20 KB

  1. <?php
  2. /**
  3. * @file
  4. * Set up for the beer (basic) example.
  5. */
  6. function migrate_example_beer_schema() {
  7. $schema['migrate_example_beer_account'] = migrate_example_beer_schema_account();
  8. $schema['migrate_example_beer_node'] = migrate_example_beer_schema_node();
  9. $schema['migrate_example_beer_comment'] = migrate_example_beer_schema_comment();
  10. $schema['migrate_example_beer_topic'] = migrate_example_beer_schema_topic();
  11. $schema['migrate_example_beer_topic_node'] = migrate_example_beer_schema_topic_node();
  12. // These two tables are primarily for testing the table_copy plugin.
  13. // They do provide some guidance for uri redirection per uri_map_redirect.php
  14. $schema['migrate_example_beer_legacy_urls'] = migrate_example_beer_schema_legacy_urls();
  15. $schema['migrate_example_beer_copy_urls'] = migrate_example_beer_schema_legacy_urls();
  16. return $schema;
  17. }
  18. function migrate_example_beer_install() {
  19. migrate_example_beer_content_type();
  20. migrate_example_beer_tags();
  21. migrate_example_beer_image();
  22. migrate_example_beer_country();
  23. migrate_example_beer_gender();
  24. if (module_exists('node_reference')) {
  25. migrate_example_beer_favs();
  26. }
  27. // Populate our tables.
  28. migrate_example_beer_data_account();
  29. migrate_example_beer_data_node();
  30. migrate_example_beer_data_comment();
  31. migrate_example_beer_data_topic();
  32. migrate_example_beer_data_topic_node();
  33. migrate_example_beer_data_urls();
  34. }
  35. function migrate_example_beer_uninstall() {
  36. if ($vids = taxonomy_vocabulary_load_multiple(array(), array('machine_name' => 'migrate_example_beer_styles'))) {
  37. // Grab key of the first returned vocabulary.
  38. taxonomy_vocabulary_delete(key($vids));
  39. }
  40. migrate_example_beer_content_type_delete();
  41. }
  42. function migrate_example_beer_disable() {
  43. MigrateGroup::deregister('beer');
  44. }
  45. function migrate_example_beer_schema_node() {
  46. return array(
  47. 'description' => 'Beers of the world.',
  48. 'fields' => array(
  49. 'bid' => array(
  50. 'type' => 'serial',
  51. 'not null' => TRUE,
  52. 'description' => 'Beer ID.',
  53. ),
  54. 'name' => array(
  55. 'type' => 'varchar',
  56. 'length' => 255,
  57. 'not null' => TRUE,
  58. ),
  59. 'body' => array(
  60. 'type' => 'varchar',
  61. 'length' => 255,
  62. 'not null' => FALSE,
  63. 'description' => 'Full description of the beer.',
  64. ),
  65. 'excerpt' => array(
  66. 'type' => 'varchar',
  67. 'length' => 255,
  68. 'not null' => FALSE,
  69. 'description' => 'Abstract for this beer.',
  70. ),
  71. 'countries' => array(
  72. 'type' => 'varchar',
  73. 'length' => 255,
  74. 'not null' => FALSE,
  75. 'description' => 'Countries of origin. Multiple values, delimited by pipe',
  76. ),
  77. 'aid' => array(
  78. 'type' => 'int',
  79. 'not null' => FALSE,
  80. 'description' => 'Account Id of the author.',
  81. ),
  82. 'image' => array(
  83. 'type' => 'varchar',
  84. 'length' => 255,
  85. 'not null' => FALSE,
  86. 'description' => 'Image path',
  87. ),
  88. 'image_alt' => array(
  89. 'type' => 'varchar',
  90. 'length' => 255,
  91. 'not null' => FALSE,
  92. 'description' => 'Image ALT',
  93. ),
  94. 'image_title' => array(
  95. 'type' => 'varchar',
  96. 'length' => 255,
  97. 'not null' => FALSE,
  98. 'description' => 'Image title',
  99. ),
  100. 'image_description' => array(
  101. 'type' => 'varchar',
