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  112. <pre><code><span id="1" class="l"><a class="l" href="#1"> 1: </a><span class="xlang">&lt;?php</span>
  113. </span><span id="2" class="l"><a class="l" href="#2"> 2: </a>
  114. </span><span id="3" class="l"><a class="l" href="#3"> 3: </a><span class="php-keyword1">class</span> <a id="Mandrill_Messages" href="#Mandrill_Messages">Mandrill_Messages</a> {
  115. </span><span id="4" class="l"><a class="l" href="#4"> 4: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">public</span> <span class="php-keyword1">function</span> <a id="___construct" href="#___construct">__construct</a>(Mandrill <span class="php-var">$master</span>) {
  116. </span><span id="5" class="l"><a class="l" href="#5"> 5: </a> <span class="php-var">$this</span>-&gt;master = <span class="php-var">$master</span>;
  117. </span><span id="6" class="l"><a class="l" href="#6"> 6: </a> }
  118. </span><span id="7" class="l"><a class="l" href="#7"> 7: </a>
  119. </span><span id="8" class="l"><a class="l" href="#8"> 8: </a> <span class="php-comment">/**
  120. </span></span><span id="9" class="l"><a class="l" href="#9"> 9: </a><span class="php-comment"> * Send a new transactional message through Mandrill
  121. </span></span><span id="10" class="l"><a class="l" href="#10"> 10: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @param struct $message the information on the message to send
  122. </span></span><span id="11" class="l"><a class="l" href="#11"> 11: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - html string the full HTML content to be sent
  123. </span></span><span id="12" class="l"><a class="l" href="#12"> 12: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - text string optional full text content to be sent
  124. </span></span><span id="13" class="l"><a class="l" href="#13"> 13: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - subject string the message subject
  125. </span></span><span id="14" class="l"><a class="l" href="#14"> 14: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - from_email string the sender email address.
  126. </span></span><span id="15" class="l"><a class="l" href="#15"> 15: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - from_name string optional from name to be used
  127. </span></span><span id="16" class="l"><a class="l" href="#16"> 16: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - to array an array of recipient information.
  128. </span></span><span id="17" class="l"><a class="l" href="#17"> 17: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - to[] struct a single recipient's information.
  129. </span></span><span id="18" class="l"><a class="l" href="#18"> 18: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - email string the email address of the recipient
  130. </span></span><span id="19" class="l"><a class="l" href="#19"> 19: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - name string the optional display name to use for the recipient
  131. </span></span><span id="20" class="l"><a class="l" href="#20"> 20: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - type string the header type to use for the recipient, defaults to &quot;to&quot; if not provided
  132. </span></span><span id="21" class="l"><a class="l" href="#21"> 21: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - headers struct optional extra headers to add to the message (most headers are allowed)
  133. </span></span><span id="22" class="l"><a class="l" href="#22"> 22: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - important boolean whether or not this message is important, and should be delivered ahead of non-important messages
  134. </span></span><span id="23" class="l"><a class="l" href="#23"> 23: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - track_opens boolean whether or not to turn on open tracking for the message
  135. </span></span><span id="24" class="l"><a class="l" href="#24"> 24: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - track_clicks boolean whether or not to turn on click tracking for the message
  136. </span></span><span id="25" class="l"><a class="l" href="#25"> 25: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - auto_text boolean whether or not to automatically generate a text part for messages that are not given text
  137. </span></span><span id="26" class="l"><a class="l" href="#26"> 26: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - auto_html boolean whether or not to automatically generate an HTML part for messages that are not given HTML
  138. </span></span><span id="27" class="l"><a class="l" href="#27"> 27: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - inline_css boolean whether or not to automatically inline all CSS styles provided in the message HTML - only for HTML documents less than 256KB in size
  139. </span></span><span id="28" class="l"><a class="l" href="#28"> 28: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - url_strip_qs boolean whether or not to strip the query string from URLs when aggregating tracked URL data
  140. </span></span><span id="29" class="l"><a class="l" href="#29"> 29: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - preserve_recipients boolean whether or not to expose all recipients in to &quot;To&quot; header for each email
  141. </span></span><span id="30" class="l"><a class="l" href="#30"> 30: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - view_content_link boolean set to false to remove content logging for sensitive emails
  142. </span></span><span id="31" class="l"><a class="l" href="#31"> 31: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - bcc_address string an optional address to receive an exact copy of each recipient's email
  143. </span></span><span id="32" class="l"><a class="l" href="#32"> 32: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - tracking_domain string a custom domain to use for tracking opens and clicks instead of
  144. </span></span><span id="33" class="l"><a class="l" href="#33"> 33: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - signing_domain string a custom domain to use for SPF/DKIM signing instead of mandrill (for &quot;via&quot; or &quot;on behalf of&quot; in email clients)
  145. </span></span><span id="34" class="l"><a class="l" href="#34"> 34: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - return_path_domain string a custom domain to use for the messages's return-path
  146. </span></span><span id="35" class="l"><a class="l" href="#35"> 35: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - merge boolean whether to evaluate merge tags in the message. Will automatically be set to true if either merge_vars or global_merge_vars are provided.
  147. </span></span><span id="36" class="l"><a class="l" href="#36"> 36: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - global_merge_vars array global merge variables to use for all recipients. You can override these per recipient.
  148. </span></span><span id="37" class="l"><a class="l" href="#37"> 37: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - global_merge_vars[] struct a single global merge variable
  149. </span></span><span id="38" class="l"><a class="l" href="#38"> 38: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - name string the global merge variable's name. Merge variable names are case-insensitive and may not start with _
  150. </span></span><span id="39" class="l"><a class="l" href="#39"> 39: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - content string the global merge variable's content
  151. </span></span><span id="40" class="l"><a class="l" href="#40"> 40: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - merge_vars array per-recipient merge variables, which override global merge variables with the same name.
  152. </span></span><span id="41" class="l"><a class="l" href="#41"> 41: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - merge_vars[] struct per-recipient merge variables
  153. </span></span><span id="42" class="l"><a class="l" href="#42"> 42: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - rcpt string the email address of the recipient that the merge variables should apply to
  154. </span></span><span id="43" class="l"><a class="l" href="#43"> 43: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - vars array the recipient's merge variables
  155. </span></span><span id="44" class="l"><a class="l" href="#44"> 44: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - vars[] struct a single merge variable
  156. </span></span><span id="45" class="l"><a class="l" href="#45"> 45: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - name string the merge variable's name. Merge variable names are case-insensitive and may not start with _
  157. </span></span><span id="46" class="l"><a class="l" href="#46"> 46: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - content string the merge variable's content
  158. </span></span><span id="47" class="l"><a class="l" href="#47"> 47: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - tags array an array of string to tag the message with. Stats are accumulated using tags, though we only store the first 100 we see, so this should not be unique or change frequently. Tags should be 50 characters or less. Any tags starting with an underscore are reserved for internal use and will cause errors.
  159. </span></span><span id="48" class="l"><a class="l" href="#48"> 48: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - tags[] string a single tag - must not start with an underscore
  160. </span></span><span id="49" class="l"><a class="l" href="#49"> 49: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - subaccount string the unique id of a subaccount for this message - must already exist or will fail with an error
  161. </span></span><span id="50" class="l"><a class="l" href="#50"> 50: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - google_analytics_domains array an array of strings indicating for which any matching URLs will automatically have Google Analytics parameters appended to their query string automatically.
  162. </span></span><span id="51" class="l"><a class="l" href="#51"> 51: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - google_analytics_campaign array|string optional string indicating the value to set for the utm_campaign tracking parameter. If this isn't provided the email's from address will be used instead.
  163. </span></span><span id="52" class="l"><a class="l" href="#52"> 52: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - metadata array metadata an associative array of user metadata. Mandrill will store this metadata and make it available for retrieval. In addition, you can select up to 10 metadata fields to index and make searchable using the Mandrill search api.
  164. </span></span><span id="53" class="l"><a class="l" href="#53"> 53: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - recipient_metadata array Per-recipient metadata that will override the global values specified in the metadata parameter.
