- default_config_hash: NlAJ1uthbRfNcM-M7UCYixmpTNgZnkuQKQymrXPv7UY
- id: authenticated
- label: 'Authenticated user'
- weight: -8
- is_admin: false
- permissions:
- - 'access checkout'
- - 'access content'
- - 'access kint'
- - 'access synonyms entity autocomplete'
- - 'access webprofiler'
- - 'add composition entities'
- - 'add fil entities'
- - 'create corpus_documents workflow_transition'
- - 'create defalut workflow_transition'
- - 'create default workflow_transition'
- - 'create generique workflow_transition'
- - 'create workflow workflow_transition'
- - 'delete own composition entities'
- - 'delete own fil entities'
- - 'display eu cookie compliance popup'
- - 'edit own chutier entities'
- - 'edit own composition entities'
- - 'edit own fil entities'
- - 'execute materio arbitrary graphql requests'
- - 'execute materio persisted graphql requests'
- - 'issue subrequests'
- - 'manage own commerce_payment_method'
- - 'materio_jsonapi ownroles'
- - 'opt-in or out of google analytics tracking'
- - 'opt-in or out of matomo tracking'
- - 'restful get config_rest_resource'
- - 'restful post user_registration'
- - 'subscribe to newsletters'
- - 'update own customer profile'
- - 'use chutier'
- - 'use text format wysiwyg'
- - 'view commerce_product'
- - 'view field_showroom_files'
- - 'view materio_product_type commerce_product'
- - 'view own commerce_order'
- - 'view own customer profile'
- - 'view own profile'
- - 'view own unpublished chutier entities'
- - 'view own unpublished composition entities'
- - 'view own unpublished fil entities'
- - 'view privacy_policy config page entity'
- - 'view published composition entities'
- - 'view published fil entities'
- - 'view search api pages'
- - 'view terms_of_services config page entity'
- - 'view webprofiler toolbar'