Bachir Soussi Chiadmi f2b8ace9b7 FINAL suepr merge step : added all modules to this super repos 9 lat temu
metatag_context f2b8ace9b7 FINAL suepr merge step : added all modules to this super repos 9 lat temu
metatag_dc f2b8ace9b7 FINAL suepr merge step : added all modules to this super repos 9 lat temu
metatag_opengraph f2b8ace9b7 FINAL suepr merge step : added all modules to this super repos 9 lat temu
metatag_panels f2b8ace9b7 FINAL suepr merge step : added all modules to this super repos 9 lat temu
metatag_twitter_cards f2b8ace9b7 FINAL suepr merge step : added all modules to this super repos 9 lat temu
metatag_ui f2b8ace9b7 FINAL suepr merge step : added all modules to this super repos 9 lat temu
metatag_views f2b8ace9b7 FINAL suepr merge step : added all modules to this super repos 9 lat temu
tests f2b8ace9b7 FINAL suepr merge step : added all modules to this super repos 9 lat temu
CHANGELOG.txt f2b8ace9b7 FINAL suepr merge step : added all modules to this super repos 9 lat temu
LICENSE.txt f2b8ace9b7 FINAL suepr merge step : added all modules to this super repos 9 lat temu
README.txt f2b8ace9b7 FINAL suepr merge step : added all modules to this super repos 9 lat temu
arrow-down.png f2b8ace9b7 FINAL suepr merge step : added all modules to this super repos 9 lat temu
arrow-right.png f2b8ace9b7 FINAL suepr merge step : added all modules to this super repos 9 lat temu
metatag.admin.css f2b8ace9b7 FINAL suepr merge step : added all modules to this super repos 9 lat temu f2b8ace9b7 FINAL suepr merge step : added all modules to this super repos 9 lat temu
metatag.admin.js f2b8ace9b7 FINAL suepr merge step : added all modules to this super repos 9 lat temu
metatag.api.php f2b8ace9b7 FINAL suepr merge step : added all modules to this super repos 9 lat temu f2b8ace9b7 FINAL suepr merge step : added all modules to this super repos 9 lat temu f2b8ace9b7 FINAL suepr merge step : added all modules to this super repos 9 lat temu f2b8ace9b7 FINAL suepr merge step : added all modules to this super repos 9 lat temu f2b8ace9b7 FINAL suepr merge step : added all modules to this super repos 9 lat temu f2b8ace9b7 FINAL suepr merge step : added all modules to this super repos 9 lat temu
metatag.install f2b8ace9b7 FINAL suepr merge step : added all modules to this super repos 9 lat temu f2b8ace9b7 FINAL suepr merge step : added all modules to this super repos 9 lat temu f2b8ace9b7 FINAL suepr merge step : added all modules to this super repos 9 lat temu
metatag.module f2b8ace9b7 FINAL suepr merge step : added all modules to this super repos 9 lat temu
metatag.test f2b8ace9b7 FINAL suepr merge step : added all modules to this super repos 9 lat temu f2b8ace9b7 FINAL suepr merge step : added all modules to this super repos 9 lat temu f2b8ace9b7 FINAL suepr merge step : added all modules to this super repos 9 lat temu
metatag.vertical-tabs.js f2b8ace9b7 FINAL suepr merge step : added all modules to this super repos 9 lat temu


This module allows you to automatically provide structured metadata, aka "meta
tags", about your website and web pages.

In the context of search engine optimization, providing an extensive set of
meta tags may help improve your site's & pages' ranking, thus may aid with
achieving a more prominent display of your content within search engine
results. Additionally, using meta tags can help control the summary content
that is used within social networks when visitors link to your site,
particularly the Open Graph submodule for use with Facebook (see below).

This version of the module only works with Drupal 7.15 and newer.

The primary features include:

* The current supported basic meta tags are ABSTRACT, DESCRIPTION, CANONICAL,
SHORTLINK and the page's TITLE tag.

* Multi-lingual support using the Entity Translation module.

* Translation support using the Internationalization (i18n) module.

* Full support for entity revisions and workflows based upon revision editing,
e.g. Revisioning module.

* Per-path control over meta tags using the "Metatag: Context" submodule
(requires the Context module).

* Integration with the Views module allowing meta tags to be controlled for
individual Views pages, with each display in the view able to have different
meta tags, by using the "Metatag: Views" submodule.

* Integration with the Panels module allowing meta tags to be controlled for
individual Panels pages, by using the "Metatag: Panels" submodule.

* The fifteen Dublin Core Basic Element Set 1.1 meta tags may be added by
enabling the "Metatag: Dublin Core" submodule.

* The Open Graph Protocol meta tags, as used by Facebook, may be added by
enabling the "Metatag: Open Graph" submodule.

* The Twitter Cards meta tags may be added by enabling the "Metatag: Twitter
Cards" submodule.

