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  111. <h1>Class Mandrill_Tags</h1>
  112. <div class="info">
  113. <b>Located at</b> <a href="source-class-Mandrill_Tags.html#3-172" title="Go to source code">Mandrill/Tags.php</a><br />
  114. </div>
  115. <table class="summary" id="methods">
  116. <caption>Methods summary</caption>
  117. <tr data-order="__construct" id="___construct">
  118. <td class="attributes"><code>
  119. public
  120. </code>
  121. </td>
  122. <td class="name"><div>
  123. <a class="anchor" href="#___construct">#</a>
  124. <code><a href="source-class-Mandrill_Tags.html#4-6" title="Go to source code">__construct</a>( <span><code><a href="class-Mandrill.html">Mandrill</a></code> <var>$master</var></span> )</code>
  125. <div class="description short">
  126. </div>
  127. <div class="description detailed hidden">
  128. </div>
  129. </div></td>
  130. </tr>
  131. <tr data-order="getList" id="_getList">
  132. <td class="attributes"><code>
  133. public
  134. array
  135. </code>
  136. </td>
  137. <td class="name"><div>
  138. <a class="anchor" href="#_getList">#</a>
  139. <code><a href="source-class-Mandrill_Tags.html#8-28" title="Go to source code">getList</a>( )</code>
  140. <div class="description short">
  141. <p>Return all of the user-defined tag information</p>
  142. </div>
  143. <div class="description detailed hidden">
  144. <p>Return all of the user-defined tag information</p>
  145. <h4>Returns</h4>
  146. <div class="list">
  147. <code>array</code><br>a list of user-defined tags - return[] struct a user-defined tag - tag string
  148. the actual tag as a string - reputation integer the tag's current reputation on
  149. a scale from 0 to 100. - sent integer the total number of messages sent with
  150. this tag - hard_bounces integer the total number of hard bounces by messages
  151. with this tag - soft_bounces integer the total number of soft bounces by
  152. messages with this tag - rejects integer the total number of rejected messages
  153. with this tag - complaints integer the total number of spam complaints received
  154. for messages with this tag - unsubs integer the total number of unsubscribe
  155. requests received for messages with this tag - opens integer the total number of
  156. times messages with this tag have been opened - clicks integer the total number
  157. of times tracked URLs in messages with this tag have been clicked - unique_opens
  158. integer the number of unique opens for emails sent with this tag - unique_clicks
  159. integer the number of unique clicks for emails sent with this tag<br />
  160. </div>
  161. </div>
  162. </div></td>
  163. </tr>
  164. <tr data-order="delete" id="_delete">
  165. <td class="attributes"><code>
  166. public
  167. struct
  168. </code>
  169. </td>
  170. <td class="name"><div>
  171. <a class="anchor" href="#_delete">#</a>
  172. <code><a href="source-class-Mandrill_Tags.html#30-52" title="Go to source code">delete</a>( <span>string <var>$tag</var></span> )</code>
  173. <div class="description short">
  174. <p>Deletes a tag permanently. Deleting a tag removes the tag from any messages
  175. that have been sent, and also deletes the tag's stats. There is no way to undo
  176. this operation, so use it carefully.</p>
  177. </div>
  178. <div class="description detailed hidden">
  179. <p>Deletes a tag permanently. Deleting a tag removes the tag from any messages
  180. that have been sent, and also deletes the tag's stats. There is no way to undo
  181. this operation, so use it carefully.</p>
  182. <h4>Parameters</h4>
  183. <div class="list"><dl>
  184. <dt><var>$tag</var></dt>
  185. <dd><code>string</code><br>$tag a tag name</dd>
  186. </dl></div>
  187. <h4>Returns</h4>
  188. <div class="list">
  189. <code>struct</code><br>the tag that was deleted - tag string the actual tag as a string - reputation
  190. integer the tag's current reputation on a scale from 0 to 100. - sent integer
  191. the total number of messages sent with this tag - hard_bounces integer the total
  192. number of hard bounces by messages with this tag - soft_bounces integer the
  193. total number of soft bounces by messages with this tag - rejects integer the
  194. total number of rejected messages with this tag - complaints integer the total
  195. number of spam complaints received for messages with this tag - unsubs integer
  196. the total number of unsubscribe requests received for messages with this tag -
  197. opens integer the total number of times messages with this tag have been opened
  198. - clicks integer the total number of times tracked URLs in messages with this
  199. tag have been clicked - unique_opens integer the number of unique opens for
  200. emails sent with this tag - unique_clicks integer the number of unique clicks
  201. for emails sent with this tag<br />
  202. </div>
  203. </div>
  204. </div></td>
  205. </tr>
  206. <tr data-order="info" id="_info">
  207. <td class="attributes"><code>
  208. public
  209. struct
  210. </code>
  211. </td>
  212. <td class="name"><div>
  213. <a class="anchor" href="#_info">#</a>
  214. <code><a href="source-class-Mandrill_Tags.html#54-127" title="Go to source code">info</a>( <span>string <var>$tag</var></span> )</code>
