1. judy 7.x-2.x, 2014-04-27
  2. ------------------------
  3. * Fixed that dialog title couldn't be set as HTML when using later version of jQuery UI (~ jquery_update module support).
  4. * Fixed that dialog z-index isn't 1000 when using later version of jQuery UI (~ jquery_update module support); which rendered dialog below admin_menu.
  5. * Fixed that jQuery >=1.9 has no browser property (~ jquery_update module support).
  6. judy 7.x-2.x, 2013-07-21
  7. ------------------------
  8. * Implemented ajaxcomplete event.
  9. judy 7.x-2.1, 2013-07-04
  10. --------------------------------------------------
  11. * Released.
  12. judy 7.x-2.x, 2013-07-04
  13. ------------------------
  14. * Moved to correctly named development branch.
  15. judy 7.x-2.0.x, 2013-07-04
  16. --------------------------
  17. * Added .version property.
  18. judy 7.x-2.0.x, 2013-06-29
  19. --------------------------
  20. * Cleanup.
  21. judy 7.x-2.0.x, 2013-06-27
  22. --------------------------
  23. * Now adds .keystrokes attribute on keydown/keyup event.
  24. judy 7.x-2.0.x, 2013-06-22
  25. --------------------------
  26. * Prevent double disable.
  27. judy 7.x-2.0.x, 2013-05-25
  28. --------------------------
  29. * Fixed premature check for jQuery UI dialog support.
  30. * Implemented contentClass option for Judy.dialog.
  31. judy 7.x-2.0.x, 2013-04-21
  32. --------------------------
  33. * Created methods scrollTrap() and scrollTo().
  34. judy 7.x-2.0.x, 2013-03-26
  35. --------------------------
  36. * Created multi-element support for enable/disable().
  37. judy 7.x-2.0.x, 2013-03-03
  38. --------------------------
  39. * Fixed missing radios support in enable/disable().
  40. * Made innerWidth/innerHeight/outerWidth/outerHeight() use selector parameter instead of element, and trimmed their algos.
  41. judy 7.x-2.0.x, 2013-03-02
  42. --------------------------
  43. * Removed isObject(); use isContainer(o, true) instead.
  44. * Removed method useragentIE()/useragentIe(); use constant browserIE instead.
  45. * Removed objectLength(), use Judy.objectKeys(o).length instead.
  46. * Removed errorHandler(); use inspect.errorHandler() instead.
  47. * Removed log(); use inspect.console() instead.
  48. * Removed inspect(); use inspect() directly instead.
  49. * Removed fieldGet(); use jQuery("[name='" + name + "']").get(0) instead.
  50. * Made dialog() support all jQuery UI dialog options, events and methods.
  51. * Fixed dialog()'s autoOpen behaviour.
  52. * Created overlay().
  53. * Added stripTags(), setUrlParam(), disable() and enable().
  54. * Settings page help, and hook_uninstall() implementation.
  55. judy 7.x-2.0.x, 2013-03-01
  56. --------------------------
  57. * Removed objectEmpty(); use objectKeys().length instead.
  58. * Removed checkboxValue(), checklistValue(), radioValue(), selectValue(), textValue(), textareaValue(); use fieldValue() instead.
  59. * Removed argsToArray(); use toArray() instead (is now IE<9 safe).
  60. * Methods log(), inspect() and fieldGet() are now deprecated.
  61. * Created numberToFormat() and numberFromFormat().
  62. * objectLength() is now deprecated; use objectKeys().length instead.
  63. judy 7.x-2.0.x, 2013-02-28
  64. --------------------------
  65. * Eliminated own event model; now uses jQuery events for everything, including key events.
  66. * Removed eventAdd(), eventRemove().
  67. * errorHandler() is now deprecated, use inspect.errorHandler() instead.
  68. * Removed parameter jQueryEvents from method eventList(); all events are now jQuery events.
  69. * Changed parameter signature for isField(); now only supports element not selector.
  70. * Removed fieldFocus().
  71. judy 7.x-1.3.x, 2013-02-10
  72. --------------------------
  73. * Removed initial Inspect dependency; this library should find Inspect (if exists) even if this library gets included before Inspect.
  74. judy 7.x-1.3.x, 2013-02-09
  75. --------------------------
  76. * Made judy a library includable via drupal_add_library(), and added admin page.
