Ver código fonte

better admin licenses view

bach 3 anos atrás

+ 0 - 53

@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-label: Licences
-  default:
-    display_title: Maître
-    display_options:
-      exposed_form:
-        options:
-          submit_button: Filtrer
-          reset_button_label: Réinitialiser
-          exposed_sorts_label: 'Trier par'
-          sort_asc_label: Asc
-          sort_desc_label: Desc
-      pager:
-        options:
-          tags:
-            previous: ‹‹
-            next: ››
-            first: '« Premier'
-            last: 'Dernier »'
-          expose:
-            items_per_page_label: 'Éléments par page'
-            items_per_page_options_all_label: '- Tout -'
-            offset_label: Décalage
-      fields:
-        license_id:
-          label: 'Identifiant (ID)'
-          separator: ', '
-        label:
-          label: Libellé
-        type:
-          label: 'Type de licence'
-          separator: ', '
-        uid:
-          label: Propriétaire
-          separator: ', '
-        state:
-          label: État
-          separator: ', '
-        changed:
-          label: 'Mis à jour'
-          separator: ', '
-        granted:
-          label: Accordé(e)
-          separator: ', '
-        operations:
-          label: 'Liens d''actions'
-      filters:
-        state:
-          expose:
-            label: État
-      title: Licences
-  page_1:
-    display_title: Page

+ 1 - 6

@@ -51,12 +51,7 @@ process:
           interval: 1
           period: year
   expires: expiration
-  product_variation:
-    plugin: static_map
-    source: rid
-    map:
-      6: 2
-      10: 7
+  product_variation: product_variation_id
   plugin: 'entity:commerce_license'
   destination_module: commerce_license

