1. Views Send 7.x-1.1, 2014-06-21
  2. ------------------------------
  3. #2225631 by hansfn: Using filter_fallback_format() instead of hard-coded value for message text format.
  4. #2258947 by hansfn: Call to a member function get_value() on a non-object.
  5. #2089409 by hansfn: Added support for Mandrill.
  6. Views Send 7.x-1.0, 2014-04-15
  7. ------------------------------
  8. #2202769 by hansfn: Subject not displaying correctly
  9. #2122909 by hansfn: Unwanted conversion of quotes in fields used for recipient's e-mail and name
  10. #2023977 by hansfn: Views Send overrides Mail System module configuration
  11. #1963960 by hansfn: Add hooks.
  12. #1957442 by hansfn: Token replacement doesn't work for repeated field.
  13. #1939332 by hansfn: Token list doesn't update.
  14. #1937548 by hansfn: Use rendered fields.
  15. #1255194 by hansfn: Support multiple value email fields.
  16. #1051564 by hansfn: Support recipient & sender altering.
  17. #1894446 by hansfn: General token replacements doesn't work.
  18. #1571228 by hansfn: Fatal error when recipient's name not selected.
  19. #1497118 by hansfn: Queue processing with Batch API on D7.
  20. By hansfn: Improved Rules integration - email message exposed as tokens.
  21. #821530 by hansfn: Attachments to messages.
  22. #1210758 by Sanjo: Incorrect detection of PHP maximum execution time almost exceeded.
  23. #1513822 by hansfn: Rules integration.
  24. #1462126 by hansfn: Indicate which selected rows contain invalid e-mail addresses.
  25. #1477828 by bojanz: Stop relying on VBO, implement a custom Views Form handler instead.
  26. #1462118 by cbergmann, hansfn: Preview not working.
  27. #1454740 by hansfn: 'send mass mail' appears in VBO Operations drop-down even if not allowed.
  28. #1466638 by cbergmann: Always fetch the view from the context.
  29. #1468120 by cbergmann: views_send_debug has no effect.
  30. #1462118 by Ben Coleman, hansfn: Trim all email addresses.
  31. #1455820 by hansfn: Improve handling of formats
  32. #1451594 by hansfn: Make field support more robust for the recipient's name/e-mail
  33. #1449988 by hansfn: Fix token replacement for fields.
  34. #1411976 by julien66, hansfn: Added carbon copy (to sender).
  35. #1408756 by hansfn: Pass the selected views row(s) to the action.
  36. #1052040 by hansfn: Port to Drupal 7.