  102. 'length' => 255,
  103. 'not null' => FALSE,
  104. 'description' => 'Image description',
  105. ),
  106. ),
  107. 'primary key' => array('bid'),
  108. );
  109. }
  110. function migrate_example_beer_schema_topic() {
  111. return array(
  112. 'description' => 'Categories',
  113. 'fields' => array(
  114. 'style' => array(
  115. 'type' => 'varchar',
  116. 'length' => 255,
  117. 'not null' => TRUE,
  118. ),
  119. 'details' => array(
  120. 'type' => 'varchar',
  121. 'length' => 255,
  122. 'not null' => FALSE,
  123. ),
  124. 'style_parent' => array(
  125. 'type' => 'varchar',
  126. 'length' => 255,
  127. 'not null' => FALSE,
  128. 'description' => 'Parent topic, if any',
  129. ),
  130. 'region' => array(
  131. 'type' => 'varchar',
  132. 'length' => 255,
  133. 'not null' => FALSE,
  134. 'description' => 'Region first associated with this style',
  135. ),
  136. 'hoppiness' => array(
  137. 'type' => 'varchar',
  138. 'length' => 255,
  139. 'not null' => FALSE,
  140. 'description' => 'Relative hoppiness of the beer',
  141. ),
  142. ),
  143. 'primary key' => array('style'),
  144. );
  145. }
  146. function migrate_example_beer_schema_topic_node() {
  147. return array(
  148. 'description' => 'Beers topic pairs.',
  149. 'fields' => array(
  150. 'bid' => array(
  151. 'type' => 'int',
  152. 'not null' => TRUE,
  153. 'description' => 'Beer ID.',
  154. ),
  155. 'style' => array(
  156. 'type' => 'varchar',
  157. 'length' => 255,
  158. 'not null' => TRUE,
  159. 'description' => 'Topic name',
  160. ),
  161. ),
  162. 'primary key' => array('style', 'bid'),
  163. );
  164. }
  165. function migrate_example_beer_schema_comment() {
  166. return array(
  167. 'description' => 'Beers comments.',
  168. 'fields' => array(
  169. 'cid' => array(
  170. 'type' => 'serial',
  171. 'not null' => TRUE,
  172. 'description' => 'Comment ID.',
  173. ),
  174. 'bid' => array(
  175. 'type' => 'int',
  176. 'not null' => TRUE,
  177. 'description' => 'Beer ID that is being commented upon',
  178. ),
  179. 'cid_parent' => array(
  180. 'type' => 'int',
  181. 'not null' => FALSE,
  182. 'description' => 'Parent comment ID in case of comment replies.',
  183. ),
  184. 'subject' => array(
  185. 'type' => 'varchar',
  186. 'length' => 255,
  187. 'not null' => FALSE,
  188. 'description' => 'Comment subject',
  189. ),
  190. 'body' => array(
  191. 'type' => 'varchar',
  192. 'length' => 255,
  193. 'not null' => FALSE,
  194. 'description' => 'Comment body',
  195. ),
  196. 'name' => array(
  197. 'type' => 'varchar',
  198. 'length' => 255,
  199. 'not null' => FALSE,
  200. 'description' => 'Comment name (if anon)',
  201. ),
  202. 'mail' => array(
  203. 'type' => 'varchar',
  204. 'length' => 255,
  205. 'not null' => FALSE,
  206. 'description' => 'Comment email (if anon)',
  207. ),
  208. 'aid' => array(
  209. 'type' => 'int',
  210. 'not null' => FALSE,
  211. 'description' => 'Account ID (if any).',
  212. ),
  213. ),
  214. 'primary key' => array('cid'),
  215. );
  216. }
  217. function migrate_example_beer_schema_account() {
  218. return array(
  219. 'description' => 'Beers accounts.',
  220. 'fields' => array(
  221. 'aid' => array(
  222. 'type' => 'serial',
  223. //'not null' => TRUE,
  224. 'description' => 'Account ID',
  225. ),
  226. 'status' => array(
  227. 'type' => 'int',
  228. 'not null' => TRUE,
  229. 'description' => 'Blocked_Allowed',
  230. ),
  231. 'posted' => array(
  232. 'type' => 'varchar',
