changelog.txt 17 KB

  1. ChangeLog
  4. Version 5.1 (October 20, 2009)
  5. * fixed filename issue with AddStringAttachment (thanks to Tony)
  6. * fixed "SingleTo" property, now works with Senmail, Qmail, and SMTP in
  7. addition to PHP mail()
  8. * added DKIM digital signing functionality
  9. New properties:
  10. - DKIM_domain (sets the domain name)
  11. - DKIM_private (holds DKIM private key)
  12. - DKIM_passphrase (holds your DKIM passphrase)
  13. - DKIM_selector (holds the DKIM "selector")
  14. - DKIM_identity (holds the identifying email address)
  15. * added callback function support
  16. - callback function parameters include:
  17. result, to, cc, bcc, subject and body
  18. * see the test/test_callback.php file for usage.
  19. * added "auto" identity functionality
  20. - can automatically add:
  21. - Return-path (if Sender not set)
  22. - Reply-To (if ReplyTo not set)
  23. - can be disabled:
  24. - $mail->SetFrom('','First Last',false);
  25. - or by adding the $mail->Sender and/or $mail->ReplyTo properties
  26. Note: "auto" identity added to help with emails ending up in spam
  27. or junk boxes because of missing headers
  28. Version 5.0.2 (May 24, 2009)
  29. * Fix for missing attachments when inline graphics are present
  30. * Fix for missing Cc in header when using SMTP (mail was sent,
  31. but not displayed in header -- Cc receiver only saw email To:
  32. line and no Cc line, but did get the email (To receiver
  33. saw same)
  34. Version 5.0.1 (April 05, 2009)
  35. * Temporary fix for missing attachments
  36. Version 5.0.0 (April 02, 2009)
  37. * With the release of this version, we are initiating a new version numbering
  38. system to differentiate from the PHP4 version of PHPMailer.
  39. * Most notable in this release is fully object oriented code.
  40. class.smtp.php:
  41. * Refactored class.smtp.php to support new exception handling
  42. code size reduced from 29.2 Kb to 25.6 Kb
  43. * Removed unnecessary functions from class.smtp.php:
  44. public function Expand($name) {
  45. public function Help($keyword="") {
  46. public function Noop() {
  47. public function Send($from) {
  48. public function SendOrMail($from) {
  49. public function Verify($name) {
  50. class.phpmailer.php:
  51. * Refactored class.phpmailer.php with new exception handling
  52. * Changed processing functionality of Sendmail and Qmail so they cannot be
  53. inadvertently used
  54. * removed getFile() function, just became a simple wrapper for
  55. file_get_contents()
  56. * added check for PHP version (will gracefully exit if not at least PHP 5.0)
  57. class.phpmailer.php enhancements
  58. * enhanced code to check if an attachment source is the same as an embedded or
  59. inline graphic source to eliminate duplicate attachments
  60. New /test_script
  61. * We have written a test script you can use to test the script as part of your
  62. installation. Once you press submit, the test script will send a multi-mime
  63. email with either the message you type in or an HTML email with an inline
  64. graphic. Two attachments are included in the email (one of the attachments
  65. is also the inline graphic so you can see that only one copy of the graphic
  66. is sent in the email). The test script will also display the functional
  67. script that you can copy/paste to your editor to duplicate the functionality.
  68. New examples
  69. * All new examples in both basic and advanced modes. Advanced examples show
  70. Exception handling.
  71. PHPDocumentator (phpdocs) documentation for PHPMailer version 5.0.0
  72. * all new documentation
  73. Please note: the website has been updated to reflect the changes in PHPMailer
  74. version 5.0.0.
  75. Version 2.3 (November 06, 2008)
  76. * added Arabic language (many thanks to Bahjat Al Mostafa)
  77. * removed English language from language files and made it a default within
  78. class.phpmailer.php - if no language is found, it will default to use
  79. the english language translation
  80. * fixed public/private declarations
  81. * corrected line 1728, $basedir to $directory
  82. * added $sign_cert_file to avoid improper duplicate use of $sign_key_file
  83. * corrected $this->Hello on line 612 to $this->Helo
  84. * changed default of $LE to "\r\n" to comply with RFC 2822. Can be set by the user
  85. if default is not acceptable
  86. * removed trim() from return results in EncodeQP
  87. * /test and three files it contained are removed from version 2.3
  88. * fixed phpunit.php for compliance with PHP5
  89. * changed $this->AltBody = $textMsg; to $this->AltBody = html_entity_decode($textMsg);
  90. * We have removed the /phpdoc from the downloads. All documentation is now on
  91. the website.
