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re-implemented tracklist to term_reference_tree

Bachir Soussi Chiadmi 5 yıl önce

+ 3 - 0

@@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ field.widget.settings.term_reference_tree:
       type: integer
       label: 'Cascading selection'
+    track_list:
+      type: boolean
+      label: 'Track list'
       type: integer
       label: 'Maximum Depth'

+ 37 - 1

@@ -78,7 +78,43 @@ class CheckboxTree extends FormElement {
     $tree = new \stdClass();
     $tree->children = $terms;
-    $element[] = _term_reference_tree_build_level($element, $tree, $form_state, $value, $element['#max_choices'], [], 1);
+    $element['checkbox_tree'] = _term_reference_tree_build_level($element, $tree, $form_state, $value, $element['#max_choices'], [], 1);
+    // track list
+    if ($element['#track_list']) {
+      if($form_state->getTriggeringElement()){
+        // we are on ajax
+        // $value is not updated on ajax callback
+        // we need an other way to get wich options are checked
+        // and give an accurate track list
+        $parent = $element['#parents'][0]; // get the element's parent field
+        $input = $form_state->getUserInput(); // get all inputs from form state
+        $checkbox_tree_input = $input[$parent]['checkbox_tree']; // get the chekbox_tree input
+        $selected = _term_reference_tree_get_flatten_selected_values($checkbox_tree_input); // get selected flattenized
+        $track_list_input = $input[$parent]['track_list']; // get the current track_list input with correct order
+        $old_list = array_keys($track_list_input); // flattenize
+        // remove all chebox_tree input unselected from the list
+        $list = [];
+        foreach ($old_list as $id) {
+          if(in_array($id, $selected)){
+            $list[] = $id;
+          }
+        }
+        // append newly selected
+        $diff = array_diff($selected, $list);
+        foreach ($diff as $id) {
+          $list[] = $id;
+        }
+      }else{
+        // if not ajax just get the default value
+        $list = $value;
+      }
+      // build the track_list form element
+      $element['track_list'] = _term_reference_tree_build_track_list_order($list, $element['#options']);
+    }
     return $element;

+ 29 - 0

@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 namespace Drupal\term_reference_tree\Plugin\Field\FieldWidget;
+use Drupal\Component\Utility\NestedArray;
 use Drupal\Core\Field\FieldItemListInterface;
 use Drupal\Core\Field\WidgetBase;
 use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface;
@@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ class TermReferenceTree extends WidgetBase {
         'leaves_only' => FALSE,
         'select_parents' => FALSE,
         'cascading_selection' => self::CASCADING_SELECTION_NONE,
+        'track_list' => FALSE,
         'max_depth' => 0,
       ] + parent::defaultSettings();
@@ -94,6 +96,15 @@ class TermReferenceTree extends WidgetBase {
       $form['cascading_selection']['#description'] .= ' <em>' . $this->t("This option is only valid if an unlimited number of values can be selected.") . '</em>';
+    $form['track_list'] = [
+      '#type' => 'checkbox',
+      '#title' => $this->t('Track list'),
+      '#description' => $this->t('Track what the user has chosen in a list below the tree.
+      Useful when the tree is large, with many levels.'),
+      '#default_value' => $this->getSetting('track_list'),
+      '#return_value' => 1,
+    ];
     $form['max_depth'] = [
       '#type' => 'number',
       '#title' => $this->t('Maximum Depth'),
@@ -134,6 +145,10 @@ class TermReferenceTree extends WidgetBase {
       $summary[] = sprintf('%s (%s)', $this->t('Cascading selection'), $this->t('Only deselect'));
+    if ($this->getSetting('track_list')) {
+      $summary[] = $this->t('Track list');
+    }
     if ($this->getSetting('max_depth')) {
       $summary[] = $this->formatPlural($this->getSetting('max_depth'), 'Maximum Depth: @count level', 'Maximum Depth: @count levels');
@@ -156,6 +171,7 @@ class TermReferenceTree extends WidgetBase {
     $element['#leaves_only'] = $this->getSetting('leaves_only');
     $element['#select_parents'] = $this->getSetting('select_parents');
     $element['#cascading_selection'] = $this->getSetting('cascading_selection');
+    $element['#track_list'] = $this->getSetting('track_list');
     $element['#value_key'] = 'target_id';
     $element['#max_depth'] = $this->getSetting('max_depth');
     $element['#start_minimized'] = $this->getSetting('start_minimized');
@@ -189,6 +205,19 @@ class TermReferenceTree extends WidgetBase {
           array_push($value, [$element['#value_key'] => $child['#value']]);
+      // if track_list enabled, reorder the value array regarding the tablegrag input
+      if (!empty($value) && $element['#track_list']) {
+        $input = &$form_state->getUserInput();
+        $nested_input = NestedArray::getValue($form_state->getValues(), $element['#parents']);
+        if (is_array($nested_input['track_list'])) {
+          $track_list = array_keys($nested_input['track_list']);
+          $sorted_value = [];
+          foreach ($track_list as $id) {
+            $sorted_value[] = $value[array_search($id, array_column($value, 'target_id'))];
+          }
+          $value = $sorted_value;
+        }
+      }
     else {
       // If it's a tree of radio buttons, they all have the same value,

