123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670 |
- <?php
- require 'PHPUnit/Framework.php';
- $INCLUDE_DIR = "../";
- require $INCLUDE_DIR . 'class.phpmailer.php';
- error_reporting(E_ALL);
- class phpmailerTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
- var $Mail = false;
- var $Host = "";
- var $ChangeLog = array();
- var $NoteLog = array();
- function setUp() {
- global $INCLUDE_DIR;
- @include './testbootstrap.php';
- $this->Mail = new PHPMailer();
- $this->Mail->Priority = 3;
- $this->Mail->Encoding = "8bit";
- $this->Mail->CharSet = "iso-8859-1";
- if (array_key_exists('mail_from', $_REQUEST)) {
- $this->Mail->From = $_REQUEST['mail_from'];
- } else {
- $this->Mail->From = 'unit_test@phpmailer.sf.net';
- }
- $this->Mail->FromName = "Unit Tester";
- $this->Mail->Sender = "";
- $this->Mail->Subject = "Unit Test";
- $this->Mail->Body = "";
- $this->Mail->AltBody = "";
- $this->Mail->WordWrap = 0;
- if (array_key_exists('mail_host', $_REQUEST)) {
- $this->Mail->Host = $_REQUEST['mail_host'];
- } else {
- $this->Mail->Host = 'mail.example.com';
- }
- $this->Mail->Port = 25;
- $this->Mail->Helo = "localhost.localdomain";
- $this->Mail->SMTPAuth = false;
- $this->Mail->Username = "";
- $this->Mail->Password = "";
- $this->Mail->PluginDir = $INCLUDE_DIR;
- $this->Mail->AddReplyTo("no_reply@phpmailer.sf.net", "Reply Guy");
- $this->Mail->Sender = "unit_test@phpmailer.sf.net";
- if(strlen($this->Mail->Host) > 0) {
- $this->Mail->Mailer = "smtp";
- } else {
- $this->Mail->Mailer = "mail";
- $this->Sender = "unit_test@phpmailer.sf.net";
- }
- if (array_key_exists('mail_to', $_REQUEST)) {
- $this->SetAddress($_REQUEST['mail_to'], 'Test User', 'to');
- }
- if (array_key_exists('mail_cc', $_REQUEST) and strlen($_REQUEST['mail_cc']) > 0) {
- $this->SetAddress($_REQUEST['mail_cc'], 'Carbon User', 'cc');
- }
- }
- function tearDown() {
- $this->Mail = NULL;
- $this->ChangeLog = array();
- $this->NoteLog = array();
- }
- function BuildBody() {
- $this->CheckChanges();
- if($this->Mail->ContentType == "text/html" || strlen($this->Mail->AltBody) > 0)
- {
- $eol = "<br/>";
- $bullet = "<li>";
- $bullet_start = "<ul>";
- $bullet_end = "</ul>";
- }
- else
- {
- $eol = "\n";
- $bullet = " - ";
- $bullet_start = "";
- $bullet_end = "";
- }
- $ReportBody = "";
- $ReportBody .= "---------------------" . $eol;
- $ReportBody .= "Unit Test Information" . $eol;
- $ReportBody .= "---------------------" . $eol;
- $ReportBody .= "phpmailer version: " . PHPMailer::VERSION . $eol;
- $ReportBody .= "Content Type: " . $this->Mail->ContentType . $eol;
- if(strlen($this->Mail->Host) > 0)
- $ReportBody .= "Host: " . $this->Mail->Host . $eol;
- $attachments = $this->Mail->GetAttachments();
- if(count($attachments) > 0)
- {
- $ReportBody .= "Attachments:" . $eol;
- $ReportBody .= $bullet_start;
- foreach($attachments as $attachment) {
- $ReportBody .= $bullet . "Name: " . $attachment[1] . ", ";
- $ReportBody .= "Encoding: " . $attachment[3] . ", ";
- $ReportBody .= "Type: " . $attachment[4] . $eol;
- }
- $ReportBody .= $bullet_end . $eol;
- }
- if(count($this->ChangeLog) > 0)
- {
- $ReportBody .= "Changes" . $eol;
- $ReportBody .= "-------" . $eol;
- $ReportBody .= $bullet_start;
- for($i = 0; $i < count($this->ChangeLog); $i++)
- {
- $ReportBody .= $bullet . $this->ChangeLog[$i][0] . " was changed to [" .
