@@ -140,7 +140,8 @@ export default {
return {
return {
- uuid:null,
+ nid:null,
+ path: null,
image_accroche: null,
image_accroche: null,
lightbox_items: null,
lightbox_items: null,
@@ -165,17 +166,26 @@ export default {
// get the article uuid
// get the article uuid
- if(this.$route.query.nid){
+ // if(this.$route.query.nid){
+ // // we come from internal link with vuejs
+ // // directly record uuid
+ // this.nid = this.$route.query.nid
+ //
+ // }else if(drupalDecoupled.entity_type == 'node' && drupalDecoupled.entity_bundle == 'article'){
+ // // we landed in an internal page
+ // // get the uuid from drupalDeclouped, provided by materio_decoupled.module
+ // this.nid = drupalDecoupled.entity_id
+ // }
+ if (this.$route.path) {
// we come from internal link with vuejs
// we come from internal link with vuejs
- // directly record uuid
- this.nid = this.$route.query.nid
- }else if(drupalDecoupled.entity_type == 'node' && drupalDecoupled.entity_bundle == 'article'){
+ this.path = this.$route.path
+ } else {
// we landed in an internal page
// we landed in an internal page
- // get the uuid from drupalDeclouped, provided by materio_decoupled.module
- this.nid = drupalDecoupled.entity_id
+ this.path = window.location.pathname
- if(this.nid){
+ if(this.path){
// get the prev next items
// get the prev next items
@@ -205,33 +215,29 @@ export default {
- console.log('loadArticle', this.nid)
+ console.log('loadArticle')
this.loading = true
this.loading = true
- // let params = {
- // include:'field_linked_materials.images,field_showroom,field_tags,field_thesaurus,field_visuel,uid'
+ // let ast = gql`{
+ // article(id: ${this.nid}) {
+ // ...ArticleFields
+ // }
// }
// }
- // let q = qs.stringify(params)
- // JSONAPI.get(`node/article/${this.uuid}?${q}`)
- // .then(({ data }) => {
- // console.log('loadArticle data', data)
- // this.parseDataJSONAPI(data)
- // })
- // .catch(( error ) => {
- // console.warn('Issue with loadArticle', error)
- // Promise.reject(error)
- // })
+ // ${ articleFields }
+ // `
let ast = gql`{
let ast = gql`{
- article(id: ${this.nid}) {
+ route(path: "${this.path}") {
${ articleFields }
${ articleFields }
MGQ.post('', { query: print(ast)
MGQ.post('', { query: print(ast)
- .then(({ data:{data:{article}}}) => {
- console.log('loadArticle', article )
- this.parseDataGQL(article)
+ .then(({ data:{data:{route}}}) => {
+ console.log('loadArticle', route )
+ this.parseDataGQL(route)
.catch(error => {
.catch(error => {
console.warn('Issue with loadArticle', error)
console.warn('Issue with loadArticle', error)
@@ -290,148 +296,6 @@ export default {
this.loading = false;
this.loading = false;
- parseDataJSONAPI(data){
- let attrs = data.data.attributes
- let relations = data.data.relationships
- console.log('relations', relations);
- let inc = data.included
- console.log('included', inc);
- this.content = {
- title:attrs.title,
- body: attrs.body.value
- }
- // build lightbox array
- // will be filled by videos and field_visuel
- this.content.lightbox_items = [];
- // parse embeded videos pushing it in lightbox
- for(let key in attrs.field_video){
- let videolink = attrs.field_video[key]
- // console.log('videolink', videolink);
- let provider_regex = /https:\/\/(www\.)?(?<provider>youtube|vimeo)\.com\/.+/;
- let match = provider_regex.exec(videolink)
- // console.log('provider', match.groups.provider);
- let video_id = null;
- let video_thumb = null;
- switch (match.groups.provider) {
- case 'vimeo':
- let vimeo_regex = /https:\/\/vimeo\.com\/(?<id>\d+)/;
- video_id = vimeo_regex.exec(videolink).groups.id || null;
- // TODO: get the vimeo thumb https://coderwall.com/p/fdrdmg/get-a-thumbnail-from-a-vimeo-video
- video_thumb = "http://blogpeda.ac-poitiers.fr/ent-lyc/files/2015/06/Vimeo_icon_block.png"
- break;
- case 'youtube':
- let youtube_regex = /https:\/\/(www\.)?youtube\.com\/watch\?v=(?<id>.+)/;
- video_id = youtube_regex.exec(videolink).groups.id || null;
- video_thumb = "http://img.youtube.com/vi/"+video_id+"/0.jpg"
- break;
- }
- // console.log('video_id', video_id);
- this.content.lightbox_items.push({
- src: videolink,
- title: "",
- description: "",
- thumb: video_thumb
- });
- // this.content.videos.push({
- // provider: match.groups.provider,
- // id: video_id,
- // href: videolink
- // });
- }
- // parse all relationships
- for (let key in relations) {
- // skip loop if the property is from prototype
- if (!relations.hasOwnProperty(key)) continue;
- let relation_obj = relations[key]
- console.log("relation", key, relation_obj);
- // console.log('typeof relation_obj.data', typeof relation_obj.data);
- if(!relation_obj.data) continue;
- // showroom is unique field so no array in data
- // we parse it here
- switch (key) {
- case 'field_showroom':
- let included = inc.find((i) => { return i.id == relation_obj.data.id })
- // console.log('included',included);
- this.content[key] = included.attributes;
- break
- }
- // skip relation_obj if data is not array
- if(!Array.isArray(relation_obj.data)) continue
- // create empty field array
- this.content[key] = []
- // parse relationship values using included
- let field = {}
- // loop through all relation items
- relation_obj.data.forEach((e) => {
- // get the included values for each item using id
- let included = inc.find((i) => { return i.id == e.id })
- // if we not found an included item skip the item
- if(typeof included != 'undefined'){
- // fill the item values
- switch (key) {
- case 'field_visuel':
- // build the field object (not used for now)
- field = e.meta
- field.id = e.id
- field.src = included.attributes.uri.url
- field.thumb = included.links.article_card_medium.href
- break;
- case 'field_linked_materials':
- field = included.attributes
- field.id = field.uuid = included.id
- // get the linked material included images
- field.images = [];
- included.relationships.images.data.forEach((img) => {
- // console.log('href', img.meta.imageDerivatives.links.card_medium.href);
- if(img.meta.imageDerivatives){
- field.images.push({
- title:img.meta.title,
- src: img.meta.imageDerivatives.links.hd.href,
- img_styles: {
- card_medium: img.meta.imageDerivatives.links.card_medium.href,
- card_full: img.meta.imageDerivatives.links.card_full.href
- }
- })
- }
- })
- break;
- case 'field_thesaurus':
- case 'field_tags':
- field = included.attributes
- field.id = included.id
- break;
- default:
- }
- this.content[key].push(field)
- }
- })
- }
- // extract first visuel as accroche
- this.content.image_accroche = this.content.field_visuel.shift()
- // fill the lightbox
- for(let visuel of this.content.field_visuel){
- this.content.lightbox_items.push(visuel);
- }
- console.log('this.content.lightbox_items', this.content.lightbox_items);
- // update main page title
- this.$store.commit('Common/setPagetitle', this.content.title)
- this.loading = false;
- console.log('article.content',this.content);
- },
// console.log('clicked on next', this.prevnext.next);
// console.log('clicked on next', this.prevnext.next);
let alias = this.prevnext.next.view_node.replace(/^.?\/blabla\//g, '')
let alias = this.prevnext.next.view_node.replace(/^.?\/blabla\//g, '')