  92. Version 2.2.1 () July 19 2008
  93. * fixed line 1092 in class.smtp.php (my apologies, error on my part)
  94. Version 2.2 () July 15 2008
  95. * Fixed redirect issue (display of UTF-8 in thank you redirect)
  96. * fixed error in getResponse function declaration (class.pop3.php)
  97. * PHPMailer now PHP6 compliant
  98. * fixed line 1092 in class.smtp.php (endless loop from missing = sign)
  99. Version 2.1 (Wed, June 04 2008)
  103. * added S/MIME functionality (ability to digitally sign emails)
  104. BIG THANKS TO "sergiocambra" for posting this patch back in November 2007.
  105. The "Signed Emails" functionality adds the Sign method to pass the private key
  106. filename and the password to read it, and then email will be sent with
  107. content-type multipart/signed and with the digital signature attached.
  108. * fully compatible with E_STRICT error level
  109. - Please note:
  110. In about half the test environments this development version was subjected
  111. to, an error was thrown for the date() functions used (line 1565 and 1569).
  112. This is NOT a PHPMailer error, it is the result of an incorrectly configured
  113. PHP5 installation. The fix is to modify your 'php.ini' file and include the
  114. date.timezone = America/New York
  115. directive, to your own server timezone
  116. - If you do get this error, and are unable to access your php.ini file:
  117. In your PHP script, add
  118. date_default_timezone_set('America/Toronto');
  119. - do not try to use
  120. $myVar = date_default_timezone_get();
  121. as a test, it will throw an error.
  122. * added ability to define path (mainly for embedded images)
  123. function MsgHTML($message,$basedir='') ... where:
  124. $basedir is the fully qualified path
  125. * fixed MsgHTML() function:
  126. - Embedded Images where images are specified by <protocol>:// will not be altered or embedded
  127. * fixed the return value of SMTP exit code ( pclose )
  128. * addressed issue of multibyte characters in subject line and truncating
  129. * added ability to have user specified Message ID
  130. (default is still that PHPMailer create a unique Message ID)
  131. * corrected unidentified message type to 'application/octet-stream'
  132. * fixed chunk_split() multibyte issue (thanks to Colin Brown, et al).
  133. * added check for added attachments
  134. * enhanced conversion of HTML to text in MsgHTML (thanks to "brunny")
  135. Version 2.1.0beta2 (Sun, Dec 02 2007)
  136. * implemented updated EncodeQP (thanks to coolbru, aka Marcus Bointon)
  137. * finished all testing, all known bugs corrected, enhancements tested
  138. - note: will NOT work with PHP4.
  139. please note, this is BETA software
  142. Version 2.1.0beta1
  143. please note, this is BETA software
  146. Version 2.0.0 rc2 (Fri, Nov 16 2007), interim release
  147. * implements new property to control VERP in class.smtp.php
  148. example (requires instantiating class.smtp.php):
  149. $mail->do_verp = true;
  150. * POP-before-SMTP functionality included, thanks to Richard Davey
  151. (see class.pop3.php & pop3_before_smtp_test.php for examples)
  152. * included example showing how to use PHPMailer with GMAIL
  153. * fixed the missing Cc in SendMail() and Mail()
  154. ******************
  155. A note on sending bulk emails:
  156. If the email you are sending is not personalized, consider using the
  157. "undisclosed-recipient:;" strategy. That is, put all of your recipients
  158. in the Bcc field and set the To field to "undisclosed-recipients:;".
  159. It's a lot faster (only one send) and saves quite a bit on resources.
  160. Contrary to some opinions, this will not get you listed in spam engines -
  161. it's a legitimate way for you to send emails.
  162. A partial example for use with PHPMailer:
  163. $mail->AddAddress("undisclosed-recipients:;");
  164. $mail->AddBCC(",,");
  165. Many email service providers restrict the number of emails that can be sent
  166. in any given time period. Often that is between 50 - 60 emails maximum
  167. per hour or per send session.
  168. If that's the case, then break up your Bcc lists into chunks that are one
  169. less than your limit, and put a pause in your script.
  170. *******************
  171. Version 2.0.0 rc1 (Thu, Nov 08 2007), interim release
  172. * dramatically simplified using inline graphics ... it's fully automated and requires no user input
  173. * added automatic document type detection for attachments and pictures
  174. * added MsgHTML() function to replace Body tag for HTML emails
  175. * fixed the SendMail security issues (input validation vulnerability)
  176. * enhanced the AddAddresses functionality so that the "Name" portion is used in the email address
  177. * removed the need to use the AltBody method (set from the HTML, or default text used)
  178. * set the PHP Mail() function as the default (still support SendMail, SMTP Mail)
  179. * removed the need to set the IsHTML property (set automatically)
  180. * added Estonian language file by Indrek P&auml;ri
  181. * added header injection patch
  182. * added "set" method to permit users to create their own pseudo-properties like 'X-Headers', etc.
