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reconfigured simplenews_mail_subscriptions with right lists IDs, patch : removed api keys

bach 2 anos atrás

+ 13 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+uuid: 89d71508-f9fd-47ad-b712-a2902f867792
+langcode: fr
+status: true
+dependencies: {  }
+id: '19125'
+title: ZeDaily
+api_key: null
+secret_key: null
+  -
+    simplenews_news: ze_daily_materio_
+    contact_property: simplenews
+    newsletter_property_name: ZeDaily

+ 13 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+uuid: 9a82ce3e-d5b1-4226-9e70-e4f2d28334ca
+langcode: fr
+status: true
+dependencies: {  }
+id: '22839'
+title: 'materio'' newsletter'
+api_key: null
+secret_key: null
+  -
+    simplenews_news: materio_newsletter
+    contact_property: simplenews
+    newsletter_property_name: Newsletter

+ 13 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+uuid: 494ab8bc-97f4-4e87-a9ac-876911d4d3a3
+langcode: fr
+status: true
+dependencies: {  }
+id: '24787'
+title: Compagnie
+api_key: null
+secret_key: null
+  -
+    simplenews_news: companies
+    contact_property: simplenews
+    newsletter_property_name: Companies

+ 9 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+uuid: 22d88999-43ab-4e59-8deb-02760e11f7ad
+langcode: fr
+status: true
+dependencies: {  }
+id: '24788'
+title: Test
+api_key: null
+secret_key: null
+mapping_table: null

+ 0 - 25

@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-uuid: 523a56dc-5643-427b-abfb-36bd04dc0376
-langcode: fr
-status: true
-dependencies: {  }
-id: drupal_simplenews
-title: simplenews
-api_key: cec52b4eb2d759f5372dfd194585c388
-secret_key: cec52b4eb2d759f5372dfd194585c388
-  -
-    simplenews_news: ze_daily_materio_
-    contact_property: simplenews
-    newsletter_property_name: Daily
-  -
-    simplenews_news: materio_newsletter
-    contact_property: simplenews
-    newsletter_property_name: Newsletter
-  -
-    simplenews_news: companies
-    contact_property: simplenews
-    newsletter_property_name: Compagnie
-  -
-    simplenews_news: test
-    contact_property: simplenews
-    newsletter_property_name: Test