+ 12 - 201

@@ -33,84 +33,6 @@ Drupal.behaviors.termReferenceTree = {
-      //On page load, check if the user wants a track list. If so, add the
-      //currently selected items to it.
-      if($(this).hasClass('term-reference-tree-track-list-shown')) {
-        var track_list_container = $(this).find('.term-reference-tree-track-list');
-        //Var to track whether using checkboxes or radio buttons.
-        var input_type =
-          ( $(this).has('input[type=checkbox]').length > 0 ) ? 'checkbox' : 'radio';
-        //Find all the checked controls.
-        var checked_controls = $(this).find('input[type=' + input_type + ']:checked');
-        //Get their labels.
-        var labels = checked_controls.next();
-        var label_element;
-        //For each label of the checked boxes, add item to the track list.
-        labels.each(function(index) {
-          label_element = $(labels[index]);
-          addItemToTrackList(
-            track_list_container,         //Where to add new item.
-            label_element.html(),         //Text of new item.
-            $(label_element).attr('for'), //Id of control new item is for.
-            input_type                    //checkbox or radio
-          );
-        }); //End labels.each
-        //Show "nothing selected" message, if needed.
-        showNothingSelectedMessage(track_list_container);
-        //Event - when an element on the track list is clicked on:
-        //  1. Delete it.
-        //  2. Uncheck the associated checkbox.
-        //The event is bound to the track list container, not each element.
-        $(track_list_container).click(function(event){
-          //Remove the "nothing selected" message if showing - add it later if needed.
-          //removeNothingSelectedMessage(track_list_container);
-          var event_target = $(event.target);
-          var control_id = event_target.data('control_id');
-          if(control_id) {
-            event_target.remove();
-            var checkbox = $('#' + control_id);
-            checkbox.removeAttr('checked');
-            checkMaxChoices(tree, checkbox);
-            //Show "nothing selected" message, if needed.
-            showNothingSelectedMessage(track_list_container);
-          }
-        });
-        //Change track list when controls are clicked.
-        $(this).find('.form-' + input_type).change(function(event){
-          //Remove the "nothing selected" message if showing - add it later if needed.
-          removeNothingSelectedMessage(track_list_container);
-          var event_target = $(event.target);
-          var control_id = event_target.attr('id');
-          if ( event_target.attr('checked') ) {
-            //Control checked - add item to the track list.
-            label_element = event_target.next();
-            addItemToTrackList(
-              track_list_container,         //Where to add new item.
-              label_element.html(),         //Text of new item.
-              $(label_element).attr('for'), //Id of control new item is for.
-              input_type                    //checkbox or radio
-            );
-          }
-          else {
-            //Checkbox unchecked. Remove from the track list.
-            $('#' + control_id + '_list').remove();
-          }
-          //Show "nothing selected" message, if needed.
-          showNothingSelectedMessage(track_list_container);
-        }); //End process checkbox changes.
-      } //End Want a track list.
       //On page load, check if the user wants a cascading selection.
       if($(this).hasClass('term-reference-tree-cascading-selection')) {
         var mode_select = $(this).hasClass('term-reference-tree-cascading-selection-mode-select');
@@ -140,121 +62,21 @@ Drupal.behaviors.termReferenceTree = {
       } //End Want a cascading checking.
-  }
- * Add a new item to the track list.
- * If more than one item can be selected, the new item is positioned to
- * match the order of the terms in the checkbox tree.
- *
- * @param track_list_container Container where the new item will be added.
- *
- * @param item_text Text of the item to add.
- *
- * @param control_id Id of the checkbox/radio control the item matches.
- *
- * @param control_type Control type - 'checkbox' or 'radio'.
- */
-function addItemToTrackList(track_list_container, item_text, control_id, control_type) {
-  var new_item = $('<li class="track-item">' + item_text + '</li>');
-  new_item.data('control_id', control_id);
-  //Add an id for easy finding of the item.
-  new_item.attr('id', control_id + '_list');