+ 0 - 1732

@@ -1,1732 +0,0 @@
-uuid: b8f7d48e-ff97-402a-9012-2fce6550b23e
-langcode: en
-status: true
-  config:
-    - user.role.adherent
-    - user.role.student
-  module:
-    - commerce
-    - commerce_license
-    - options
-    - profile
-    - state_machine
-    - user
-    - views_bulk_operations
-  default_config_hash: qDJpXJ_8FkzPY58X9u7E69YkFZTYVb-pIw1qMrHC6yk
-id: commerce_licenses
-label: Licenses
-module: views
-description: ''
-tag: ''
-base_table: commerce_license
-base_field: license_id
-  default:
-    display_plugin: default
-    id: default
-    display_title: Master
-    position: 0
-    display_options:
-      access:
-        type: perm
-        options:
-          perm: 'access commerce_license overview'
-      cache:
-        type: tag
-        options: {  }
-      query:
-        type: views_query
-        options:
-          disable_sql_rewrite: false
-          distinct: false
-          replica: false
-          query_comment: ''
-          query_tags: {  }
-      exposed_form:
-        type: basic
-        options:
-          submit_button: Filter
-          reset_button: false
-          reset_button_label: Reset
-          exposed_sorts_label: 'Sort by'
-          expose_sort_order: true
-          sort_asc_label: Asc
-          sort_desc_label: Desc
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-        type: full
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-          items_per_page: 50
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-            previous: ‹‹
-            next: ››
-            first: '« First'
-            last: 'Last »'
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-            items_per_page: false
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-            items_per_page_options: '5, 10, 25, 50'
-            items_per_page_options_all: false
-            items_per_page_options_all_label: '- All -'
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-          summary: ''
-          description: ''
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-            views_bulk_operations_bulk_form: views_bulk_operations_bulk_form
-            license_id: license_id
-            uuid: uuid
-            uid: uid
-            address_given_name: address_given_name
-            address_family_name: view_user
-            view_user: view_user
-            mail: view_user
-            label: view_user
-            type: view_user
-            state: view_user
-            expiration_type__target_plugin_id: view_user
-            operations: view_user
-            expires: expires
-            changed: changed
-            renewed: renewed
-            changed_1: changed_1
-            granted: granted
-            product_variation: product_variation
-            roles_target_id: roles_target_id
-          info:
-            views_bulk_operations_bulk_form:
-              align: ''
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-              align: ''
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-              responsive: ''
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-              responsive: ''
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-              sortable: false
-              default_sort_order: asc
-              align: ''
-              separator: ''
-              empty_column: false
-              responsive: ''
-            address_family_name:
-              sortable: false
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-              separator: ''
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-              responsive: ''
-            view_user:
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-          default: granted
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-            2:
-              action_id: views_bulk_operations_delete_entity
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-        license_id:
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-          group_type: group
-          admin_label: ''
-          label: UUID
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-        uid:
-          id: uid
-          table: commerce_license
-          field: uid
-          relationship: none
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-          admin_label: ''
-          label: Owner
-          exclude: true
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-        address_given_name:
-          id: address_given_name
-          table: profile__address
-          field: address_given_name
-          relationship: profile_type
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-          relationship: profile_type
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-          admin_label: ''
-          label: 'Adresse (address : family_name)'
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-        view_user:
-          id: view_user
-          table: users
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-        type:
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-          label: 'License type'
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-        state:
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-          field: state
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-          entity_field: granted
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-        product_variation:
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-          table: commerce_license
-          field: product_variation
-          relationship: none
-          group_type: group
-          admin_label: ''
-          label: 'Licensed product variation'
-          exclude: false
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-            text: ''
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-            path: ''
-            absolute: false
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-          click_sort_column: target_id
-          type: entity_reference_label
-          settings:
-            link: true
-          group_column: target_id
-          group_columns: {  }
-          group_rows: true
-          delta_limit: 0
-          delta_offset: 0
-          delta_reversed: false
-          delta_first_last: false
-          multi_type: separator
-          separator: ', '
-          field_api_classes: false
-          entity_type: commerce_license
-          entity_field: product_variation
-          plugin_id: field
-        roles_target_id:
-          id: roles_target_id
-          table: user__roles
-          field: roles_target_id
-          relationship: uid
-          group_type: group
-          admin_label: ''
-          label: Roles
-          exclude: false
-          alter:
-            alter_text: false
-            text: ''
-            make_link: false
-            path: ''
-            absolute: false
-            external: false
-            replace_spaces: false
-            path_case: none
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-            alt: ''
-            rel: ''
-            link_class: ''
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-          element_label_class: ''
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-          element_wrapper_class: ''
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-          empty: ''
-          hide_empty: false
-          empty_zero: false
-          hide_alter_empty: true
-          type: separator
-          separator: ', '
-          entity_type: user
-          entity_field: roles
-          plugin_id: user_roles
-      filters:
-        state:
-          id: state
-          table: commerce_license
-          field: state
-          relationship: none
-          group_type: group
-          admin_label: ''
-          operator: in
-          value: {  }
-          group: 1
-          exposed: true
-          expose:
-            operator_id: state_op
-            label: State
-            description: ''
-            use_operator: false
-            operator: state_op
-            identifier: state
-            required: false
-            remember: false
-            multiple: false
-            remember_roles:
-              authenticated: authenticated
-              anonymous: '0'
-              administrator: '0'
-              member: '0'
-            reduce: false
-            operator_limit_selection: false
-            operator_list: {  }
-          is_grouped: false
-          group_info:
-            label: ''
-            description: ''
-            identifier: ''
-            optional: true
-            widget: select
-            multiple: false
-            remember: false
-            default_group: All
-            default_group_multiple: {  }
-            group_items: {  }
-          entity_type: commerce_license
-          entity_field: state
-          plugin_id: state_machine_state
-        mail:
-          id: mail
-          table: users_field_data
-          field: mail
-          relationship: uid
-          group_type: group
-          admin_label: ''
-          operator: contains
-          value: ''
-          group: 1
-          exposed: true
-          expose:
-            operator_id: mail_op
-            label: Email
-            description: ''
-            use_operator: false
-            operator: mail_op
-            identifier: mail
-            required: false
-            remember: false
-            multiple: false
-            remember_roles:
-              authenticated: authenticated
-              unverified: '0'
-              anonymous: '0'
-              free_user: '0'
-              contact_company: '0'
-              alpha_testeur: '0'
-              student: '0'
-              adherent: '0'
-              translator: '0'
-              admin_showroom: '0'
-              admin: '0'
-              root: '0'
-            placeholder: ''
-            operator_limit_selection: false
-            operator_list: {  }
-          is_grouped: false
-          group_info:
-            label: ''
-            description: ''
-            identifier: ''
-            optional: true
-            widget: select
-            multiple: false
-            remember: false
-            default_group: All
-            default_group_multiple: {  }
-            group_items: {  }
-          entity_type: user
-          entity_field: mail
-          plugin_id: string
-        roles_target_id:
-          id: roles_target_id
-          table: user__roles
-          field: roles_target_id
-          relationship: uid
-          group_type: group
-          admin_label: ''
-          operator: or
-          value:
-            all: all
-            student: student
-            adherent: adherent
-          group: 1
-          exposed: true
-          expose:
-            operator_id: roles_target_id_op
-            label: Roles
-            description: ''
-            use_operator: false
-            operator: roles_target_id_op
-            identifier: roles_target_id
-            required: false
-            remember: false
-            multiple: false
-            remember_roles:
-              authenticated: authenticated
-              unverified: '0'
-              anonymous: '0'
-              free_user: '0'
-              contact_company: '0'
-              alpha_testeur: '0'
-              student: '0'
-              adherent: '0'
-              translator: '0'
-              admin_showroom: '0'
-              admin: '0'
-              root: '0'
-            reduce: true
-            operator_limit_selection: false
-            operator_list: {  }
-          is_grouped: false
-          group_info:
-            label: ''
-            description: ''
-            identifier: ''
-            optional: true
-            widget: select
-            multiple: false
-            remember: false
-            default_group: All
-            default_group_multiple: {  }
-            group_items: {  }
-          reduce_duplicates: true
-          entity_type: user
-          entity_field: roles
-          plugin_id: user_roles
-        roles_target_id_1:
-          id: roles_target_id_1
-          table: user__roles
-          field: roles_target_id
-          relationship: uid
-          group_type: group
-          admin_label: ''
-          operator: or
-          value:
-            student: student
-            adherent: adherent
-          group: 1
-          exposed: false
-          expose:
-            operator_id: ''
-            label: ''
-            description: ''
-            use_operator: false
-            operator: ''
-            operator_limit_selection: false
-            operator_list: {  }
-            identifier: ''
-            required: false
-            remember: false
-            multiple: false
-            remember_roles:
-              authenticated: authenticated
-            reduce: false
-          is_grouped: false
-          group_info:
-            label: ''
-            description: ''
-            identifier: ''
-            optional: true
-            widget: select
-            multiple: false
-            remember: false
-            default_group: All
-            default_group_multiple: {  }
-            group_items: {  }
-          reduce_duplicates: false
-          entity_type: user
-          entity_field: roles
-          plugin_id: user_roles
-      sorts: {  }
-      title: Licenses
-      header:
-        result:
-          id: result
-          table: views
-          field: result
-          relationship: none
-          group_type: group
-          admin_label: ''
-          empty: false
-          content: 'Displaying @start - @end of @total | Page @current_page/@page_count'
-          plugin_id: result
-      footer: {  }
-      empty: {  }
-      relationships:
-        uid:
-          id: uid
-          table: commerce_license
-          field: uid
-          relationship: none
-          group_type: group
-          admin_label: User
-          required: false
-          entity_type: commerce_license
-          entity_field: uid
-          plugin_id: standard
-        profile_type:
-          id: profile_type
-          table: users_field_data
-          field: profile_type
-          relationship: uid
-          group_type: group
-          admin_label: 'Profile Client'
-          required: false
-          profile_type: customer
-          entity_type: user
-          plugin_id: profile_relationship
-      arguments: {  }
-      display_extenders:
-        views_ef_fieldset: {  }
-    cache_metadata:
-      max-age: 0
-      contexts:
-        - 'languages:language_content'
-        - 'languages:language_interface'
-        - url
-        - url.query_args
-        - user.permissions
-      tags: {  }
-  page_1:
-    display_plugin: page
-    id: page_1
-    display_title: Page
-    position: 1
-    display_options:
-      display_extenders:
-        views_ef_fieldset: {  }
-      path: admin/commerce/licenses
-    cache_metadata:
-      max-age: 0
-      contexts:
-        - 'languages:language_content'
-        - 'languages:language_interface'
-        - url
-        - url.query_args
-        - user.permissions
-      tags: {  }