  233. 'length' => 255,
  234. 'not null' => TRUE,
  235. 'description' => 'Registration date',
  236. ),
  237. 'name' => array(
  238. 'type' => 'varchar',
  239. 'length' => 255,
  240. 'not null' => FALSE,
  241. 'description' => 'Account name (for login)',
  242. ),
  243. 'nickname' => array(
  244. 'type' => 'varchar',
  245. 'length' => 255,
  246. 'not null' => FALSE,
  247. 'description' => 'Account name (for display)',
  248. ),
  249. 'password' => array(
  250. 'type' => 'varchar',
  251. 'length' => 255,
  252. 'not null' => FALSE,
  253. 'description' => 'Account password (raw)',
  254. ),
  255. 'mail' => array(
  256. 'type' => 'varchar',
  257. 'length' => 255,
  258. 'not null' => FALSE,
  259. 'description' => 'Account email',
  260. ),
  261. 'sex' => array(
  262. 'type' => 'int',
  263. 'not null' => FALSE,
  264. 'description' => 'Gender',
  265. ),
  266. 'beers' => array(
  267. 'type' => 'varchar',
  268. 'length' => 255,
  269. 'not null' => FALSE,
  270. 'description' => 'Favorite Beers',
  271. ),
  272. ),
  273. 'primary key' => array('aid'),
  274. );
  275. }
  276. function migrate_example_beer_schema_legacy_urls() {
  277. return array(
  278. 'description' => 'Stores legacy paths and destination ids for redirection.',
  279. 'fields' => array(
  280. 'id' => array(
  281. 'type' => 'int',
  282. 'not null' => TRUE,
  283. 'description' => 'Primary Key: ID.',
  284. ),
  285. 'migration_name' => array(
  286. 'type' => 'varchar',
  287. 'length' => 50,
  288. 'not null' => TRUE,
  289. 'default' => '',
  290. ),
  291. 'source_id' => array(
  292. 'type' => 'int',
  293. 'not null' => FALSE,
  294. ),
  295. 'source_uri' => array(
  296. 'type' => 'varchar',
  297. 'length' => 500,
  298. 'not null' => FALSE,
  299. ),
  300. 'modificationdatetime' => array(
  301. 'type' => 'int',
  302. 'unsigned' => TRUE,
  303. 'not null' => TRUE,
  304. ),
  305. ),
  306. 'primary key' => array('ID'),
  307. 'indexes' => array(
  308. 'source_uri' => array(array('source_uri', 255)),
  309. ),
  310. );
  311. }
  312. function migrate_example_beer_content_type() {
  313. // This code based on from standard.profile.
  314. // Insert default user-defined node types into the database.
  315. $types = array(
  316. array(
  317. 'type' => 'migrate_example_beer',
  318. 'name' => st('Beer'),
  319. 'base' => 'node_content',
  320. 'description' => st("Beer is what we drink."),
  321. 'custom' => 1,
  322. 'modified' => 1,
  323. 'locked' => 1,
  324. ),
  325. );
  326. foreach ($types as $type) {
  327. $type = node_type_set_defaults($type);
  328. node_type_save($type);
  329. node_add_body_field($type);
  330. }
  331. }
  332. function migrate_example_beer_tags() {
  333. // Create a vocabulary named "Migrate Example Beer Styles", enabled for the 'migrate_example_beer' content type.
  334. $description = st('Use tags to group beers on similar topics into categories.');
  335. $help = st('Enter a comma-separated list of words to describe your content.');
  336. $vocabulary = (object) array(
  337. 'name' => 'Migrate Example Beer Styles',
  338. 'description' => $description,
  339. 'machine_name' => 'migrate_example_beer_styles',
  340. 'help' => $help,
  341. );
  342. taxonomy_vocabulary_save($vocabulary);
  343. if (!field_info_field('migrate_example_beer_styles')) {
  344. $field = array(
  345. 'field_name' => $vocabulary->machine_name,
  346. 'type' => 'taxonomy_term_reference',
  347. // Set cardinality to unlimited for tagging.
