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- The Migrate module provides a flexible framework for migrating content into Drupal
- from other sources (e.g., when converting a web site from another CMS to Drupal).
- Out-of-the-box, support for creating Drupal nodes, taxonomy terms, comments, and
- users are included. Plugins permit migration of other types of content.
- Usage
- -----
- Documentation is at http://drupal.org/migrate. To get started, enable the
- migrate_example module and browse to admin/content/migrate to see its dashboard.
- The code for this migration is in migrate_example/beer.inc (advanced examples are
- in wine.inc). Mimic that file in order to specify your own migrations.
- The Migrate module itself has support for migration into core objects. Support
- for migration involving contrib modules is in the migrate_extras module.
- Known issues
- ------------
- A user migration with systemOfRecord == DESTINATION will drop pictures from user
- records due to core bug http://drupal.org/node/935592 - the simpletests report an
- error reflecting this. We have not developed a work-around.
- Upgrading
- ---------
- Do not attempt to upgrade directly from Migrate 1 to Migrate 2! There is no
- automated path to upgrade - your migrations (formerly known as "content sets")
- must be reimplemented from scratch. It is recommended that projects using
- Migrate 1 stay with Migrate 1, and that Migrate 2 be used for any new migration
- projects.
- Acknowledgements
- ----------------
- Much of the Migrate module functionality was sponsored by Cyrve, for its clients GenomeWeb
- (http://www.genomeweb.com), The Economist (http://www.economist.com), and Examiner.com
- (http://www.examiner.com).
- Authors
- -------
- Mike Ryan - http://drupal.org/user/4420
- Moshe Weitzman - http://drupal.org/user/23