class-Mandrill_Exports.html 17 KB

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  111. <h1>Class Mandrill_Exports</h1>
  112. <div class="info">
  113. <b>Located at</b> <a href="source-class-Mandrill_Exports.html#3-110" title="Go to source code">Mandrill/Exports.php</a><br />
  114. </div>
  115. <table class="summary" id="methods">
  116. <caption>Methods summary</caption>
  117. <tr data-order="__construct" id="___construct">
  118. <td class="attributes"><code>
  119. public
  120. </code>
  121. </td>
  122. <td class="name"><div>
  123. <a class="anchor" href="#___construct">#</a>
  124. <code><a href="source-class-Mandrill_Exports.html#4-6" title="Go to source code">__construct</a>( <span><code><a href="class-Mandrill.html">Mandrill</a></code> <var>$master</var></span> )</code>
  125. <div class="description short">
  126. </div>
  127. <div class="description detailed hidden">
  128. </div>
  129. </div></td>
  130. </tr>
  131. <tr data-order="info" id="_info">
  132. <td class="attributes"><code>
  133. public
  134. struct
  135. </code>
  136. </td>
  137. <td class="name"><div>
  138. <a class="anchor" href="#_info">#</a>
  139. <code><a href="source-class-Mandrill_Exports.html#8-26" title="Go to source code">info</a>( <span>string <var>$id</var></span> )</code>
  140. <div class="description short">
  141. <p>Returns information about an export job. If the export job's state is
  142. 'complete', the returned data will include a URL you can use to fetch the
  143. results. Every export job produces a zip archive, but the format of the archive
  144. is distinct for each job type. The api calls that initiate exports include more
  145. details about the output format for that job type.</p>
  146. </div>
  147. <div class="description detailed hidden">
  148. <p>Returns information about an export job. If the export job's state is
  149. 'complete', the returned data will include a URL you can use to fetch the
  150. results. Every export job produces a zip archive, but the format of the archive
  151. is distinct for each job type. The api calls that initiate exports include more
  152. details about the output format for that job type.</p>
  153. <h4>Parameters</h4>
  154. <div class="list"><dl>
  155. <dt><var>$id</var></dt>
  156. <dd><code>string</code><br>$id an export job identifier</dd>
  157. </dl></div>
  158. <h4>Returns</h4>
  159. <div class="list">
  160. <code>struct</code><br>the information about the export - id string the unique identifier for this
  161. Export. Use this identifier when checking the export job's status - created_at
  162. string the date and time that the export job was created as a UTC string in
  163. YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format - type string the type of the export job - activity,
  164. reject, or whitelist - finished_at string the date and time that the export job
  165. was finished as a UTC string in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format - state string the
  166. export job's state - waiting, working, complete, error, or expired. - result_url
  167. string the url for the export job's results, if the job is completed.<br />
  168. </div>
  169. </div>
  170. </div></td>
  171. </tr>
  172. <tr data-order="getList" id="_getList">
  173. <td class="attributes"><code>
  174. public
  175. array
  176. </code>
  177. </td>
  178. <td class="name"><div>
  179. <a class="anchor" href="#_getList">#</a>
  180. <code><a href="source-class-Mandrill_Exports.html#28-42" title="Go to source code">getList</a>( )</code>
  181. <div class="description short">
  182. <p>Returns a list of your exports.</p>
  183. </div>
  184. <div class="description detailed hidden">
  185. <p>Returns a list of your exports.</p>
  186. <h4>Returns</h4>
  187. <div class="list">
  188. <code>array</code><br>the account's exports - return[] struct the individual export info - id string
  189. the unique identifier for this Export. Use this identifier when checking the
  190. export job's status - created_at string the date and time that the export job
  191. was created as a UTC string in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format - type string the type
  192. of the export job - activity, reject, or whitelist - finished_at string the date
  193. and time that the export job was finished as a UTC string in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
