
uninstalled all migrate modules

bach 2 年之前
共有 27 個文件被更改,包括 0 次插入1373 次删除
  1. 0 9
  2. 0 1
  3. 0 5
  4. 0 7
  5. 0 47
  6. 0 49
  7. 0 41
  8. 0 110
  9. 0 48
  10. 0 148
  11. 0 49
  12. 0 88
  13. 0 50
  14. 0 46
  15. 0 104
  16. 0 76
  17. 0 44
  18. 0 39
  19. 0 45
  20. 0 39
  21. 0 63
  22. 0 81
  23. 0 55
  24. 0 90
  25. 0 19
  26. 0 10
  27. 0 10

+ 0 - 9

@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ module:
   commerce_checkout: 0
   commerce_license: 0
   commerce_log: 0
-  commerce_migrate: 0
   commerce_number_pattern: 0
   commerce_order: 0
   commerce_payment: 0
@@ -137,7 +136,6 @@ module:
   materio_graphql: 0
   materio_home: 0
   materio_jsonapi: 0
-  materio_migrate: 0
   materio_samples: 0
   materio_sapi: 0
   materio_simplenews: 0
@@ -146,13 +144,6 @@ module:
   menu_block: 0
   menu_ui: 0
   message: 0
-  migrate: 0
-  migrate_booster: 0
-  migrate_devel: 0
-  migrate_drupal: 0
-  migrate_drupal_multilingual: 0
-  migrate_plus: 0
-  migrate_tools: 0
   mimemail: 0
   modules_weight: 0
   node: 0

+ 0 - 1

@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-label: 'Fichiers publics'

+ 0 - 5

@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-  - 'migrate:import'
-  - 'migrate:rollback'
-  default_config_hash: nfYl86Nk2pBTltcOlJifkjhVxt-CeJM5UurON1_PQDA

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-  default_config_hash: 1daEO2inZc1i3d0Sn-ADIq9mUIU7tSLCxn579NT6f2g
-  - 'Drupal 6'
-  - 'Drupal 7'
-  - 'Follow-up migration'

+ 0 - 47

@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-uuid: dcb4548c-dc78-4a94-95d3-87bbe043c53b
-langcode: en
-status: true
-dependencies: {  }
-  default_config_hash: _R1mGCGtQpx6FBB0Ar7k7M5nPIVY1-SMuCtcAd34XuE
-id: d7_allpublicfiles
-class: null
-field_plugin_method: null
-cck_plugin_method: null
-  - 'Drupal 7'
-  - Content
-  - Materio
-  - Files
-migration_group: d7_materio
-label: 'Public files'
-  plugin: d7_pubic_file
-  batch_size: 5000
-  scheme: public
-  constants:
-    source_base_path: ../../../d7.materio.com/public_html
-  filename: filename
-  source_full_path:
-    -
-      plugin: concat
-      delimiter: /
-      source:
-        - constants/source_base_path
-        - filepath
-    -
-      plugin: urlencode
-  uri:
-    plugin: file_copy
-    source:
-      - '@source_full_path'
-      - uri
-  filemime: filemime
-  status: status
-  created: timestamp
-  changed: timestamp
-  uid: uid
-  plugin: 'entity:file'
-migration_dependencies: null

+ 0 - 49

@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-uuid: eeca64cb-9c3d-40c4-a9f7-8f32cfb02e0b
-langcode: en
-status: true
-dependencies: {  }
-  default_config_hash: f85wgi1X5OQcul-MaFHfwTnRX0UGYadvMix99y4rc_s
-id: d7_flaglistitems
-class: null
-field_plugin_method: null
-cck_plugin_method: null
-  - 'Drupal 7'
-  - Content
-migration_group: d7_materio
-label: 'Materio Flag List Items D7'
-  plugin: d7_flaglistitems_materio
-  user_id:
-    plugin: migration_lookup
-    migration: d7_users
-    source: uid
-  type: entity_type
-  flag_list:
-    plugin: migration_lookup
-    migration: d7_flaglists
-    source: fid
-  baseflag: baseflag
-  entity_id:
-    plugin: migration_lookup
-    migration:
-      - d7_node_materiau
-      - d7_node_article
-    no_stub: true
-    source: entity_id
-  name:
-    plugin: concat
-    source:
-      - flagcolname
-      - dest_entity_id
-    delimiter: ' '
-  plugin: 'entity:flag_list_item'
-  required:
-    - d7_users
-    - d7_node_article
-    - d7_node_materiau
-    - d7_flaglists

