README.txt 1.8 KB

  1. /* $Id: README.txt,v 2008/12/13 09:22:36 davyvandenbremt Exp $ */
  2. Description
  3. -----------
  4. Drupal allows you to define a different theme for administration pages (Administer -> Site configuration -> Administration theme). By default this only applies to pages with a path starting with 'admin' and content editing pages.
  5. The Administration theme module adds a few more option to the default configuration page like :
  6. - Use administration theme for batch processing
  7. - Use administration theme for code reviews
  8. - ...
  9. Some of these pages will only appear if they apply to your installation, i.e. you have the module installed which generates these pages.
  10. You also have the option to define a custom set of Drupal paths or aliases to apply the administration theme for.
  11. Requirements
  12. ------------
  13. This module requires Drupal 7. A Drupal 5 and 6 version are available.
  14. Installation
  15. ------------
  16. 1) Copy/upload the admin_theme module folder to the sites/all/modules
  17. directory of your Drupal installation.
  18. 2) Enable the Administration theme module in Drupal (administer -> modules).
  19. Configuration
  20. -------------
  21. You can enable/disable the administration theme on the administration theme
  22. configuration page.
  23. Administration theme can be configured at :
  24. Administer -> Site configuration -> Administration theme
  25. Developers
  26. ----------
  27. You can add define extra pages where the administration theme should be applied to by implementing the hook_admin_theme_info and hook_admin_theme_check hooks in your modules.
  28. The first one gets all "options" and the second one checks if each of those options should should be applied to a path. Check out admin_theme_admin_theme_info and admin-theme_admin_theme_check for an example implementation.
  29. Author
  30. ------
  31. Davy Van Den Bremt <>