  194. format - state string the export job's state - waiting, working, complete,
  195. error, or expired. - result_url string the url for the export job's results, if
  196. the job is completed.<br />
  197. </div>
  198. </div>
  199. </div></td>
  200. </tr>
  201. <tr data-order="rejects" id="_rejects">
  202. <td class="attributes"><code>
  203. public
  204. struct
  205. </code>
  206. </td>
  207. <td class="name"><div>
  208. <a class="anchor" href="#_rejects">#</a>
  209. <code><a href="source-class-Mandrill_Exports.html#44-60" title="Go to source code">rejects</a>( <span>string <var>$notify_email</var> = <span class="php-keyword1">null</span></span> )</code>
  210. <div class="description short">
  211. <p>Begins an export of your rejection blacklist. The blacklist will be exported
  212. to a zip archive containing a single file named rejects.csv that includes the
  213. following fields: email, reason, detail, created_at, expires_at, last_event_at,
  214. expires_at.</p>
  215. </div>
  216. <div class="description detailed hidden">
  217. <p>Begins an export of your rejection blacklist. The blacklist will be exported
  218. to a zip archive containing a single file named rejects.csv that includes the
  219. following fields: email, reason, detail, created_at, expires_at, last_event_at,
  220. expires_at.</p>
  221. <h4>Parameters</h4>
  222. <div class="list"><dl>
  223. <dt><var>$notify_email</var></dt>
  224. <dd><code>string</code><br>$notify_email an optional email address to notify when the export job has
  225. finished.</dd>
  226. </dl></div>
  227. <h4>Returns</h4>
  228. <div class="list">
  229. <code>struct</code><br>information about the rejects export job that was started - id string the unique
  230. identifier for this Export. Use this identifier when checking the export job's
  231. status - created_at string the date and time that the export job was created as
  232. a UTC string in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format - type string the type of the export
  233. job - finished_at string the date and time that the export job was finished as a
  234. UTC string in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or null for jobs that have not run -
  235. state string the export job's state - result_url string the url for the export
  236. job's results, if the job is complete<br />
  237. </div>
  238. </div>
  239. </div></td>
  240. </tr>
  241. <tr data-order="whitelist" id="_whitelist">
  242. <td class="attributes"><code>
  243. public
  244. struct
  245. </code>
  246. </td>
  247. <td class="name"><div>
  248. <a class="anchor" href="#_whitelist">#</a>
  249. <code><a href="source-class-Mandrill_Exports.html#62-78" title="Go to source code">whitelist</a>( <span>string <var>$notify_email</var> = <span class="php-keyword1">null</span></span> )</code>
  250. <div class="description short">
  251. <p>Begins an export of your rejection whitelist. The whitelist will be exported
  252. to a zip archive containing a single file named whitelist.csv that includes the
  253. following fields: email, detail, created_at.</p>
  254. </div>
  255. <div class="description detailed hidden">
  256. <p>Begins an export of your rejection whitelist. The whitelist will be exported
  257. to a zip archive containing a single file named whitelist.csv that includes the
  258. following fields: email, detail, created_at.</p>
  259. <h4>Parameters</h4>
  260. <div class="list"><dl>
  261. <dt><var>$notify_email</var></dt>
  262. <dd><code>string</code><br>$notify_email an optional email address to notify when the export job has
  263. finished.</dd>
  264. </dl></div>
  265. <h4>Returns</h4>
  266. <div class="list">
  267. <code>struct</code><br>information about the whitelist export job that was started - id string the
  268. unique identifier for this Export. Use this identifier when checking the export
  269. job's status - created_at string the date and time that the export job was
  270. created as a UTC string in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format - type string the type of
  271. the export job - finished_at string the date and time that the export job was
  272. finished as a UTC string in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or null for jobs that
  273. have not run - state string the export job's state - result_url string the url