  215. <div class="description short">
  216. <p>Return more detailed information about a single tag, including aggregates of
  217. recent stats</p>
  218. </div>
  219. <div class="description detailed hidden">
  220. <p>Return more detailed information about a single tag, including aggregates of
  221. recent stats</p>
  222. <h4>Parameters</h4>
  223. <div class="list"><dl>
  224. <dt><var>$tag</var></dt>
  225. <dd><code>string</code><br>$tag an existing tag name</dd>
  226. </dl></div>
  227. <h4>Returns</h4>
  228. <div class="list">
  229. <code>struct</code><br>the detailed information on the tag - tag string the actual tag as a string -
  230. sent integer the total number of messages sent with this tag - hard_bounces
  231. integer the total number of hard bounces by messages with this tag -
  232. soft_bounces integer the total number of soft bounces by messages with this tag
  233. - rejects integer the total number of rejected messages with this tag -
  234. complaints integer the total number of spam complaints received for messages
  235. with this tag - unsubs integer the total number of unsubscribe requests received
  236. for messages with this tag - opens integer the total number of times messages
  237. with this tag have been opened - clicks integer the total number of times
  238. tracked URLs in messages with this tag have been clicked - stats struct an
  239. aggregate summary of the tag's sending stats - today struct stats with this tag
  240. so far today - sent integer the number of emails sent with this tag so far today
  241. - hard_bounces integer the number of emails hard bounced with this tag so far
  242. today - soft_bounces integer the number of emails soft bounced with this tag so
  243. far today - rejects integer the number of emails rejected for sending this tag
  244. so far today - complaints integer the number of spam complaints with this tag so
  245. far today - unsubs integer the number of unsubscribes with this tag so far today
  246. - opens integer the number of times emails have been opened with this tag so far
  247. today - unique_opens integer the number of unique opens for emails sent with
  248. this tag so far today - clicks integer the number of URLs that have been clicked
  249. with this tag so far today - unique_clicks integer the number of unique clicks
  250. for emails sent with this tag so far today - last<sub>7</sub>_days struct stats
  251. with this tag in the last 7 days - sent integer the number of emails sent with
  252. this tag in the last 7 days - hard_bounces integer the number of emails hard
  253. bounced with this tag in the last 7 days - soft_bounces integer the number of
  254. emails soft bounced with this tag in the last 7 days - rejects integer the
  255. number of emails rejected for sending this tag in the last 7 days - complaints
  256. integer the number of spam complaints with this tag in the last 7 days - unsubs
  257. integer the number of unsubscribes with this tag in the last 7 days - opens
  258. integer the number of times emails have been opened with this tag in the last 7
  259. days - unique_opens integer the number of unique opens for emails sent with this
  260. tag in the last 7 days - clicks integer the number of URLs that have been
  261. clicked with this tag in the last 7 days - unique_clicks integer the number of
  262. unique clicks for emails sent with this tag in the last 7 days -
  263. last<sub>30</sub>_days struct stats with this tag in the last 30 days - sent
  264. integer the number of emails sent with this tag in the last 30 days -
  265. hard_bounces integer the number of emails hard bounced with this tag in the last
  266. 30 days - soft_bounces integer the number of emails soft bounced with this tag
  267. in the last 30 days - rejects integer the number of emails rejected for sending
  268. this tag in the last 30 days - complaints integer the number of spam complaints
  269. with this tag in the last 30 days - unsubs integer the number of unsubscribes
  270. with this tag in the last 30 days - opens integer the number of times emails
  271. have been opened with this tag in the last 30 days - unique_opens integer the
  272. number of unique opens for emails sent with this tag in the last 30 days -
  273. clicks integer the number of URLs that have been clicked with this tag in the
  274. last 30 days - unique_clicks integer the number of unique clicks for emails sent
  275. with this tag in the last 30 days - last<sub>60</sub>_days struct stats with
  276. this tag in the last 60 days - sent integer the number of emails sent with this
  277. tag in the last 60 days - hard_bounces integer the number of emails hard bounced
  278. with this tag in the last 60 days - soft_bounces integer the number of emails
  279. soft bounced with this tag in the last 60 days - rejects integer the number of
  280. emails rejected for sending this tag in the last 60 days - complaints integer
  281. the number of spam complaints with this tag in the last 60 days - unsubs integer
  282. the number of unsubscribes with this tag in the last 60 days - opens integer the
  283. number of times emails have been opened with this tag in the last 60 days -
