import { REST } from 'vuejs/api/rest-axios' // import { JSONAPI } from 'vuejs/api/json-axios' import { MA } from 'vuejs/api/ma-axios' import qs from 'querystring-es3' import materiauGQL from 'vuejs/api/gql/materiauflaglist.fragment.gql' export default { namespaced: true, // initial state state: { uid: null, // username: '', mail: '', csrf_token: null, logout_token: null, isloggedin: false, isAdmin: false, isAdherent: false, canSearch: false, roles: [], flagcolls: false, flagcollsLoadedItems: {}, openedCollid: null }, // getters getters: {}, // mutations mutations: { SetCsrftoken (state, token) { console.log('SetCsrftoken', token) state.csrf_token = token }, setToken (state, data) { state.uid = data.current_user.uid // state.username = data.username; state.mail = data.current_user.mail state.csrf_token = data.csrf_token state.isloggedin = true state.logout_token = data.logout_token }, setUid (state, uid) { state.uid = uid state.isloggedin = true }, setUser (state, data) { state.mail = data.mail[0].value state.uuid = data.uuid[0].value }, setRoles (state, roles) { console.log('User setRoles', roles) state.roles = [] for (let i = 0; i < roles.length; i++) { state.roles.push(roles[i].target_id) } // check if admin if ( state.roles.indexOf('admin') !== -1 || state.roles.indexOf('root') !== -1 ) { // console.log('is admin'); state.isAdmin = true } // check if has access to search if (state.roles.indexOf('adherent') !== -1) { // console.log('is admin'); state.canSearch = true state.isAdherent = true } }, setLoggedOut (state) { console.log('setLoggedOut state', state) state.uid = null state.mail = '' state.csrf_token = null state.isloggedin = false state.logout_token = null if (state.isAdmin) { // TODO: what if on a page where login is needed (as commerce checkout and cart) window.location.reload(true) } state.asAdmin = false state.canSearch = false }, setFlagColls (state, flagcolls) { console.log('User pre setFlagColls', state.flagcolls) state.flagcolls = flagcolls // console.log('User post setFlagColls', state.flagcolls) }, openFlagColl (state, collid) { state.openedCollid = collid }, closeFlagColl (state) { state.openedCollid = null }, setLoadedCollItems (state, data) { console.log('setLoadedCollItems', data) // if no data, we are just calling the mutation to trigger the component update if (data) { state.flagcollsLoadedItems[data.collid] = data.items } } }, // actions actions: { userRegister ({ dispatch, commit, state }, credentials) { return new Promise((resolve) => { REST.get('/session/token').then(({ token }) => { commit('SetCsrftoken', token)'/user/register?_format=json', credentials, { 'X-CSRF-Token': state.csrftoken }) .then(({ data }) => { console.log('user REST registered', data) dispatch('userLogin', credentials).then(() => { resolve() }) }) .catch(error => { console.warn('Issue with register', error) Promise.reject(error) }) }) }) }, userLogin ({ dispatch, state }, credentials) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { dispatch('getToken', credentials) // TODO: catch failed login .then(() => { dispatch('getUser').then(userdata => { console.log('User Loggedin') if (state.isAdmin) { window.location.reload(true) } resolve() }) }) .catch(error => { console.warn('Issue with Dispatch getToken', error) Promise.reject(error) }) }) }, getToken ({ dispatch, commit, state }, credentials) { return'/user/login?_format=json', credentials) .then(({ data }) => { console.log('user REST getToken data', data) commit('setToken', data) }) .catch(error => { console.warn('Issue with getToken', error) Promise.reject(error) }) }, getUser ({ dispatch, commit, state }) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { REST.get('/session/token').then(({ data }) => { console.log('csrftoken', data) commit('SetCsrftoken', data) console.log('state.csrf_token', state.csrf_token) const params = { token: state.csrf_token } REST.get(`/user/${state.uid}?_format=json`, params) .then(({ data }) => { console.log('user REST getUser data', data) console.log('roles', data.roles) commit('setUser', data) if (data.roles) { commit('setRoles', data.roles) } dispatch('getUserFlagColls') resolve() }) .catch(error => { console.warn('Issue with getUser', error) Promise.reject(error) }) }) }) }, getUserFlagColls ({ dispatch, commit, state }) { // flags // REST.get('/flagging_collection/1?