TODO.txt 6.7 KB

  2. ==========================
  3. == T O D O ==
  4. =========
  5. (no particular order)
  6. o = TODO
  7. - = Skipped/postponed
  8. x = DONE
  9. R = Removed
  10. nnn mmm = Introduced in release nnn for Drupal 6 and mmm for Drupal 7
  11. --- --- = Removed or skipped
  12. =====================
  13. User interface
  14. x 622 740 display result of import
  15. x 622 740 display imported terms
  16. x 622 740 notice warnings and errors of import file
  17. x 622 740 choose level of message
  18. x 650 750 cumulate important messages with use Drupal's log
  19. x 622 740 auto create vocabulary
  20. x 630 740 test on an existing vocabulary (duplicating it)
  21. x 630 740 dynamic options and examples (existing items matching source content)
  22. x 630 740 import by a text area. See taxonomy_batch_operations
  23. o text area to modify line when warning
  24. x 620 740 add link to use module after installation
  25. x 630 740 remind previous options values
  26. x 630 740 do a uninstall hook if remind previous options values is done
  27. x 622 740 warn remove when there is only one column and update is chosen
  28. - --- --- reset button (useless)
  29. x 630 740 recommended default values button
  30. o inform about changes during import (ex: relations set then unset)
  31. o two steps import (validate and display warnings then process)
  32. o option to choose one or two steps
  33. o five step wizard for non javascript users
  34. x 630 740 notice exceed file size
  35. o option to import in original vocabulary after import in a duplicate
  36. o 645 745 no warning on last empty lines
  37. x 643 743 ahah ui for specific parameters
  38. x 643 743 disable utf8 option if textarea import
  39. x 640 740 add a csv enclosure option (so >= php 4.3)
  40. - --- --- use Drupal themes
  41. - --- --- add a menu link to taxonomy csv in list terms
  42. x 643 743 use drupal_set_message 'warning' and not only 'status' and 'error'.
  43. - --- --- batch process without Javascript
  44. Functions
  45. o import of structured alphabetic terms list (thesaurus)
  46. o import of iso 2788 as in taxonomy_xml (but KISS by line approach)
  47. x 623 740 option to import sub-relations and not only relations to first term
  48. x 623 740 option to make relations to terms of all vocabularies.
  49. x 630 740 import of ancestors structure and not children (change name)
  50. x 644 744 import of first level parents
  51. x 644 744 import of first level children
  52. x 622 740 use of parents of previous line for children without ancestors
  53. ("one term by line structure import")
  54. x 645 745 parent merge (polyhierarchy)
  55. x 620 740 distinction between description and synonyms
  56. o multiple files import
  57. - --- --- option sensitive or not to uppercase/lowercase (neither in D6 nor D7)
  58. o add notice when sensitive duplicate items are found in line check
  59. o integrate or reference to Taxonomy manager module
  60. o remove csv terms import choice
  61. o test before import (autocreate a vocabulary) (see UI)
  62. o remove ignore existing terms choice (see dynamic options above)
  63. - --- --- import relateds in other vocabulary before current one (not in D6)
  64. o autodetect good source content and vocabulary with a command line key
  65. o with autodetect, import multiple type with one file
  66. o convert and export vocabulary to xml (especially to compare with xml)
  67. R 643 743 multistep import: autodivide big taxonomies to avoid memory error
  68. o 759 import by term identifiant (tid)
  69. x 643 743 import from url (#529480)
  70. o allow direct duplicates with polyhierarchy
  71. o option to automatically disable and re-enable non compatible modules
  72. x 647 747 full term definitions and links export in order to import in Drupal 7
  73. o quick light basic import with no check release 7.x-1.y as 4/5/6.x-1.y
  74. o 758 internationalization
  75. Code / security
  76. o remove query and use only Drupal core ones and php filters (useful?)
  77. o create dirty sql load and save functions for quick find and import
  78. x --- 740 see if there are Drupal functions to import only synonyms etc.
  79. x 622 740 manage and inform on input error
  80. o factorize code and use more php functions (import type callback...)
  81. x 622 740 redo a cache
  82. x 750 remove cache
  83. x 622 740 clean the input line at the beginning of process and never after
  84. o use taxonomy_parser?
  85. x 622 740 change the type of vocabulary (flat, monohierarchy, polyhierarchy)
  86. x --- --- add hook_perm
  87. o add hook_info
  88. x 630 740 replace _taxonomy_csv_parse_size by a Drupal function
  89. o no order to import files
  90. x 650 750 use Drupal management of errors (mysql log)
  91. x 622 740 change function name to internal, except some
  92. o vocabulary full fine check (after and before)
  93. o vocabulary relations integrety check and attribute
  94. o --- use management of test in Drupal 7.
  95. x 643 743 time out control
  96. x 645 745 fix: keep multiple parents when children import
  97. x 622 740 fix: if ignore existing items, search in imported terms cache before
  98. x 643 743 fix: result statistic import (sometime new terms number is wrong)
  99. - --- --- remove useless define
  100. - --- --- use a global messages variable or sandbox to avoid multiple copy
  101. o relations with other vocabularies (unsupported in Drupal 6 and 7)
  102. o extract all helps of forms to help.html in order to remove duplicates
  103. x 640 740 simplify batch set (all $options aren't needed)
  104. - --- --- use $form_state['storage'] for batch operations? Useless.
  105. x 643 743 remove base64 temporary and work only with utf8
  106. - --- --- use a smarter regexp delimiter than fgetcsv or explode
  107. x 642 742 fix: when a file is set, avoid UI bug when first option changes
  108. x 645 745 change Warning empty line by a simple info except if problem
  109. o 653 753 modularize code to simplify addition of new schemes
  110. o modularize code to simplify integration of Taxonomy Builder API
  111. o create a UI for continuous synchro with a database
  112. x 643 743 create API
  113. R --- --- fix: make multistep import compatible with one term by line import
  114. R --- --- allow cancel multistep when import in an existing vocabulary
  115. R --- --- fix: allow only users with taxonomy rights (useless: roles)
  116. R --- --- fix: display main form when error occurs in multistep process
  117. x 643 743 direct read of lines without prepare batch for file import
  118. o --- fix: created unchanged terms are counted and merged with created ones
  119. Documentation
  120. o make it simpler
  121. o more examples
  122. o merge advanced help and dynamic examples (cf. modularize code)
  123. x 620 740 image view and presentation text for project page
  124. x 620 740 translations
  125. Drupal version / Taxonomy csv version
  126. Drupal 7 : 7.x-4.0 => current
  127. Drupal 6 : 6.x-1.3 => current
  128. Drupal 5 : 5.x-1.0 => 5x-1.5
  129. Drupal 4 : 4.7-1.0 => 4.7-1.4