feedback.module.orig 17 KB

  1. <?php
  2. /**
  3. * @file
  4. * Allows site visitors and users to report issues about this site.
  5. */
  6. /**
  7. * Open state (unprocessed) for feedback entries.
  8. */
  9. define('FEEDBACK_OPEN', 0);
  10. /**
  11. * Processed state for feedback entries.
  12. */
  13. define('FEEDBACK_PROCESSED', 1);
  14. /**
  15. * Implements hook_theme().
  16. */
  17. function feedback_theme() {
  18. return array(
  19. 'feedback_admin_view_form' => array(
  20. 'render element' => 'form',
  21. ),
  22. 'feedback_entry' => array(
  23. 'render element' => 'elements',
  24. 'template' => 'feedback-entry',
  25. 'file' => '',
  26. ),
  27. 'feedback_form_display' => array(
  28. 'template' => 'feedback-form-display',
  29. 'variables' => array('title' => NULL, 'content' => NULL),
  30. ),
  31. );
  32. }
  33. /**
  34. * Implements hook_entity_info().
  35. */
  36. function feedback_entity_info() {
  37. $return = array(
  38. 'feedback' => array(
  39. 'label' => t('Feedback'),
  40. 'controller class' => 'FeedbackController',
  41. 'base table' => 'feedback',
  42. 'uri callback' => 'feedback_uri',
  43. 'fieldable' => TRUE,
  44. 'entity keys' => array(
  45. 'id' => 'fid',
  46. ),
  47. 'bundles' => array(
  48. 'feedback' => array(
  49. 'label' => t('Feedback'),
  50. 'admin' => array(
  51. 'path' => 'admin/config/user-interface/feedback',
  52. 'access arguments' => array('administer feedback'),
  53. ),
  54. ),
  55. ),
  56. 'view modes' => array(
  57. 'full' => array(
  58. 'label' => t('Full feedback entry'),
  59. 'custom settings' => FALSE,
  60. ),
  61. 'teaser' => array(
  62. 'label' => t('Teaser'),
  63. 'custom settings' => FALSE,
  64. ),
  65. 'widget' => array(
  66. 'label' => t('Widget'),
  67. 'custom settings' => FALSE,
  68. ),
  69. ),
  70. // Disable Metatags (metatag) module's entity form additions.
  71. 'metatags' => FALSE,
  72. ),
  73. );
  74. return $return;
  75. }
  76. /**
  77. * Implements hook_field_extra_fields().
  78. */
  79. function feedback_field_extra_fields() {
  80. $extras['feedback']['feedback']['form']['help'] = array(
  81. 'label' => t('Help'),
  82. 'description' => t('Feedback submission guidelines'),
  83. 'weight' => -10,
  84. );
  85. $extras['feedback']['feedback']['form']['messages'] = array(
  86. 'label' => t('Entries'),
  87. 'description' => t('Existing feedback entries for the current page'),
  88. 'weight' => -5,
  89. );
  90. $extras['feedback']['feedback']['form']['message'] = array(
  91. 'label' => t('Message'),
  92. 'description' => t('Feedback message form text field'),
  93. 'weight' => 0,
  94. );
  95. $extras['feedback']['feedback']['display']['location'] = array(
  96. 'label' => t('Location'),
  97. 'description' => t('The URL of the page the message was submitted on'),
  98. 'weight' => -15,
  99. );
  100. $extras['feedback']['feedback']['display']['date'] = array(
  101. 'label' => t('Date'),
  102. 'description' => t('The submission date of the message'),
  103. 'weight' => -10,
  104. );
  105. $extras['feedback']['feedback']['display']['user'] = array(
  106. 'label' => t('User'),
  107. 'description' => t('The name of the user who submitted the message'),
  108. 'weight' => -5,
  109. );
  110. $extras['feedback']['feedback']['display']['message'] = array(
  111. 'label' => t('Message'),
  112. 'description' => t('The main feedback message'),
  113. 'weight' => 0,
  114. );
  115. return $extras;
  116. }
  117. /**
  118. * Entity uri callback.
  119. */
  120. function feedback_uri($entry) {
  121. return array(
  122. 'path' => 'admin/reports/feedback/' . $entry->fid,
  123. );
  124. }
  125. /**
  126. * Implements hook_permission().