  348. 'cardinality' => FIELD_CARDINALITY_UNLIMITED,
  349. 'settings' => array(
  350. 'allowed_values' => array(
  351. array(
  352. 'vocabulary' => $vocabulary->machine_name,
  353. 'vid' => $vocabulary->vid,
  354. 'parent' => 0,
  355. ),
  356. ),
  357. ),
  358. );
  359. field_create_field($field);
  360. }
  361. if (!field_info_instance('node', 'migrate_example_beer_styles', 'migrate_example_beer')) {
  362. $instance = array(
  363. 'field_name' => $vocabulary->machine_name,
  364. 'entity_type' => 'node',
  365. 'label' => $vocabulary->name,
  366. 'bundle' => 'migrate_example_beer',
  367. 'description' => $vocabulary->help,
  368. 'widget' => array(
  369. 'type' => 'taxonomy_autocomplete',
  370. ),
  371. );
  372. field_create_instance($instance);
  373. }
  374. }
  375. // Create an image field named "Migrate Example Image", enabled for the 'Beer' content type.
  376. function migrate_example_beer_image() {
  377. if (!field_info_field('field_migrate_example_image')) {
  378. $field = array(
  379. 'field_name' => 'field_migrate_example_image',
  380. 'type' => 'image',
  381. 'cardinality' => 1,
  382. 'translatable' => TRUE,
  383. 'indexes' => array('fid' => array('fid')),
  384. 'settings' => array(
  385. 'uri_scheme' => 'public',
  386. 'default_image' => FALSE,
  387. ),
  388. );
  389. field_create_field($field);
  390. }
  391. if (!field_info_instance('node', 'field_migrate_example_image', 'migrate_example_beer')) {
  392. $instance = array(
  393. 'field_name' => 'field_migrate_example_image',
  394. 'entity_type' => 'node',
  395. 'label' => 'Image',
  396. 'bundle' => 'migrate_example_beer',
  397. 'description' => 'Upload an image to go with this beer.',
  398. 'settings' => array(
  399. 'file_directory' => 'field/migrate_example/image',
  400. 'file_extensions' => 'png gif jpg jpeg',
  401. 'max_filesize' => '',
  402. 'max_resolution' => '',
  403. 'min_resolution' => '',
  404. 'alt_field' => TRUE,
  405. 'title_field' => '',
  406. ),
  407. 'widget' => array(
  408. 'type' => 'image_image',
  409. 'settings' => array(
  410. 'progress_indicator' => 'throbber',
  411. 'preview_image_style' => 'thumbnail',
  412. ),
  413. 'weight' => -1,
  414. ),
  415. 'display' => array(
  416. 'full' => array(
  417. 'label' => 'hidden',
  418. 'type' => 'image__large',
  419. 'settings' => array(),
  420. 'weight' => -1,
  421. ),
  422. 'teaser' => array(
  423. 'label' => 'hidden',
  424. 'type' => 'image_link_content__medium',
  425. 'settings' => array(),
  426. 'weight' => -1,
  427. ),
  428. 'rss' => array(
  429. 'label' => 'hidden',
  430. 'type' => 'image__large',
  431. 'settings' => array(),
  432. 'weight' => -1,
  433. ),
  434. 'search_index' => array(
  435. 'label' => 'hidden',
  436. 'type' => 'image__large',
  437. 'settings' => array(),
  438. 'weight' => -1,
  439. ),
  440. 'search_results' => array(
  441. 'label' => 'hidden',
  442. 'type' => 'image__large',
  443. 'settings' => array(),
  444. 'weight' => -1,
  445. ),
  446. ),
  447. );
  448. field_create_instance($instance);
  449. }
  450. }
  451. function migrate_example_beer_favs() {
  452. if (!field_info_field('field_migrate_example_favbeers')) {
  453. $field = array(
  454. 'field_name' => 'field_migrate_example_favbeers',
  455. 'type' => 'node_reference',
  456. 'cardinality' => -1,
  457. 'settings' => array(
  458. 'referenceable_types' => array('migrate_example_beer'),
  459. ),
  460. );
  461. field_create_field($field);
  462. }
  463. if (!field_info_instance('user', 'field_migrate_example_favbeers', 'user')) {
  464. $instance = array(
  465. 'field_name' => 'field_migrate_example_favbeers',
  466. 'entity_type' => 'user',
  467. 'label' => 'Favorite Beers',
  468. 'bundle' => 'user',
  469. 'widget' => array(
  470. 'type' => 'node_reference_autocomplete',
  471. ),
  472. );
  473. field_create_instance($instance);
  474. }
  475. }
  476. // Create Gender list field on User entity.
