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migrate script resets the migration before migrate

bach 4 years ago
1 changed files with 25 additions and 68 deletions
  1. 25 68

+ 25 - 68

@@ -5,57 +5,6 @@ DATE=`date +%d-%m-%y/%H:%M:%S`
-# migration_loop(){
-#   # Better readability with separation.
-#   echo "========================";
-# 	# Get the output of the drush status.
-#   drush_output=$(drush ms | grep $1);
-# 	# Split output string into an array.
-#   output=( $drush_output );
-# 	# Output the status items.
-#   for index in "${!output[@]}"
-#   do
-#   	if [ $index == "0" ]
-#     then
-#     	echo "Migration: ${output[index]}";
-#   	fi
-#     if [ $index == "1" ]
-#     then
-#       echo "Status: ${output[index]}";
-#   	fi
-#     if [ $index == "2" ]
-#     then
-#       echo "Total: ${output[index]}";
-#   	fi
-#     if [ $index == "3" ]
-#     then
-#       echo "Imported: ${output[index]}";
-#   	fi
-#     if [ $index == "4" ]
-#     then
-#       echo "Remaining: ${output[index]}";
-#   	fi
-#   done
-#   # Check if all items were imported.
-#   if [ "${output[4]}" == "0" ]
-#   then
-#     echo "No items left to import.";
-# 	else
-#     echo "There are ${output[4]} remaining ${output[0]} items to be imported.";
-#   	echo "Running command: drush mim $1";
-#   	echo "...";
-#   	# Run the migration until it stops.
-#   	drush mim $1;
-#   	# Run the check on this migration again.
-#   	migration_loop $1;
-# 	fi
-# }
 echo -e "* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *"
 echo -e "*                             *"
 echo -e "*         Migration           *"
@@ -64,84 +13,92 @@ echo -e "* $DATE           *"
 echo -e "*                             *"
 echo -e "* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *"
+echo " "
+echo "Reseting migrations states"
+drush mrs d7_allpublicfiles
+drush mrs d7_taxonomy_term_thesaurus
+drush mrs d7_taxonomy_term_thesaurus_i18n
+drush mrs d7_taxonomy_term_tags
+drush mrs d7_taxonomy_term_tags_i18n
+drush mrs d7_taxonomy_term_company
+drush mrs d7_taxonomy_term_showroom
+drush mrs d7_users
+drush mrs d7_user_profile
+drush mrs d7_uc_roles_license
+drush mrs d7_node_materiau
+drush mrs d7_node_materiau_i18n
+drush mrs d7_node_article
+drush mrs d7_node_article_i18n
+drush mrs d7_simplenews_nodes
+drush mrs d7_simplenews_subscribers
+drush mrs d7_flaglists
+drush mrs d7_flaglistitems
+sleep 5
 echo " "
 echo "Migrating Files"
 drush mim d7_allpublicfiles --feedback="1000"
-# migration_loop d7_allpublicfiles;
 sleep 5
 echo " "
 echo "Migrating Taxonomy"
 echo "Migrating thesaurus"
 drush mim d7_taxonomy_term_thesaurus --update --feedback="100"
-# migration_loop d7_taxonomy_term_thesaurus;
 echo " "
 drush mim d7_taxonomy_term_thesaurus_i18n --update --feedback="100"
-# migration_loop d7_taxonomy_term_thesaurus_i18n;
 sleep 5
 echo " "
 echo "Migrating tags"
 drush mim d7_taxonomy_term_tags --update --feedback="100"
-# migration_loop d7_taxonomy_term_tags;
 echo " "
 drush mim d7_taxonomy_term_tags_i18n --update --feedback="100"
-# migration_loop d7_taxonomy_term_tags_i18n;
 sleep 5
 echo " "
 echo "Migrating companies"
 drush mim d7_taxonomy_term_company --update --feedback="100"
-# migration_loop d7_taxonomy_term_company;
 sleep 5
 echo " "
 echo "Migrating showroom"
 drush mim d7_taxonomy_term_showroom --update --feedback="100"
-# migration_loop d7_taxonomy_term_showroom;
 sleep 5
 echo " "
 echo "Migrating Users"
 drush mim d7_users --update --feedback="1000"
-# migration_loop d7_users;
 echo " "
 drush mim d7_user_profile --feedback="1000"
-# migration_loop d7_user_profile;
 echo " "
 drush mim d7_uc_roles_license --update --feedback="200"
-# migration_loop d7_uc_roles_license;
 sleep 5
 echo " "
 echo "Migrating Nodes"
 echo "Migrating Materials"
 drush mim d7_node_materiau --feedback="1000"
-# migration_loop d7_node_materiau;
 echo " "
 drush mim d7_node_materiau_i18n --feedback="1000"
-# migration_loop d7_node_materiau_i18n;
 sleep 5
 echo " "
 echo "Migrating breves"
 drush mim d7_node_article --feedback="100"
-# migration_loop d7_node_article;
 echo " "
 drush mim d7_node_article_i18n --feedback="100"
-# migration_loop d7_node_article_i18n;
 sleep 5
 echo " "
 echo "Migrating simplenews"
 drush mim d7_simplenews_nodes --feedback="200"
-# migration_loop d7_simplenews_nodes;
 drush mim d7_simplenews_subscribers --update --feedback="1000"
-# migration_loop d7_simplenews_subscribers;
 sleep 5
 echo " "
-echo "Migrating flalists"
+echo "Migrating flaglists"
 drush mim d7_flaglists --feedback="200"
 echo " "
 drush mim d7_flaglistitems --feedback="200"