  127. */
  128. function feedback_permission() {
  129. return array(
  130. 'access feedback form' => array(
  131. 'title' => t('Access feedback form'),
  132. 'description' => t('Submit feedback messages.'),
  133. ),
  134. 'view feedback messages' => array(
  135. 'title' => t('View feedback messages'),
  136. 'description' => t('View, process, and delete submitted feedback messages.'),
  137. ),
  138. 'administer feedback' => array(
  139. 'title' => t('Administer feedback settings'),
  140. ),
  141. );
  142. }
  143. /**
  144. * Implements hook_menu().
  145. */
  146. function feedback_menu() {
  147. $items['admin/reports/feedback'] = array(
  148. 'title' => 'Feedback messages',
  149. 'description' => 'View feedback messages.',
  150. 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
  151. 'page arguments' => array('feedback_admin_view_form'),
  152. 'access arguments' => array('view feedback messages'),
  153. 'file' => '',
  154. );
  155. $items['admin/reports/feedback/%feedback'] = array(
  156. 'title' => 'Feedback entry',
  157. 'page callback' => 'feedback_view',
  158. 'page arguments' => array(3),
  159. 'access arguments' => array('view feedback messages'),
  160. 'file' => '',
  161. );
  162. $items['admin/reports/feedback/%feedback/view'] = array(
  163. 'title' => 'View',
  164. 'type' => MENU_DEFAULT_LOCAL_TASK,
  165. 'weight' => -10,
  166. );
  167. $items['admin/reports/feedback/%feedback/edit'] = array(
  168. 'title' => 'Edit',
  169. 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
  170. 'page arguments' => array('feedback_entry_form', 3),
  171. 'access arguments' => array('view feedback messages'),
  172. 'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
  173. 'file' => '',
  174. );
  175. $items['admin/reports/feedback/%feedback/delete'] = array(
  176. 'title' => 'Delete feedback entry',
  177. 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
  178. 'page arguments' => array('feedback_delete_confirm', 3),
  179. 'access arguments' => array('view feedback messages'),
  180. 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
  181. 'file' => '',
  182. );
  183. $items['admin/config/user-interface/feedback'] = array(
  184. 'title' => 'Feedback',
  185. 'description' => 'Administer feedback settings.',
  186. 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
  187. 'page arguments' => array('feedback_admin_settings_form'),
  188. 'access arguments' => array('administer feedback'),
  189. 'file' => '',
  190. );
  191. $items['admin/config/user-interface/feedback/settings'] = array(
  192. 'title' => 'Settings',
  193. 'type' => MENU_DEFAULT_LOCAL_TASK,
  194. 'weight' => -10,
  195. );
  196. return $items;
  197. }
  198. /**
  199. * Implements hook_page_build().
  200. */
  201. function feedback_page_build(&$page) {
  202. if (user_access('access feedback form') && !feedback_match_path(variable_get('feedback_excluded_paths', 'admin/reports/feedback'))) {
  203. $page['page_bottom']['feedback'] = array(
  204. '#theme' => 'feedback_form_display',
  205. '#title' => t('Feedback'),
  206. '#content' => drupal_get_form('feedback_form'),
  207. );
  208. $path = drupal_get_path('module', 'feedback');
  209. $page['page_bottom']['feedback']['#attached']['css'][] = $path . '/feedback.css';
  210. $page['page_bottom']['feedback']['#attached']['js'][] = $path . '/feedback.js';
  211. }
  212. }
  213. /**
  214. * Check if the current path matches any pattern in a set of patterns.
  215. *
  216. * @param $patterns
  217. * String containing a set of patterns separated by \n, \r or \r\n.
  218. *
  219. * @return
  220. * Boolean value: TRUE if the current path or alias matches a pattern.
  221. */
  222. function feedback_match_path($patterns) {
  223. // Convert path to lowercase. This allows comparison of the same path
  224. // with different case. Ex: /Page, /page, /PAGE.
  225. $patterns = drupal_strtolower($patterns);
  226. // Convert the current path to lowercase.
  227. $path = drupal_strtolower(drupal_get_path_alias($_GET['q']));
  228. // Compare the lowercase internal and lowercase path alias (if any).
