uuid: 9044a42a-bf11-44ba-8b27-fa38d99f8dba langcode: en status: true dependencies: module: - search_api_solr - taxonomy - node - materio_sapi - synonyms - search_api - address config: - field.storage.node.body - field.storage.node.field_distributor - field.storage.taxonomy_term.field_public_address - field.storage.node.field_famille - field.storage.node.field_manufacturer - field.storage.node.field_reference - field.storage.node.field_short_description - field.storage.node.field_tags - field.storage.taxonomy_term.field_synonyms - field.storage.node.field_thesaurus - search_api.server.materio third_party_settings: search_api_solr: finalize: true commit_before_finalize: false commit_after_finalize: false multilingual: limit_to_content_language: true include_language_independent: true highlighter: maxAnalyzedChars: 51200 fragmenter: gap regex: slop: 0.5 pattern: blank maxAnalyzedChars: 10000 usePhraseHighlighter: false highlightMultiTerm: false preserveMulti: false highlight: mergeContiguous: false requireFieldMatch: false snippets: 3 fragsize: 0 mlt: mintf: 1 mindf: 1 maxdf: 0 maxdfpct: 0 minwl: 0 maxwl: 0 maxqt: 100 maxntp: 2000 boost: false interestingTerms: none term_modifiers: slop: 10000000 fuzzy: 2 advanced: index_prefix: '' collection: '' timezone: '' id: database name: database description: '' read_only: false field_settings: country_code: label: 'Manufacturer » Terme de taxonomie » Address » The two-letter country code' datasource_id: 'entity:node' property_path: 'field_manufacturer:entity:field_public_address:country_code' type: solr_text_wstoken dependencies: config: - field.storage.node.field_manufacturer - field.storage.taxonomy_term.field_public_address module: - taxonomy country_code_1: label: 'Distributor » Terme de taxonomie » Address » The two-letter country code' datasource_id: 'entity:node' property_path: 'field_distributor:entity:field_public_address:country_code' type: solr_text_wstoken dependencies: config: - field.storage.node.field_distributor - field.storage.taxonomy_term.field_public_address module: - taxonomy field_famille: label: Famille datasource_id: 'entity:node' property_path: field_famille type: string dependencies: config: - field.storage.node.field_famille field_reference: label: Reference datasource_id: 'entity:node' property_path: field_reference type: solr_text_wstoken boost: !!float 21 dependencies: config: - field.storage.node.field_reference field_short_description: label: 'Short description' datasource_id: 'entity:node' property_path: field_short_description type: string dependencies: config: - field.storage.node.field_short_description name: label: 'Manufacturer » Terme de taxonomie » Nom' datasource_id: 'entity:node' property_path: 'field_manufacturer:entity:name' type: text dependencies: config: - 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field.storage.node.field_tags module: - taxonomy tag_synonyms: label: 'Tags » Taxonomy term » Synonyms' datasource_id: 'entity:node' property_path: 'field_tags:entity:field_synonyms' type: solr_text_wstoken boost: !!float 8 dependencies: config: - field.storage.node.field_tags - field.storage.taxonomy_term.field_synonyms module: - taxonomy tag_tid: label: 'Tags » Taxonomy term » Term ID' datasource_id: 'entity:node' property_path: 'field_tags:entity:tid' type: integer boost: !!float 8 dependencies: config: - field.storage.node.field_tags module: - taxonomy thesaurus_name: label: 'Thesaurus » Taxonomy term » Name' datasource_id: 'entity:node' property_path: 'field_thesaurus:entity:name' type: 'solr_text_custom:edgeasciistring' boost: !!float 2 dependencies: config: - field.storage.node.field_thesaurus module: - taxonomy thesaurus_name_0: label: 'Thesaurus 0 » Terme de taxonomie » Nom' datasource_id: 'entity:node' property_path: 'thesaurus_0:entity:name' type: 'solr_text_custom:edgeasciistring' boost: !!float 21 dependencies: module: - materio_sapi - taxonomy thesaurus_name_1: label: 'Thesaurus 1 » Terme de taxonomie » Nom' datasource_id: 'entity:node' property_path: 'thesaurus_1:entity:name' type: 'solr_text_custom:edgeasciistring' boost: !!float 13 dependencies: module: - materio_sapi - taxonomy thesaurus_name_2: label: 'Thesaurus 2 » Terme de taxonomie » Nom' datasource_id: 'entity:node' property_path: 'thesaurus_2:entity:name' type: 'solr_text_custom:edgeasciistring' boost: !!float 8 dependencies: module: - materio_sapi - taxonomy thesaurus_name_3: label: 'Thesaurus 3 » Terme de taxonomie » Nom' datasource_id: 