+ 0 - 41

@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-uuid: 758a1117-9a7a-42ab-8d6e-df83db7a9646
-langcode: en
-status: true
-dependencies: {  }
-  default_config_hash: 7tTvUUvJgPn4PJeTmH4OmGkL5mWkCZhIJqAxxVaCHaM
-id: d7_flaglists
-class: null
-field_plugin_method: null
-cck_plugin_method: null
-  - 'Drupal 7'
-  - Content
-  - materio
-migration_group: d7_materio
-label: 'Materio Flagging Collections D7'
-  plugin: d7_flaglists_materio
-  langcode:
-    plugin: default_value
-    default_value: en
-  user_id:
-    plugin: migration_lookup
-    migration: d7_users
-    source: uid
-  name: title
-  templateflag:
-    plugin: default_value
-    default_value: dossier
-  relatedflag:
-    plugin: default_value
-    default_value: dossier
-  plugin: 'entity:flagging_collection'
-  default_bundle: flagging_collection_type
-  required:
-    - d7_users
-    - d7_node_article
-    - d7_node_materiau

+ 0 - 110

@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-uuid: f8fd027f-4b95-4f96-81dd-0fb6a933f1d8
-langcode: en
-status: true
-dependencies: {  }
-  default_config_hash: bbML9CDOadmNncab8Nqeqe8ALVFBUdCAiAoLh5GjDqY
-id: d7_node_article
-class: null
-field_plugin_method: null
-cck_plugin_method: null
-  - 'Drupal 7'
-  - Content
-  - Materio
-migration_group: d7_materio
-label: 'Node Article'
-  plugin: d7_node_breve
-  node_type: breve
-  type:
-    plugin: default_value
-    default_value: article
-  title: title
-  created: created
-  changed: changed
-  uid:
-    plugin: migration_lookup
-    migration: d7_users
-    source: uid
-  field_migration:
-    plugin: default_value
-    default_value: migration_imported
-  body:
-    plugin: iterator
-    source: body
-    process:
-      value: value
-      format:
-        plugin: default_value
-        default_value: wysiwyg
-  langcode: language
-  field_memo: field_memo
-  field_workflow:
-    -
-      plugin: default_value
-      source: workflow
-      default_value: 2
-    -
-      plugin: static_map
-      default_value: 2
-      map:
-        1: workflow_creation
-        2: workflow_hidden
-        3: workflow_visible
-        4: workflow_imported
-        5: workflow_edited
-  field_thesaurus:
-    plugin: migration_lookup
-    migration: d7_taxonomy_term_thesaurus
-    source: field_onthologie
-  field_tags:
-    plugin: migration_lookup
-    migration: d7_taxonomy_term_tags
-    source: field_tags_libres
-  field_video:
-    plugin: iterator
-    source: field_video_filter
-    process:
-      value: url
-  field_linked_materials:
-    -
-      plugin: skip_on_empty
-      method: process
-      source: linked_materials
-    -
-      plugin: migration_lookup
-      migration: d7_node_materiau
-      no_stub: true
-  field_visuel:
-    plugin: iterator
-    source: field_visuel
-    process:
-      target_id:
-        plugin: migration_lookup
-        migration: d7_allpublicfiles
-        source: fid
-        no_stub: true
-      alt: alt
-      title: title
-      height: height
-      width: width
-  field_source:
-    plugin: iterator
-    source: field_source
-    process:
-      uri: url
-      title: title
-      options: attributes
-  plugin: 'entity:node'
-  required:
-    - d7_allpublicfiles
-    - d7_users
-    - d7_taxonomy_term_thesaurus
-    - d7_taxonomy_term_tags
-    - d7_taxonomy_term_company
-    - d7_taxonomy_term_showroom
-    - d7_node_materiau

+ 0 - 48

@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-uuid: 5a8e274e-b409-46ee-bce1-43f29a6ab72c
-langcode: en
-status: true
-dependencies: {  }
-  default_config_hash: aDaggGLk8KnIX-YP91umTDS_kJ0j2NDAtztR9nw1Fcw
-id: d7_node_article_i18n
-class: null
-field_plugin_method: null
-cck_plugin_method: null
-  - 'Drupal 7'
-  - Content
-  - Materio
-migration_group: d7_materio
-label: 'Node Article i18n'
-  plugin: d7_node_breve_i18n
-  node_type: breve
-  translations: true
-  nid:
-    plugin: migration_lookup
-    source: nid
-    migration: d7_node_article
-    no_stub: true
-  type:
-    plugin: default_value
-    default_value: article
-  langcode: language
-  content_translation_source: source
-  title: title
-  created: created
-  changed: changed
-  body:
-    plugin: iterator
-    source: body
-    process:
-      value: value
-      format:
-        plugin: default_value
-        default_value: wysiwyg
-  plugin: 'entity:node'
-  translations: true
-  required:
-    - d7_node_article

