id: d7_node_materiau label: Node Materiau migration_group: d7_materio audit: true migration_tags: - Drupal 7 - Content - Materio deriver: Drupal\taxonomy\Plugin\migrate\D7TaxonomyTermDeriver source: plugin: d7_node_materiau node_type: materiau destination: plugin: entity:node process: # nid: nid type: plugin: default_value default_value: materiau title: title field_short_description: field_nature_titre field_migration: plugin: default_value default_value: 'migration_imported' body: plugin: iterator source: field_description process: value: value format: plugin: default_value default_value: wysiwyg langcode: language field_memo: field_memo field_workflow: - plugin: default_value source: workflow default_value: 2 - plugin: static_map default_value: 2 map: 1: "workflow_creation" 2: "workflow_hidden" 3: "workflow_visible" 4: "workflow_imported" 5: "workflow_edited" field_thesaurus: plugin: migration_lookup migration: d7_taxonomy_term_thesaurus source: field_onthologie no_stub: true field_tags: plugin: migration_lookup migration: d7_taxonomy_term_tags source: field_tags_libres no_stub: true field_manufacturer: plugin: migration_lookup migration: d7_taxonomy_term_company source: field_company_fab no_stub: true field_distributor: plugin: migration_lookup migration: d7_taxonomy_term_company source: field_company_distrib no_stub: true field_video: plugin: iterator source: field_video_filter process: value: url field_linked_materials: - plugin: skip_on_empty method: process source: linked_materials - plugin: migration_lookup migration: d7_node_materiau no_stub: true field_linked_breves: - plugin: skip_on_empty method: process source: linked_breves - plugin: migration_lookup migration: d7_node_breve no_stub: true field_materiau_images: plugin: iterator source: field_materiau_image process: target_id: plugin: migration_lookup migration: d7_allpublicfiles source: fid no_stub: true alt: alt title: title height: height width: width field_attachments: plugin: iterator source: field_attachments process: target_id: plugin: migration_lookup migration: d7_allpublicfiles source: fid no_stub: true # there is no description field filled description: description field_famille: field_famille field_index: field_identifiant field_reference: field_reference_materio # just archives # : field_localisation # TODO: need to find an alternative or rebuild the custom module # : field_location migration_dependencies: required: - d7_allpublicfiles - d7_taxonomy_term_thesaurus - d7_taxonomy_term_tags - d7_taxonomy_term_company - d7_taxonomy_term_showroom optional: - d7_node_breve