  274. for the export job's results, if the job is complete<br />
  275. </div>
  276. </div>
  277. </div></td>
  278. </tr>
  279. <tr data-order="activity" id="_activity">
  280. <td class="attributes"><code>
  281. public
  282. struct
  283. </code>
  284. </td>
  285. <td class="name"><div>
  286. <a class="anchor" href="#_activity">#</a>
  287. <code><a href="source-class-Mandrill_Exports.html#80-108" title="Go to source code">activity</a>( <span>string <var>$notify_email</var> = <span class="php-keyword1">null</span></span>, <span>string <var>$date_from</var> = <span class="php-keyword1">null</span></span>, <span>string <var>$date_to</var> = <span class="php-keyword1">null</span></span>, <span>array <var>$tags</var> = <span class="php-keyword1">null</span></span>, <span>array <var>$senders</var> = <span class="php-keyword1">null</span></span>, <span>array <var>$states</var> = <span class="php-keyword1">null</span></span>, <span>array <var>$api_keys</var> = <span class="php-keyword1">null</span></span> )</code>
  288. <div class="description short">
  289. <p>Begins an export of your activity history. The activity will be exported to a
  290. zip archive containing a single file named activity.csv in the same format as
  291. you would be able to export from your account's activity view. It includes the
  292. following fields: Date, Email Address, Sender, Subject, Status, Tags, Opens,
  293. Clicks, Bounce Detail. If you have configured any custom metadata fields, they
  294. will be included in the exported data.</p>
  295. </div>
  296. <div class="description detailed hidden">
  297. <p>Begins an export of your activity history. The activity will be exported to a
  298. zip archive containing a single file named activity.csv in the same format as
  299. you would be able to export from your account's activity view. It includes the
  300. following fields: Date, Email Address, Sender, Subject, Status, Tags, Opens,
  301. Clicks, Bounce Detail. If you have configured any custom metadata fields, they
  302. will be included in the exported data.</p>
  303. <h4>Parameters</h4>
  304. <div class="list"><dl>
  305. <dt><var>$notify_email</var></dt>
  306. <dd><code>string</code><br>$notify_email an optional email address to notify when the export job has
  307. finished</dd>
  308. <dt><var>$date_from</var></dt>
  309. <dd><code>string</code><br>$date_from start date as a UTC string in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format</dd>
  310. <dt><var>$date_to</var></dt>
  311. <dd><code>string</code><br>$date_to end date as a UTC string in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format</dd>
  312. <dt><var>$tags</var></dt>
  313. <dd><code>array</code><br>$tags an array of tag names to narrow the export to; will match messages that
  314. contain ANY of the tags - tags[] string a tag name</dd>
  315. <dt><var>$senders</var></dt>
  316. <dd><code>array</code><br>$senders an array of senders to narrow the export to - senders[] string a sender
  317. address</dd>
  318. <dt><var>$states</var></dt>
  319. <dd><code>array</code><br>$states an array of states to narrow the export to; messages with ANY of the
  320. states will be included - states[] string a message state</dd>
  321. <dt><var>$api_keys</var></dt>
  322. <dd><code>array</code><br>$api_keys an array of api keys to narrow the export to; messsagse sent with ANY
  323. of the keys will be included - api_keys[] string an API key associated with your
  324. account</dd>
  325. </dl></div>
  326. <h4>Returns</h4>
  327. <div class="list">
  328. <code>struct</code><br>information about the activity export job that was started - id string the
  329. unique identifier for this Export. Use this identifier when checking the export
  330. job's status - created_at string the date and time that the export job was
  331. created as a UTC string in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format - type string the type of
  332. the export job - finished_at string the date and time that the export job was
  333. finished as a UTC string in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, or null for jobs that
  334. have not run - state string the export job's state - result_url string the url
  335. for the export job's results, if the job is complete<br />
  336. </div>
  337. </div>
  338. </div></td>
  339. </tr>
  340. </table>
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