+ 0 - 148

@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-uuid: d28b7866-6f07-4f5f-8c3e-62b57c633565
-langcode: en
-status: true
-dependencies: {  }
-  default_config_hash: RA4aoUpQgGNUksKkaxv71gcC0VWZP4Z68s5HK2wryMY
-id: d7_node_materiau
-class: null
-field_plugin_method: null
-cck_plugin_method: null
-  - 'Drupal 7'
-  - Content
-  - Materio
-migration_group: d7_materio
-label: 'Node Materiau'
-  plugin: d7_node_materiau
-  node_type: materiau
-  batch_size: 500
-  type:
-    plugin: default_value
-    default_value: materiau
-  title: title
-  created: created
-  changed: changed
-  uid:
-    plugin: migration_lookup
-    migration: d7_users
-    source: uid
-  field_short_description: field_nature_titre
-  field_migration:
-    plugin: default_value
-    default_value: migration_imported
-  body:
-    plugin: iterator
-    source: field_description
-    process:
-      value: value
-      format:
-        plugin: default_value
-        default_value: wysiwyg
-  langcode: language
-  field_memo: field_memo
-  field_workflow:
-    -
-      plugin: default_value
-      source: workflow
-      default_value: 2
-    -
-      plugin: static_map
-      default_value: 2
-      map:
-        1: workflow_creation
-        2: workflow_hidden
-        3: workflow_visible
-        4: workflow_imported
-        5: workflow_edited
-  field_thesaurus:
-    plugin: migration_lookup
-    migration: d7_taxonomy_term_thesaurus
-    source: field_onthologie
-    no_stub: true
-  field_tags:
-    plugin: migration_lookup
-    migration: d7_taxonomy_term_tags
-    source: field_tags_libres
-    no_stub: true
-  field_manufacturer:
-    plugin: migration_lookup
-    migration: d7_taxonomy_term_company
-    source: field_company_fab
-    no_stub: true
-  field_distributor:
-    plugin: migration_lookup
-    migration: d7_taxonomy_term_company
-    source: field_company_distrib
-    no_stub: true
-  field_video:
-    plugin: iterator
-    source: field_video_filter
-    process:
-      value: url
-  field_linked_materials:
-    -
-      plugin: skip_on_empty
-      method: process
-      source: linked_materials
-    -
-      plugin: migration_lookup
-      migration: d7_node_materiau
-      no_stub: true
-  field_linked_articles:
-    -
-      plugin: skip_on_empty
-      method: process
-      source: linked_articles
-    -
-      plugin: migration_lookup
-      migration: d7_node_article
-  field_materiau_images:
-    plugin: iterator
-    source: field_materiau_image
-    process:
-      target_id:
-        plugin: migration_lookup
-        migration: d7_allpublicfiles
-        source: fid
-        no_stub: true
-      alt: alt
-      title: title
-      height: height
-      width: width
-  field_attachments:
-    plugin: iterator
-    source: field_attachments
-    process:
-      target_id:
-        plugin: migration_lookup
-        migration: d7_allpublicfiles
-        source: fid
-        no_stub: true
-      description: description
-  field_famille: field_famille
-  field_index: field_identifiant
-  field_reference: field_reference_materio
-  field_localisation_old: field_localisation
-  field_samples:
-    plugin: iterator
-    source: field_location
-    process:
-      location: location
-      target_id:
-        plugin: migration_lookup
-        migration: d7_taxonomy_term_showroom
-        source: showroom_tid
-        no_stub: true
-  plugin: 'entity:node'
-  required:
-    - d7_allpublicfiles
-    - d7_users
-    - d7_taxonomy_term_thesaurus
-    - d7_taxonomy_term_tags
-    - d7_taxonomy_term_company
-    - d7_taxonomy_term_showroom

