1.1 KB

  1. name = Rubik
  2. description = Clean admin theme.
  3. base theme = tao
  4. core = 7.x
  5. engine = phptemplate
  6. regions[content] = Content
  7. regions[help] = Help
  8. regions[page_top] = Page top
  9. regions[page_bottom] = Page bottom
  10. scripts[] = js/rubik.js
  11. stylesheets[screen][] = css/core.css
  12. stylesheets[screen][] = css/icons.css
  13. stylesheets[screen][] = css/style.css
  14. stylesheets[screen][] = css/jquery.ui.theme.css
  15. stylesheets[print][] = css/print.css
  16. ; Support shortcut module links
  17. settings[shortcut_module_link] = 1
  18. settings[rubik_inline_field_descriptions] = 0
  19. ; By default sidebar in forms is enabled
  20. settings[rubik_disable_sidebar_in_form] = 0
  21. ; By default field placement in the sidebar is disabled
  22. settings[rubik_sidebar_field_ui] = 0
  23. ; Enable branding line at the top of the page by default
  24. settings[rubik_show_branding] = 1
  25. ; Out of all default Drupal theme features, Rubik uses only secondary menu which
  26. ; is displayed at the top of the page, in #branding section.
  27. features[] = secondary_menu
  28. ; Information added by packaging script on 2016-03-05
  29. version = "7.x-4.4"
  30. core = "7.x"
  31. project = "rubik"
  32. datestamp = "1457209443"