TODO.txt 1.9 KB

  1. HS core:
  2. ✓ port: initial port
  3. ✓ fix: JS code cleanup (remove hardcoded hacks)
  4. ✓ fix: title + description (i.e. something's off with the theme wrapper)
  5. ✓ fix: #value_callback may be necessary? (see file.module) OR: ensure #return_value works
  6. ✓ fix: #element_validate callback: _hierarchical_select_validate() — verify this still works
  7. ✓ port: support multiple HS on the same page
  8. ✓ port: admin UI
  9. ✓ port: "dropbox" support
  10. ✓ upgrade path: delete cache_hierarchical_select
  11. ✓ upgrade path: documentation
  12. ✓ port: "create new item" support — see
  13. ✓ port: status report
  14. - port: render_flat_select support
  15. - port: client-side caching (use _hierarchical_select_json_convert_hierarchy_to_cache())
  16. - feature: live preview of HS on the common config form
  17. - refactor: use the proper #value_callback -> #process callback -> #after_build callback pipeline as described in the documentation for form_builder() in
  18. Taxonomy:
  19. ✓ port: admin UI
  20. ✓ port: "dropbox" support
  21. ✓ port: "save lineage" support (i.e. support multiple parents, automatic warning shown through hs_taxonomy_hierarchical_select_root_level())
  22. ✓ port: field formatters (from content_taxonomy)
  23. ✓ port: taxonomy term (create/edit) form should be altered to include HS
  24. ✓ upgrade path: migrate settings (no migration necessary)
  25. ✓ upgrade path: documentation (no migration, no docs)
  26. ✓ port: "create new item" support — see
  27. - port: "entity_count" support — see
  28. - refactor: use the vocabulary machine name internally instead of the vid
  29. - port: token support — see
  30. - port: forum support
  31. - refactor: optimize HS API implementation: take advantage of improvements in Taxonomy
  32. HS Taxonomy Views:
  33. - everything — see
  34. Menu:
  35. ✓ everything
  36. Flat List:
  37. ✓ everything
  38. Small Hierarchy:
  39. ✓ everything