README.txt 2.2 KB

  1. elFinder file manager integration module for Drupal
  2. ===================================================
  3. System Requirements:
  4. - Drupal 7.x
  5. - elFinder 2.0.9+ or 2.1.38+
  6. Note: elFinder 2.0rc1 no more supported - use 2.0.9+ or 2.1.38+ dev build from
  8. or use production version if it is available
  9. Optional:
  10. - Wysiwyg module
  11. - Wysiwyg editor:
  12. - CKEditor
  13. - FCKeditor
  14. - TinyMCE 3
  15. - BUEdtor
  16. - jWYSIWYG (jWYSIWYG 0.93+, jquery 1.3+, jquery ui 1.7+)
  17. - YUI Editor
  18. - WYMeditor
  19. Installation:
  20. 1. Unpack archive contents into modules/elfinder
  21. 2. Get latest elFinder at and it's contents to sites/all/libraries/elfinder
  22. 3. REMOVE following files from library directory if it exists to avoid security hole:
  23. sites/all/libraries/elfinder/connectors/php/connector.php
  24. sites/all/libraries/elfinder/php/connector.php
  25. 4. Enable elFinder module in Modules > List menu
  26. 5. Add 'use file manager' permission to users who will be able to use elFinder at Modules > elFinder > Permissions menu
  27. 6. Enable elFinder checkbox in your editor Wysiwyg profile at Configuration > Wysiwyg profiles > <Editor Profile> Buttons and Plugins
  28. Usage:
  29. 1. Administration backend
  30. a. Open /elfinder url (or ?q=elfinder if seo-capable urls disabled)
  31. b. Go to Administer page. Click 'Files' under Content section.
  32. 2. Inside CKEditor (FCKeditor)
  33. 2.1. Open Image Properties dialog in editor
  34. 2.2. Click Browse Server button near image url
  35. 3. Inside TinyMCE
  36. 3.1. Open Insert/edit image dialog
  37. 3.2. Click Browse button near image url
  38. 4. Inside BUEditor
  39. 4.1. Click 'Insert/edit image'
  40. 4.2. Click 'Browse'
  41. 4.3. Select file
  42. 4.4. Enter alt text then click OK
  43. 5. Inside jWYSIWYG
  44. 5.1. Make sure that you have jWYSYWIG 0.93+ (, jQuery 1.3+ and jQuery UI 1.7+ installed
  45. 5.2. Click 'Insert image' button
  46. 5.3. Click 'Browse Server' button near image url
  47. 6. Inside YUI Editor
  48. 6.1. Click 'Insert Image' button
  49. 6.2. Click 'Browse Server' button near image url
  50. 7. Inside WYMeditor
  51. 7.1. Click 'Image' button
  52. 7.2. Click 'Browse Server' button near image url
  53. Known Issues:
  54. - Not all editors supported
  55. - Conflicting with some devel module features