- $this->ChangeLog[$i][1] . "]" . $eol;
- }
- $ReportBody .= $bullet_end . $eol . $eol;
- }
- if(count($this->NoteLog) > 0)
- {
- $ReportBody .= "Notes" . $eol;
- $ReportBody .= "-----" . $eol;
- $ReportBody .= $bullet_start;
- for($i = 0; $i < count($this->NoteLog); $i++)
- {
- $ReportBody .= $bullet . $this->NoteLog[$i] . $eol;
- }
- $ReportBody .= $bullet_end;
- }
- $this->Mail->Body .= $eol . $eol . $ReportBody;
- }
- function CheckChanges() {
- if($this->Mail->Priority != 3)
- $this->AddChange("Priority", $this->Mail->Priority);
- if($this->Mail->Encoding != "8bit")
- $this->AddChange("Encoding", $this->Mail->Encoding);
- if($this->Mail->CharSet != "iso-8859-1")
- $this->AddChange("CharSet", $this->Mail->CharSet);
- if($this->Mail->Sender != "")
- $this->AddChange("Sender", $this->Mail->Sender);
- if($this->Mail->WordWrap != 0)
- $this->AddChange("WordWrap", $this->Mail->WordWrap);
- if($this->Mail->Mailer != "mail")
- $this->AddChange("Mailer", $this->Mail->Mailer);
- if($this->Mail->Port != 25)
- $this->AddChange("Port", $this->Mail->Port);
- if($this->Mail->Helo != "localhost.localdomain")
- $this->AddChange("Helo", $this->Mail->Helo);
- if($this->Mail->SMTPAuth)
- $this->AddChange("SMTPAuth", "true");
- }
- function AddChange($sName, $sNewValue) {
- $cur = count($this->ChangeLog);
- $this->ChangeLog[$cur][0] = $sName;
- $this->ChangeLog[$cur][1] = $sNewValue;
- }
- function AddNote($sValue) {
- $this->NoteLog[] = $sValue;
- }
- function SetAddress($sAddress, $sName = "", $sType = "to") {
- switch($sType)
- {
- case "to":
- return $this->Mail->AddAddress($sAddress, $sName);
- case "cc":
- return $this->Mail->AddCC($sAddress, $sName);
- case "bcc":
- return $this->Mail->AddBCC($sAddress, $sName);
- }
- }
- function test_WordWrap() {
- $this->Mail->WordWrap = 40;
- $my_body = "Here is the main body of this message. It should " .
- "be quite a few lines. It should be wrapped at the " .
- "40 characters. Make sure that it is.";
- $nBodyLen = strlen($my_body);
- $my_body .= "\n\nThis is the above body length: " . $nBodyLen;
- $this->Mail->Body = $my_body;
- $this->Mail->Subject .= ": Wordwrap";
- $this->BuildBody();
- $this->assertTrue($this->Mail->Send(), $this->Mail->ErrorInfo);
- }
- function test_Low_Priority() {
- $this->Mail->Priority = 5;
- $this->Mail->Body = "Here is the main body. There should be " .
- "a reply to address in this message.";
- $this->Mail->Subject .= ": Low Priority";
- $this->Mail->AddReplyTo("nobody@nobody.com", "Nobody (Unit Test)");
- $this->BuildBody();
- $this->assertTrue($this->Mail->Send(), $this->Mail->ErrorInfo);
- }
- function test_Multiple_Plain_FileAttachment() {
- $this->Mail->Body = "Here is the text body";
- $this->Mail->Subject .= ": Plain + Multiple FileAttachments";
- if(!$this->Mail->AddAttachment("test.png"))
- {
- $this->assertTrue(false, $this->Mail->ErrorInfo);
- return;
- }
- if(!$this->Mail->AddAttachment(__FILE__, "test.txt"))
- {
- $this->assertTrue(false, $this->Mail->ErrorInfo);
- return;
- }
- $this->BuildBody();
- $this->assertTrue($this->Mail->Send(), $this->Mail->ErrorInfo);
- }
- function test_Plain_StringAttachment() {
- $this->Mail->Body = "Here is the text body";
- $this->Mail->Subject .= ": Plain + StringAttachment";
- $sAttachment = "These characters are the content of the " .