  477. function migrate_example_beer_gender() {
  478. if (!field_info_field('field_migrate_example_gender')) {
  479. $field = array(
  480. 'field_name' => 'field_migrate_example_gender',
  481. 'type' => 'list_integer',
  482. 'settings' => array(
  483. 'allowed_values' =>
  484. "0|Male\n" .
  485. "1|Female\n",
  486. ),
  487. );
  488. field_create_field($field);
  489. }
  490. if (!field_info_instance('user', 'field_migrate_example_gender', 'user')) {
  491. $instance = array(
  492. 'field_name' => 'field_migrate_example_gender',
  493. 'entity_type' => 'user',
  494. 'label' => 'Gender',
  495. 'bundle' => 'user',
  496. 'widget' => array(
  497. 'type' => 'options_select',
  498. ),
  499. );
  500. field_create_instance($instance);
  501. }
  502. }
  503. // Create a text field named "Countries", enabled for the 'Beer' content type.
  504. function migrate_example_beer_country() {
  505. if (!field_info_field('field_migrate_example_country')) {
  506. $field = array(
  507. 'field_name' => 'field_migrate_example_country',
  508. 'type' => 'text',
  509. 'cardinality' => -1,
  510. );
  511. field_create_field($field);
  512. }
  513. if (!field_info_instance('node', 'field_migrate_example_country', 'migrate_example_beer')) {
  514. $instance = array(
  515. 'field_name' => 'field_migrate_example_country',
  516. 'entity_type' => 'node',
  517. 'label' => 'Countries',
  518. 'bundle' => 'migrate_example_beer',
  519. 'description' => 'Beer country.',
  520. 'widget' => array(
  521. 'type' => 'text_textfield',
  522. ),
  523. );
  524. field_create_instance($instance);
  525. }
  526. }
  527. function migrate_example_beer_content_type_delete() {
  528. $bundle = 'migrate_example_beer';
  529. $field_names = array('migrate_example_beer_styles', 'field_migrate_example_image', 'field_migrate_example_country');
  530. foreach ($field_names as $field_name) {
  531. $instance = field_info_instance('node', $field_name, $bundle);
  532. field_delete_instance($instance);
  533. field_delete_field($field_name);
  534. }
  535. node_type_delete($bundle);
  536. $bundle = 'user';
  537. $field_names = array('field_migrate_example_gender');
  538. if (module_exists('node_reference')) {
  539. $field_names[] = 'field_migrate_example_favbeers';
  540. }
  541. foreach ($field_names as $field_name) {
  542. $instance = field_info_instance('user', $field_name, $bundle);
  543. field_delete_instance($instance);
  544. field_delete_field($field_name);
  545. }
  546. }
  547. function migrate_example_beer_data_node() {
  548. $fields = array('bid', 'name', 'body', 'excerpt', 'countries', 'aid', 'image',
  549. 'image_alt', 'image_title', 'image_description');
  550. $query = db_insert('migrate_example_beer_node')
  551. ->fields($fields);
  552. // Use high bid numbers to avoid overwriting an existing node id.
  553. $data = array(
  554. array(99999999, 'Heineken', 'Blab Blah Blah Green', 'Green', 'Netherlands|Belgium', 0, 'heineken.jpg', 'Heinekin alt', 'Heinekin title', 'Heinekin description'), // comes with migrate_example project.
  555. array(99999998, 'Miller Lite', 'We love Miller Brewing', 'Tasteless', 'USA|Canada', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL),
  556. array(99999997, 'Boddington', 'English occassionally get something right', 'A treat', 'United Kingdom', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL),
  557. );
  558. foreach ($data as $row) {
  559. $query->values(array_combine($fields, $row));
  560. }
  561. $query->execute();
  562. }
  563. // Note that alice has duplicate username. Exercies dedupe() method.