  165. </span></span><span id="54" class="l"><a class="l" href="#54"> 54: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - recipient_metadata[] struct metadata for a single recipient
  166. </span></span><span id="55" class="l"><a class="l" href="#55"> 55: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - rcpt string the email address of the recipient that the metadata is associated with
  167. </span></span><span id="56" class="l"><a class="l" href="#56"> 56: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - values array an associated array containing the recipient's unique metadata. If a key exists in both the per-recipient metadata and the global metadata, the per-recipient metadata will be used.
  168. </span></span><span id="57" class="l"><a class="l" href="#57"> 57: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - attachments array an array of supported attachments to add to the message
  169. </span></span><span id="58" class="l"><a class="l" href="#58"> 58: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - attachments[] struct a single supported attachment
  170. </span></span><span id="59" class="l"><a class="l" href="#59"> 59: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - type string the MIME type of the attachment
  171. </span></span><span id="60" class="l"><a class="l" href="#60"> 60: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - name string the file name of the attachment
  172. </span></span><span id="61" class="l"><a class="l" href="#61"> 61: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - content string the content of the attachment as a base64-encoded string
  173. </span></span><span id="62" class="l"><a class="l" href="#62"> 62: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - images array an array of embedded images to add to the message
  174. </span></span><span id="63" class="l"><a class="l" href="#63"> 63: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - images[] struct a single embedded image
  175. </span></span><span id="64" class="l"><a class="l" href="#64"> 64: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - type string the MIME type of the image - must start with &quot;image/&quot;
  176. </span></span><span id="65" class="l"><a class="l" href="#65"> 65: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - name string the Content ID of the image - use &lt;img src=&quot;cid:THIS_VALUE&quot;&gt; to reference the image in your HTML content
  177. </span></span><span id="66" class="l"><a class="l" href="#66"> 66: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - content string the content of the image as a base64-encoded string
  178. </span></span><span id="67" class="l"><a class="l" href="#67"> 67: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @param boolean $async enable a background sending mode that is optimized for bulk sending. In async mode, messages/send will immediately return a status of &quot;queued&quot; for every recipient. To handle rejections when sending in async mode, set up a webhook for the 'reject' event. Defaults to false for messages with no more than 10 recipients; messages with more than 10 recipients are always sent asynchronously, regardless of the value of async.
  179. </span></span><span id="68" class="l"><a class="l" href="#68"> 68: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @param string $ip_pool the name of the dedicated ip pool that should be used to send the message. If you do not have any dedicated IPs, this parameter has no effect. If you specify a pool that does not exist, your default pool will be used instead.
  180. </span></span><span id="69" class="l"><a class="l" href="#69"> 69: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @param string $send_at when this message should be sent as a UTC timestamp in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format. If you specify a time in the past, the message will be sent immediately. An additional fee applies for scheduled email, and this feature is only available to accounts with a positive balance.
  181. </span></span><span id="70" class="l"><a class="l" href="#70"> 70: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @return array of structs for each recipient containing the key &quot;email&quot; with the email address and &quot;status&quot; as either &quot;sent&quot;, &quot;queued&quot;, or &quot;rejected&quot;
  182. </span></span><span id="71" class="l"><a class="l" href="#71"> 71: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - return[] struct the sending results for a single recipient
  183. </span></span><span id="72" class="l"><a class="l" href="#72"> 72: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - email string the email address of the recipient
  184. </span></span><span id="73" class="l"><a class="l" href="#73"> 73: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - status string the sending status of the recipient - either &quot;sent&quot;, &quot;queued&quot;, &quot;scheduled&quot;, &quot;rejected&quot;, or &quot;invalid&quot;
  185. </span></span><span id="74" class="l"><a class="l" href="#74"> 74: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - reject_reason string the reason for the rejection if the recipient status is &quot;rejected&quot;
  186. </span></span><span id="75" class="l"><a class="l" href="#75"> 75: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - _id string the message's unique id
  187. </span></span><span id="76" class="l"><a class="l" href="#76"> 76: </a><span class="php-comment"> */</span>
  188. </span><span id="77" class="l"><a class="l" href="#77"> 77: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">public</span> <span class="php-keyword1">function</span> <a id="_send" href="#_send">send</a>(<span class="php-var">$message</span>, <span class="php-var">$async</span>=<span class="php-keyword1">false</span>, <span class="php-var">$ip_pool</span>=<span class="php-keyword1">null</span>, <span class="php-var">$send_at</span>=<span class="php-keyword1">null</span>) {
  189. </span><span id="78" class="l"><a class="l" href="#78"> 78: </a> <span class="php-var">$_params</span> = <span class="php-keyword1">array</span>(<span class="php-quote">&quot;message&quot;</span> =&gt; <span class="php-var">$message</span>, <span class="php-quote">&quot;async&quot;</span> =&gt; <span class="php-var">$async</span>, <span class="php-quote">&quot;ip_pool&quot;</span> =&gt; <span class="php-var">$ip_pool</span>, <span class="php-quote">&quot;send_at&quot;</span> =&gt; <span class="php-var">$send_at</span>);
  190. </span><span id="79" class="l"><a class="l" href="#79"> 79: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">return</span> <span class="php-var">$this</span>-&gt;master-&gt;call(<span class="php-quote">'messages/send'</span>, <span class="php-var">$_params</span>);
  191. </span><span id="80" class="l"><a class="l" href="#80"> 80: </a> }
  192. </span><span id="81" class="l"><a class="l" href="#81"> 81: </a>
  193. </span><span id="82" class="l"><a class="l" href="#82"> 82: </a> <span class="php-comment">/**
  194. </span></span><span id="83" class="l"><a class="l" href="#83"> 83: </a><span class="php-comment"> * Send a new transactional message through Mandrill using a template
  195. </span></span><span id="84" class="l"><a class="l" href="#84"> 84: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @param string $template_name the immutable name or slug of a template that exists in the user's account. For backwards-compatibility, the template name may also be used but the immutable slug is preferred.
  196. </span></span><span id="85" class="l"><a class="l" href="#85"> 85: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @param array $template_content an array of template content to send. Each item in the array should be a struct with two keys - name: the name of the content block to set the content for, and content: the actual content to put into the block
  197. </span></span><span id="86" class="l"><a class="l" href="#86"> 86: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - template_content[] struct the injection of a single piece of content into a single editable region
  198. </span></span><span id="87" class="l"><a class="l" href="#87"> 87: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - name string the name of the mc:edit editable region to inject into
  199. </span></span><span id="88" class="l"><a class="l" href="#88"> 88: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - content string the content to inject
  200. </span></span><span id="89" class="l"><a class="l" href="#89"> 89: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @param struct $message the other information on the message to send - same as /messages/send, but without the html content
  201. </span></span><span id="90" class="l"><a class="l" href="#90"> 90: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - html string optional full HTML content to be sent if not in template
  202. </span></span><span id="91" class="l"><a class="l" href="#91"> 91: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - text string optional full text content to be sent
  203. </span></span><span id="92" class="l"><a class="l" href="#92"> 92: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - subject string the message subject
  204. </span></span><span id="93" class="l"><a class="l" href="#93"> 93: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - from_email string the sender email address.
  205. </span></span><span id="94" class="l"><a class="l" href="#94"> 94: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - from_name string optional from name to be used
  206. </span></span><span id="95" class="l"><a class="l" href="#95"> 95: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - to array an array of recipient information.
  207. </span></span><span id="96" class="l"><a class="l" href="#96"> 96: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - to[] struct a single recipient's information.