  183. example of use:
  184. $mail->set('X-Priority', '3');
  185. $mail->set('X-MSMail-Priority', 'Normal');
  186. * fixed warning message in SMTP get_lines method
  187. * added TLS/SSL SMTP support
  188. example of use:
  189. $mail = new PHPMailer();
  190. $mail->Mailer = "smtp";
  191. $mail->Host = "";
  192. $mail->SMTPSecure = "tls"; // option
  193. //$mail->SMTPSecure = "ssl"; // option
  194. ...
  195. $mail->Send();
  196. * PHPMailer has been tested with PHP4 (4.4.7) and PHP5 (5.2.7)
  197. * Works with PHP installed as a module or as CGI-PHP
  198. - NOTE: will NOT work with PHP5 in E_STRICT error mode
  199. Version 1.73 (Sun, Jun 10 2005)
  200. * Fixed denial of service bug:
  201. * Now has a total of 20 translations
  202. * Fixed alt attachments bug:
  203. Version 1.72 (Wed, May 25 2004)
  204. * Added Dutch, Swedish, Czech, Norwegian, and Turkish translations.
  205. * Received: Removed this method because spam filter programs like
  206. SpamAssassin reject this header.
  207. * Fixed error count bug.
  208. * SetLanguage default is now "language/".
  209. * Fixed magic_quotes_runtime bug.
  210. Version 1.71 (Tue, Jul 28 2003)
  211. * Made several speed enhancements
  212. * Added German and Italian translation files
  213. * Fixed HELO/AUTH bugs on keep-alive connects
  214. * Now provides an error message if language file does not load
  215. * Fixed attachment EOL bug
  216. * Updated some unclear documentation
  217. * Added additional tests and improved others
  218. Version 1.70 (Mon, Jun 20 2003)
  219. * Added SMTP keep-alive support
  220. * Added IsError method for error detection
  221. * Added error message translation support (SetLanguage)
  222. * Refactored many methods to increase library performance
  223. * Hello now sends the newer EHLO message before HELO as per RFC 2821
  224. * Removed the boundary class and replaced it with GetBoundary
  225. * Removed queue support methods
  226. * New $Hostname variable
  227. * New Message-ID header
  228. * Received header reformat
  229. * Helo variable default changed to $Hostname
  230. * Removed extra spaces in Content-Type definition (#667182)
  231. * Return-Path should be set to Sender when set
  232. * Adds Q or B encoding to headers when necessary
  233. * quoted-encoding should now encode NULs \000
  234. * Fixed encoding of body/AltBody (#553370)
  235. * Adds "To: undisclosed-recipients:;" when all recipients are hidden (BCC)
  236. * Multiple bug fixes
  237. Version 1.65 (Fri, Aug 09 2002)
  238. * Fixed non-visible attachment bug (#585097) for Outlook
  239. * SMTP connections are now closed after each transaction
  240. * Fixed SMTP::Expand return value
  241. * Converted SMTP class documentation to phpDocumentor format
  242. Version 1.62 (Wed, Jun 26 2002)
  243. * Fixed multi-attach bug
  244. * Set proper word wrapping
  245. * Reduced memory use with attachments
  246. * Added more debugging
  247. * Changed documentation to phpDocumentor format
  248. Version 1.60 (Sat, Mar 30 2002)
  249. * Sendmail pipe and address patch (Christian Holtje)
  250. * Added embedded image and read confirmation support (A. Ognio)
  251. * Added unit tests
  252. * Added SMTP timeout support (*nix only)
  253. * Added possibly temporary PluginDir variable for SMTP class
  254. * Added LE message line ending variable
  255. * Refactored boundary and attachment code
  256. * Eliminated SMTP class warnings
  257. * Added SendToQueue method for future queuing support
  258. Version 1.54 (Wed, Dec 19 2001)
  259. * Add some queuing support code
  260. * Fixed a pesky multi/alt bug
  261. * Messages are no longer forced to have "To" addresses
  262. Version 1.50 (Thu, Nov 08 2001)
  263. * Fix extra lines when not using SMTP mailer
  264. * Set WordWrap variable to int with a zero default
  265. Version 1.47 (Tue, Oct 16 2001)
  266. * Fixed Received header code format
  267. * Fixed AltBody order error
  268. * Fixed alternate port warning
  269. Version 1.45 (Tue, Sep 25 2001)
