1. Webform 2.x Changelog
  2. ---------------------
  3. 2.x to 3.0
  4. ----------
  5. - Module directory structure moved around.
  6. - Webform configuration moved to an entirely separate tab.
  7. - E-mail templates are now editable by administrators.
  8. - Conditional fields.
  9. - Submissions may be saved as a draft and resumed later.
  10. - Webform may now be attached to any content type.
  11. - Public API for allowing other modules to provide components.
  12. - Public API for interacting with submission save, insert, update, and delete.
  13. - New rendering capabilities for HTML presentation of submissions and e-mails.
  14. - Print module support.
  15. - Basic Views module support.
  16. - Popup calendar support on Date components (with Date Popup module).
  17. - New Mollom module integration.
  18. 1.x to 2.0
  19. ----------
  20. - Redirect POST option removed.
  21. - Webform components moved to the "Form components" tab when editing.
  22. - Webform node structure changed. All webform additions to the node are placed in $node->webform.
  23. - Clone option added to components.
  24. - Database storage improved to be more consistent and efficient.
  25. - Additional e-mails may be sent by modifying the $node->webform['additional_emails'] variable in the Additional Validation field.
  26. - The values of select and hidden fields may receive e-mails by using the option in Conditional e-mail recipients field.
  27. - E-mail from name, from address, and from subject may be entered in a text field.
  28. - The complete webform may be shown in the teaser view of a node.
  29. - Submit button text may be changed.
  30. - Theme function theme_webform_create_mailmessage() has been renamed to theme_webform_mail_message().
  31. - $cid parameter added to theme_webform_mail_message() to create unique e-mails depending on a particular recipient or component.
  32. - Theme function theme_webform_mail_headers added.
  33. - Component descriptions are textareas rather than textfields.
  34. - _webform_filtervalues() has been renamed to _webform_filter_values.