_format=json') // .then(( data ) => { // console.log('TEST FLAG REST data', data) // }) // .catch(error => { // console.warn('Issue USER TEST FLAG REST', error) // Promise.reject(error) // }) return MA.get('materio_flag/user_flagging_collections') .then(({ data }) => { console.log('user MA getFlags data', data) commit('setFlagColls', data) }) .catch(error => { console.warn('Issue USER MA getFlags', error) Promise.reject(error) }) }, // createFlagColl ({ dispatch, commit, state }, new_collection_name) { console.log('user createFlagColl', new_collection_name) return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const params = { name: new_collection_name }'materio_flag/create_user_flagging_collection', params) .then(({ data }) => { console.log('user MA createFlagColl data', data) if (data.status) { dispatch('getUserFlagColls').then(() => { resolve() }) } }) .catch(error => { console.warn('Issue USER MA createFlag', error) reject(error) }) }) }, deleteFlagColl ({ dispatch, commit, state }, flagcollid) { console.log('user deleteFlagColl', flagcollid) return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const params = { flagcollid: flagcollid }'materio_flag/delete_user_flagging_collection', params) .then(({ data }) => { console.log('user MA deleteFlagColl data', data) dispatch('getUserFlagColls').then(() => { resolve() }) }) .catch(error => { console.warn('Issue USER MA createFlag', error) reject(error) }) }) }, flagUnflag ({ dispatch, commit, state }, { action, id, collid }) { console.log('user flagUnflag', action, id, collid) return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const params = { flagid: state.flagcolls[collid].flag_id, id: id, flagcollid: collid } return`materio_flag/${action}`, params) .then(({ data }) => { console.log('user MA flag', data) // reload the fulllist of flagcolleciton dispatch('getUserFlagColls').then(() => { if (state.flagcolls[collid].items.length) { dispatch('loadMaterialsGQL', { ids: state.flagcolls[collid].items, gqlfragment: materiauGQL, callBack: 'loadMaterialsCallBack', callBackArgs: { collid: collid } }).then(() => { resolve() }) // dispatch('loadMaterials', { // uuids: state.flagcolls[collid].items_uuids, // imgStyle: ['card_medium_half'], // callBack: 'loadMaterialsCallBack', // callBackArgs: { collid: collid } // }).then(() => { // resolve() // }) } else { commit('setLoadedCollItems', { collid: collid, items: [] }) resolve() } }) }) .catch(error => { console.warn('Issue USER MA flagUnflag', error) }) }) }, openFlagColl ({ commit, dispatch, state }, collid) { console.log('user openFlagColl', collid) commit('openFlagColl', collid) if (state.flagcolls[collid].items.length) { if (typeof state.flagcollsLoadedItems[collid] === 'undefined') { console.log('loading flagcoll items', state.flagcolls[collid]) // if no loadedItems, load them // loadMaterials is on mixins // dispatch('loadMaterialsGQL', { ids: state.flagcolls[collid].items, gqlfragment: materiauGQL, callBack: 'loadMaterialsCallBack', callBackArgs: { collid: collid } }) // dispatch('loadMaterials', { // uuids: state.flagcolls[collid].items_uuids, // imgStyle: ['card_medium_half'], // callBack: 'loadMaterialsCallBack', // callBackArgs: { collid: collid } // }) } else { // call the mutation without data to only trigger the FlagCollection component update console.log('committing setLoadedCollItems without args') commit('setLoadedCollItems') } } else { commit('setLoadedCollItems', { collid: collid, items: [] }) } }, loadMaterialsCallBack ({ commit }, { items, callBackArgs }) { console.log('user loadMaterialsCallBack', items, callBackArgs) commit('setLoadedCollItems', { collid: callBackArgs.collid, items: items }) }, closeFlagColl ({ commit, dispatch }) { console.log('user closeFlagColl') commit('closeFlagColl') }, userLogout ({ commit, state }) { const credentials = qs.stringify({ token: state.csrf_token })'/user/logout', credentials) .then(resp => { console.log('userLogout resp', resp) commit('setLoggedOut') }) .catch(error => { console.warn('Issue with logout', error) Promise.reject(error) }) } } }