README.txt 790 B

  1. UI for quick translation of taxonomies and menus. The i18n module allows for translation of taxonomy terms and menu items, but the process is tedious - you need to look up strings you want to translate, there is no overview of what's already translated etc.
  2. This module presents your taxonomy terms or menu items in a table, and each language has a corresponding column.
  3. Requires the i18n module.
  4. Can handle translation of:
  5. * menu item titles
  6. * vocabulary names and taxonomy terms
  7. * CCK field names and descriptions
  8. * content type names and descriptions
  9. * quicktab titles
  11. Just enable the module. You'll find the interface at:
  12. /admin/config/regional/translate/table
  13. Be sure the corresponding i18n modules are enabled too (taxonomy translation, CCK translation etc.)