  270. * Added enhanced SMTP debug support
  271. * Added support for multiple ports on SMTP
  272. * Added Received header for tracing
  273. * Fixed AddStringAttachment encoding
  274. * Fixed possible header name quote bug
  275. * Fixed wordwrap() trim bug
  276. * Couple other small bug fixes
  277. Version 1.41 (Wed, Aug 22 2001)
  278. * Fixed AltBody bug w/o attachments
  279. * Fixed rfc_date() for certain mail servers
  280. Version 1.40 (Sun, Aug 12 2001)
  281. * Added multipart/alternative support (AltBody)
  282. * Documentation update
  283. * Fixed bug in Mercury MTA
  284. Version 1.29 (Fri, Aug 03 2001)
  285. * Added AddStringAttachment() method
  286. * Added SMTP authentication support
  287. Version 1.28 (Mon, Jul 30 2001)
  288. * Fixed a typo in SMTP class
  289. * Fixed header issue with Imail (win32) SMTP server
  290. * Made fopen() calls for attachments use "rb" to fix win32 error
  291. Version 1.25 (Mon, Jul 02 2001)
  292. * Added RFC 822 date fix (Patrice)
  293. * Added improved error handling by adding a $ErrorInfo variable
  294. * Removed MailerDebug variable (obsolete with new error handler)
  295. Version 1.20 (Mon, Jun 25 2001)
  296. * Added quoted-printable encoding (Patrice)
  297. * Set Version as public and removed PrintVersion()
  298. * Changed phpdoc to only display public variables and methods
  299. Version 1.19 (Thu, Jun 21 2001)
  300. * Fixed MS Mail header bug
  301. * Added fix for Bcc problem with mail(). *Does not work on Win32*
  302. (See PHP bug report:
  303. * mail() no longer passes a fifth parameter when not needed
  304. Version 1.15 (Fri, Jun 15 2001)
  305. [Note: these changes contributed by Patrice Fournier]
  306. * Changed all remaining \n to \r\n
  307. * Bcc: header no longer writen to message except
  308. when sent directly to sendmail
  309. * Added a small message to non-MIME compliant mail reader
  310. * Added Sender variable to change the Sender email
  311. used in -f for sendmail/mail and in 'MAIL FROM' for smtp mode
  312. * Changed boundary setting to a place it will be set only once
  313. * Removed transfer encoding for whole message when using multipart
  314. * Message body now uses Encoding in multipart messages
  315. * Can set encoding and type to attachments 7bit, 8bit
  316. and binary attachment are sent as is, base64 are encoded
  317. * Can set Encoding to base64 to send 8 bits body
  318. through 7 bits servers
  319. Version 1.10 (Tue, Jun 12 2001)
  320. * Fixed win32 mail header bug (printed out headers in message body)
  321. Version 1.09 (Fri, Jun 08 2001)
  322. * Changed date header to work with Netscape mail programs
  323. * Altered phpdoc documentation
  324. Version 1.08 (Tue, Jun 05 2001)
  325. * Added enhanced error-checking
  326. * Added phpdoc documentation to source
  327. Version 1.06 (Fri, Jun 01 2001)
  328. * Added optional name for file attachments
  329. Version 1.05 (Tue, May 29 2001)
  330. * Code cleanup
  331. * Eliminated sendmail header warning message
  332. * Fixed possible SMTP error
  333. Version 1.03 (Thu, May 24 2001)
  334. * Fixed problem where qmail sends out duplicate messages
  335. Version 1.02 (Wed, May 23 2001)
  336. * Added multiple recipient and attachment Clear* methods
  337. * Added Sendmail public variable
  338. * Fixed problem with loading SMTP library multiple times
  339. Version 0.98 (Tue, May 22 2001)
  340. * Fixed problem with redundant mail hosts sending out multiple messages
  341. * Added additional error handler code
  342. * Added AddCustomHeader() function
  343. * Added support for Microsoft mail client headers (affects priority)
  344. * Fixed small bug with Mailer variable
  345. * Added PrintVersion() function
  346. Version 0.92 (Tue, May 15 2001)
  347. * Changed file names to class.phpmailer.php and class.smtp.php to match
  348. current PHP class trend.
  349. * Fixed problem where body not being printed when a message is attached
  350. * Several small bug fixes
  351. Version 0.90 (Tue, April 17 2001)
  352. * Intial public release