// http://www.thesassway.com/intermediate/simple-grid-mixins $default_gap: 1em; $default_sum: 12; $small-bp:768px; $med-bp:1080px; $large-bp:1900px; @mixin row() { // font-size: 0; // white-space: nowrap; position: relative; >*{ font-size: 16px; } } %col-reset { width: 100%; // display: inline-block; // white-space:normal; // font-size: 16px; float:left; box-sizing: border-box; } @mixin col($col, $offset: 0, $sum: $default_sum, $gap: $default_gap, $align: top) { @extend %col-reset; padding-left: $gap*$offset; @if $col == $default_sum { padding-right: 0; }@else{ padding-right: $gap; } &:last-child{padding-right: 0;} margin-left: percentage(($col/$sum)*$offset); // @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) { width: percentage($col/$sum); // vertical-align: $align; // } } .row{ @include row; // html:not(.js) &{ // overflow-y: auto; // } } @for $c from 1 through $default_sum { .col-#{$c} { @include col($c); } // small .small-col-#{$c} { @media only screen and (max-width: $small-bp) { @include col($c); } } // medium .med-col-#{$c} { @media only screen and (min-width: $small-bp+1) and (max-width: $med-bp) { @include col($c); } } // large .large-col-#{$c} { @media only screen and (min-width: $med-bp+1) { @include col($c); } } } @for $c from 1 through $default_sum - 1 { @for $o from 1 through $default_sum - $c { .col-#{$c}-offset-#{$o} { @include col($c, $o); } } } .col.float-right{ float: right; padding-right: 0; padding-left: $default_gap; }