+ 0 - 49

@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-uuid: e9e0341d-d155-456f-a1f0-6a348afef8b1
-langcode: en
-status: true
-dependencies: {  }
-  default_config_hash: dLH0GM4buVtGtvkuO_4CHo-pqAx-QwMdk60cWsYv8qY
-id: d7_node_materiau_i18n
-class: null
-field_plugin_method: null
-cck_plugin_method: null
-  - 'Drupal 7'
-  - Content
-  - Materio
-migration_group: d7_materio
-label: 'Node Materiau i18n'
-  plugin: d7_node_materiau_i18n
-  node_type: materiau
-  translations: true
-  nid:
-    plugin: migration_lookup
-    source: nid
-    migration: d7_node_materiau
-    no_stub: true
-  type:
-    plugin: default_value
-    default_value: materiau
-  langcode: language
-  content_translation_source: source
-  title: title
-  created: created
-  changed: changed
-  field_short_description: field_nature_titre
-  body:
-    plugin: iterator
-    source: field_description
-    process:
-      value: value
-      format:
-        plugin: default_value
-        default_value: wysiwyg
-  plugin: 'entity:node'
-  translations: true
-  required:
-    - d7_node_materiau

+ 0 - 88

@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-uuid: bba71567-126c-45dd-87b7-c64cd7cb706e
-langcode: en
-status: true
-dependencies: {  }
-  default_config_hash: sHpTuBlN2_eBjg6NI88UARG8mHYLBZxKQ1iJgW1mdEM
-id: d7_simplenews_nodes
-class: null
-field_plugin_method: null
-cck_plugin_method: null
-  - 'Drupal 7'
-  - Content
-  - Materio
-migration_group: d7_materio
-label: 'Simplenews newsletters nodes'
-  plugin: d7_simplenews_nodes
-  node_type: simplenews
-  high_water_property:
-    name: changed
-    alias: 'n'
-  type:
-    plugin: default_value
-    default_value: simplenews_issue
-  title: title
-  created: created
-  changed: changed
-  uid:
-    plugin: migration_lookup
-    migration: d7_users
-    source: uid
-  field_migration:
-    plugin: default_value
-    default_value: migration_imported
-  body:
-    plugin: iterator
-    source: body
-    process:
-      value: value
-      format:
-        plugin: default_value
-        default_value: wysiwyg
-  langcode: language
-  field_workflow:
-    -
-      plugin: default_value
-      source: workflow
-      default_value: 2
-    -
-      plugin: static_map
-      default_value: 2
-      map:
-        1: workflow_creation
-        2: workflow_hidden
-        3: workflow_visible
-        4: workflow_imported
-        5: workflow_edited
-  simplenews_issue/target_id:
-    -
-      plugin: extract
-      source: field_simplenews_term
-      index:
-        - 0
-        - tid
-    -
-      plugin: static_map
-      map:
-        6585: test
-        6374: ze_daily_materio_
-        6274: materio_newsletter
-        7881: companies
-  simplenews_issue/sent_count: snn_sent_subscriber_count
-  simplenews_issue/status: snn_status
-  simplenews_issue/error_count:
-    plugin: default_value
-    default_value: 0
-  simplenews_issue/subscribers: snn_sent_subscriber_count
-  simplenews_issue/handler:
-    plugin: default_value
-    default_value: simplenews_all
-  plugin: 'entity:node'
-  required:
-    - d7_allpublicfiles
-    - d7_users

+ 0 - 50

@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-uuid: 106d0615-4fd1-4182-b306-f663e6dad3db
-langcode: en
-status: true
-dependencies: {  }
-  default_config_hash: W8YQ0kBFIChTQEAaLnhWJDf3lzzW7B8_J4qWZXMEOwg
-id: d7_simplenews_subscribers
-class: null
-field_plugin_method: null
-cck_plugin_method: null
-  - 'Drupal 7'
-  - Content
-  - Materio
-migration_group: d7_materio
-label: 'Simplenews subscribers'
-  plugin: d7_simplenews_subscribers
-  id: snid
-  status: activated
-  mail: mail
-  uid:
-    plugin: migration_lookup
-    migration: d7_users
-    source: uid
-    no_stub: true
-  langcode: language
-  changes: changes
-  created: created
-  subscriptions:
-    plugin: iterator
-    source: subscriptions
-    process:
-      target_id:
-        plugin: static_map
-        source: newsletter_id
-        map:
-          6585: test
-          6374: ze_daily_materio_
-          6274: materio_newsletter
-          7881: companies
-      status: status
-      timestamp: timestamp
-      source: source
-  plugin: 'entity:simplenews_subscriber'
-  required:
-    - d7_users