  564. // @TODO duplicate email also.
  565. function migrate_example_beer_data_account() {
  566. $fields = array('status', 'posted', 'name', 'nickname', 'password', 'mail', 'sex', 'beers');
  567. $query = db_insert('migrate_example_beer_account')
  568. ->fields($fields);
  569. $data = array(
  570. array(1, '2010-03-30 10:31:05', 'alice', 'alice hot pants', 'alicepass', '', '1', '99999999|99999998|99999997'),
  571. array(1, '2010-04-04 10:31:05', 'alice', 'alice dupe pants', 'alicepass', '', '1', '99999999|99999998|99999997'),
  572. array(0, '2007-03-15 10:31:05', 'bob', 'rebob', 'bobpass', '', '1', '99999999|99999997'),
  573. array(1, '2004-02-29 10:31:05', 'charlie', 'charlie chocolate', 'mykids', '', '0', '99999999|99999998'),
  574. );
  575. foreach ($data as $row) {
  576. $query->values(array_combine($fields, $row));
  577. }
  578. $query->execute();
  579. }
  580. function migrate_example_beer_data_comment() {
  581. $fields = array('bid', 'cid_parent', 'subject', 'body', 'name', 'mail', 'aid');
  582. $query = db_insert('migrate_example_beer_comment')
  583. ->fields($fields);
  584. $data = array(
  585. array(99999998, NULL, 'im first', 'hot body', 'alice', '', 0),
  586. array(99999998, NULL, 'im second', 'hot body', 'alice', '', 0),
  587. array(99999999, NULL, 'im parent', 'hot body', 'alice', '', 0),
  588. array(99999999, 1, 'im child', 'cold body', 'bob', NULL, 1),
  589. array(99999999, 2, 'im grandchild', 'bitter body', '', NULL, 1),
  590. );
  591. foreach ($data as $row) {
  592. $query->values(array_combine($fields, $row));
  593. }
  594. $query->execute();
  595. }
  596. function migrate_example_beer_data_topic() {
  597. $fields = array('style', 'details', 'style_parent', 'region', 'hoppiness');
  598. $query = db_insert('migrate_example_beer_topic')
  599. ->fields($fields);
  600. $data = array(
  601. array('ale', 'traditional', NULL, 'Medieval British Isles', 'Medium'),
  602. array('red ale', 'colorful', 'ale', NULL, NULL),
  603. array('pilsner', 'refreshing', NULL, 'Pilsen, Bohemia (now Czech Republic)', 'Low'),
  604. );
  605. foreach ($data as $row) {
  606. $query->values(array_combine($fields, $row));
  607. }
  608. $query->execute();
  609. }
  610. function migrate_example_beer_data_topic_node() {
  611. $fields = array('bid', 'style');
  612. $query = db_insert('migrate_example_beer_topic_node')
  613. ->fields($fields);
  614. $data = array(
  615. array(99999999, 'pilsner'),
  616. array(99999999, 'red ale'),
  617. array(99999998, 'red ale'),
  618. );
  619. foreach ($data as $row) {
  620. $query->values(array_combine($fields, $row));
  621. }
  622. $query->execute();
  623. }
  624. function migrate_example_beer_data_urls() {
  625. $fields = array('id', 'migration_name', 'source_id', 'source_uri', 'modificationdatetime');
  626. $query = db_insert('migrate_example_beer_legacy_urls')
  627. ->fields($fields);
  628. $data = array(
  629. array(1, 'BeerNode', 99999997, 'the_boddington/main', strtotime('2010-04-12 08:32:06')),
  630. array(2, 'BeerNode', 99999998, 'Miller Lite taste', strtotime('2010-04-12 08:32:05')),
  631. array(3, 'BeerNode', 99999999, 'green wonder', strtotime('2010-04-12 08:32:03')),
  632. );
  633. foreach ($data as $row) {
  634. $query->values(array_combine($fields, $row));
  635. }
  636. $query->execute();
  637. }