Prechádzať zdrojové kódy

going on with home display

Bachir Soussi Chiadmi 5 rokov pred

+ 15 - 68

@@ -15,29 +15,20 @@ dependencies:
     - field.field.node.article.field_video
     - field.field.node.article.field_visuel
     - field.field.node.article.field_workflow
+    -
     - node.type.article
     - datetime_range
     - image
-    - link
-    - text
     - user
-    - video_embed_field
 id: node.article.default
 targetEntityType: node
 bundle: article
 mode: default
-  body:
-    label: hidden
-    type: text_default
-    weight: 0
-    settings: {  }
-    third_party_settings: {  }
-    region: content
-    weight: 6
-    label: above
+    weight: 2
+    label: hidden
       separator: '-'
       format_type: medium
@@ -45,78 +36,34 @@ content:
     third_party_settings: {  }
     type: daterange_default
     region: content
-  field_linked_materials:
-    weight: 7
-    label: above
-    settings:
-      link: true
-    third_party_settings: {  }
-    type: entity_reference_label
-    region: content
-  field_source:
-    weight: 1
-    label: above
-    settings:
-      trim_length: 80
-      url_only: false
-      url_plain: false
-      rel: ''
-      target: ''
-    third_party_settings: {  }
-    type: link
-    region: content
-  field_tags:
-    weight: 5
-    label: above
-    settings:
-      link: true
-    third_party_settings: {  }
-    type: entity_reference_label
-    region: content
-  field_thesaurus:
-    weight: 4
-    label: above
-    settings:
-      link: true
-    third_party_settings: {  }
-    type: entity_reference_label
-    region: content
-  field_video:
-    weight: 3
-    label: above
-    settings:
-      responsive: true
-      width: 854
-      height: 480
-      autoplay: true
-    third_party_settings: {  }
-    type: video_embed_field_video
-    region: content
-    weight: 2
-    label: above
+    weight: 1
+    label: hidden
-      image_style: ''
+      image_style: card_medium
       image_link: ''
     third_party_settings: {  }
     type: image
     region: content
-  links:
-    weight: 8
-    region: content
-    settings: {  }
-    third_party_settings: {  }
     label: hidden
     type: string
-    weight: -5
+    weight: 0
     region: content
       link_to_entity: false
     third_party_settings: {  }
+  body: true
+  field_linked_materials: true
   field_memo: true
   field_migration: true
   field_showroom: true
+  field_source: true
+  field_tags: true
+  field_thesaurus: true
+  field_video: true
   field_workflow: true
   langcode: true
+  links: true
+  search_api_excerpt: true

+ 1 - 1

@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ content:
     weight: 5
     region: content
-      view_mode: teaser
+      view_mode: card_medium
       link: false
     third_party_settings: {  }
     type: entity_reference_entity_view

+ 1 - 1

@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class ComputedArticlesReferences extends EntityReferenceFieldItemList
     $query = \Drupal::entityQuery('node')
         ->condition('status', 1)
         ->sort('created', 'DESC')
-        ->range(0,5)
+        ->range(0,6)
         ->condition('type', 'article');
     $nids = $query->execute();
     foreach ($nids as $key => $nid) {