+ 0 - 46

@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-uuid: 14686961-3fa4-4c64-8c0b-eec1a7f8e55c
-langcode: en
-status: true
-dependencies: {  }
-  default_config_hash: IuyCGWzXRebeOJYvS2Fwij8LGbYufG0FyjkOKZrTZLQ
-id: d7_simplenews_subscribers_notuser
-class: null
-field_plugin_method: null
-cck_plugin_method: null
-  - 'Drupal 7'
-  - Content
-  - Materio
-migration_group: d7_materio
-label: 'Simplenews subscribers (without user drupal accompte)'
-  plugin: d7_simplenews_subscribers_notuser
-  id: snid
-  status: activated
-  mail: mail
-  uid: uid
-  langcode: language
-  changes: changes
-  created: created
-  subscriptions:
-    plugin: iterator
-    source: subscriptions
-    process:
-      target_id:
-        plugin: static_map
-        source: newsletter_id
-        map:
-          6585: test
-          6374: ze_daily_materio_
-          6274: materio_newsletter
-          7881: companies
-      status: status
-      timestamp: timestamp
-      source: source
-  plugin: 'entity:simplenews_subscriber'
-  required:
-    - d7_users

+ 0 - 104

@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-uuid: 9b7337ca-b3ad-42f4-aca4-fe874fe78d87
-langcode: en
-status: true
-dependencies: {  }
-  default_config_hash: 6zRUA88z28s1EKQh9eQnvj6ftzTg5ADqwr8PNRuQjFI
-id: d7_taxonomy_term_company
-class: null
-field_plugin_method: null
-cck_plugin_method: null
-  - 'Drupal 7'
-  - Content
-  - Materio
-migration_group: d7_materio
-label: 'Taxonomy terms Company'
-  plugin: d7_taxonomy_term_company
-  bundle: company
-  vid:
-    plugin: default_value
-    default_value: company
-  name: name
-  weight: weight
-  parent_id:
-    -
-      plugin: skip_on_empty
-      method: process
-      source: parent
-    -
-      plugin: migration_lookup
-      migration: d7_taxonomy_term_company
-  parent:
-    plugin: default_value
-    default_value: 0
-    source: '@parent_id'
-  changed: timestamp
-  langcode:
-    plugin: default_value
-    default_value: und
-  field_migration:
-    plugin: default_value
-    default_value: migration_imported
-  field_website:
-    plugin: iterator
-    source: field_website
-    process:
-      uri: url
-      title: title
-      options: attributes
-  field_memo: field_memo
-  field_public_phone: public_phone
-  field_public_email:
-    plugin: iterator
-    source: field_public_email
-    process:
-      value: email
-  field_public_address:
-    plugin: iterator
-    source: field_public_address
-    process:
-      country_code: country
-  field_note: field_note
-  description:
-    plugin: iterator
-    source: body
-    process:
-      value: value
-      format:
-        plugin: default_value
-        default_value: wysiwyg
-  field_infos_from_company:
-    plugin: iterator
-    source: field_infos_from_company
-    process:
-      value: value
-      format:
-        plugin: default_value
-        default_value: wysiwyg
-  field_workflow:
-    plugin: static_map
-    source: workflow
-    map:
-      1: workflow_creation
-      2: workflow_hidden
-      3: workflow_visible
-      4: workflow_imported
-      5: workflow_edited
-  field_attachments:
-    plugin: iterator
-    source: field_attachments
-    process:
-      target_id:
-        plugin: migration_lookup
-        migration: d7_allpublicfiles
-        source: fid
-        no_stub: true
-      description: description
-  plugin: 'entity:taxonomy_term'
-  required:
-    - d7_allpublicfiles

+ 0 - 76

@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-uuid: de4730ea-b6c6-4df5-b220-9eb5ffee2f1e
-langcode: en
-status: true
-dependencies: {  }
-  default_config_hash: Oip5TPNIP8RxEmtUffgwo8AuBwxsYGMdECAxEqmnCiA
-id: d7_taxonomy_term_showroom
-class: null
-field_plugin_method: null
-cck_plugin_method: null
-  - 'Drupal 7'
-  - Content
-  - Materio
-migration_group: d7_materio
-label: 'Taxonomy terms Showroom'
-  plugin: d7_taxonomy_term_showroom
-  bundle: showroom
-  vid:
-    plugin: default_value
-    default_value: showroom
-  name: name
-  weight: weight
-  parent:
-    plugin: default_value
-    default_value: 0
-  changed: timestamp
-  langcode:
-    plugin: default_value
-    default_value: und
-  field_migration:
-    plugin: default_value
-    default_value: migration_imported
-  field_workflow:
-    plugin: default_value
-    default_value: workflow_visible
-  field_website:
-    plugin: iterator
-    source: field_website
-    process:
-      uri: url
-      title: title
-      options: attributes
-  field_memo: field_memo
-  field_public_phone: public_phone
-  field_public_email:
-    plugin: iterator
-    source: field_public_email
-    process:
-      value: email
-  field_public_address:
-    plugin: iterator
-    source: field_public_address
-    process:
-      country_code: country
-      administrative_area: administrative_area
-      locality: locality
-      dependent_locality: dependent_locality
-      postal_code: postal_code
-      address_line1: thoroughfare
-      organization: organisation_name
-      given_name: first_name
-      family_name: last_name
-  description:
-    plugin: iterator
-    source: body
-    process:
-      value: value
-      format:
-        plugin: default_value
-        default_value: wysiwyg
-  plugin: 'entity:taxonomy_term'
-migration_dependencies: null