  208. </span></span><span id="97" class="l"><a class="l" href="#97"> 97: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - email string the email address of the recipient
  209. </span></span><span id="98" class="l"><a class="l" href="#98"> 98: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - name string the optional display name to use for the recipient
  210. </span></span><span id="99" class="l"><a class="l" href="#99"> 99: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - type string the header type to use for the recipient, defaults to &quot;to&quot; if not provided
  211. </span></span><span id="100" class="l"><a class="l" href="#100">100: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - headers struct optional extra headers to add to the message (most headers are allowed)
  212. </span></span><span id="101" class="l"><a class="l" href="#101">101: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - important boolean whether or not this message is important, and should be delivered ahead of non-important messages
  213. </span></span><span id="102" class="l"><a class="l" href="#102">102: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - track_opens boolean whether or not to turn on open tracking for the message
  214. </span></span><span id="103" class="l"><a class="l" href="#103">103: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - track_clicks boolean whether or not to turn on click tracking for the message
  215. </span></span><span id="104" class="l"><a class="l" href="#104">104: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - auto_text boolean whether or not to automatically generate a text part for messages that are not given text
  216. </span></span><span id="105" class="l"><a class="l" href="#105">105: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - auto_html boolean whether or not to automatically generate an HTML part for messages that are not given HTML
  217. </span></span><span id="106" class="l"><a class="l" href="#106">106: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - inline_css boolean whether or not to automatically inline all CSS styles provided in the message HTML - only for HTML documents less than 256KB in size
  218. </span></span><span id="107" class="l"><a class="l" href="#107">107: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - url_strip_qs boolean whether or not to strip the query string from URLs when aggregating tracked URL data
  219. </span></span><span id="108" class="l"><a class="l" href="#108">108: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - preserve_recipients boolean whether or not to expose all recipients in to &quot;To&quot; header for each email
  220. </span></span><span id="109" class="l"><a class="l" href="#109">109: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - view_content_link boolean set to false to remove content logging for sensitive emails
  221. </span></span><span id="110" class="l"><a class="l" href="#110">110: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - bcc_address string an optional address to receive an exact copy of each recipient's email
  222. </span></span><span id="111" class="l"><a class="l" href="#111">111: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - tracking_domain string a custom domain to use for tracking opens and clicks instead of
  223. </span></span><span id="112" class="l"><a class="l" href="#112">112: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - signing_domain string a custom domain to use for SPF/DKIM signing instead of mandrill (for &quot;via&quot; or &quot;on behalf of&quot; in email clients)
  224. </span></span><span id="113" class="l"><a class="l" href="#113">113: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - return_path_domain string a custom domain to use for the messages's return-path
  225. </span></span><span id="114" class="l"><a class="l" href="#114">114: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - merge boolean whether to evaluate merge tags in the message. Will automatically be set to true if either merge_vars or global_merge_vars are provided.
  226. </span></span><span id="115" class="l"><a class="l" href="#115">115: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - global_merge_vars array global merge variables to use for all recipients. You can override these per recipient.
  227. </span></span><span id="116" class="l"><a class="l" href="#116">116: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - global_merge_vars[] struct a single global merge variable
  228. </span></span><span id="117" class="l"><a class="l" href="#117">117: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - name string the global merge variable's name. Merge variable names are case-insensitive and may not start with _
  229. </span></span><span id="118" class="l"><a class="l" href="#118">118: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - content string the global merge variable's content
  230. </span></span><span id="119" class="l"><a class="l" href="#119">119: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - merge_vars array per-recipient merge variables, which override global merge variables with the same name.
  231. </span></span><span id="120" class="l"><a class="l" href="#120">120: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - merge_vars[] struct per-recipient merge variables
  232. </span></span><span id="121" class="l"><a class="l" href="#121">121: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - rcpt string the email address of the recipient that the merge variables should apply to
  233. </span></span><span id="122" class="l"><a class="l" href="#122">122: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - vars array the recipient's merge variables
  234. </span></span><span id="123" class="l"><a class="l" href="#123">123: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - vars[] struct a single merge variable
  235. </span></span><span id="124" class="l"><a class="l" href="#124">124: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - name string the merge variable's name. Merge variable names are case-insensitive and may not start with _
  236. </span></span><span id="125" class="l"><a class="l" href="#125">125: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - content string the merge variable's content
  237. </span></span><span id="126" class="l"><a class="l" href="#126">126: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - tags array an array of string to tag the message with. Stats are accumulated using tags, though we only store the first 100 we see, so this should not be unique or change frequently. Tags should be 50 characters or less. Any tags starting with an underscore are reserved for internal use and will cause errors.
  238. </span></span><span id="127" class="l"><a class="l" href="#127">127: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - tags[] string a single tag - must not start with an underscore
  239. </span></span><span id="128" class="l"><a class="l" href="#128">128: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - subaccount string the unique id of a subaccount for this message - must already exist or will fail with an error
  240. </span></span><span id="129" class="l"><a class="l" href="#129">129: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - google_analytics_domains array an array of strings indicating for which any matching URLs will automatically have Google Analytics parameters appended to their query string automatically.
  241. </span></span><span id="130" class="l"><a class="l" href="#130">130: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - google_analytics_campaign array|string optional string indicating the value to set for the utm_campaign tracking parameter. If this isn't provided the email's from address will be used instead.
  242. </span></span><span id="131" class="l"><a class="l" href="#131">131: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - metadata array metadata an associative array of user metadata. Mandrill will store this metadata and make it available for retrieval. In addition, you can select up to 10 metadata fields to index and make searchable using the Mandrill search api.
  243. </span></span><span id="132" class="l"><a class="l" href="#132">132: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - recipient_metadata array Per-recipient metadata that will override the global values specified in the metadata parameter.
  244. </span></span><span id="133" class="l"><a class="l" href="#133">133: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - recipient_metadata[] struct metadata for a single recipient
  245. </span></span><span id="134" class="l"><a class="l" href="#134">134: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - rcpt string the email address of the recipient that the metadata is associated with
  246. </span></span><span id="135" class="l"><a class="l" href="#135">135: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - values array an associated array containing the recipient's unique metadata. If a key exists in both the per-recipient metadata and the global metadata, the per-recipient metadata will be used.
  247. </span></span><span id="136" class="l"><a class="l" href="#136">136: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - attachments array an array of supported attachments to add to the message
  248. </span></span><span id="137" class="l"><a class="l" href="#137">137: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - attachments[] struct a single supported attachment
  249. </span></span><span id="138" class="l"><a class="l" href="#138">138: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - type string the MIME type of the attachment
  250. </span></span><span id="139" class="l"><a class="l" href="#139">139: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - name string the file name of the attachment
  251. </span></span><span id="140" class="l"><a class="l" href="#140">140: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - content string the content of the attachment as a base64-encoded string
  252. </span></span><span id="141" class="l"><a class="l" href="#141">141: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - images array an array of embedded images to add to the message
  253. </span></span><span id="142" class="l"><a class="l" href="#142">142: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - images[] struct a single embedded image
  254. </span></span><span id="143" class="l"><a class="l" href="#143">143: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - type string the MIME type of the image - must start with &quot;image/&quot;
  255. </span></span><span id="144" class="l"><a class="l" href="#144">144: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - name string the Content ID of the image - use &lt;img src=&quot;cid:THIS_VALUE&quot;&gt; to reference the image in your HTML content
  256. </span></span><span id="145" class="l"><a class="l" href="#145">145: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - content string the content of the image as a base64-encoded string
  257. </span></span><span id="146" class="l"><a class="l" href="#146">146: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @param boolean $async enable a background sending mode that is optimized for bulk sending. In async mode, messages/send will immediately return a status of &quot;queued&quot; for every recipient. To handle rejections when sending in async mode, set up a webhook for the 'reject' event. Defaults to false for messages with no more than 10 recipients; messages with more than 10 recipients are always sent asynchronously, regardless of the value of async.
  258. </span></span><span id="147" class="l"><a class="l" href="#147">147: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @param string $ip_pool the name of the dedicated ip pool that should be used to send the message. If you do not have any dedicated IPs, this parameter has no effect. If you specify a pool that does not exist, your default pool will be used instead.
  259. </span></span><span id="148" class="l"><a class="l" href="#148">148: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @param string $send_at when this message should be sent as a UTC timestamp in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format. If you specify a time in the past, the message will be sent immediately. An additional fee applies for scheduled email, and this feature is only available to accounts with a positive balance.