- "string attachment.\nThis might be taken from a ".
- "database or some other such thing. ";
- $this->Mail->AddStringAttachment($sAttachment, "string_attach.txt");
- $this->BuildBody();
- $this->assertTrue($this->Mail->Send(), $this->Mail->ErrorInfo);
- }
- function test_Quoted_Printable() {
- $this->Mail->Body = "Here is the main body";
- $this->Mail->Subject .= ": Plain + Quoted-printable";
- $this->Mail->Encoding = "quoted-printable";
- $this->BuildBody();
- $this->assertTrue($this->Mail->Send(), $this->Mail->ErrorInfo);
- $t = substr(file_get_contents(__FILE__), 0, 1024);
- $this->assertEquals($t, quoted_printable_decode($this->Mail->EncodeQP($t)), 'QP encoding round-trip failed');
- }
- function test_Html() {
- $this->Mail->IsHTML(true);
- $this->Mail->Subject .= ": HTML only";
- $this->Mail->Body = "This is a <b>test message</b> written in HTML. </br>" .
- "Go to <a href=\"http://phpmailer.sourceforge.net/\">" .
- "http://phpmailer.sourceforge.net/</a> for new versions of " .
- "phpmailer. <p/> Thank you!";
- $this->BuildBody();
- $this->assertTrue($this->Mail->Send(), $this->Mail->ErrorInfo);
- }
- function test_HTML_Attachment() {
- $this->Mail->Body = "This is the <b>HTML</b> part of the email.";
- $this->Mail->Subject .= ": HTML + Attachment";
- $this->Mail->IsHTML(true);
- if(!$this->Mail->AddAttachment(__FILE__, "test_attach.txt"))
- {
- $this->assertTrue(false, $this->Mail->ErrorInfo);
- return;
- }
- $this->BuildBody();
- $this->assertTrue($this->Mail->Send(), $this->Mail->ErrorInfo);
- }
- function test_Embedded_Image() {
- $this->Mail->Body = "Embedded Image: <img alt=\"phpmailer\" src=\"cid:my-attach\">" .
- "Here is an image!</a>";
- $this->Mail->Subject .= ": Embedded Image";
- $this->Mail->IsHTML(true);
- if(!$this->Mail->AddEmbeddedImage("test.png", "my-attach", "test.png",
- "base64", "image/png"))
- {
- $this->assertTrue(false, $this->Mail->ErrorInfo);
- return;
- }
- $this->BuildBody();
- $this->assertTrue($this->Mail->Send(), $this->Mail->ErrorInfo);
- $this->Mail->AddEmbeddedImage('thisfiledoesntexist', 'xyz');
- $this->Mail->AddEmbeddedImage(__FILE__, '123');
- }
- function test_Multi_Embedded_Image() {
- $this->Mail->Body = "Embedded Image: <img alt=\"phpmailer\" src=\"cid:my-attach\">" .
- "Here is an image!</a>";
- $this->Mail->Subject .= ": Embedded Image + Attachment";
- $this->Mail->IsHTML(true);
- if(!$this->Mail->AddEmbeddedImage("test.png", "my-attach", "test.png",
- "base64", "image/png"))
- {
- $this->assertTrue(false, $this->Mail->ErrorInfo);
- return;
- }
- if(!$this->Mail->AddAttachment(__FILE__, "test.txt"))
- {
- $this->assertTrue(false, $this->Mail->ErrorInfo);
- return;
- }
- $this->BuildBody();
- $this->assertTrue($this->Mail->Send(), $this->Mail->ErrorInfo);
- }
- function test_AltBody() {
- $this->Mail->Body = "This is the <b>HTML</b> part of the email.";
- $this->Mail->AltBody = "Here is the text body of this message. " .