+ 0 - 44

@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-uuid: b732b3c8-8087-4d3f-8b75-ffc3f0103155
-langcode: en
-status: true
-dependencies: {  }
-  default_config_hash: ANwnCRB6FgqpsP5cu1RdbPcXBem0E0qSi-7q3RZjmp8
-id: d7_taxonomy_term_tags
-class: null
-field_plugin_method: null
-cck_plugin_method: null
-  - 'Drupal 7'
-  - Content
-  - Materio
-migration_group: d7_materio
-label: 'Taxonomy terms Tags'
-  plugin: d7_taxonomy_term_tags
-  bundle: tag_libres
-  vid:
-    plugin: default_value
-    default_value: tags
-  name: name
-  description/value: description
-  description/format: format
-  weight: weight
-  parent_id:
-    -
-      plugin: skip_on_empty
-      method: process
-      source: parent
-    -
-      plugin: migration_lookup
-      migration: d7_taxonomy_term_tags
-  parent:
-    plugin: default_value
-    default_value: 0
-    source: '@parent_id'
-  changed: timestamp
-  field_synonyms: synonyms_synonym
-  plugin: 'entity:taxonomy_term'
-migration_dependencies: null

+ 0 - 39

@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-uuid: 4161661a-40f1-4d3a-9b4a-564d8853ca6e
-langcode: en
-status: true
-dependencies: {  }
-  default_config_hash: IVIXijd3hu4c6IYCkPsT81h334IVvQ1mRLonwSCegVc
-id: d7_taxonomy_term_tags_i18n
-class: null
-field_plugin_method: null
-cck_plugin_method: null
-  - 'Drupal 7'
-  - Content
-  - Materio
-migration_group: d7_materio
-label: 'Taxonomy terms Tags i18n'
-  plugin: d7_taxonomy_term_tags_i18n
-  bundle: tag_libres
-  translations: true
-  tid:
-    plugin: migration_lookup
-    migration: d7_taxonomy_term_tags
-    source: tid
-  vid:
-    plugin: default_value
-    default_value: tags
-  langcode: language
-  name: name
-  description/value: description
-  description/format: format
-  field_synonyms: synonyms_synonym
-  plugin: 'entity:taxonomy_term'
-  translations: true
-  required:
-    - d7_taxonomy_term_tags

+ 0 - 45

@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-uuid: 0df3858a-60e5-4f8b-afcc-187a06897b29
-langcode: en
-status: true
-dependencies: {  }
-  default_config_hash: 55XmBttIA63YE74GI20R9E_synOOR7E6yObM-HVGKSw
-id: d7_taxonomy_term_thesaurus
-class: null
-field_plugin_method: null
-cck_plugin_method: null
-  - 'Drupal 7'
-  - Content
-  - Materio
-migration_group: d7_materio
-label: 'Taxonomy terms Thesaurus'
-  plugin: d7_taxonomy_term_thesaurus
-  bundle: onthologie
-  vid:
-    plugin: default_value
-    default_value: thesaurus
-  name: name
-  description/value: description
-  description/format: format
-  weight: weight
-  parent_id:
-    -
-      plugin: skip_on_empty
-      method: process
-      source: parent
-    -
-      plugin: migration_lookup
-      migration: d7_taxonomy_term_thesaurus
-  parent:
-    plugin: default_value
-    default_value: 0
-    source: '@parent_id'
-  changed: timestamp
-  field_synonyms: synonyms_synonym
-  field_used_on_advanced_search: field_used_on_advanced_search
-  plugin: 'entity:taxonomy_term'
-migration_dependencies: null