  260. </span></span><span id="149" class="l"><a class="l" href="#149">149: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @return array of structs for each recipient containing the key &quot;email&quot; with the email address and &quot;status&quot; as either &quot;sent&quot;, &quot;queued&quot;, &quot;scheduled&quot;, or &quot;rejected&quot;
  261. </span></span><span id="150" class="l"><a class="l" href="#150">150: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - return[] struct the sending results for a single recipient
  262. </span></span><span id="151" class="l"><a class="l" href="#151">151: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - email string the email address of the recipient
  263. </span></span><span id="152" class="l"><a class="l" href="#152">152: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - status string the sending status of the recipient - either &quot;sent&quot;, &quot;queued&quot;, &quot;rejected&quot;, or &quot;invalid&quot;
  264. </span></span><span id="153" class="l"><a class="l" href="#153">153: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - reject_reason string the reason for the rejection if the recipient status is &quot;rejected&quot;
  265. </span></span><span id="154" class="l"><a class="l" href="#154">154: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - _id string the message's unique id
  266. </span></span><span id="155" class="l"><a class="l" href="#155">155: </a><span class="php-comment"> */</span>
  267. </span><span id="156" class="l"><a class="l" href="#156">156: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">public</span> <span class="php-keyword1">function</span> <a id="_sendTemplate" href="#_sendTemplate">sendTemplate</a>(<span class="php-var">$template_name</span>, <span class="php-var">$template_content</span>, <span class="php-var">$message</span>, <span class="php-var">$async</span>=<span class="php-keyword1">false</span>, <span class="php-var">$ip_pool</span>=<span class="php-keyword1">null</span>, <span class="php-var">$send_at</span>=<span class="php-keyword1">null</span>) {
  268. </span><span id="157" class="l"><a class="l" href="#157">157: </a> <span class="php-var">$_params</span> = <span class="php-keyword1">array</span>(<span class="php-quote">&quot;template_name&quot;</span> =&gt; <span class="php-var">$template_name</span>, <span class="php-quote">&quot;template_content&quot;</span> =&gt; <span class="php-var">$template_content</span>, <span class="php-quote">&quot;message&quot;</span> =&gt; <span class="php-var">$message</span>, <span class="php-quote">&quot;async&quot;</span> =&gt; <span class="php-var">$async</span>, <span class="php-quote">&quot;ip_pool&quot;</span> =&gt; <span class="php-var">$ip_pool</span>, <span class="php-quote">&quot;send_at&quot;</span> =&gt; <span class="php-var">$send_at</span>);
  269. </span><span id="158" class="l"><a class="l" href="#158">158: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">return</span> <span class="php-var">$this</span>-&gt;master-&gt;call(<span class="php-quote">'messages/send-template'</span>, <span class="php-var">$_params</span>);
  270. </span><span id="159" class="l"><a class="l" href="#159">159: </a> }
  271. </span><span id="160" class="l"><a class="l" href="#160">160: </a>
  272. </span><span id="161" class="l"><a class="l" href="#161">161: </a> <span class="php-comment">/**
  273. </span></span><span id="162" class="l"><a class="l" href="#162">162: </a><span class="php-comment"> * Search the content of recently sent messages and optionally narrow by date range, tags and senders
  274. </span></span><span id="163" class="l"><a class="l" href="#163">163: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @param string $query the search terms to find matching messages for
  275. </span></span><span id="164" class="l"><a class="l" href="#164">164: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @param string $date_from start date
  276. </span></span><span id="165" class="l"><a class="l" href="#165">165: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @param string $date_to end date
  277. </span></span><span id="166" class="l"><a class="l" href="#166">166: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @param array $tags an array of tag names to narrow the search to, will return messages that contain ANY of the tags
  278. </span></span><span id="167" class="l"><a class="l" href="#167">167: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @param array $senders an array of sender addresses to narrow the search to, will return messages sent by ANY of the senders
  279. </span></span><span id="168" class="l"><a class="l" href="#168">168: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @param array $api_keys an array of API keys to narrow the search to, will return messages sent by ANY of the keys
  280. </span></span><span id="169" class="l"><a class="l" href="#169">169: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @param integer $limit the maximum number of results to return, defaults to 100, 1000 is the maximum
  281. </span></span><span id="170" class="l"><a class="l" href="#170">170: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @return array of structs for each matching message
  282. </span></span><span id="171" class="l"><a class="l" href="#171">171: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - return[] struct the information for a single matching message
  283. </span></span><span id="172" class="l"><a class="l" href="#172">172: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - ts integer the Unix timestamp from when this message was sent
  284. </span></span><span id="173" class="l"><a class="l" href="#173">173: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - _id string the message's unique id
  285. </span></span><span id="174" class="l"><a class="l" href="#174">174: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - sender string the email address of the sender
  286. </span></span><span id="175" class="l"><a class="l" href="#175">175: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - template string the unique name of the template used, if any
  287. </span></span><span id="176" class="l"><a class="l" href="#176">176: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - subject string the message's subject line
  288. </span></span><span id="177" class="l"><a class="l" href="#177">177: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - email string the recipient email address
  289. </span></span><span id="178" class="l"><a class="l" href="#178">178: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - tags array list of tags on this message
  290. </span></span><span id="179" class="l"><a class="l" href="#179">179: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - tags[] string individual tag on this message
  291. </span></span><span id="180" class="l"><a class="l" href="#180">180: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - opens integer how many times has this message been opened
  292. </span></span><span id="181" class="l"><a class="l" href="#181">181: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - opens_detail array list of individual opens for the message
  293. </span></span><span id="182" class="l"><a class="l" href="#182">182: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - opens_detail[] struct information on an individual open
  294. </span></span><span id="183" class="l"><a class="l" href="#183">183: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - ts integer the unix timestamp from when the message was opened
  295. </span></span><span id="184" class="l"><a class="l" href="#184">184: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - ip string the IP address that generated the open
  296. </span></span><span id="185" class="l"><a class="l" href="#185">185: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - location string the approximate region and country that the opening IP is located
  297. </span></span><span id="186" class="l"><a class="l" href="#186">186: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - ua string the email client or browser data of the open
  298. </span></span><span id="187" class="l"><a class="l" href="#187">187: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - clicks integer how many times has a link been clicked in this message
  299. </span></span><span id="188" class="l"><a class="l" href="#188">188: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - clicks_detail array list of individual clicks for the message
  300. </span></span><span id="189" class="l"><a class="l" href="#189">189: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - clicks_detail[] struct information on an individual click
  301. </span></span><span id="190" class="l"><a class="l" href="#190">190: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - ts integer the unix timestamp from when the message was clicked
  302. </span></span><span id="191" class="l"><a class="l" href="#191">191: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - url string the URL that was clicked on
  303. </span></span><span id="192" class="l"><a class="l" href="#192">192: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - ip string the IP address that generated the click
  304. </span></span><span id="193" class="l"><a class="l" href="#193">193: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - location string the approximate region and country that the clicking IP is located
  305. </span></span><span id="194" class="l"><a class="l" href="#194">194: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - ua string the email client or browser data of the click
  306. </span></span><span id="195" class="l"><a class="l" href="#195">195: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - state string sending status of this message: sent, bounced, rejected
  307. </span></span><span id="196" class="l"><a class="l" href="#196">196: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - metadata struct any custom metadata provided when the message was sent
  308. </span></span><span id="197" class="l"><a class="l" href="#197">197: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - smtp_events array a log of up to 3 smtp events for the message
  309. </span></span><span id="198" class="l"><a class="l" href="#198">198: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - smtp_events[] struct information about a specific smtp event
  310. </span></span><span id="199" class="l"><a class="l" href="#199">199: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - ts integer the Unix timestamp when the event occured
  311. </span></span><span id="200" class="l"><a class="l" href="#200">200: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - type string the message's state as a result of this event
  312. </span></span><span id="201" class="l"><a class="l" href="#201">201: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - diag string the SMTP response from the recipient's server