-  //Process radio controls - only one item can be selected.
-  if ( control_type == 'radio') {
-    //Find the existing element on the track list, if there is one.
-    var current_items = track_list_container.find('li');
-    //If there are no items on the track list, add the new item.
-    if ( current_items.length == 0 ) {
-      track_list_container.append(new_item);
-    }
-    else {
-      //There is an item on the list.
-      var current_item = $(current_items.get(0));
-      //Is the item we want to add different from what is there?
-      if ( current_item.data('control_id') != control_id ) {
-        //Remove exiting element from track list, and add the new one.
-        current_item.remove();
-        track_list_container.append(new_item);
-      }
-    }
-    return;
-  }
-  //Using checkboxes, so there can be more than one selected item.
-  //Find the right place to put the new item, to match the order of the
-  //checkboxes.
-  var list_items = track_list_container.find('li');
-  var item_comparing_to;
-  //Flag to tell whether the item was inserted.
-  var inserted_flag = false;
-  list_items.each(function(index){
-    item_comparing_to = $(list_items[index]);
-    //If item is already on the track list, do nothing.
-    if ( control_id == item_comparing_to.data('control_id') ) {
-      inserted_flag = true;
-      return false; //Returning false stops the loop.
-    }
-    else if ( control_id < item_comparing_to.data('control_id') ) {
-      //Add it here.
-      item_comparing_to.before(new_item);
-      inserted_flag = true;
-      return false; //Returning false stops the loop.
-    }
-  });
-  //If not inserted yet, add new item at the end of the track list.
-  if ( ! inserted_flag ) {
-    track_list_container.append(new_item);
-  }
- * Show the 'nothing selected' message if it applies.
- *
- * @param track_list_container Where the message is to be shown.
- */
-function showNothingSelectedMessage(track_list_container) {
-  //Is the message there already?
-  var message_showing =
-      (track_list_container.find('.term_ref_tree_nothing_message').length != 0);
+    // track_list
+    // just unselect items in tree on track_list button remove click
+    // let builtin ajax form do the heavy work
+    $('.term-reference-tree-track-list input[type="submit"][value="remove"]', context).click(function(e){
+      e.preventDefault();
+      var key = $(this).attr('term-reference-tree-key');
+      $('input[type="checkbox"][value="'+key+'"]', $(this).parents('.term-reference-tree'))
+        .prop('checked', false)
+        .trigger('change');
+      return false;
+    });
-  //Number of real items showing.
-  var num_real_items_showing =
-      message_showing
-      ? track_list_container.find('li').length - 1
-      : track_list_container.find('li').length;
-  if ( num_real_items_showing == 0 ) {
-    //No items showing, so show the message.
-    if ( ! message_showing ) {
-      track_list_container.append(
-          '<li class="term_ref_tree_nothing_message">' + termReferenceTreeNothingSelectedText + '</li>'
-      );
-    }
-  else { // !(num_real_items_showing == 0)
-    //There are real items.
-    if ( message_showing ) {
-      track_list_container.find('.term_ref_tree_nothing_message').remove();
-    }
-  }
- * Remove the 'nothing selected' message. Makes processing easier.
- *
- * @param track_list_container Where the message is shown.
- */
-function removeNothingSelectedMessage(track_list_container) {
-  track_list_container.find('.term_ref_tree_nothing_message').remove();
 // This helper function checks if the maximum number of choices is already selected.
 // If so, it disables all the other options.  If not, it enables them.
@@ -274,21 +96,10 @@ function checkMaxChoices(item, checkbox) {
   if(checkbox) {
     if(item.hasClass('term-reference-tree-select-parents')) {
-      var track_list_container = item.find('.term-reference-tree-track-list');
       if(checkbox.prop('checked')) {
         checkbox.parents('ul.term-reference-tree-level li').children('div.form-item').find('input[type=checkbox]').each(function() {
           $(this).prop('checked', true);
-          if(track_list_container) {
-            var label_element = $(this).next();
-            addItemToTrackList(
-              track_list_container,         //Where to add new item.
-              label_element.html(),         //Text of new item.
-              $(label_element).attr('for'), //Id of control new item is for.
-              (item.has('input[type=checkbox]').length > 0) ? 'checkbox' : 'radio'
-            );
-          }