+ 0 - 39

@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-uuid: 8e649162-a155-40a3-b401-8483e9777e36
-langcode: en
-status: true
-dependencies: {  }
-  default_config_hash: dEUkhkROYAKjrQDitdMPb_P8qPFSTRVEypMkdvRHkdg
-id: d7_taxonomy_term_thesaurus_i18n
-class: null
-field_plugin_method: null
-cck_plugin_method: null
-  - 'Drupal 7'
-  - Content
-  - Materio
-migration_group: d7_materio
-label: 'Taxonomy terms Thesaurus i18n'
-  plugin: d7_taxonomy_term_thesaurus_i18n
-  bundle: onthologie
-  translations: true
-  tid:
-    plugin: migration_lookup
-    migration: d7_taxonomy_term_thesaurus
-    source: tid
-  vid:
-    plugin: default_value
-    default_value: thesaurus
-  langcode: language
-  name: name
-  description/value: description
-  description/format: format
-  field_synonyms: synonyms_synonym
-  plugin: 'entity:taxonomy_term'
-  translations: true
-  required:
-    - d7_taxonomy_term_thesaurus

+ 0 - 63

@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-uuid: eafb7b89-8a87-463e-8358-40a908c646d8
-langcode: en
-status: true
-  enforced:
-    module:
-      - commerce_product
-      - commerce_license
-  default_config_hash: Cww-kYUSfiHIC4eVeT_hxEweTOd3JMHR8VhZtlsuBNo
-id: d7_uc_roles_license
-class: null
-field_plugin_method: null
-cck_plugin_method: null
-  - 'Drupal 7'
-  - Ubercart
-  - Materio
-migration_group: d7_materio
-label: 'License from D7 Ubercart Roles.'
-  plugin: d7_uc_license_role
-  type:
-    plugin: default_value
-    default_value: role
-  uid:
-    -
-      plugin: skip_on_empty
-      method: row
-      source: uid
-    -
-      plugin: migration_lookup
-      migration: d7_users
-      no_stub: true
-  state: state
-  created: created
-  granted: created
-  renewed: renewed
-  changed: renewed
-  license_role:
-    plugin: static_map
-    source: rid
-    map:
-      6: adherent
-      10: student
-  expiration_type:
-    plugin: default_value
-    default_value:
-      target_plugin_id: rolling_interval
-      target_plugin_configuration:
-        interval:
-          interval: 1
-          period: year
-  expires: expiration
-  product_variation: product_variation_id
-  plugin: 'entity:commerce_license'
-  destination_module: commerce_license
-  required:
-    - d7_users
-  optional: {  }

+ 0 - 81

@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-uuid: b395329b-ca8f-4ac4-9a1c-2e9402da1606
-langcode: en
-status: true
-  enforced:
-    module:
-      - migrate_plus
-      - migrate_tools
-      - profile
-  default_config_hash: e1Ovv7AKK2jcslO5T8MUMLNWeIQZuRJr_IX21nWvZMY
-id: d7_user_profile
-class: null
-field_plugin_method: null
-cck_plugin_method: null
-  - 'Drupal 7'
-  - Content
-  - Materio
-migration_group: d7_materio
-label: 'D7 User Profiles'
-  plugin: d7_user_profile
-  batch_size: 1000
-  high_water_property:
-    name: changed
-    alias: p
-  type:
-    plugin: static_map
-    source: type
-    map:
-      contact_operationnel: contact_company
-      adherent: member
-  uid:
-    plugin: migration_lookup
-    migration: d7_users
-    source: uid
-  field_title: field_private_name_title
-  field_first_name: field_first_name
-  field_name: field_name
-  field_organization: field_organization
-  field_activity_sector: field_activity_sector
-  field_phone: field_private_phone
-  field_address:
-    plugin: iterator
-    source: field_adresse
-    process:
-      country_code: country
-      administrative_area: administrative_area
-      locality: locality
-      dependent_locality: dependent_locality
-      postal_code: postal_code
-      address_line1: thoroughfare
-      organization: organisation_name
-      given_name: first_name
-      family_name: last_name
-  field_position: field_private_quality
-  field_service: field_service
-  field_employee: field_employee
-  field_vat_number_intra_ce: field_vat_number_intra_ce
-  field_naf: field_naf
-  field_siret: field_siret
-  field_website:
-    plugin: iterator
-    source: field_user_website
-    process:
-      uri: url
-      title: title
-      options: attributes
-  field_email:
-    plugin: iterator
-    source: field_email
-    process:
-      value: email
-  field_memo: field_memo
-  plugin: 'entity:profile'
-  required:
-    - d7_users