- "It should be quite a few lines. It should be wrapped at the " .
- "40 characters. Make sure that it is.";
- $this->Mail->WordWrap = 40;
- $this->AddNote("This is a mulipart alternative email");
- $this->Mail->Subject .= ": AltBody + Word Wrap";
- $this->BuildBody();
- $this->assertTrue($this->Mail->Send(), $this->Mail->ErrorInfo);
- }
- function test_AltBody_Attachment() {
- $this->Mail->Body = "This is the <b>HTML</b> part of the email.";
- $this->Mail->AltBody = "This is the text part of the email.";
- $this->Mail->Subject .= ": AltBody + Attachment";
- $this->Mail->IsHTML(true);
- if(!$this->Mail->AddAttachment(__FILE__, "test_attach.txt"))
- {
- $this->assertTrue(false, $this->Mail->ErrorInfo);
- return;
- }
- $this->BuildBody();
- $this->assertTrue($this->Mail->Send(), $this->Mail->ErrorInfo);
- if (is_writable('.')) {
- file_put_contents('message.txt', $this->Mail->CreateHeader() . $this->Mail->CreateBody());
- } else {
- $this->assertTrue(false, 'Could not write local file - check permissions');
- }
- }
- function test_MultipleSend() {
- $this->Mail->Body = "Sending two messages without keepalive";
- $this->BuildBody();
- $subject = $this->Mail->Subject;
- $this->Mail->Subject = $subject . ": SMTP 1";
- $this->assertTrue($this->Mail->Send(), $this->Mail->ErrorInfo);
- $this->Mail->Subject = $subject . ": SMTP 2";
- $this->assertTrue($this->Mail->Send(), $this->Mail->ErrorInfo);
- }
- function test_SendmailSend() {
- $this->Mail->Body = "Sending via sendmail";
- $this->BuildBody();
- $subject = $this->Mail->Subject;
- $this->Mail->Subject = $subject . ": sendmail";
- $this->Mail->IsSendmail();
- $this->assertTrue($this->Mail->Send(), $this->Mail->ErrorInfo);
- }
- function test_MailSend() {
- $this->Mail->Body = "Sending via mail()";
- $this->BuildBody();
- $subject = $this->Mail->Subject;
- $this->Mail->Subject = $subject . ": mail()";
- $this->Mail->IsMail();
- $this->assertTrue($this->Mail->Send(), $this->Mail->ErrorInfo);
- }
- function test_SmtpKeepAlive() {
- $this->Mail->Body = "This was done using the SMTP keep-alive.";
- $this->BuildBody();
- $subject = $this->Mail->Subject;
- $this->Mail->SMTPKeepAlive = true;
- $this->Mail->Subject = $subject . ": SMTP keep-alive 1";
- $this->assertTrue($this->Mail->Send(), $this->Mail->ErrorInfo);
- $this->Mail->Subject = $subject . ": SMTP keep-alive 2";
- $this->assertTrue($this->Mail->Send(), $this->Mail->ErrorInfo);
- $this->Mail->SmtpClose();
- }
- function test_DenialOfServiceAttack() {
- $this->Mail->Body = "This should no longer cause a denial of service.";
- $this->BuildBody();
- $this->Mail->Subject = str_repeat("A", 998);
- $this->assertTrue($this->Mail->Send(), $this->Mail->ErrorInfo);
- }
- function test_Error() {
- $this->Mail->Subject .= ": This should be sent";
- $this->BuildBody();
- $this->Mail->ClearAllRecipients();
- $this->assertTrue($this->Mail->IsError() == false, "Error found");
- $this->assertTrue($this->Mail->Send() == false, "Send succeeded");
- $this->assertTrue($this->Mail->IsError(), "No error found");
- $this->assertEquals('You must provide at least one recipient email address.', $this->Mail->ErrorInfo);
- $this->Mail->AddAddress($_REQUEST['mail_to']);
- $this->assertTrue($this->Mail->Send(), "Send failed");