+ 3 - 3

@@ -71,11 +71,11 @@ echo " "
 echo "Migrating Users"
 drush mim d7_users --update --feedback="1000"
 echo " "
-drush mim d7_user_profile --feedback="1000"
+drush mim d7_user_profile --update --feedback="1000"
 echo " "
-drush mim d7_user_profile_customer --feedback="1000"
+drush mim d7_user_profile_customer --update --feedback="1000"
 echo " "
-drush mim d7_uc_roles_license --update --feedback="200"
+drush mim d7_uc_roles_license --update --feedback="1000"
 sleep 5
 echo " "

+ 6 - 6

@@ -73,12 +73,12 @@ process:
   #   plugin: migration_lookup
   #   migration: # your product variation migration
   #   source: nid
-  product_variation:
-    plugin: static_map
-    source: rid
-    map:
-      6: 2 # web annual
-      10: 7 # web annual student
+  product_variation: product_variation_id
+    # plugin: static_map
+    # source: rid
+    # map:
+    #   6: 2 # web annual
+    #   10: 7 # web annual

+ 21 - 0

@@ -127,6 +127,7 @@ class D7UcRolesLicense extends DrupalSqlBase {
+    $query->fields('uop', ['model']);
     $query->orderBy('created', 'DESC');
     $orders = $query->execute()->fetchAll();
     // print_r($orders);
@@ -141,9 +142,29 @@ class D7UcRolesLicense extends DrupalSqlBase {
       $first_order = array_shift($orders);
       $row->setSourceProperty('created', $first_order['created']);
       $row->setSourceProperty('renewed', $first_order['created']);
         $last_order = array_pop($orders);
         $row->setSourceProperty('renewed', $last_order['created']);
+      }else{
+        $last_order = $first_order;
+      }
+      drush_print(print_r($last_order, true));
+      // put the right product variation web OR web-showroom
+      switch($last_order['model']){
+        case "abo01-A":
+          $product_variation_id = 2;
+          break;
+        case "abo01-B":
+        case "abo01-C":
+          $product_variation_id = 6;
+          break;
+      }
+      if(isset($product_variation_id)){
+        drush_print($row->getSourceProperty('mail').' product_variation_id: '.$product_variation_id);
+        $row->setSourceProperty('product_variation_id', $product_variation_id);

Diferenças do arquivo suprimidas por serem muito extensas
+ 1 - 1

Alguns arquivos não foram mostrados porque muitos arquivos mudaram nesse diff