+ 0 - 55

@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-uuid: add4ae12-6fd2-47fe-8be0-0f4599f491ef
-langcode: en
-status: true
-  enforced:
-    module:
-      - migrate_plus
-      - migrate_tools
-      - profile
-  default_config_hash: Gs2PxO-2VEZGZYcaulvoljvA7t3m9Z_oSh9R8giUO3U
-id: d7_user_profile_customer
-class: null
-field_plugin_method: null
-cck_plugin_method: null
-  - 'Drupal 7'
-  - Content
-  - Materio
-migration_group: d7_materio
-label: 'D7 User Customer Profile'
-  plugin: d7_user_profile_customer
-  batch_size: 1000
-  type:
-    plugin: default_value
-    default_value: customer
-  uid:
-    plugin: migration_lookup
-    migration: d7_users
-    source: uid
-  phone: billing_phone
-  address/country_code: billing_country
-  address/administrative_area: billing_zone
-  address/locality: billing_city
-  address/postal_code: billing_postal_code
-  address/address_line1: billing_street1
-  address/address_line2: billing_street2
-  address/organization: billing_company
-  address/given_name: billing_first_name
-  address/family_name: billing_last_name
-  tax_number:
-    plugin: iterator
-    source: field_vat_number_intra_ce
-    process:
-      value: value
-      type:
-        plugin: default_value
-        default_value: EU
-  plugin: 'entity:profile'
-  required:
-    - d7_users

+ 0 - 90

@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-uuid: 952c90cc-0ab6-4638-82db-a7484cd11917
-langcode: en
-status: true
-dependencies: {  }
-  default_config_hash: AglNUIV8aPCwgbTf8P3TNC2TmZkCXgPmEZGMG_Ex2Ms
-id: d7_users
-class: null
-field_plugin_method: null
-cck_plugin_method: null
-  - 'Drupal 7'
-  - Content
-  - Materio
-migration_group: d7_materio
-label: 'User accounts'
-  plugin: d7_users
-  batch_size: 1000
-  name: name
-  pass: pass
-  mail:
-    -
-      plugin: skip_on_value
-      equals: true
-      source: mail
-      method: row
-      value:
-        - dev@g-u-i.net
-        - admin@g-u-i.net
-    -
-      plugin: default_value
-      source: mail
-      default_value: null
-  created: created
-  access: access
-  login: login
-  status: status
-  timezone: timezone
-  langcode:
-    plugin: user_langcode
-    source: entity_language
-    fallback_to_site_default: false
-  preferred_langcode:
-    plugin: user_langcode
-    source: language
-    fallback_to_site_default: true
-  preferred_admin_langcode:
-    plugin: user_langcode
-    source: language
-    fallback_to_site_default: true
-  init: init
-  roles:
-    plugin: static_map
-    source: roles
-    default_value: 2
-    map:
-      1: anonymous
-      2: authenticated
-      3: admin
-      4: root
-      5: contact_company
-      6: adherent
-      7: free_user
-      8: premium
-      9: unverified
-      10: student
-      11: alpha_testeur
-      12: translator
-      13: admin_showroom
-  field_company:
-    plugin: migration_lookup
-    migration: d7_taxonomy_term_company
-    source: field_company
-    no_stub: true
-  field_showroom:
-    plugin: migration_lookup
-    migration: d7_taxonomy_term_showroom
-    no_stub: true
-    source: field_showroom
-  field_memo: field_memo
-  field_member_type: member_type
-  plugin: 'entity:user'
-  required:
-    - d7_allpublicfiles
-    - d7_taxonomy_term_showroom
-    - d7_taxonomy_term_company

+ 0 - 19

@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-uuid: 1a2e415f-0065-4cf0-b2d4-e218eeb9dec6
-langcode: en
-status: true
-  enforced:
-    module:
-      - migrate_plus
-      - migrate_tools
-      - materio_migrate
-  default_config_hash: tbcV0glxU9BqeXcSUn9ZKXnOPW-C2v8Q-shvIJ2xNG8
-id: d7_materio
-label: 'D7 Materio'
-description: 'Drupal 7 materio content migration to Drupal 8.'
-source_type: 'Drupal 7'
-module: null
-  source:
-    key: legacy

+ 0 - 10

@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-uuid: 8489c0b2-61e3-4a78-b325-fd2796c8d1ae
-langcode: en
-status: true
-dependencies: {  }
-id: default
-label: Default
-description: 'A container for any migrations not explicitly assigned to a group.'
-source_type: null
-module: null
-shared_configuration: null

+ 0 - 10

@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-uuid: be814b92-231c-40e9-bad1-fb5f2a01c9b5
-langcode: en
-status: true
-dependencies: {  }
-id: flag_lists
-label: flag_lists
-description: ''
-source_type: null
-module: null
-shared_configuration: null