'entity:node' property_path: 'thesaurus_3:entity:name' type: 'solr_text_custom:edgeasciistring' boost: !!float 5 dependencies: module: - materio_sapi - taxonomy thesaurus_name_4: label: 'Thesaurus 4 » Terme de taxonomie » Nom' datasource_id: 'entity:node' property_path: 'thesaurus_4:entity:name' type: 'solr_text_custom:edgeasciistring' boost: !!float 3 dependencies: module: - materio_sapi - taxonomy thesaurus_synonyms: label: 'Thesaurus » Taxonomy term » Synonyms' datasource_id: 'entity:node' property_path: 'field_thesaurus:entity:field_synonyms' type: 'solr_text_custom:edgeasciistring' boost: !!float 2 dependencies: config: - field.storage.node.field_thesaurus - field.storage.taxonomy_term.field_synonyms module: - taxonomy thesaurus_synonyms_0: label: 'Thesaurus 0 » Terme de taxonomie » Synonyms list' datasource_id: 'entity:node' property_path: 'thesaurus_0:entity:synonyms' type: 'solr_text_custom:edgeasciistring' boost: !!float 21 dependencies: module: - materio_sapi - synonyms - taxonomy thesaurus_synonyms_1: label: 'Thesaurus 1 » Terme de taxonomie » Synonyms' datasource_id: 'entity:node' property_path: 'thesaurus_1:entity:field_synonyms' type: 'solr_text_custom:edgeasciistring' boost: !!float 13 dependencies: config: - field.storage.taxonomy_term.field_synonyms module: - materio_sapi - taxonomy thesaurus_synonyms_2: label: 'Thesaurus 2 » Terme de taxonomie » Synonyms' datasource_id: 'entity:node' property_path: 'thesaurus_2:entity:field_synonyms' type: 'solr_text_custom:edgeasciistring' boost: !!float 8 dependencies: config: - field.storage.taxonomy_term.field_synonyms module: - materio_sapi - taxonomy thesaurus_synonyms_3: label: 'Thesaurus 3 » Terme de taxonomie » Synonyms' datasource_id: 'entity:node' property_path: 'thesaurus_3:entity:field_synonyms' type: 'solr_text_custom:edgeasciistring' boost: !!float 5 dependencies: config: - field.storage.taxonomy_term.field_synonyms module: - materio_sapi - taxonomy thesaurus_synonyms_4: label: 'Thesaurus 4 » Terme de taxonomie » Synonyms' datasource_id: 'entity:node' property_path: 'thesaurus_4:entity:field_synonyms' type: 'solr_text_custom:edgeasciistring' boost: !!float 3 dependencies: config: - field.storage.taxonomy_term.field_synonyms module: - materio_sapi - taxonomy thesaurus_tid: label: 'Thesaurus » Taxonomy term » Term ID' datasource_id: 'entity:node' property_path: 'field_thesaurus:entity:tid' type: integer boost: !!float 8 dependencies: config: - field.storage.node.field_thesaurus module: - taxonomy title: label: Title datasource_id: 'entity:node' property_path: title type: text boost: !!float 21 dependencies: module: - node type: label: 'Type de contenu' datasource_id: 'entity:node' property_path: type type: string dependencies: module: - node uid: label: uid datasource_id: 'entity:node' property_path: uid type: integer indexed_locked: true type_locked: true dependencies: module: - node uuid: label: UUID datasource_id: 'entity:node' property_path: uuid type: string dependencies: module: - node datasource_settings: 'entity:node': bundles: default: false selected: - materiau - thematique languages: default: false selected: - en - fr processor_settings: add_url: { } address_abbreviations_to_full_form: all_fields: false weights: preprocess_index: -20 preprocess_query: -20 aggregated_field: { } content_access: weights: preprocess_query: -50 double_quote_workaround: all_fields: true fields: - country_code - country_code_1 - field_famille - field_reference - name - name_1 - processed - tag_name - tag_synonyms - thesaurus_name - thesaurus_synonyms - title - uuid replacement: '|9999999998|' weights: postprocess_query: 0 preprocess_index: -15 preprocess_query: -48 entity_status: { } html_filter: all_fields: true fields: - country_code - country_code_1 - field_famille - field_reference - field_short_description - name - name_1 - processed - tag_name - tag_synonyms - thesaurus_name - thesaurus_name_0 - thesaurus_name_1 - thesaurus_name_2 - thesaurus_name_3 - thesaurus_name_4 - thesaurus_synonyms - thesaurus_synonyms_0 - thesaurus_synonyms_1 - thesaurus_synonyms_2 - thesaurus_synonyms_3 - thesaurus_synonyms_4 - title - type - uuid title: true alt: true tags: b: 2 h1: 5 h2: 3 h3: 2 strong: 2 weights: preprocess_index: -15 preprocess_query: -49 language_with_fallback: { } rendered_item: { } solr_date_range: weights: preprocess_index: 0 tracker_settings: default: indexing_order: fifo options: index_directly: true cron_limit: 50 server: materio