  313. </span></span><span id="202" class="l"><a class="l" href="#202">202: </a><span class="php-comment"> */</span>
  314. </span><span id="203" class="l"><a class="l" href="#203">203: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">public</span> <span class="php-keyword1">function</span> <a id="_search" href="#_search">search</a>(<span class="php-var">$query</span>=<span class="php-quote">'*'</span>, <span class="php-var">$date_from</span>=<span class="php-keyword1">null</span>, <span class="php-var">$date_to</span>=<span class="php-keyword1">null</span>, <span class="php-var">$tags</span>=<span class="php-keyword1">null</span>, <span class="php-var">$senders</span>=<span class="php-keyword1">null</span>, <span class="php-var">$api_keys</span>=<span class="php-keyword1">null</span>, <span class="php-var">$limit</span>=<span class="php-num">100</span>) {
  315. </span><span id="204" class="l"><a class="l" href="#204">204: </a> <span class="php-var">$_params</span> = <span class="php-keyword1">array</span>(<span class="php-quote">&quot;query&quot;</span> =&gt; <span class="php-var">$query</span>, <span class="php-quote">&quot;date_from&quot;</span> =&gt; <span class="php-var">$date_from</span>, <span class="php-quote">&quot;date_to&quot;</span> =&gt; <span class="php-var">$date_to</span>, <span class="php-quote">&quot;tags&quot;</span> =&gt; <span class="php-var">$tags</span>, <span class="php-quote">&quot;senders&quot;</span> =&gt; <span class="php-var">$senders</span>, <span class="php-quote">&quot;api_keys&quot;</span> =&gt; <span class="php-var">$api_keys</span>, <span class="php-quote">&quot;limit&quot;</span> =&gt; <span class="php-var">$limit</span>);
  316. </span><span id="205" class="l"><a class="l" href="#205">205: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">return</span> <span class="php-var">$this</span>-&gt;master-&gt;call(<span class="php-quote">'messages/search'</span>, <span class="php-var">$_params</span>);
  317. </span><span id="206" class="l"><a class="l" href="#206">206: </a> }
  318. </span><span id="207" class="l"><a class="l" href="#207">207: </a>
  319. </span><span id="208" class="l"><a class="l" href="#208">208: </a> <span class="php-comment">/**
  320. </span></span><span id="209" class="l"><a class="l" href="#209">209: </a><span class="php-comment"> * Search the content of recently sent messages and return the aggregated hourly stats for matching messages
  321. </span></span><span id="210" class="l"><a class="l" href="#210">210: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @param string $query the search terms to find matching messages for
  322. </span></span><span id="211" class="l"><a class="l" href="#211">211: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @param string $date_from start date
  323. </span></span><span id="212" class="l"><a class="l" href="#212">212: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @param string $date_to end date
  324. </span></span><span id="213" class="l"><a class="l" href="#213">213: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @param array $tags an array of tag names to narrow the search to, will return messages that contain ANY of the tags
  325. </span></span><span id="214" class="l"><a class="l" href="#214">214: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @param array $senders an array of sender addresses to narrow the search to, will return messages sent by ANY of the senders
  326. </span></span><span id="215" class="l"><a class="l" href="#215">215: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @return array the array of history information
  327. </span></span><span id="216" class="l"><a class="l" href="#216">216: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - return[] struct the stats for a single hour
  328. </span></span><span id="217" class="l"><a class="l" href="#217">217: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - time string the hour as a UTC date string in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format
  329. </span></span><span id="218" class="l"><a class="l" href="#218">218: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - sent integer the number of emails that were sent during the hour
  330. </span></span><span id="219" class="l"><a class="l" href="#219">219: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - hard_bounces integer the number of emails that hard bounced during the hour
  331. </span></span><span id="220" class="l"><a class="l" href="#220">220: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - soft_bounces integer the number of emails that soft bounced during the hour
  332. </span></span><span id="221" class="l"><a class="l" href="#221">221: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - rejects integer the number of emails that were rejected during the hour
  333. </span></span><span id="222" class="l"><a class="l" href="#222">222: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - complaints integer the number of spam complaints received during the hour
  334. </span></span><span id="223" class="l"><a class="l" href="#223">223: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - unsubs integer the number of unsubscribes received during the hour
  335. </span></span><span id="224" class="l"><a class="l" href="#224">224: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - opens integer the number of emails opened during the hour
  336. </span></span><span id="225" class="l"><a class="l" href="#225">225: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - unique_opens integer the number of unique opens generated by messages sent during the hour
  337. </span></span><span id="226" class="l"><a class="l" href="#226">226: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - clicks integer the number of tracked URLs clicked during the hour
  338. </span></span><span id="227" class="l"><a class="l" href="#227">227: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - unique_clicks integer the number of unique clicks generated by messages sent during the hour
  339. </span></span><span id="228" class="l"><a class="l" href="#228">228: </a><span class="php-comment"> */</span>
  340. </span><span id="229" class="l"><a class="l" href="#229">229: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">public</span> <span class="php-keyword1">function</span> <a id="_searchTimeSeries" href="#_searchTimeSeries">searchTimeSeries</a>(<span class="php-var">$query</span>=<span class="php-quote">'*'</span>, <span class="php-var">$date_from</span>=<span class="php-keyword1">null</span>, <span class="php-var">$date_to</span>=<span class="php-keyword1">null</span>, <span class="php-var">$tags</span>=<span class="php-keyword1">null</span>, <span class="php-var">$senders</span>=<span class="php-keyword1">null</span>) {
  341. </span><span id="230" class="l"><a class="l" href="#230">230: </a> <span class="php-var">$_params</span> = <span class="php-keyword1">array</span>(<span class="php-quote">&quot;query&quot;</span> =&gt; <span class="php-var">$query</span>, <span class="php-quote">&quot;date_from&quot;</span> =&gt; <span class="php-var">$date_from</span>, <span class="php-quote">&quot;date_to&quot;</span> =&gt; <span class="php-var">$date_to</span>, <span class="php-quote">&quot;tags&quot;</span> =&gt; <span class="php-var">$tags</span>, <span class="php-quote">&quot;senders&quot;</span> =&gt; <span class="php-var">$senders</span>);
  342. </span><span id="231" class="l"><a class="l" href="#231">231: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">return</span> <span class="php-var">$this</span>-&gt;master-&gt;call(<span class="php-quote">'messages/search-time-series'</span>, <span class="php-var">$_params</span>);
  343. </span><span id="232" class="l"><a class="l" href="#232">232: </a> }
  344. </span><span id="233" class="l"><a class="l" href="#233">233: </a>
  345. </span><span id="234" class="l"><a class="l" href="#234">234: </a> <span class="php-comment">/**
  346. </span></span><span id="235" class="l"><a class="l" href="#235">235: </a><span class="php-comment"> * Get the information for a single recently sent message
  347. </span></span><span id="236" class="l"><a class="l" href="#236">236: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @param string $id the unique id of the message to get - passed as the &quot;_id&quot; field in webhooks, send calls, or search calls
  348. </span></span><span id="237" class="l"><a class="l" href="#237">237: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @return struct the information for the message
  349. </span></span><span id="238" class="l"><a class="l" href="#238">238: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - ts integer the Unix timestamp from when this message was sent
  350. </span></span><span id="239" class="l"><a class="l" href="#239">239: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - _id string the message's unique id
  351. </span></span><span id="240" class="l"><a class="l" href="#240">240: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - sender string the email address of the sender
  352. </span></span><span id="241" class="l"><a class="l" href="#241">241: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - template string the unique name of the template used, if any
  353. </span></span><span id="242" class="l"><a class="l" href="#242">242: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - subject string the message's subject line
  354. </span></span><span id="243" class="l"><a class="l" href="#243">243: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - email string the recipient email address
  355. </span></span><span id="244" class="l"><a class="l" href="#244">244: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - tags array list of tags on this message
  356. </span></span><span id="245" class="l"><a class="l" href="#245">245: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - tags[] string individual tag on this message
  357. </span></span><span id="246" class="l"><a class="l" href="#246">246: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - opens integer how many times has this message been opened
  358. </span></span><span id="247" class="l"><a class="l" href="#247">247: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - opens_detail array list of individual opens for the message
  359. </span></span><span id="248" class="l"><a class="l" href="#248">248: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - opens_detail[] struct information on an individual open
  360. </span></span><span id="249" class="l"><a class="l" href="#249">249: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - ts integer the unix timestamp from when the message was opened
  361. </span></span><span id="250" class="l"><a class="l" href="#250">250: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - ip string the IP address that generated the open