+ 275 - 0

@@ -1,3 +1,15 @@
+diff --git a/README.txt b/README.txt
+index cee6e1a..b488e91 100644
+--- a/README.txt
++++ b/README.txt
+@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ REQUIREMENTS
+ This module requires the following modules:
+  * Simplenews (
++ * Mailet (
+ ------------
 diff --git a/ b/
 index 2512a39..d4b0440 100644
 --- a/
@@ -75,6 +87,269 @@ index 0000000..cdd4137
 +  simplenews_mailjet_subscriptions.utilities:
 +    class: Drupal\simplenews_mailjet_subscriptions\SimplenewsMailjetSubscriptionsUtilities
 +    arguments: [ '@mailjet.handler' ]
+diff --git a/src/Entity/SimplenewsMailjetSubscriptionEntity.php b/src/Entity/SimplenewsMailjetSubscriptionEntity.php
+index 27b7737..b74f89e 100644
+--- a/src/Entity/SimplenewsMailjetSubscriptionEntity.php
++++ b/src/Entity/SimplenewsMailjetSubscriptionEntity.php
+@@ -94,53 +94,53 @@ class SimplenewsMailjetSubscriptionEntity extends ConfigEntityBase implements Si
+     return $this->get('id');
+   }
+-  /**
+-   * Returns the entity api key.
+-   *
+-   * @return string
+-   *   The entity api key.
+-   */
+-  public function getApiKey() {
+-    return $this->get('api_key');
+-  }
+-  /**
+-   * Sets the entity api key.
+-   *
+-   * @param string $api_key
+-   *   Api key.
+-   *
+-   * @return $this
+-   *   The Simplenews Mailjet Subscription entity.
+-   */
+-  public function setApiKey($api_key) {
+-    $this->set('api_key', $api_key);
+-    return $this;
+-  }
+-  /**
+-   * Returns the entity secret key.
+-   *
+-   * @return string
+-   *   The entity secret key.
+-   */
+-  public function getSecretkey() {
+-    return $this->get('secret_key');
+-  }
+-  /**
+-   * Sets the entity secret key.
+-   *
+-   * @param string $secret_key
+-   *   Secret key.
+-   *
+-   * @return $this
+-   *   The Simplenews Mailjet Subscription entity.
+-   */
+-  public function setSecretkey($secret_key) {
+-    $this->set('secret_key', $secret_key);
+-    return $this;
+-  }
++  // /**
++  //  * Returns the entity api key.
++  //  *
++  //  * @return string
++  //  *   The entity api key.
++  //  */
++  // public function getApiKey() {
++  //   return $this->get('api_key');
++  // }
++  // /**
++  //  * Sets the entity api key.
++  //  *
++  //  * @param string $api_key
++  //  *   Api key.
++  //  *
++  //  * @return $this
++  //  *   The Simplenews Mailjet Subscription entity.
++  //  */
++  // public function setApiKey($api_key) {
++  //   $this->set('api_key', $api_key);
++  //   return $this;
++  // }
++  // /**
++  //  * Returns the entity secret key.
++  //  *
++  //  * @return string
++  //  *   The entity secret key.
++  //  */
++  // public function getSecretkey() {
++  //   return $this->get('secret_key');
++  // }
++  // /**
++  //  * Sets the entity secret key.
++  //  *
++  //  * @param string $secret_key
++  //  *   Secret key.
++  //  *
++  //  * @return $this
++  //  *   The Simplenews Mailjet Subscription entity.
++  //  */
++  // public function setSecretkey($secret_key) {
++  //   $this->set('secret_key', $secret_key);
++  //   return $this;
++  // }
+   /**
+    * Sets the entity mapping table.
+diff --git a/src/Form/SimplenewsMailjetSubscriptionAddForm.php b/src/Form/SimplenewsMailjetSubscriptionAddForm.php
+index 836bee3..bc70090 100644
+--- a/src/Form/SimplenewsMailjetSubscriptionAddForm.php
++++ b/src/Form/SimplenewsMailjetSubscriptionAddForm.php
+@@ -64,20 +64,20 @@ class SimplenewsMailjetSubscriptionAddForm extends EntityForm {
+         'exists' => [$this, 'exist'],
+       ],
+     ];
+-    $form['api_key'] = [
+-      '#type' => 'textfield',
+-      '#title' => $this->t('API Key'),
+-      '#maxlength' => 32,
+-      '#description' => $this->t('Mailjet Account API Key'),
+-      '#required' => TRUE,
+-    ];
+-    $form['secret_key'] = [
+-      '#type' => 'password',
+-      '#title' => $this->t('Secret Key'),
+-      '#maxlength' => 32,
+-      '#description' => $this->t('Mailjet Account Secret Key'),
+-      '#required' => TRUE,
+-    ];
++    // $form['api_key'] = [
++    //   '#type' => 'textfield',
++    //   '#title' => $this->t('API Key'),