+ 94 - 53

@@ -1245,61 +1245,102 @@ header[role="banner"] {
 aside.messages {
   padding: 0; }
-article.node--type-frontpage .node__content > section {
-  padding: 1em; }
-  article.node--type-frontpage .node__content > section.home-intro {
-    padding: 0;
-    background-color: #fff; }
-  article.node--type-frontpage .node__content > section.home-database {
-    background-color: #69cdcf;
-    display: grid;
-    grid-template-columns: 300px 1fr;
-    grid-column-gap: 1em;
-    color: #fff; }
-    article.node--type-frontpage .node__content > section.home-database .field--name-field-a-database {
-      grid-column: 1; }
-    article.node--type-frontpage .node__content > section.home-database .cards-list-home {
-      grid-column: 2;
-      position: relative;
-      max-height: 580px;
-      overflow-y: hidden; }
-      article.node--type-frontpage .node__content > section.home-database .cards-list-home ul {
-        width: 100%;
+article.node--type-frontpage .node__content > section.home-intro, article.node--type-frontpage .node__content > section.home-pricing {
+  padding: 1.5em 0;
+  background-color: #fff; }
+  article.node--type-frontpage .node__content > section.home-intro > div:nth-child(1), article.node--type-frontpage .node__content > section.home-pricing > div:nth-child(1) {
+    width: 80%;
+    margin: 0 auto;
+    text-align: center; }
+    article.node--type-frontpage .node__content > section.home-intro > div:nth-child(1) .field__label, article.node--type-frontpage .node__content > section.home-pricing > div:nth-child(1) .field__label {
+      font-size: 3em; }
+    article.node--type-frontpage .node__content > section.home-intro > div:nth-child(1) .field__item, article.node--type-frontpage .node__content > section.home-pricing > div:nth-child(1) .field__item {
+      font-size: 0.9em;
+      line-height: 1.3; }
+article.node--type-frontpage .node__content > section.home-database, article.node--type-frontpage .node__content > section.home-showrooms, article.node--type-frontpage .node__content > section.home-blabla {
+  display: grid;
+  grid-template-columns: 300px 1fr;
+  grid-column-gap: 2em;
+  padding: 2em 1em; }
+  article.node--type-frontpage .node__content > section.home-database > div:nth-child(1), article.node--type-frontpage .node__content > section.home-showrooms > div:nth-child(1), article.node--type-frontpage .node__content > section.home-blabla > div:nth-child(1) {
+    color: #fff;
+    grid-column: 1; }
+    article.node--type-frontpage .node__content > section.home-database > div:nth-child(1) .field__label, article.node--type-frontpage .node__content > section.home-showrooms > div:nth-child(1) .field__label, article.node--type-frontpage .node__content > section.home-blabla > div:nth-child(1) .field__label {
+      font-size: 3em;
+      line-height: 0.9; }
+    article.node--type-frontpage .node__content > section.home-database > div:nth-child(1) .field__item, article.node--type-frontpage .node__content > section.home-showrooms > div:nth-child(1) .field__item, article.node--type-frontpage .node__content > section.home-blabla > div:nth-child(1) .field__item {
+      font-size: 0.9em;
+      line-height: 1.3; }
+  article.node--type-frontpage .node__content > section.home-database > div:nth-child(2), article.node--type-frontpage .node__content > section.home-showrooms > div:nth-child(2), article.node--type-frontpage .node__content > section.home-blabla > div:nth-child(2) {
+    grid-column: 2; }
+article.node--type-frontpage .node__content > section.home-database {
+  background-color: #69cdcf; }
+  article.node--type-frontpage .node__content > section.home-database .cards-list-home {
+    position: relative;
+    max-height: 580px;
+    overflow-y: hidden; }
+    article.node--type-frontpage .node__content > section.home-database .cards-list-home ul {
+      width: 100%;
+      margin: 0;
+      padding: 0;
+      display: grid;
+      grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(50px, 130px));
+      grid-template-rows: 1fr;
+      grid-gap: 1em;
+      justify-content: start; }
+      article.node--type-frontpage .node__content > section.home-database .cards-list-home ul li {
+        position: relative;
+        list-style: none;
         margin: 0;
         padding: 0;
-        display: grid;
-        justify-content: center;
-        grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(50px, 130px));
-        grid-template-rows: 1fr;
-        grid-gap: 1em; }
-        article.node--type-frontpage .node__content > section.home-database .cards-list-home ul li {
-          position: relative;
-          list-style: none;
-          margin: 0;
-          padding: 0;
-          padding-top: 140%; }
-          article.node--type-frontpage .node__content > section.home-database .cards-list-home ul li .card {
-            position: absolute;
-            top: 0;
-            bottom: 0;
-            left: 0;
-            right: 0;
-            width: auto;
-            height: auto; }
-            article.node--type-frontpage .node__content > section.home-database .cards-list-home ul li .card .field--name-field-short-description {
-              font-size: 0.756em;
-              line-height: 0.9; }
-  article.node--type-frontpage .node__content > section.home-showrooms {
-    background-color: #50aa3c;
-    display: grid;
-    grid-template-columns: 300px 1fr;
-    grid-column-gap: 1em; }
-    article.node--type-frontpage .node__content > section.home-showrooms .field--name-field-showrooms {
-      grid-column: 1; }
-    article.node--type-frontpage .node__content > section.home-showrooms .field--name-computed-showrooms-reference {
-      grid-column: 2; }
-  article.node--type-frontpage .node__content > section.home-blabla {
-    background-color: #9458aa; }
+        padding-top: 140%; }
+        article.node--type-frontpage .node__content > section.home-database .cards-list-home ul li .card {
+          position: absolute;
+          top: 0;
+          bottom: 0;
+          left: 0;
+          right: 0;
+          width: auto;
+          height: auto; }
+          article.node--type-frontpage .node__content > section.home-database .cards-list-home ul li .card .field--name-field-short-description {
+            font-size: 0.756em;
+            line-height: 0.9; }
+article.node--type-frontpage .node__content > section.home-showrooms {
+  background-color: #50aa3c; }
+article.node--type-frontpage .node__content > section.home-blabla {
+  background-color: #9458aa; }
+  article.node--type-frontpage .node__content > section.home-blabla .cards-list-home {
+    position: relative; }
+    article.node--type-frontpage .node__content > section.home-blabla .cards-list-home ul {
+      width: 100%;
+      margin: 0;
+      padding: 0;
+      display: grid;
+      grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(80px, 220px));
+      grid-gap: 1em;
+      justify-content: start; }
+      article.node--type-frontpage .node__content > section.home-blabla .cards-list-home ul li {
+        position: relative;
+        list-style: none;
+        margin: 0;
+        padding: 0;
+        padding-top: 140%;
+        overflow: hidden; }
+        article.node--type-frontpage .node__content > section.home-blabla .cards-list-home ul li .card {
+          position: absolute;
+          top: 0;
+          bottom: 0;
+          left: 0;
+          right: 0;
+          width: auto;
+          height: auto; }
+          article.node--type-frontpage .node__content > section.home-blabla .cards-list-home ul li .card .field--name-title {
+            font-size: 0.756em;
+            line-height: 0.9; }
 article.node--type-frontpage .node__content .field--name-field-what-is-materio:not(:nth-child(1)),
 article.node--type-frontpage .node__content .field--name-field-a-database:not(:nth-child(1)),

