5.8 KB

  1. [advanced help settings]
  2. line break = TRUE
  3. [about]
  4. title = "What is Views?"
  5. weight = -50
  6. [getting-started]
  7. title = "Getting started"
  8. weight = -40
  9. [new]
  10. title = "What's new in Views 3"
  11. weight = -30
  12. [example-users-by-role]
  13. title = "Create a page to list users by role"
  14. parent = getting-started
  15. weight = -20
  16. [example-recent-stories]
  17. title = "Create a block of recent stories"
  18. parent = getting-started
  19. weight = 0
  20. [example-user-feed]
  21. title = "Create an RSS feed of user posts"
  22. parent = getting-started
  23. weight = 30
  24. [example-author-block]
  25. title = "Create a block of author's recent blog posts"
  26. parent = getting-started
  27. weight = 40
  28. [view-add]
  29. title = "Add a View"
  30. weight = -10
  31. [view-settings]
  32. title = "View settings"
  33. weight = 0
  34. [basic-settings]
  35. title = "Basic settings"
  36. weight = 10
  37. [advanced-settings]
  38. title= "Advanced settings"
  39. weight = 20
  40. [display]
  41. title = "Displays"
  42. weight = -10
  43. [display-default]
  44. title = "Default display"
  45. parent = display
  46. weight = -20
  47. [display-page]
  48. title = "Page display"
  49. parent = display
  50. weight = -15
  51. [display-block]
  52. title = "Block display"
  53. parent = display
  54. weight = -10
  55. [display-attachment]
  56. title = "Attachment display"
  57. parent = display
  58. [display-feed]
  59. title = "Feed display"
  60. parent = display
  61. [style-settings]
  62. title = "Style settings"
  63. weight = 30
  64. [style]
  65. title = "Output styles (View styles)"
  66. parent = style-settings
  67. weight = -20
  68. [style-grid]
  69. title = "Grid (output style)"
  70. parent = style
  71. weight = 0
  72. [style-list]
  73. title = "HTML List (output style)"
  74. parent = style
  75. weight = 10
  76. [style-table]
  77. title = "Table (output style)"
  78. parent = style
  79. weight = 20
  80. [style-unformatted]
  81. title = "Unformatted (output style)"
  82. parent = style
  83. weight = 30
  84. [style-rss]
  85. title = "RSS output style"
  86. parent = style
  87. weight = 50
  88. [style-grouping]
  89. title = "Grouping in styles"
  90. parent = style
  91. weight = -7
  92. [style-row]
  93. title = "Row styles"
  94. weight = -10
  95. parent = style-settings
  96. [style-jump]
  97. title = "Jump menu output style"
  98. parent = style
  99. weight = -4
  100. [style-fields]
  101. title = "Fields"
  102. parent = style-row
  103. weight = -10
  104. [style-node]
  105. title = "Node"
  106. parent = style-row
  107. weight = 0
  108. [style-node-rss]
  109. title = "Node RSS item row style"
  110. parent = style-row
  111. weight = 10
  112. [style-comment-rss]
  113. title = "Comment RSS item row style"
  114. parent = style-row
  115. weight = 20
  116. [performance]
  117. title = "Performance"
  118. [performance-views-vs-displays]
  119. title = "Multiple Views vs Multiple Displays"
  120. parent = performance
  121. [analyze-theme]
  122. title = "Theme information"
  123. parent = style-settings
  124. weight = 30
  125. [using-theme]
  126. title = "Using Views templates"
  127. parent = analyze-theme
  128. weight = 40
  129. [theme-css]
  130. title = "Using CSS with Views"
  131. parent = style-settings
  132. weight = 20
  133. [advanced-style-settings]
  134. title = "Advanced Style Settings"
  135. parent = style-settings
  136. [group-by]
  137. title = "Group by"
  138. parent = field
  139. [menu]
  140. title = "Menu options (page display)"
  141. parent = display-page
  142. [path]
  143. title = "Path options (page display)"
  144. parent = display-page
  145. [exposed-form]
  146. title = "Exposed Form"
  147. weight = 45
  148. [header]
  149. title = "Header"
  150. weight = 50
  151. [footer]
  152. title = "Footer"
  153. weight = 60
  154. [empty-text]
  155. title = "Empty Text"
  156. weight = 70
  157. [field]
  158. title = "Fields"
  159. weight = 80
  160. [relationship]
  161. title = "Relationships"
  162. weight = 90
  163. [aggregation]
  164. title = "Aggregation"
  165. weight = 90
  166. [argument]
  167. title = "Arguments/Contextual Filters"
  168. weight = 100
  169. [style-summary-unformatted]
  170. title = "Summary Style: Unformatted (output style)"
  171. parent = argument
  172. [style-summary]
  173. title = "Summary Style: List (output style)"
  174. parent = argument
  175. [sort]
  176. title = "Sort criteria"
  177. weight = 110
  178. [filter]
  179. title = "Filters"
  180. weight = 120
  181. [overrides]
  182. title = "What are overrides?"