  362. </span></span><span id="251" class="l"><a class="l" href="#251">251: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - location string the approximate region and country that the opening IP is located
  363. </span></span><span id="252" class="l"><a class="l" href="#252">252: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - ua string the email client or browser data of the open
  364. </span></span><span id="253" class="l"><a class="l" href="#253">253: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - clicks integer how many times has a link been clicked in this message
  365. </span></span><span id="254" class="l"><a class="l" href="#254">254: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - clicks_detail array list of individual clicks for the message
  366. </span></span><span id="255" class="l"><a class="l" href="#255">255: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - clicks_detail[] struct information on an individual click
  367. </span></span><span id="256" class="l"><a class="l" href="#256">256: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - ts integer the unix timestamp from when the message was clicked
  368. </span></span><span id="257" class="l"><a class="l" href="#257">257: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - url string the URL that was clicked on
  369. </span></span><span id="258" class="l"><a class="l" href="#258">258: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - ip string the IP address that generated the click
  370. </span></span><span id="259" class="l"><a class="l" href="#259">259: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - location string the approximate region and country that the clicking IP is located
  371. </span></span><span id="260" class="l"><a class="l" href="#260">260: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - ua string the email client or browser data of the click
  372. </span></span><span id="261" class="l"><a class="l" href="#261">261: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - state string sending status of this message: sent, bounced, rejected
  373. </span></span><span id="262" class="l"><a class="l" href="#262">262: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - metadata struct any custom metadata provided when the message was sent
  374. </span></span><span id="263" class="l"><a class="l" href="#263">263: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - smtp_events array a log of up to 3 smtp events for the message
  375. </span></span><span id="264" class="l"><a class="l" href="#264">264: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - smtp_events[] struct information about a specific smtp event
  376. </span></span><span id="265" class="l"><a class="l" href="#265">265: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - ts integer the Unix timestamp when the event occured
  377. </span></span><span id="266" class="l"><a class="l" href="#266">266: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - type string the message's state as a result of this event
  378. </span></span><span id="267" class="l"><a class="l" href="#267">267: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - diag string the SMTP response from the recipient's server
  379. </span></span><span id="268" class="l"><a class="l" href="#268">268: </a><span class="php-comment"> */</span>
  380. </span><span id="269" class="l"><a class="l" href="#269">269: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">public</span> <span class="php-keyword1">function</span> <a id="_info" href="#_info">info</a>(<span class="php-var">$id</span>) {
  381. </span><span id="270" class="l"><a class="l" href="#270">270: </a> <span class="php-var">$_params</span> = <span class="php-keyword1">array</span>(<span class="php-quote">&quot;id&quot;</span> =&gt; <span class="php-var">$id</span>);
  382. </span><span id="271" class="l"><a class="l" href="#271">271: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">return</span> <span class="php-var">$this</span>-&gt;master-&gt;call(<span class="php-quote">'messages/info'</span>, <span class="php-var">$_params</span>);
  383. </span><span id="272" class="l"><a class="l" href="#272">272: </a> }
  384. </span><span id="273" class="l"><a class="l" href="#273">273: </a>
  385. </span><span id="274" class="l"><a class="l" href="#274">274: </a> <span class="php-comment">/**
  386. </span></span><span id="275" class="l"><a class="l" href="#275">275: </a><span class="php-comment"> * Get the full content of a recently sent message
  387. </span></span><span id="276" class="l"><a class="l" href="#276">276: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @param string $id the unique id of the message to get - passed as the &quot;_id&quot; field in webhooks, send calls, or search calls
  388. </span></span><span id="277" class="l"><a class="l" href="#277">277: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @return struct the content of the message
  389. </span></span><span id="278" class="l"><a class="l" href="#278">278: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - ts integer the Unix timestamp from when this message was sent
  390. </span></span><span id="279" class="l"><a class="l" href="#279">279: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - _id string the message's unique id
  391. </span></span><span id="280" class="l"><a class="l" href="#280">280: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - from_email string the email address of the sender
  392. </span></span><span id="281" class="l"><a class="l" href="#281">281: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - from_name string the alias of the sender (if any)
  393. </span></span><span id="282" class="l"><a class="l" href="#282">282: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - subject string the message's subject line
  394. </span></span><span id="283" class="l"><a class="l" href="#283">283: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - to struct the message recipient's information
  395. </span></span><span id="284" class="l"><a class="l" href="#284">284: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - email string the email address of the recipient
  396. </span></span><span id="285" class="l"><a class="l" href="#285">285: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - name string the alias of the recipient (if any)
  397. </span></span><span id="286" class="l"><a class="l" href="#286">286: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - tags array list of tags on this message
  398. </span></span><span id="287" class="l"><a class="l" href="#287">287: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - tags[] string individual tag on this message
  399. </span></span><span id="288" class="l"><a class="l" href="#288">288: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - headers struct the key-value pairs of the custom MIME headers for the message's main document
  400. </span></span><span id="289" class="l"><a class="l" href="#289">289: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - text string the text part of the message, if any
  401. </span></span><span id="290" class="l"><a class="l" href="#290">290: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - html string the HTML part of the message, if any
  402. </span></span><span id="291" class="l"><a class="l" href="#291">291: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - attachments array an array of any attachments that can be found in the message
  403. </span></span><span id="292" class="l"><a class="l" href="#292">292: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - attachments[] struct information about an individual attachment
  404. </span></span><span id="293" class="l"><a class="l" href="#293">293: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - name string the file name of the attachment
  405. </span></span><span id="294" class="l"><a class="l" href="#294">294: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - type string the MIME type of the attachment
  406. </span></span><span id="295" class="l"><a class="l" href="#295">295: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - content string the content of the attachment as a base64 encoded string
  407. </span></span><span id="296" class="l"><a class="l" href="#296">296: </a><span class="php-comment"> */</span>
  408. </span><span id="297" class="l"><a class="l" href="#297">297: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">public</span> <span class="php-keyword1">function</span> <a id="_content" href="#_content">content</a>(<span class="php-var">$id</span>) {
  409. </span><span id="298" class="l"><a class="l" href="#298">298: </a> <span class="php-var">$_params</span> = <span class="php-keyword1">array</span>(<span class="php-quote">&quot;id&quot;</span> =&gt; <span class="php-var">$id</span>);
  410. </span><span id="299" class="l"><a class="l" href="#299">299: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">return</span> <span class="php-var">$this</span>-&gt;master-&gt;call(<span class="php-quote">'messages/content'</span>, <span class="php-var">$_params</span>);
  411. </span><span id="300" class="l"><a class="l" href="#300">300: </a> }
  412. </span><span id="301" class="l"><a class="l" href="#301">301: </a>
  413. </span><span id="302" class="l"><a class="l" href="#302">302: </a> <span class="php-comment">/**
  414. </span></span><span id="303" class="l"><a class="l" href="#303">303: </a><span class="php-comment"> * Parse the full MIME document for an email message, returning the content of the message broken into its constituent pieces
  415. </span></span><span id="304" class="l"><a class="l" href="#304">304: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @param string $raw_message the full MIME document of an email message
  416. </span></span><span id="305" class="l"><a class="l" href="#305">305: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @return struct the parsed message
  417. </span></span><span id="306" class="l"><a class="l" href="#306">306: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - subject string the subject of the message
  418. </span></span><span id="307" class="l"><a class="l" href="#307">307: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - from_email string the email address of the sender
  419. </span></span><span id="308" class="l"><a class="l" href="#308">308: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - from_name string the alias of the sender (if any)
  420. </span></span><span id="309" class="l"><a class="l" href="#309">309: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - to array an array of any recipients in the message
  421. </span></span><span id="310" class="l"><a class="l" href="#310">310: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - to[] struct the information on a single recipient
  422. </span></span><span id="311" class="l"><a class="l" href="#311">311: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - email string the email address of the recipient