  229. $page_match = drupal_match_path($path, $patterns);
  230. if ($path != $_GET['q']) {
  231. $page_match = $page_match || drupal_match_path($_GET['q'], $patterns);
  232. }
  233. return $page_match;
  234. }
  235. /**
  236. * Form constructor for the feedback form.
  237. *
  238. * @see feedback_form_submit()
  239. * @ingroup forms
  240. */
  241. function feedback_form($form, &$form_state) {
  242. $form['#attributes']['class'] = array('feedback-form');
  243. // Store the path on which this form is displayed.
  244. if (!isset($form_state['inline']['location'])) {
  245. $form_state['inline']['location'] = $_GET['q'];
  246. }
  247. $form['location'] = array(
  248. '#type' => 'value',
  249. '#value' => $form_state['inline']['location'],
  250. );
  251. $form['help'] = array(
  252. '#prefix' => '<div class="feedback-help">',
  253. '#markup' => t('If you experience a bug or would like to see an addition on the current page, feel free to leave us a message.'),
  254. '#suffix' => '</div>',
  255. );
  256. if (user_access('view feedback messages')) {
  257. if (arg(0) != 'node') {
  258. $feedbacks = feedback_load_multiple(array(), array('status' => FEEDBACK_OPEN, 'location_masked' => feedback_mask_path($_GET['q'])));
  259. }
  260. else {
  261. $feedbacks = feedback_load_multiple(array(), array('status' => FEEDBACK_OPEN, 'location' => $_GET['q']));
  262. }
  263. if ($feedbacks) {
  264. form_load_include($form_state, 'inc', 'feedback', 'feedback.admin');
  265. $form['messages'] = array(
  266. '#prefix' => '<div class="feedback-messages">',
  267. '#suffix' => '</div>',
  268. );
  269. foreach ($feedbacks as $fid => $feedback) {
  270. $form['messages'][$fid]['#feedback'] = $feedback;
  271. $form['messages'][$fid]['submitted'] = array('#markup' => t('@feedback-author !feedback-date:', array('@feedback-author' => format_username($feedback), '!feedback-date' => format_date($feedback->timestamp, 'small'))));
  272. $form['messages'][$fid]['submitted']['#prefix'] = '<div class="feedback-submitted">';
  273. $form['messages'][$fid]['submitted']['#suffix'] = '</div>';
  274. $form['messages'][$fid]['body'] = feedback_build_content($feedback, 'widget');
  275. $form['messages'][$fid]['body']['#prefix'] = '<div class="feedback-body">';
  276. $form['messages'][$fid]['body']['#suffix'] = '</div>';
  277. }
  278. }
  279. }
  280. $form['message'] = array(
  281. '#type' => 'textarea',
  282. '#attributes' => array('class' => array('feedback-message')),
  283. '#cols' => 20,
  284. '#title' => t('Message'),
  285. '#required' => TRUE,
  286. '#wysiwyg' => FALSE,
  287. );
  288. $entry = new stdClass();
  289. field_attach_form('feedback', $entry, $form, $form_state);
  290. $form['actions'] = array(
  291. '#type' => 'actions',
  292. // Without clearfix, the AJAX throbber wraps in an ugly way.
  293. // @todo Patch #type actions in core?
  294. '#attributes' => array('class' => array('clearfix')),
  295. );
  296. $form['actions']['submit'] = array(
  297. '#type' => 'submit',
  298. '#value' => t('Send feedback'),
  299. '#id' => 'feedback-submit',
  300. '#ajax' => array(
  301. 'wrapper' => 'feedback-form',
  302. 'callback' => 'feedback_form_ajax_callback',
  303. 'progress' => array(
  304. 'type' => 'throbber',
  305. 'message' => '',
  306. ),
  307. ),
  308. );
  309. return $form;
  310. }
  311. /**
  312. * Form submission handler for feedback_form().
  313. */
  314. function feedback_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
  315. $entry = new stdClass();
  316. entity_form_submit_build_entity('feedback', $entry, $form, $form_state);
  317. $entry->message = $form_state['values']['message'];
  318. $entry->location = $form_state['values']['location'];
  319. feedback_save($entry);
  320. drupal_set_message(t('Thanks for your feedback!'));
  321. }
  322. /**
  323. * AJAX callback for feedback_form() submissions.
