README.txt 6.4 KB

  1. -- SUMMARY --
  2. The Administration menu module displays the entire administrative menu tree (and
  3. most local tasks) in a drop-down menu, providing administrators one- or
  4. two-click access to most pages. Other modules may also add menu links to the
  5. menu using hook_admin_menu_output_alter().
  6. For a full description of the module, visit the project page:
  8. To submit bug reports and feature suggestions, or to track changes:
  10. -- REQUIREMENTS --
  11. None.
  12. -- INSTALLATION --
  13. * Install as usual, see for further information.
  14. * You likely want to disable Toolbar module, since its output clashes with
  15. Administration menu.
  17. * Configure user permissions in Administration » People » Permissions:
  18. - Use the administration pages and help (System module)
  19. The top-level administration categories require this permission to be
  20. accessible. The administration menu will be empty unless this permission is
  21. granted.
  22. - Access administration menu
  23. Users in roles with the "Access administration menu" permission will see
  24. the administration menu at the top of each page.
  25. - Display Drupal links
  26. Users in roles with the "Display drupal links" permission will receive
  27. links to issue queues for all enabled contributed modules. The
  28. issue queue links appear under the administration menu icon.
  29. Note that the menu items displayed in the administration menu depend on the
  30. actual permissions of the viewing user. For example, the "People" menu item
  31. is not displayed to a user who is not a member of a role with the "Administer
  32. users" permission.
  33. * Customize the menu settings in Administration » Configuration and modules »
  34. Administration » Administration menu.
  35. * To prevent administrative menu items from appearing twice, you may hide the
  36. "Management" menu block.
  38. * To override the default administration menu icon, you may:
  39. 1) Disable it via CSS in your theme:
  40. body #admin-menu-icon { display: none; }
  41. 2) Alter the image by overriding the theme function:
  42. Copy the entire theme_admin_menu_icon() function into your template.php,
  43. rename it to phptemplate_admin_menu_icon() or THEMENAME_admin_menu_icon(),
  44. and customize the output according to your needs.
  45. Remember that the output of the administration menu is cached. To see changes
  46. from your theme override function, you must clear your site cache (via
  47. the "Flush all caches" link on the menu).
  48. * To override the font size, add the following line to your theme's stylesheet:
  49. body #admin-menu { font-size: 10px; }
  51. * If the menu does not display, check the following:
  52. - Are the "Access administration menu" and "Use the administration pages and help"
  53. permissions enabled for the appropriate roles?
  54. - Does html.tpl.php of your theme output the $page_bottom variable?
  55. * If the menu is rendered behind a Flash movie object, add this property to your
  56. Flash object(s):
  57. <param name="wmode" value="transparent" />
  58. See for further information.
  59. -- FAQ --
  60. Q: When the administration menu module is enabled, blank space is added to the
  61. bottom of my theme. Why?
  62. A: This is caused by a long list of links to module issue queues at
  63. Use Administer >> User management >> Permissions to disable the "display
  64. drupal links" permission for all appropriate roles. Note that since UID 1
  65. automatically receives all permissions, the list of issue queue links cannot
  66. be disabled for UID 1.
  67. Q: After upgrading to 6.x-1.x, the menu disappeared. Why?
  68. A: You may need to regenerate your menu. Visit
  69. to regenerate your menu (substitute
  70. your site name for
  71. Q: Can I configure the administration menu module to display another menu (like
  72. the Navigation menu, for instance)?
  73. A: No. As the name implies, administration menu module is for administrative
  74. menu links only. However, you can copy and paste the contents of
  75. admin_menu.css into your theme's stylesheet and replace #admin-menu with any
  76. other menu block id (#block-menu-1, for example).
  77. Q: Sometimes, the user counter displays a lot of anonymous users, but no spike
  78. of users or requests appear in Google Analytics or other tracking tools.
  79. A: If your site was concurrently spidered by search-engine robots, it may have
  80. a significant number of anonymous users for a short time. Most web tracking
  81. tools like Google Analytics automatically filter out these requests.
  82. Q: I enabled "Aggregate and compress CSS files", but admin_menu.css is still
  83. there. Is this normal?
  84. A: Yes, this is the intended behavior. the administration menu module only loads
  85. its stylesheet as needed (i.e., on page requests by logged-on, administrative
  86. users).
  87. Q: Why are sub-menus not visible in Opera?
  88. A: In the Opera browser preferences under "web pages" there is an option to fit
  89. to width. By disabling this option, sub-menus in the administration menu
  90. should appear.
  91. Q: How can the administration menu be hidden on certain pages?
  92. A: You can suppress it by simply calling the following function in PHP:
  93. module_invoke('admin_menu', 'suppress');
  94. However, this needs to happen as early as possible in the page request, so
  95. placing it in the theming layer (resp. a page template file) is too late.
  96. Ideally, the function is called in hook_init() in a custom module. If you do
  97. not have a custom module, placing it into some conditional code at the top of
  98. template.php may work out, too.
  99. -- CONTACT --
  100. Current maintainers:
  101. * Daniel F. Kudwien (sun) -
  102. * Peter Wolanin (pwolanin) -
  103. * Stefan M. Kudwien (smk-ka) -
  104. * Dave Reid (Dave Reid) -
  105. Major rewrite for Drupal 6 by Peter Wolanin (pwolanin).
  106. This project has been sponsored by:
  108. Specialized in consulting and planning of Drupal powered sites, UNLEASHED
  109. MIND offers installation, development, theming, customization, and hosting
  110. to get you started. Visit for more information.
  111. * Lullabot
  112. Friendly Drupal experts providing professional consulting & education
  113. services. Visit for more information.
  114. * Acquia
  115. Commercially Supported Drupal. Visit for more information.