select('uc_roles_expirations', 'ure') ->fields('ure', [ 'reid', 'uid', 'rid', 'expiration', ]) // ->condition('ure.rid', 6) ->orderBy('ure.expiration'); // // Joining to {uc_roles_products} gets us the product node ID and the // // duration configuration. // // TODO: this join assumes there is only one product per role. If some // // roles are sold by multiple products, this will break! // $query->innerJoin('uc_roles_products', 'urp', 'ure.rid = urp.rid'); // $query->fields('urp', [ // 'nid', // 'duration', // 'granularity', // ]); // // Get the orders that purchased this product. // // Join to {uc_orders} via {uc_order_products}, getting first the order // // line items that hold the product, and the the corresponding order. // $query->innerJoin('uc_order_products', 'uop', 'urp.nid = uop.nid'); // // This join also ensures that the orders are purchased by the users who // // have a role granted. // $query->innerJoin('uc_orders', 'uo', 'uop.order_id = uo.order_id AND ure.uid = uo.uid'); // // $query->fields('uop', ['order_product_id']); // $query->fields('uo', [ // 'created', // 'modified', // 'order_id', // ]); // // Use a groupwise mininum selfjoin to get only the earliest order by each // // user for a role. // // TODO: this assumes that later orders are renewals, and that there are no // // gaps in a user's license ownership, e.g. user buys license, lets it // // expire, buys another one. // // TODO: this join should also have a condition on the product nid! // $query->leftJoin('uc_orders', 'uo_later', 'uo.uid = uo_later.uid AND uo.modified > uo_later.modified'); // $query->isNull('uo_later.order_id'); return $query; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function prepareRow(Row $row) { // drush_print("_ _ _ _ _"); // drush_print('uid '. $row->getSourceProperty('uid')); // // Get the most recent order for this user and role product, if different // // from the earliest order we retrieved in query(). // $query = $this->select('uc_order_products', 'uop'); // $query->innerJoin('uc_orders', 'uo', 'uop.order_id = uo.order_id'); // // $query->condition('uop.nid', $row->getSourceProperty('nid')); // $query->condition('uo.uid', $row->getSourceProperty('uid')); // // $query->condition('uo.order_id', $row->getSourceProperty('order_id'), '<>'); // $query->fields('uo', [ // 'order_id', // 'created', // 'modified', // ]); // $query->orderBy('created', DESC); // $query->range(0, 1); // // $latest_order_data = $query->execute()->fetchAssoc(); // // print_r($latest_order_data); // // if ($latest_order_data) { // // drush_print('renewed ' . $latest_order_data['created']); // // Set the date of the last renewal to the creation date of the most // // recent order for this role. // // This is the closest thing we have? // $row->setSourceProperty('renewed', $latest_order_data['created']); // // drush_print('renewed ' . date('Y-m-d', $row->getSourceProperty('renewed'))); // } // else { // // drush_print('renewed NULL'); // $row->setSourceProperty('renewed', NULL); // // drush_print('renewed NULL'); // } $expiration = $row->getSourceProperty('expiration'); $state = $expiration > time() ? 'active' : 'expired'; $row->setSourceProperty('state', $state); // Get orders for this user // will get the first and the last if diffents. $query = $this->select('uc_order_products', 'uop'); $query->innerJoin('uc_orders', 'uo', 'uop.order_id = uo.order_id'); $query->condition('uo.uid', $row->getSourceProperty('uid')); $query->fields('uo', [ 'order_id', 'created', 'modified', ]); $query->fields('uop', ['model']); $query->orderBy('created', 'DESC'); $orders = $query->execute()->fetchAll(); // print_r($orders); // default renewed value $renewed = strtotime('-1 year', $expiration); $row->setSourceProperty('created', $renewed); $row->setSourceProperty('renewed', $renewed); // "real" created and renewed values if(count($orders)){ $first_order = array_shift($orders); $row->setSourceProperty('created', $first_order['created']); $row->setSourceProperty('renewed', $first_order['created']); if(count($orders)){ $last_order = array_pop($orders); $row->setSourceProperty('renewed', $last_order['created']); }else{ $last_order = $first_order; } drush_print(print_r($last_order, true)); // put the right product variation web OR web-showroom switch($last_order['model']){ case "abo01-A": $product_variation_id = 2; break; case "abo01-B": case "abo01-C": $product_variation_id = 6; break; } if(isset($product_variation_id)){ drush_print($row->getSourceProperty('mail').' product_variation_id: '.$product_variation_id); $row->setSourceProperty('product_variation_id', $product_variation_id); } } // $expirationstr = date('Y-m-d', $expiration); // drush_print('expiration ' . $expirationstr); return parent::prepareRow($row); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function fields() { return ([ 'reid' => $this->t('Record ID'), 'uid' => $this->t('User ID'), 'rid' => $this->t('The role ID'), 'expiration' => $this->t('The expiration date'), 'nid' => $this->t('Product node ID'), 'duration' => $this->t('The interval multiplier'), 'granularity' => $this->t('The interval'), 'created' => $this->t('Earliest order created time'), 'modified' => $this->t('Earliest order changed time'), 'renewed' => $this->t('Latest order created time'), ]); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getIds() { return [ 'reid' => [ 'type' => 'integer', 'alias' => 'ure', ] // Add the order product ID as a key, so that order product migrations // can look up the license to reference it. // 'order_product_id' => [ // 'type' => 'integer', // ], ]; } }