  77. judy 7.x-1.3.x, 2013-02-02
  78. --------------------------
  79. * Fixed midnight bug in .dateFromFormat(), now sets seconds and milliseconds to zero; because 00:00:00 is 'today', whereas 24:00:00 is 'tomorrow', thus a date must start at zero.
  80. judy 7.x-1.3.x, 2013-01-19
  81. --------------------------
  82. * Fixed bug in .dialog() - established no element id when falsy selector arg.
  83. * Fixed bug in .dialog() - failed to get element when called later using #id selector.
  84. * .dialog() now always returns the id of the dialog box, except for calls using one of the methods.
  85. judy 7.x-1.3.x, 2013-01-05
  86. --------------------------
  87. * Fixed bad bug in .selectValue() - setting selectedIndex is seriously unhealthy, may effectively ruin the select.
  88. judy 7.x-1.3.x, 2012-11-18
  89. --------------------------
  90. * Added preventDefault parameter to .onKey().
  91. * Removed keystrokes ctr|meta+alt limitation.
  92. * Created method .keydown(); full support for data etc.
  93. judy 7.x-1.3.x, 2012-11-10
  94. --------------------------
  95. * Added method argsToArray; function arguments are error-prone.
  96. * Fixed uses of Inspect.
  97. * Implemented key event adder, that uses jQuery instead of custom event implementation.
  98. judy 7.x-1.3.x, 2012-09-02
  99. --------------------------
  100. * eventList() now supports regular and weird structure of jQuery data.
  101. judy 7.x-1.3.x, 2012-07-29
  102. --------------------------
  103. * judy data object for events et al now has random name judy_[a-z\d]{20}.
  104. * Created jQuery.ui.dialog wrapper/factory method.
  105. judy 7.x-1.3.x, 2012-07-26
  106. --------------------------
  107. * Return value of selectValue() is now empty string even for multiple select, when none selected or only _none is selected.
  108. * Added context parameter to isField().
  109. * Max parameter added to ancestor().
  110. * checklistValue() done.
  111. * selectValue() refactored, too messy.
  112. * Tighter toLeading().
  113. judy 7.x-1.3.x, 2012-07-25
  114. --------------------------
  115. * eventRemove() now removes actual element listeners (minor detail ;-).
  116. * Made containerCopy use Array.concat() when array and shallow copy.
  117. * Far better isContainer() and isObject(); now checks for all built-in object types, like typeOf().
  118. * Tuned date formatter.
  119. * Backend: hook implementation that includes Javascript now implements hook_preprocess_html (instead of hook_init).
  120. judy 7.x-1.3.x, 2012-07-24
  121. --------------------------
  122. * Made field methods support element as first argument (not only name), and made the treatment of the type argument more restrictive.
  123. * Added textValue() and textareaValue().
  124. * Safer and shorter toArray().
  125. * Fixed jsdoc comments, for jsdoc parser.
  126. * objectGet(): better check for bad key arg.
  127. * Added isNumber().
  128. * Implemented eventRemove().
  129. judy 7.x-1.3.x, 2012-07-23
  130. --------------------------
  131. * Now using Drupal git repository.
  132. * Moved javascript file inclusion to hook_preprocess() implementation.
  133. * Code formatting.
  134. * Started on making field methods accept element, not only name.
  135. judy 7.x-1.2, 2012-03-16
  136. ------------------------
  137. * Getting value using .selectValue() now returns "" for "_none".
  138. judy 7.x-1.2, 2012-01-19
  139. ------------------------
  140. * New method toArray
  141. judy 7.x-1.2, 2012-01-12
  142. ------------------------
  143. * dateFromFormat: check for impossible date, plus more flexible format support.
  144. * New method isLeapYear
  145. judy 7.x-1.2, 2012-01-11
  146. ------------------------
  147. * Added toUpperCaseFirst method.
  148. judy 7.x-1.1, 2012-01-11
  149. ------------------------
  150. * Added isInt method.
  151. judy 7.x-1.0, 2012-01-10
  152. ------------------------
  153. * Dedicated .innerWidth/Height support for window/document/body.
  154. * .outerWidth/Height methods.
  155. judy 7.x-1.0, 2012-01-02
  156. ------------------------
  157. * Construcion and adding of event handler moved to separate function to prevent iteration errors when adding more in one go.
  158. judy 7.x-1.x, 2011-12-26
  159. ------------------------
  160. * Started