* An API allowing for additional meta tags to be added, beyond what is provided
by this module - see metatag.api.php for full details.

* Support for the Migrate module for migrating data from another system - see for full details.

* Support for the Feeds module for importing data from external data sources or
file uploads.

1. On the People Permissions administration page ("Administer >> People
>> Permissions") you need to assign:

- The "Administer meta tags" permission to the roles that are allowed to
access the meta tags admin pages to control the site defaults.

- The "Edit meta tags" permission to the roles that are allowed to change
meta tags on each individual page (node, term, etc).

2. The main admininistrative page controls the site-wide defaults, both global
settings and defaults per entity (node, term, etc), in addition to those
assigned specifically for the front page:

3. Each supported entity object (nodes, terms, users) will have a set of meta
tag fields available for customization on their respective edit page, these
will inherit their values from the defaults assigned in #2 above. Any
values that are not overridden per object will automatically update should
the defaults be updated.

4. As the meta tags are output using Tokens, it may be necessary to customize
the token display for the site's entities (content types, vocabularies,
etc). To do this go to e.g. admin/structure/types/manage/article/display, in
the "Custom Display Settings" section ensure that "Tokens" is checked (save
the form if necessary), then to customize the tokens go to:

Internationalization: i18n.module
All default configurations may be translated using the Internationalization
(i18n) module. The custom strings that are assigned to e.g. the "Global: Front
page" configuration will show up in the Translate Interface admin page
(admin/config/regional/translate/translate) and may be customized per language.

Fine Tuning
* By default Metatag will load the global default values for all pages that do
not have meta tags assigned via the normal entity display or via Metatag
Context. This may be disabled by setting the variable 'metatag_load_all_pages'
to FALSE through one of the following methods:
* Use Drush to set the value:
drush vset metatag_load_all_pages FALSE
* Hardcode the value in the site's settings.php file:
$conf['metatag_load_all_pages'] = FALSE;
To re-enable this option simply set the value to TRUE.
* By default users will be able to edit meta tags on forms based on the 'Edit
meta tags' permission. The 'metatag_extended_permissions' variable may be set
to TRUE to give each individual meta tag a separate permission. This allows
fine-tuning of the site's editorial control, and for rarely-used fields to be
hidden from most users. Note: The 'Edit meta tags' permission is still
required otherwise none of the meta tag fields will display at all. The
functionality may be disabled again by either removing the variable or
setting it to FALSE.

Full API documentation is available in metatag.api.php.

To enable Metatag support in custom entities, add 'metatag' => TRUE to either
the entity or bundle definition in hook_entity_info(); see metatag.api.php for
further details and example code.

Troubleshooting / Known Issues
* When using custom page template files, e.g. page--front.tpl.php, it is
important to ensure that the following code is present in the template file:


Without one of these being present the meta tags will not be displayed.
* Versions of Drupal older than v7.17 were missing necessary functionality for
taxonomy term pages to work correctly.
* Using Metatag with values assigned for the page title and the Page Title
module simultaneously can cause conflicts and unexpected results.
* Using the Exclude Node Title module will cause the [node:title] token to be
empty on node pages, so using [current-page:title] will work around the
issue. Note: it isn't possible to "fix" this as it's a by-product of what
Exclude Node Title does - it removes the node title from display.
* When customizing the meta tags for user pages, it is strongly recommended to
not use the [current-user] tokens, these pertain to the person *viewing* the
page and not e.g. the person who authored a page.
* If images being displayed in image tags need to be resized to fit a specific
requirements, use the Imagecache Token module to customize the value.
* Certain browser plugins, e.g. on Chrome, can cause the page title so be
displayed with additional doublequotes, e.g. instead of:

it will show:

The solution is to remove the browser plugin - the page's actual output is not
affected, it is just a problem in the browser.
* The core RDF module is known to cause validation problems for Open Graph meta
tags output by the Metatag:OpenGraph module. Unless it is actually needed for
the site, it may be worthwhile to disable the RDF module to avoid any
possible problems for the Open Graph integration.

Related modules
Some modules are available that extend Metatag with additional functionality:

* Domain Meta Tags
Integrates with the Domain Access module, so each site of a multi-domain
install can separately control their meta tags.

* Select or Other
Enhances the user experience of the metatag_opengraph submodule by allowing
the creation of custom Open Graph types.

* Imagecache Token
Provide tokens to load fields using an image style preset, for when meta tags
need to fix exact requirements.

* Node Form Panes
Create custom node-edit forms and control the location of the Metatag fields.

Credits / Contact
Currently maintained by Damien McKenna [1] and Dave Reid [2]; all initial
development was by Dave Reid.

Ongoing development is sponsored by Mediacurrent [3] and [4]. All
initial development was sponsored by Acquia [5] and

The best way to contact the authors is to submit an issue, be it a support
request, a feature request or a bug report, in the project issue queue:
