getRoles(); if (in_array("admin", $roles)){ $form['type']['#default_value'] = 'materio_order_type'; $form['type']['#disabled'] = true; $form['customer']['uid']['#selection_handler'] = 'default:user_by_email'; } } function materio_commerce_form_role_delegation_role_assign_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) { /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityFormInterface $form_object */ $form_object = $form_state->getFormObject(); // if (!($form_object instanceof EntityFormInterface)) { // // We're only interested in forms for an entity. // return; // } /** @var \Drupal\user\UserInterface $account */ $account = $form_state->getBuildInfo()['args'][0]; // $entity = $form_object->getEntity(); // $entity_type_id = $entity->getEntityTypeId(); // if (!($entity instanceof EntityOwnerInterface) && $entity_type_id != 'user') { // // We only act on entities that have an owner, and user entities. // return; // } $license_storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('commerce_license'); $licenses = $license_storage->loadByProperties(['uid' => $account->id()]); if ($licenses) { $licenses_by_role = []; foreach ($licenses as $lid => $license) { $licensed_role_id = $license->license_role->target_id; $licenses_by_role[$licensed_role_id]['licenses'][] = $license; $license_state = $license->getState()->getValue()['value']; if($license_state === 'active') { $licenses_by_role[$licensed_role_id]['license_active'] = true; } } foreach ($licenses_by_role as $rid => $role_licenses) { $license_active = isset($role_licenses['license_active']) ? true : false; $description = ""; if($license_active) { $form["account"]["role_change"][$rid]['#disabled'] = TRUE; $form["account"]["role_change"][$rid]['#default_value'] = TRUE; $description = t("This role is granted by a license. It cannot be removed manually.
"); } foreach ($role_licenses['licenses'] as $license) { $license_state = $license->getState()->getValue()['value']; $product_variation = $license->getPurchasedEntity(); $product = null; if ($product_variation){ $product = $product_variation->getProduct(); } $granted = $license->getGrantedTime(); $expires = $license->getExpiresTime(); $license_edit_url = $license->toUrl(); $license_link = Link::fromTextAndUrl(t('edit license'), $license_edit_url); $order = $license->getOriginatingOrder(); if ($order) { $order_url = $order->toUrl(); $order_state = $order->get('state')->first()->getValue()['value']; $order_number = $order->get('order_number')->first()->getValue()['value']; $order_link = Link::fromTextAndUrl(t("order @num (@state)", array( '@num' => $order_number, '@state' => $order_state )), $order_url); } $description .= t("-- @product: @variation | license state: @license_state | granted: @granted | expires: @expires | @license_link | @order_link
", array( '@product' => $product ? $product->getTitle() : t('no product'), '@variation' => $product_variation ? $product_variation->getTitle() : t('no variation'), '@license_state' => $license_state, '@granted' => date('d-m-Y', $granted), '@expires' => $expires === "0" ? 'never' : date('d-m-Y', $expires), '@license_link' => $license_link->toString(), '@order_link' => $order ? $order_link->toString() : t('no order') )); } $form["account"]["role_change"][$rid]['#description'] = $description; } } } function materio_commerce_form_user_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) { if ($form_id !== 'user_form') return; // WE USE FORM OBJECT TO GET THE ENTITY instead of followings // $mail = $form['account']['mail']['#default_value']; // $user_storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('user'); // $users = $user_storage->loadByProperties(['mail' => $mail]); // $user = reset($users); // $roles = $user->getRoles(); /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityFormInterface $form_object */ $form_object = $form_state->getFormObject(); if (!($form_object instanceof EntityFormInterface)) { // We're only interested in forms for an entity. return; } $entity = $form_object->getEntity(); $entity_type_id = $entity->getEntityTypeId(); if (!($entity instanceof EntityOwnerInterface) && $entity_type_id != 'user') { // We only act on entities that have an owner, and user entities. return; } $license_storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('commerce_license'); $licenses = $license_storage->loadByProperties(['uid' => $entity->id()]); if ($licenses) { $licenses_by_role = []; foreach ($licenses as $lid => $license) { $licensed_role_id = $license->license_role->target_id; $licenses_by_role[$licensed_role_id]['licenses'][] = $license; $license_state = $license->getState()->getValue()['value']; if($license_state === 'active') { $licenses_by_role[$licensed_role_id]['license_active'] = true; } } foreach ($licenses_by_role as $rid => $role_licenses) { $license_active = isset($role_licenses['license_active']) ? true : false; $description = ""; if($license_active) { $form["role_change"]["widget"][$rid]['#disabled'] = TRUE; $form["role_change"]["widget"][$rid]['#default_value'] = TRUE; $description = t("This role is granted by a license. It cannot be removed manually.
"); } foreach ($role_licenses['licenses'] as $license) { $license_state = $license->getState()->getValue()['value']; $product_variation = $license->getPurchasedEntity(); $product = null; if ($product_variation){ $product = $product_variation->getProduct(); } $granted = $license->getGrantedTime(); $expires = $license->getExpiresTime(); $license_edit_url = $license->toUrl(); $license_link = Link::fromTextAndUrl(t('edit license'), $license_edit_url); $order = $license->getOriginatingOrder(); if ($order) { $order_url = $order->toUrl(); $order_state = $order->get('state')->first()->getValue()['value']; $order_number = $order->get('order_number')->first()->getValue()['value']; $order_link = Link::fromTextAndUrl(t("order @num (@state)", array( '@num' => $order_number, '@state' => $order_state )), $order_url); } $description .= t("-- @product: @variation | license state: @license_state | granted: @granted | expires: @expires | @license_link | @order_link
", array( '@product' => $product ? $product->getTitle() : t('no product'), '@variation' => $product_variation ? $product_variation->getTitle() : t('no variation'), '@license_state' => $license_state, '@granted' => date('d-m-Y', $granted), '@expires' => $expires === "0" ? 'never' : date('d-m-Y', $expires), '@license_link' => $license_link->toString(), '@order_link' => $order ? $order_link->toString() : t('no order') )); } $form["role_change"]["widget"][$rid]['#description'] = $description; } } }