++    //   '#maxlength' => 32,
++    //   '#description' => $this->t('Mailjet Account API Key'),
++    //   '#required' => TRUE,
++    // ];
++    // $form['secret_key'] = [
++    //   '#type' => 'password',
++    //   '#title' => $this->t('Secret Key'),
++    //   '#maxlength' => 32,
++    //   '#description' => $this->t('Mailjet Account Secret Key'),
++    //   '#required' => TRUE,
++    // ];
+     return $form;
+   }
+diff --git a/src/Form/SimplenewsMailjetSubscriptionEditForm.php b/src/Form/SimplenewsMailjetSubscriptionEditForm.php
+index 98342b5..f67ba96 100644
+--- a/src/Form/SimplenewsMailjetSubscriptionEditForm.php
++++ b/src/Form/SimplenewsMailjetSubscriptionEditForm.php
+@@ -76,20 +76,20 @@ class SimplenewsMailjetSubscriptionEditForm extends EntityForm {
+       '#help' => $this->t('Configuration title'),
+       '#required' => TRUE,
+     ];
+-    $form['api_key'] = [
+-      '#type' => 'textfield',
+-      '#title' => $this->t('API Key'),
+-      '#maxlength' => 32,
+-      '#default_value' => $this->entity->getApiKey(),
+-      '#help' => $this->t('Mailjet Account API Key'),
+-      '#required' => TRUE,
+-      '#disabled' => !$this->entity->isNew(),
+-    ];
+-    if ($this->entity->getApiKey() && $this->entity->getSecretkey()) {
++    // $form['api_key'] = [
++    //   '#type' => 'textfield',
++    //   '#title' => $this->t('API Key'),
++    //   '#maxlength' => 32,
++    //   '#default_value' => $this->entity->getApiKey(),
++    //   '#help' => $this->t('Mailjet Account API Key'),
++    //   '#required' => TRUE,
++    //   '#disabled' => !$this->entity->isNew(),
++    // ];
++    // if ($this->entity->getApiKey() && $this->entity->getSecretkey()) {
+       $this->constructTable($form, $form_state);
+-    }
++    // }
+     $form['add_subscription'] = [
+       '#type' => 'submit',
+diff --git a/src/SimplenewsMailjetSubscriptionsInterface.php b/src/SimplenewsMailjetSubscriptionsInterface.php
+index c727d26..37c082d 100644
+--- a/src/SimplenewsMailjetSubscriptionsInterface.php
++++ b/src/SimplenewsMailjetSubscriptionsInterface.php
+@@ -36,43 +36,43 @@ interface SimplenewsMailjetSubscriptionsInterface extends ConfigEntityInterface
+    */
+   public function getId();
+-  /**
+-   * Returns the entity api key.
+-   *
+-   * @return string
+-   *   The entity api key.
+-   */
+-  public function getApiKey();
++  // /**
++  //  * Returns the entity api key.
++  //  *
++  //  * @return string
++  //  *   The entity api key.
++  //  */
++  // public function getApiKey();
+-  /**
+-   * Sets the entity api key.
+-   *
+-   * @param string $api_key
+-   *   Api key.
+-   *
+-   * @return $this
+-   *   The Simplenews Mailjet Subscription entity.
+-   */
+-  public function setApiKey($api_key);
++  // /**
++  //  * Sets the entity api key.
++  //  *
++  //  * @param string $api_key
++  //  *   Api key.
++  //  *
++  //  * @return $this
++  //  *   The Simplenews Mailjet Subscription entity.
++  //  */
++  // public function setApiKey($api_key);
+-  /**
+-   * Returns the entity secret key.
+-   *
+-   * @return string
+-   *   The entity secret key.
+-   */
+-  public function getSecretkey();
++  // /**
++  //  * Returns the entity secret key.
++  //  *
++  //  * @return string
++  //  *   The entity secret key.
++  //  */
++  // public function getSecretkey();
+-  /**
+-   * Sets the entity secret key.
+-   *
+-   * @param string $secret_key
+-   *   Secret key.
+-   *
+-   * @return $this
+-   *   The Simplenews Mailjet Subscription entity.
+-   */
+-  public function setSecretkey($secret_key);
++  // /**
++  //  * Sets the entity secret key.
++  //  *
++  //  * @param string $secret_key
++  //  *   Secret key.
++  //  *
++  //  * @return $this
++  //  *   The Simplenews Mailjet Subscription entity.
++  //  */
++  // public function setSecretkey($secret_key);
+   /**
+    * Sets the entity mapping table.
 diff --git a/src/SimplenewsMailjetSubscriptionsUtilities.php b/src/SimplenewsMailjetSubscriptionsUtilities.php
 index 950ff8a..05601ca 100644
 --- a/src/SimplenewsMailjetSubscriptionsUtilities.php