  284. unique_opens integer the number of unique opens for emails sent with this tag in
  285. the last 60 days - clicks integer the number of URLs that have been clicked with
  286. this tag in the last 60 days - unique_clicks integer the number of unique clicks
  287. for emails sent with this tag in the last 60 days - last<sub>90</sub>_days
  288. struct stats with this tag in the last 90 days - sent integer the number of
  289. emails sent with this tag in the last 90 days - hard_bounces integer the number
  290. of emails hard bounced with this tag in the last 90 days - soft_bounces integer
  291. the number of emails soft bounced with this tag in the last 90 days - rejects
  292. integer the number of emails rejected for sending this tag in the last 90 days -
  293. complaints integer the number of spam complaints with this tag in the last 90
  294. days - unsubs integer the number of unsubscribes with this tag in the last 90
  295. days - opens integer the number of times emails have been opened with this tag
  296. in the last 90 days - unique_opens integer the number of unique opens for emails
  297. sent with this tag in the last 90 days - clicks integer the number of URLs that
  298. have been clicked with this tag in the last 90 days - unique_clicks integer the
  299. number of unique clicks for emails sent with this tag in the last 90 days<br />
  300. </div>
  301. </div>
  302. </div></td>
  303. </tr>
  304. <tr data-order="timeSeries" id="_timeSeries">
  305. <td class="attributes"><code>
  306. public
  307. array
  308. </code>
  309. </td>
  310. <td class="name"><div>
  311. <a class="anchor" href="#_timeSeries">#</a>
  312. <code><a href="source-class-Mandrill_Tags.html#129-149" title="Go to source code">timeSeries</a>( <span>string <var>$tag</var></span> )</code>
  313. <div class="description short">
  314. <p>Return the recent history (hourly stats for the last 30 days) for a tag</p>
  315. </div>
  316. <div class="description detailed hidden">
  317. <p>Return the recent history (hourly stats for the last 30 days) for a tag</p>
  318. <h4>Parameters</h4>
  319. <div class="list"><dl>
  320. <dt><var>$tag</var></dt>
  321. <dd><code>string</code><br>$tag an existing tag name</dd>
  322. </dl></div>
  323. <h4>Returns</h4>
  324. <div class="list">
  325. <code>array</code><br>the array of history information - return[] struct the stats for a single hour -
  326. time string the hour as a UTC date string in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format - sent
  327. integer the number of emails that were sent during the hour - hard_bounces
  328. integer the number of emails that hard bounced during the hour - soft_bounces
  329. integer the number of emails that soft bounced during the hour - rejects integer
  330. the number of emails that were rejected during the hour - complaints integer the
  331. number of spam complaints received during the hour - unsubs integer the number
  332. of unsubscribes received during the hour - opens integer the number of emails
  333. opened during the hour - unique_opens integer the number of unique opens
  334. generated by messages sent during the hour - clicks integer the number of
  335. tracked URLs clicked during the hour - unique_clicks integer the number of
  336. unique clicks generated by messages sent during the hour<br />
  337. </div>
  338. </div>
  339. </div></td>
  340. </tr>
  341. <tr data-order="allTimeSeries" id="_allTimeSeries">
  342. <td class="attributes"><code>
  343. public
  344. array
  345. </code>
  346. </td>
  347. <td class="name"><div>
  348. <a class="anchor" href="#_allTimeSeries">#</a>
  349. <code><a href="source-class-Mandrill_Tags.html#151-170" title="Go to source code">allTimeSeries</a>( )</code>
  350. <div class="description short">
  351. <p>Return the recent history (hourly stats for the last 30 days) for all
  352. tags</p>
  353. </div>
  354. <div class="description detailed hidden">
  355. <p>Return the recent history (hourly stats for the last 30 days) for all
  356. tags</p>
  357. <h4>Returns</h4>
  358. <div class="list">
  359. <code>array</code><br>the array of history information - return[] struct the stats for a single hour -
  360. time string the hour as a UTC date string in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format - sent
  361. integer the number of emails that were sent during the hour - hard_bounces
  362. integer the number of emails that hard bounced during the hour - soft_bounces
  363. integer the number of emails that soft bounced during the hour - rejects integer
  364. the number of emails that were rejected during the hour - complaints integer the
  365. number of spam complaints received during the hour - unsubs integer the number
  366. of unsubscribes received during the hour - opens integer the number of emails
  367. opened during the hour - unique_opens integer the number of unique opens
  368. generated by messages sent during the hour - clicks integer the number of
  369. tracked URLs clicked during the hour - unique_clicks integer the number of
  370. unique clicks generated by messages sent during the hour<br />
  371. </div>
  372. </div>
  373. </div></td>
  374. </tr>
  375. </table>
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