  324. */
  325. function feedback_form_ajax_callback($form, &$form_state) {
  326. // If there was a form validation error, re-render the entire form.
  327. if (!$form_state['executed']) {
  328. return $form;
  329. }
  330. // Otherwise, return a fresh copy of the form, so the user may post additional
  331. // feedback.
  332. // Reset the static cache of drupal_html_id().
  333. // @see drupal_process_form()
  334. // @see drupal_html_id()
  335. $seen_ids = &drupal_static('drupal_html_id');
  336. $seen_ids = array();
  337. // Prevent the form from being processed again.
  338. // @see drupal_build_form()
  339. list($form, $new_form_state) = ajax_get_form();
  340. $new_form_state['input'] = array();
  341. drupal_process_form($form['#form_id'], $form, $new_form_state);
  342. // Return AJAX commands in order to output the special success message.
  343. // @see ajax_deliver()
  344. $build = array('#type' => 'ajax');
  345. $html = drupal_render($form);
  346. $build['#commands'][] = ajax_command_insert(NULL, $html);
  347. // A successful form submission normally means that there were no errors, so
  348. // we only render status messages.
  349. $messages = drupal_get_messages();
  350. $messages += array('status' => array());
  351. $messages = implode('<br />', $messages['status']);
  352. $html = '<div id="feedback-status-message">' . $messages . '</div>';
  353. $build['#commands'][] = ajax_command_append('#block-feedback-form', $html);
  354. return $build;
  355. }
  356. /**
  357. * Loads a feedback entry from the database.
  358. *
  359. * @param $fid
  360. * Integer specifying the feedback ID to load.
  361. *
  362. * @return
  363. * A loaded feedback entry object upon successful load, or FALSE if the entry
  364. * cannot be loaded.
  365. *
  366. * @see feedback_load_multiple()
  367. */
  368. function feedback_load($fid) {
  369. $entries = feedback_load_multiple(array($fid));
  370. return (isset($entries[$fid]) ? $entries[$fid] : FALSE);
  371. }
  372. /**
  373. * Loads feedback entries from the database.
  374. *
  375. * @param $fids
  376. * An array of feedback entry IDs.
  377. * @param $conditions
  378. * An associative array of conditions on the {feedback} table, where the keys
  379. * are the database fields and the values are the values those fields
  380. * must have.
  381. *
  382. * @return
  383. * An array of feedback entry objects indexed by fid.
  384. *
  385. * @see hook_feedback_load()
  386. * @see feedback_load()
  387. * @see entity_load()
  388. * @see EntityFieldQuery
  389. */
  390. function feedback_load_multiple($fids = array(), $conditions = array()) {
  391. return entity_load('feedback', $fids, $conditions);
  392. }
  393. /**
  394. * Saves changes to a feedback entry or adds a new feedback entry.
  395. *
  396. * @param $entry
  397. * The feedback entry object to modify or add. If $entry->fid is omitted, a
  398. * new entry will be added.
  399. *
  400. * @see hook_feedback_insert()
  401. * @see hook_feedback_update()
  402. */
  403. function feedback_save($entry) {
  404. global $user;
  405. // Load the stored entity, if any.
  406. if (!empty($entry->fid) && !isset($entry->original)) {
  407. $entry->original = entity_load_unchanged('feedback', $entry->fid);
  408. }
  409. field_attach_presave('feedback', $entry);
  410. // Allow modules to alter the feedback entry before saving.