+ 84 - 25

@@ -249,31 +249,62 @@ aside.messages{
 // }
-// front
+//   __             _
+//  / _|_ _ ___ _ _| |_
+// |  _| '_/ _ \ ' \  _|
+// |_| |_| \___/_||_\__|
+  padding:1.5em 0;
+  background-color: #fff;
+  >div:nth-child(1){
+    width:80%;
+    margin: 0 auto;
+    text-align: center;
+    .field__label{
+      font-size: 3em;
+    }
+    .field__item{
+      font-size: 0.9em;
+      line-height: 1.3;
+    }
+  }
+  display:grid;
+  grid-template-columns: 300px 1fr;
+  grid-column-gap: 2em;
+  padding:2em 1em;
+  >div:nth-child(1){
+    color: #fff;
+    grid-column: 1;
+    .field__label{
+      font-size: 3em;
+      line-height: 0.9
+    }
+    .field__item{
+      font-size: 0.9em;
+      line-height: 1.3;
+    }
+  }
+  >div:nth-child(2){
+    grid-column: 2;
+  }
-      padding:1em;
-        padding:0;
-        background-color: #fff;
+        @extend %part-centered-layout;
         background-color: #69cdcf;
-        display:grid;
-        // $c: 300px;
-        // grid-template-columns: $c calc(100% - #{$c});
-        grid-template-columns: 300px 1fr;
-        grid-column-gap: 1em;
-        // grid-template-rows: min-content;
-        color: #fff;
-        .field--name-field-a-database{
-          grid-column: 1;
-          // outline: 1px solid green;
-        }
+        @extend %part-columned-layout;
+        .field--name-field-a-database{}
-          grid-column: 2;
           position: relative;
           // max-height: (130px*1.4)*3;
           max-height: 580px;
@@ -282,11 +313,10 @@ article.node--type-frontpage{
             margin:0; padding:0;
             display: grid;
-            justify-content: center;
             grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(50px, 130px));
             grid-template-rows: 1fr;
             grid-gap: 1em;
-            // justify-content:start;
+            justify-content:start;
               position: relative;
               list-style: none;
@@ -309,22 +339,51 @@ article.node--type-frontpage{
         background-color: #50aa3c;
-        display:grid;
-        // $c: 300px;
-        // grid-template-columns: $c calc(100% - #{$c});
-        grid-template-columns: 300px 1fr;
-        grid-column-gap: 1em;
+        @extend %part-columned-layout;
-          grid-column: 1;
-          grid-column: 2;
         background-color: #9458aa;
+        @extend %part-columned-layout;
+        .cards-list-home{
+          position: relative;
+          // max-height: 580px;
+          // overflow-y: hidden;
+          ul{
+            width:100%;
+            margin:0; padding:0;
+            display: grid;
+            grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(80px, 220px));
+            // grid-template-rows: 1fr;
+            grid-gap: 1em;
+            justify-content:start;
+            li{
+              position: relative;
+              list-style: none;
+              margin:0; padding:0;
+              padding-top: 140%;
+              overflow: hidden;
+              .card{
+                position:absolute;
+                top:0; bottom:0;
+                left:0; right:0;
+                width: auto;
+                height: auto;
+                .field--name-title{
+                  font-size: 0.756em;
+                  line-height: 0.9;
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        @extend %part-centered-layout;