+ 83 - 1

@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
 use \Drupal\Core\Render\Element;
+use Drupal\Core\Form\FormState;
+use Drupal\Core\Ajax\AjaxResponse;
+use Drupal\Core\Ajax\ReplaceCommand;
  * Implements hook_theme().
@@ -357,7 +360,11 @@ function _term_reference_tree_build_item($element, $term, $form_state, $value, $
       '#parent_values' => $parent_tids,
       '#default_value' => isset($value[$term->tid]) ? $term->tid : NULL,
       '#attributes' => isset($element['#attributes']) ? $element['#attributes'] : NULL,
-      '#ajax' => isset($element['#ajax']) ? $element['#ajax'] : NULL,
+      '#ajax' => array(
+        'callback' => '_term_reference_tree_item_changed_ajax_callback',
+        'event' => 'change',
+        'message' => '',
+      )
     if ($e['#type'] == 'radio') {
@@ -496,3 +503,78 @@ function _term_reference_tree_output_list_level(&$element, &$tree) {
   return $output;
+ * Helper function to output a dragtable as track_list.
+ */
+function _term_reference_tree_build_track_list_order($value, $options){
+  // define the tabledrag container
+  $table = array(
+    '#type' => 'table',
+    '#prefix' => '<aside class="term-reference-tree-track-list">',
+    '#suffix' => '</aside>',
+    '#header' => array('Label', 'weight', 'remove'),
+    '#tabledrag' => array(
+      array(
+        'action' => 'order',
+        'relationship' => 'sibling',
+        'group' => 'tracklist-order-weight',
+      ),
+    ),
+  );
+  // define the table rows
+  $index = 0;
+  foreach ($value as $key) {
+    $table[$key] = [
+      '#attributes' => array(
+        'class' => ['draggable']
+      ),
+      '#weight' => $index,
+      'label' => array(
+        '#plain_text' => $options[$key],
+      ),
+      'weight' => array(
+        '#type' => 'weight',
+        '#title' => t('Weight for @title', array('@title' => $options[$key])),
+        '#title_display' => 'invisible',
+        '#default_value' => $index,
+        // Classify the weight element for #tabledrag.
+        '#attributes' => array('class' => array('tracklist-order-weight')),
+      ),
+      'remove' => array(
+        '#type' => 'button',
+        '#value' => 'remove',
+        '#attributes' => array(
+          'term-reference-tree-key' => $key,
+        )
+      )
+    ];
+    $index ++;
+  }
+  return $table;
+function _term_reference_tree_item_changed_ajax_callback(array &$form, FormState $form_state){
+  $trigger = $form_state->getTriggeringElement(); // get the trigger element (a term_ref_tree checkbox)
+  $parent = $trigger['#parents'][0]; // get the element's parent field name
+  $track_list_form = $form[$parent]['widget']['track_list']; // extract the track_list form part
+  // ajax response
+  $response = new AjaxResponse();
+  $response->addCommand(new ReplaceCommand('.term-reference-tree-track-list', $track_list_form));
+  return $response;
+function _term_reference_tree_get_flatten_selected_values($tree){
+  $selected = [];
+  foreach ($tree as $key => $value) {
+    if ( array_key_exists($key, $value) ) {
+      if( $value[$key] == $key ){
+        $selected[] = $key;
+      }
+    }
+    if( array_key_exists($key.'-children', $value) ){
+      $selected += _term_reference_tree_get_flatten_selected_values($value[$key.'-children']);
+    }
+  }
+  return $selected;