  411. module_invoke_all('feedback_presave', $entry);
  412. module_invoke_all('entity_presave', $entry, 'feedback');
  413. if (empty($entry->fid)) {
  414. $entry->message = trim($entry->message);
  415. $defaults = array(
  416. 'uid' => $user->uid,
  417. 'location_masked' => feedback_mask_path($entry->location),
  418. 'url' => url($entry->location, array('absolute' => TRUE)),
  419. 'timestamp' => REQUEST_TIME,
  420. 'useragent' => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],
  421. );
  422. foreach ($defaults as $key => $default) {
  423. if (!isset($entry->$key)) {
  424. $entry->$key = $default;
  425. }
  426. }
  427. $status = drupal_write_record('feedback', $entry);
  428. field_attach_insert('feedback', $entry);
  429. module_invoke_all('feedback_insert', $entry);
  430. module_invoke_all('entity_insert', $entry, 'feedback');
  431. }
  432. else {
  433. $status = drupal_write_record('feedback', $entry, 'fid');
  434. field_attach_update('feedback', $entry);
  435. module_invoke_all('feedback_update', $entry);
  436. module_invoke_all('entity_update', $entry, 'feedback');
  437. }
  438. unset($entry->original);
  439. return $status;
  440. }
  441. /**
  442. * Deletes a feedback entry.
  443. *
  444. * @param $fid
  445. * A feedback entry ID.
  446. */
  447. function feedback_delete($fid) {
  448. feedback_delete_multiple(array($fid));
  449. }
  450. /**
  451. * Deletes multiple feedback entries.
  452. *
  453. * @param $fids
  454. * An array of feedback entry IDs.
  455. */
  456. function feedback_delete_multiple($fids) {
  457. if (!empty($fids)) {
  458. $entries = feedback_load_multiple($fids);
  459. foreach ($entries as $fid => $entry) {
  460. field_attach_delete('feedback', $entry);
  461. module_invoke_all('feedback_delete', $entry);
  462. module_invoke_all('entity_delete', $entry, 'feedback');
  463. }
  464. db_delete('feedback')
  465. ->condition('fid', $fids, 'IN')
  466. ->execute();
  467. }
  468. }
  469. /**
  470. * 'Mask' a path, i.e. replace all numeric arguments in a path with '%' placeholders.
  471. *
  472. * Please note that only numeric arguments with a preceding slash will be
  473. * replaced.
  474. *
  475. * @param $path
  476. * An internal Drupal path, f.e. 'user/123/edit'.
  477. * @return
  478. * A 'masked' path, for above example 'user/%/edit'.
  479. *
  480. * @todo Use the untranslated patch of menu_get_item() instead.
  481. */
  482. function feedback_mask_path($path) {
  483. return preg_replace('@/\d+@', '/%', $path);
  484. }
  485. /**
  486. * Implements hook_user_cancel().
  487. */
  488. function feedback_user_cancel($edit, $account, $method) {
  489. switch ($method) {
  490. case 'user_cancel_reassign':
  491. db_update('feedback')
  492. ->fields(array('uid' => 0))
  493. ->condition('uid', $account->uid)
  494. ->execute();
  495. break;
  496. }
  497. }
  498. /**
  499. * Implements hook_user_delete().
  500. */
  501. function feedback_user_delete($account) {
  502. $fids = db_query('SELECT fid FROM {feedback} WHERE uid = :uid', array(':uid' => $account->uid))->fetchCol();
  503. feedback_delete_multiple($fids);
  504. }
  505. /**
  506. * Implements hook_mollom_form_list().
  507. */
  508. function feedback_mollom_form_list() {
  509. $forms['feedback_form'] = array(
  510. 'title' => t('Feedback form'),
  511. 'entity' => 'feedback',
  512. 'bundle' => 'feedback',
  513. 'entity delete multiple callback' => 'feedback_delete_multiple',
  514. 'delete form' => 'feedback_delete_confirm',
  515. 'delete form file' => array(
  516. 'name' => 'feedback.admin',
  517. ),
  518. 'report access' => array('view feedback messages'),
  519. );
  520. return $forms;
  521. }
  522. /**
  523. * Implements hook_mollom_form_info().
  524. */
  525. function feedback_mollom_form_info($form_id) {
  526. $form_info = array(
  527. 'mode' => MOLLOM_MODE_ANALYSIS,
  528. 'bypass access' => array('administer feedback'),
  529. 'elements' => array(
  530. 'message' => t('Message'),
  531. ),
  532. );
  533. mollom_form_info_add_fields($form_info, 'feedback', 'feedback');
  534. return $form_info;
  535. }
  536. /**
  537. * Implements hook_views_api();
  538. */
  539. function feedback_views_api() {
  540. return array(
  541. 'api' => 3.0,
  542. 'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'feedback') . '/views',
  543. );
  544. }