+ 0 - 0
web/themes/custom/materiotheme/templates/content/field--node--computed-materials-reference.html.twig → web/themes/custom/materiotheme/templates/content/field--node--computed-articles-reference--frontpage.html.twig

+ 67 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ * @file
+ * Default theme implementation for a field.
+ *
+ * To override output, copy the "field.html.twig" from the templates directory
+ * to your theme's directory and customize it, just like customizing other
+ * Drupal templates such as page.html.twig or node.html.twig.
+ *
+ * Instead of overriding the theming for all fields, you can also just override
+ * theming for a subset of fields using
+ * @link themeable Theme hook suggestions. @endlink For example,
+ * here are some theme hook suggestions that can be used for a field_foo field
+ * on an article node type:
+ * - field--node--field-foo--article.html.twig
+ * - field--node--field-foo.html.twig
+ * - field--node--article.html.twig
+ * - field--field-foo.html.twig
+ * - field--text-with-summary.html.twig
+ * - field.html.twig
+ *
+ * Available variables:
+ * - attributes: HTML attributes for the containing element.
+ * - label_hidden: Whether to show the field label or not.
+ * - title_attributes: HTML attributes for the title.
+ * - label: The label for the field.
+ * - multiple: TRUE if a field can contain multiple items.
+ * - items: List of all the field items. Each item contains:
+ *   - attributes: List of HTML attributes for each item.
+ *   - content: The field item's content.
+ * - entity_type: The entity type to which the field belongs.
+ * - field_name: The name of the field.
+ * - field_type: The type of the field.
+ * - label_display: The display settings for the label.
+ *
+ * @see template_preprocess_field()
+ *
+ * @ingroup themeable
+ */
+  set title_classes = [
+    label_display == 'visually_hidden' ? 'visually-hidden',
+  ]
+<div class="cards-list-home">
+  {% if label_hidden %}
+      <ul{{ attributes }}>
+        {% for item in items %}
+          <li{{ item.attributes }}>{{ item.content }}</li>
+        {% endfor %}
+      </ul>
+  {% else %}
+    <div{{ attributes }}>
+      <div{{ title_attributes.addClass(title_classes) }}>{{ label }}</div>
+      {% if multiple %}
+        <ul>
+      {% endif %}
+      {% for item in items %}
+        <li{{ item.attributes }}>{{ item.content }}</li>
+      {% endfor %}
+      {% if multiple %}
+    </ul>
+      {% endif %}
+    </div>
+  {% endif %}