- }
- function test_Addressing() {
- $this->assertFalse($this->Mail->AddAddress('a@example..com'), 'Invalid address accepted');
- $this->assertTrue($this->Mail->AddAddress('a@example.com'), 'Addressing failed');
- $this->assertFalse($this->Mail->AddAddress('a@example.com'), 'Duplicate addressing failed');
- $this->assertTrue($this->Mail->AddCC('b@example.com'), 'CC addressing failed');
- $this->assertFalse($this->Mail->AddCC('b@example.com'), 'CC duplicate addressing failed');
- $this->assertFalse($this->Mail->AddCC('a@example.com'), 'CC duplicate addressing failed (2)');
- $this->assertTrue($this->Mail->AddBCC('c@example.com'), 'BCC addressing failed');
- $this->assertFalse($this->Mail->AddBCC('c@example.com'), 'BCC duplicate addressing failed');
- $this->assertFalse($this->Mail->AddBCC('a@example.com'), 'BCC duplicate addressing failed (2)');
- $this->assertTrue($this->Mail->AddReplyTo('a@example.com'), 'Replyto Addressing failed');
- $this->assertFalse($this->Mail->AddReplyTo('a@example..com'), 'Invalid Replyto address accepted');
- $this->Mail->ClearAddresses();
- $this->Mail->ClearCCs();
- $this->Mail->ClearBCCs();
- $this->Mail->ClearReplyTos();
- }
- function test_Translations() {
- $this->Mail->SetLanguage('en');
- $definedStrings = $this->Mail->GetTranslations();
- foreach (new DirectoryIterator('../language') as $fileInfo) {
- if($fileInfo->isDot()) continue;
- $matches = array();
- if (preg_match('/^phpmailer\.lang-([a-z_]{2,})\.php$/', $fileInfo->getFilename(), $matches)) {
- $lang = $matches[1];
- $PHPMAILER_LANG = array();
- include $fileInfo->getPathname();
- $missing = array_diff(array_keys($definedStrings), array_keys($PHPMAILER_LANG));
- $extra = array_diff(array_keys($PHPMAILER_LANG), array_keys($definedStrings));
- $this->assertTrue(empty($missing), "Missing translations in $lang: ". implode(', ', $missing));
- $this->assertTrue(empty($extra), "Extra translations in $lang: ". implode(', ', $extra));
- }
- }
- }
- function test_Encodings() {
- $this->Mail->Charset = 'iso-8859-1';
- $this->assertEquals('=A1Hola!_Se=F1or!', $this->Mail->EncodeQ('¡Hola! Señor!', 'text'), 'Q Encoding (text) failed');
- $this->assertEquals('=A1Hola!_Se=F1or!', $this->Mail->EncodeQ('¡Hola! Señor!', 'comment'), 'Q Encoding (comment) failed');
- $this->assertEquals('=A1Hola!_Se=F1or!', $this->Mail->EncodeQ('¡Hola! Señor!', 'phrase'), 'Q Encoding (phrase) failed');
- }
- function test_Signing() {
- $this->Mail->Sign('certfile.txt', 'keyfile.txt', 'password');
- }
- function test_Miscellaneous() {
- $this->assertEquals('application/pdf', PHPMailer::_mime_types('pdf') , 'MIME TYPE lookup failed');
- $this->Mail->AddCustomHeader('SomeHeader: Some Value');
- $this->Mail->ClearCustomHeaders();
- $this->Mail->ClearAttachments();
- $this->Mail->IsHTML(false);
- $this->Mail->IsSMTP();
- $this->Mail->IsMail();
- $this->Mail->IsSendMail();
- $this->Mail->IsQmail();
- $this->Mail->SetLanguage('fr');
- $this->Mail->Sender = '';
- $this->Mail->CreateHeader();
- $this->assertFalse($this->Mail->set('x', 'y'), 'Invalid property set succeeded');
- $this->assertTrue($this->Mail->set('Timeout', 11), 'Valid property set failed');
- $this->Mail->getFile(__FILE__);
- }
- }
- ?>