  423. </span></span><span id="312" class="l"><a class="l" href="#312">312: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - name string the alias of the recipient (if any)
  424. </span></span><span id="313" class="l"><a class="l" href="#313">313: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - headers struct the key-value pairs of the MIME headers for the message's main document
  425. </span></span><span id="314" class="l"><a class="l" href="#314">314: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - text string the text part of the message, if any
  426. </span></span><span id="315" class="l"><a class="l" href="#315">315: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - html string the HTML part of the message, if any
  427. </span></span><span id="316" class="l"><a class="l" href="#316">316: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - attachments array an array of any attachments that can be found in the message
  428. </span></span><span id="317" class="l"><a class="l" href="#317">317: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - attachments[] struct information about an individual attachment
  429. </span></span><span id="318" class="l"><a class="l" href="#318">318: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - name string the file name of the attachment
  430. </span></span><span id="319" class="l"><a class="l" href="#319">319: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - type string the MIME type of the attachment
  431. </span></span><span id="320" class="l"><a class="l" href="#320">320: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - binary boolean if this is set to true, the attachment is not pure-text, and the content will be base64 encoded
  432. </span></span><span id="321" class="l"><a class="l" href="#321">321: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - content string the content of the attachment as a text string or a base64 encoded string based on the attachment type
  433. </span></span><span id="322" class="l"><a class="l" href="#322">322: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - images array an array of any embedded images that can be found in the message
  434. </span></span><span id="323" class="l"><a class="l" href="#323">323: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - images[] struct information about an individual image
  435. </span></span><span id="324" class="l"><a class="l" href="#324">324: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - name string the Content-ID of the embedded image
  436. </span></span><span id="325" class="l"><a class="l" href="#325">325: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - type string the MIME type of the image
  437. </span></span><span id="326" class="l"><a class="l" href="#326">326: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - content string the content of the image as a base64 encoded string
  438. </span></span><span id="327" class="l"><a class="l" href="#327">327: </a><span class="php-comment"> */</span>
  439. </span><span id="328" class="l"><a class="l" href="#328">328: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">public</span> <span class="php-keyword1">function</span> <a id="_parse" href="#_parse">parse</a>(<span class="php-var">$raw_message</span>) {
  440. </span><span id="329" class="l"><a class="l" href="#329">329: </a> <span class="php-var">$_params</span> = <span class="php-keyword1">array</span>(<span class="php-quote">&quot;raw_message&quot;</span> =&gt; <span class="php-var">$raw_message</span>);
  441. </span><span id="330" class="l"><a class="l" href="#330">330: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">return</span> <span class="php-var">$this</span>-&gt;master-&gt;call(<span class="php-quote">'messages/parse'</span>, <span class="php-var">$_params</span>);
  442. </span><span id="331" class="l"><a class="l" href="#331">331: </a> }
  443. </span><span id="332" class="l"><a class="l" href="#332">332: </a>
  444. </span><span id="333" class="l"><a class="l" href="#333">333: </a> <span class="php-comment">/**
  445. </span></span><span id="334" class="l"><a class="l" href="#334">334: </a><span class="php-comment"> * Take a raw MIME document for a message, and send it exactly as if it were sent through Mandrill's SMTP servers
  446. </span></span><span id="335" class="l"><a class="l" href="#335">335: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @param string $raw_message the full MIME document of an email message
  447. </span></span><span id="336" class="l"><a class="l" href="#336">336: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @param string|null $from_email optionally define the sender address - otherwise we'll use the address found in the provided headers
  448. </span></span><span id="337" class="l"><a class="l" href="#337">337: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @param string|null $from_name optionally define the sender alias
  449. </span></span><span id="338" class="l"><a class="l" href="#338">338: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @param array|null $to optionally define the recipients to receive the message - otherwise we'll use the To, Cc, and Bcc headers provided in the document
  450. </span></span><span id="339" class="l"><a class="l" href="#339">339: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - to[] string the email address of the recipient
  451. </span></span><span id="340" class="l"><a class="l" href="#340">340: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @param boolean $async enable a background sending mode that is optimized for bulk sending. In async mode, messages/sendRaw will immediately return a status of &quot;queued&quot; for every recipient. To handle rejections when sending in async mode, set up a webhook for the 'reject' event. Defaults to false for messages with no more than 10 recipients; messages with more than 10 recipients are always sent asynchronously, regardless of the value of async.
  452. </span></span><span id="341" class="l"><a class="l" href="#341">341: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @param string $ip_pool the name of the dedicated ip pool that should be used to send the message. If you do not have any dedicated IPs, this parameter has no effect. If you specify a pool that does not exist, your default pool will be used instead.
  453. </span></span><span id="342" class="l"><a class="l" href="#342">342: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @param string $send_at when this message should be sent as a UTC timestamp in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format. If you specify a time in the past, the message will be sent immediately.
  454. </span></span><span id="343" class="l"><a class="l" href="#343">343: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @param string $return_path_domain a custom domain to use for the messages's return-path
  455. </span></span><span id="344" class="l"><a class="l" href="#344">344: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @return array of structs for each recipient containing the key &quot;email&quot; with the email address and &quot;status&quot; as either &quot;sent&quot;, &quot;queued&quot;, or &quot;rejected&quot;
  456. </span></span><span id="345" class="l"><a class="l" href="#345">345: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - return[] struct the sending results for a single recipient
  457. </span></span><span id="346" class="l"><a class="l" href="#346">346: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - email string the email address of the recipient
  458. </span></span><span id="347" class="l"><a class="l" href="#347">347: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - status string the sending status of the recipient - either &quot;sent&quot;, &quot;queued&quot;, &quot;scheduled&quot;, &quot;rejected&quot;, or &quot;invalid&quot;
  459. </span></span><span id="348" class="l"><a class="l" href="#348">348: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - reject_reason string the reason for the rejection if the recipient status is &quot;rejected&quot;
  460. </span></span><span id="349" class="l"><a class="l" href="#349">349: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - _id string the message's unique id
  461. </span></span><span id="350" class="l"><a class="l" href="#350">350: </a><span class="php-comment"> */</span>
  462. </span><span id="351" class="l"><a class="l" href="#351">351: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">public</span> <span class="php-keyword1">function</span> <a id="_sendRaw" href="#_sendRaw">sendRaw</a>(<span class="php-var">$raw_message</span>, <span class="php-var">$from_email</span>=<span class="php-keyword1">null</span>, <span class="php-var">$from_name</span>=<span class="php-keyword1">null</span>, <span class="php-var">$to</span>=<span class="php-keyword1">null</span>, <span class="php-var">$async</span>=<span class="php-keyword1">false</span>, <span class="php-var">$ip_pool</span>=<span class="php-keyword1">null</span>, <span class="php-var">$send_at</span>=<span class="php-keyword1">null</span>, <span class="php-var">$return_path_domain</span>=<span class="php-keyword1">null</span>) {
  463. </span><span id="352" class="l"><a class="l" href="#352">352: </a> <span class="php-var">$_params</span> = <span class="php-keyword1">array</span>(<span class="php-quote">&quot;raw_message&quot;</span> =&gt; <span class="php-var">$raw_message</span>, <span class="php-quote">&quot;from_email&quot;</span> =&gt; <span class="php-var">$from_email</span>, <span class="php-quote">&quot;from_name&quot;</span> =&gt; <span class="php-var">$from_name</span>, <span class="php-quote">&quot;to&quot;</span> =&gt; <span class="php-var">$to</span>, <span class="php-quote">&quot;async&quot;</span> =&gt; <span class="php-var">$async</span>, <span class="php-quote">&quot;ip_pool&quot;</span> =&gt; <span class="php-var">$ip_pool</span>, <span class="php-quote">&quot;send_at&quot;</span> =&gt; <span class="php-var">$send_at</span>, <span class="php-quote">&quot;return_path_domain&quot;</span> =&gt; <span class="php-var">$return_path_domain</span>);
  464. </span><span id="353" class="l"><a class="l" href="#353">353: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">return</span> <span class="php-var">$this</span>-&gt;master-&gt;call(<span class="php-quote">'messages/send-raw'</span>, <span class="php-var">$_params</span>);
  465. </span><span id="354" class="l"><a class="l" href="#354">354: </a> }
  466. </span><span id="355" class="l"><a class="l" href="#355">355: </a>
  467. </span><span id="356" class="l"><a class="l" href="#356">356: </a> <span class="php-comment">/**
  468. </span></span><span id="357" class="l"><a class="l" href="#357">357: </a><span class="php-comment"> * Queries your scheduled emails by sender or recipient, or both.