+ 96 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+ * @file
+ * Default theme implementation to display a node.
+ *
+ * Available variables:
+ * - node: The node entity with limited access to object properties and methods.
+ *   Only method names starting with "get", "has", or "is" and a few common
+ *   methods such as "id", "label", and "bundle" are available. For example:
+ *   - node.getCreatedTime() will return the node creation timestamp.
+ *   - node.hasField('field_example') returns TRUE if the node bundle includes
+ *     field_example. (This does not indicate the presence of a value in this
+ *     field.)
+ *   - node.isPublished() will return whether the node is published or not.
+ *   Calling other methods, such as node.delete(), will result in an exception.
+ *   See \Drupal\node\Entity\Node for a full list of public properties and
+ *   methods for the node object.
+ * - label: (optional) The title of the node.
+ * - content: All node items. Use {{ content }} to print them all,
+ *   or print a subset such as {{ content.field_example }}. Use
+ *   {{ content|without('field_example') }} to temporarily suppress the printing
+ *   of a given child element.
+ * - author_picture: The node author user entity, rendered using the "compact"
+ *   view mode.
+ * - metadata: Metadata for this node.
+ * - date: (optional) Themed creation date field.
+ * - author_name: (optional) Themed author name field.
+ * - url: Direct URL of the current node.
+ * - display_submitted: Whether submission information should be displayed.
+ * - attributes: HTML attributes for the containing element.
+ *   The attributes.class element may contain one or more of the following
+ *   classes:
+ *   - node: The current template type (also known as a "theming hook").
+ *   - node--type-[type]: The current node type. For example, if the node is an
+ *     "Article" it would result in "node--type-article". Note that the machine
+ *     name will often be in a short form of the human readable label.
+ *   - node--view-mode-[view_mode]: The View Mode of the node; for example, a
+ *     teaser would result in: "node--view-mode-teaser", and
+ *     full: "node--view-mode-full".
+ *   The following are controlled through the node publishing options.
+ *   - node--promoted: Appears on nodes promoted to the front page.
+ *   - node--sticky: Appears on nodes ordered above other non-sticky nodes in
+ *     teaser listings.
+ *   - node--unpublished: Appears on unpublished nodes visible only to site
+ *     admins.
+ * - title_attributes: Same as attributes, except applied to the main title
+ *   tag that appears in the template.
+ * - content_attributes: Same as attributes, except applied to the main
+ *   content tag that appears in the template.
+ * - author_attributes: Same as attributes, except applied to the author of
+ *   the node tag that appears in the template.
+ * - title_prefix: Additional output populated by modules, intended to be
+ *   displayed in front of the main title tag that appears in the template.
+ * - title_suffix: Additional output populated by modules, intended to be
+ *   displayed after the main title tag that appears in the template.
+ * - view_mode: View mode; for example, "teaser" or "full".
+ * - teaser: Flag for the teaser state. Will be true if view_mode is 'teaser'.
+ * - page: Flag for the full page state. Will be true if view_mode is 'full'.
+ * - readmore: Flag for more state. Will be true if the teaser content of the
+ *   node cannot hold the main body content.
+ * - logged_in: Flag for authenticated user status. Will be true when the
+ *   current user is a logged-in member.
+ * - is_admin: Flag for admin user status. Will be true when the current user
+ *   is an administrator.
+ *
+ * @see template_preprocess_node()
+ *
+ * @todo Remove the id attribute (or make it a class), because if that gets
+ *   rendered twice on a page this is invalid CSS for example: two lists
+ *   in different view modes.
+ *
+ * @ingroup themeable
+ */
+  set classes = [
+    'node',
+    'node--type-' ~ node.bundle|clean_class,
+    node.isPromoted() ? 'node--promoted',
+    node.isSticky() ? 'node--sticky',
+    not node.isPublished() ? 'node--unpublished',
+    view_mode ? view_mode|clean_class,
+    view_mode ? 'node--view-mode-' ~ view_mode|clean_class,
+    'card'
+  ]
+<article{{ attributes.addClass(classes) }}>
+  <header>
+    {{ label }}
+    {{ content.field_date }}
+  </header>
+  <section class="images">
+    {{ content.field_visuel }}
+  </section>