  183. parent = display
  184. [embed]
  185. title = "Embedding a view into other parts of your site"
  186. weight = 140
  187. [upgrading]
  188. title = "Upgrading your Views from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7"
  189. [updating-view3]
  190. title = "Updating your views from Views 2 to Views 3"
  191. weight = 160
  192. [misc-notes]
  193. title = "Known Issues and Workarounds"
  194. [reports]
  195. title = "Reports"
  196. ; API related
  197. [api]
  198. title = "Views' API"
  199. weight = 170
  200. [api-tables]
  201. title = "Describing tables to Views"
  202. weight = -100
  203. parent = api
  204. [api-default-views]
  205. title = "Using default views in your module"
  206. weight = -90
  207. parent = api
  208. [api-handlers]
  209. title = "How Views handlers work"
  210. weight = -50
  211. parent = api
  212. [api-handler-area]
  213. title = "How to write an area handler"
  214. weight = -40
  215. parent = api
  216. [api-plugins]
  217. title = "How Views plugins work"
  218. weight = -40
  219. parent = api
  220. [api-forms]
  221. title = "Outputting form elements from handlers"
  222. weight = -30
  223. parent = api
  224. [api-upgrading]
  225. title = "Upgrading to Drupal 7 (API)"
  226. parent = api
  227. [api-example]
  228. title = "Integrating the Node Example module"
  229. parent = api
  230. weight = 100
  231. [alter-exposed-filter]
  232. title = "Altering the default value of an exposed filter"
  233. parent = api
  234. weight = 101
  235. [get-total-rows]
  236. title = "How to get a total number of rows for a View with a filter and no pager"]
  237. parent = "api"
  238. weight = 102
  239. [drush]
  240. title = "Drush commands for Views"
  241. parent = api
  242. weight = 103
  243. ;Troubleshooting
  244. [troubleshooting]
  245. title = "Troubleshooting tips and gotchas"
  246. weight = 110
  247. [ui-crashes]
  248. parent = troubleshooting
  249. title = "UI crashes and whitescreens"
  250. weight = 115
  251. ;Other places to get help
  252. [other-help]
  253. title = "Other places to get help"
  254. weight = 200
  255. [demo-video]
  256. title = "Video demos for Views"
  257. weight = 210
  258. parent = other-help
  259. ;More examples
  260. [top-pager]
  261. title = "Adding a pager to the top and bottom of a view"
  262. weight = 215
  263. [select-multple-nids-contextual-filters]
  264. title = "Selecting multiple nids with contextual filters (arguments)"
  265. weight = 216
  266. [taxonomy-page-override]
  267. title = "Overriding the default taxonomy pages with the Taxonomy term view"
  268. weight = 217
  269. [only-link-title-for-published-nodes]
  270. title = "A Views field template that creates title links only for published nodes"
  271. weight = 218
  272. [example-filter-by-current-user]
  273. title = "Example to filter content by the current logged-in user"
  274. weight = 219
  275. [example-slideshow-thumb-pager]
  276. title = "Example to create a slideshow with thumbnails as a pager underneath"
  277. weight = 220