README.txt 2.0 KB

  1. # $Id$
  2. --- README -------------------------------------------------------------
  3. SimpleMenu, Version 6.0
  4. Written by Ted Serbinski, aka, m3avrck
  7. Requirements: Drupal 6.x
  8. jQuery Superfish:
  9. --- INSTALLATION --------------------------------------------------------
  10. 1. Place simplemenu folder in your modules directory
  11. 2. Enable "SimpleMenu" under administer > site building > modules
  12. 3. Enable access to "view simplemenu" under administer > user management > access control
  13. 4. Configure menu to use under administer > site configuration > simplemenu
  14. --- CHANGELOG --------------------------------------------------------
  15. 6.0, 2008-xx-xx
  16. ----------------------
  17. - compatible with Drupal 6.x
  18. - Superfish 1.4.1
  19. - separate superfish.js into own file
  20. - remove devel links, since devel module links in 6.x can be moved to any menu now
  21. 5.0, 2008-Jan-26
  22. ----------------------
  23. - #199224, fix display issues in IE6/7
  24. - #200086, don't load non-existent custom.css file
  25. - #195972, better default CSS to avoid conflicts with themes
  26. - #199715, remove absolute positioning to improve theme and CSS attaching compatibility
  27. - #199882, new options for controlling menu effects and timing
  28. 4.0, 2007-Nov-22
  29. ----------------------
  30. - new CHANGELOG to keep track of changes
  31. - #156256 upgrade to SuperFish 1.3
  32. - upgrade to bgIframe 2.1.1 (for IE6 compatibility with forms)
  33. - #136478 - fix Opera compatibility
  34. - remove RTL option; this conflicts with other changes and is properly implemented in Drupal 6
  35. - new option to select which theme to style SimpleMenu with, or provide a custom one
  36. - #184051 - don't hardcode CSS, add class to body
  37. - #180106 - fix missing translatable strings
  38. - #144742 - don't show annoying anchor titles
  39. - remove dependency on menu module, now works with menu module off
  40. - new black & blue theme, design by Jeremy Caldwell (
  41. - alter height of menu and rollover to fix gaps