  469. </span></span><span id="358" class="l"><a class="l" href="#358">358: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @param string $to an optional recipient address to restrict results to
  470. </span></span><span id="359" class="l"><a class="l" href="#359">359: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @return array a list of up to 1000 scheduled emails
  471. </span></span><span id="360" class="l"><a class="l" href="#360">360: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - return[] struct a scheduled email
  472. </span></span><span id="361" class="l"><a class="l" href="#361">361: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - _id string the scheduled message id
  473. </span></span><span id="362" class="l"><a class="l" href="#362">362: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - created_at string the UTC timestamp when the message was created, in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format
  474. </span></span><span id="363" class="l"><a class="l" href="#363">363: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - send_at string the UTC timestamp when the message will be sent, in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format
  475. </span></span><span id="364" class="l"><a class="l" href="#364">364: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - from_email string the email's sender address
  476. </span></span><span id="365" class="l"><a class="l" href="#365">365: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - to string the email's recipient
  477. </span></span><span id="366" class="l"><a class="l" href="#366">366: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - subject string the email's subject
  478. </span></span><span id="367" class="l"><a class="l" href="#367">367: </a><span class="php-comment"> */</span>
  479. </span><span id="368" class="l"><a class="l" href="#368">368: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">public</span> <span class="php-keyword1">function</span> <a id="_listScheduled" href="#_listScheduled">listScheduled</a>(<span class="php-var">$to</span>=<span class="php-keyword1">null</span>) {
  480. </span><span id="369" class="l"><a class="l" href="#369">369: </a> <span class="php-var">$_params</span> = <span class="php-keyword1">array</span>(<span class="php-quote">&quot;to&quot;</span> =&gt; <span class="php-var">$to</span>);
  481. </span><span id="370" class="l"><a class="l" href="#370">370: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">return</span> <span class="php-var">$this</span>-&gt;master-&gt;call(<span class="php-quote">'messages/list-scheduled'</span>, <span class="php-var">$_params</span>);
  482. </span><span id="371" class="l"><a class="l" href="#371">371: </a> }
  483. </span><span id="372" class="l"><a class="l" href="#372">372: </a>
  484. </span><span id="373" class="l"><a class="l" href="#373">373: </a> <span class="php-comment">/**
  485. </span></span><span id="374" class="l"><a class="l" href="#374">374: </a><span class="php-comment"> * Cancels a scheduled email.
  486. </span></span><span id="375" class="l"><a class="l" href="#375">375: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @param string $id a scheduled email id, as returned by any of the messages/send calls or messages/list-scheduled
  487. </span></span><span id="376" class="l"><a class="l" href="#376">376: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @return struct information about the scheduled email that was cancelled.
  488. </span></span><span id="377" class="l"><a class="l" href="#377">377: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - _id string the scheduled message id
  489. </span></span><span id="378" class="l"><a class="l" href="#378">378: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - created_at string the UTC timestamp when the message was created, in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format
  490. </span></span><span id="379" class="l"><a class="l" href="#379">379: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - send_at string the UTC timestamp when the message will be sent, in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format
  491. </span></span><span id="380" class="l"><a class="l" href="#380">380: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - from_email string the email's sender address
  492. </span></span><span id="381" class="l"><a class="l" href="#381">381: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - to string the email's recipient
  493. </span></span><span id="382" class="l"><a class="l" href="#382">382: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - subject string the email's subject
  494. </span></span><span id="383" class="l"><a class="l" href="#383">383: </a><span class="php-comment"> */</span>
  495. </span><span id="384" class="l"><a class="l" href="#384">384: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">public</span> <span class="php-keyword1">function</span> <a id="_cancelScheduled" href="#_cancelScheduled">cancelScheduled</a>(<span class="php-var">$id</span>) {
  496. </span><span id="385" class="l"><a class="l" href="#385">385: </a> <span class="php-var">$_params</span> = <span class="php-keyword1">array</span>(<span class="php-quote">&quot;id&quot;</span> =&gt; <span class="php-var">$id</span>);
  497. </span><span id="386" class="l"><a class="l" href="#386">386: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">return</span> <span class="php-var">$this</span>-&gt;master-&gt;call(<span class="php-quote">'messages/cancel-scheduled'</span>, <span class="php-var">$_params</span>);
  498. </span><span id="387" class="l"><a class="l" href="#387">387: </a> }
  499. </span><span id="388" class="l"><a class="l" href="#388">388: </a>
  500. </span><span id="389" class="l"><a class="l" href="#389">389: </a> <span class="php-comment">/**
  501. </span></span><span id="390" class="l"><a class="l" href="#390">390: </a><span class="php-comment"> * Reschedules a scheduled email.
  502. </span></span><span id="391" class="l"><a class="l" href="#391">391: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @param string $id a scheduled email id, as returned by any of the messages/send calls or messages/list-scheduled
  503. </span></span><span id="392" class="l"><a class="l" href="#392">392: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @param string $send_at the new UTC timestamp when the message should sent. Mandrill can't time travel, so if you specify a time in past the message will be sent immediately
  504. </span></span><span id="393" class="l"><a class="l" href="#393">393: </a><span class="php-comment"> * @return struct information about the scheduled email that was rescheduled.
  505. </span></span><span id="394" class="l"><a class="l" href="#394">394: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - _id string the scheduled message id
  506. </span></span><span id="395" class="l"><a class="l" href="#395">395: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - created_at string the UTC timestamp when the message was created, in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format
  507. </span></span><span id="396" class="l"><a class="l" href="#396">396: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - send_at string the UTC timestamp when the message will be sent, in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format
  508. </span></span><span id="397" class="l"><a class="l" href="#397">397: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - from_email string the email's sender address
  509. </span></span><span id="398" class="l"><a class="l" href="#398">398: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - to string the email's recipient
  510. </span></span><span id="399" class="l"><a class="l" href="#399">399: </a><span class="php-comment"> * - subject string the email's subject
  511. </span></span><span id="400" class="l"><a class="l" href="#400">400: </a><span class="php-comment"> */</span>
  512. </span><span id="401" class="l"><a class="l" href="#401">401: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">public</span> <span class="php-keyword1">function</span> <a id="_reschedule" href="#_reschedule">reschedule</a>(<span class="php-var">$id</span>, <span class="php-var">$send_at</span>) {
  513. </span><span id="402" class="l"><a class="l" href="#402">402: </a> <span class="php-var">$_params</span> = <span class="php-keyword1">array</span>(<span class="php-quote">&quot;id&quot;</span> =&gt; <span class="php-var">$id</span>, <span class="php-quote">&quot;send_at&quot;</span> =&gt; <span class="php-var">$send_at</span>);
  514. </span><span id="403" class="l"><a class="l" href="#403">403: </a> <span class="php-keyword1">return</span> <span class="php-var">$this</span>-&gt;master-&gt;call(<span class="php-quote">'messages/reschedule'</span>, <span class="php-var">$_params</span>);
  515. </span><span id="404" class="l"><a class="l" href="#404">404: </a> }
  516. </span><span id="405" class="l"><a class="l" href="#405">405: </a>
  517. </span><span id="406" class="l"><a class="l" href="#406">406: </a>}
  518. </span><span id="407" class="l"><a class="l" href="#407">407: </a>
  519. </span><span id="408" class="l"><a class="l" href="#408">408: </a>
  520. </span><span id="409" class="l"><a class="l" href="#409">409: </a></span></code></pre>
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