maillog_test.bsh 880 B

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. drush --always-set vset devel_old_smtp_library "foo/bar";
  3. drush --always-set vset smtp_library "foo/bar";
  4. drush vget smtp_library
  5. echo -e "\n\t\tUninstall with variables set to 'foo/bar':\n"
  6. echo y | drush dis maillog
  7. echo y | drush pm-uninstall maillog
  8. echo -e "\n\t\t Show variables:\n"
  9. drush vget smtp_library
  10. echo y | drush en maillog
  11. echo -e "\n\t\t Show variables after installation:\n"
  12. drush vget smtp_library
  13. drush --always-set vset devel_old_smtp_library "sites/all/modules/maillog/includes/";
  14. drush vget smtp_library
  15. echo -e "\n\t\tUninstall with variables set to 'sites/all/modules/maillog/includes/\n"
  16. echo y | drush dis maillog
  17. echo y | drush pm-uninstall maillog
  18. echo -e "\n\t\t Show variables:\n"
  19. drush vget smtp_library
  20. echo y | drush en maillog
  21. echo -e "\n\t\t Show variables after installation:\n"
  22. drush vget smtp_library