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- # $Id$
- --- README -------------------------------------------------------------
- SimpleMenu, Version 3.0
- Written by Ted Serbinski, aka, m3avrck
- hello@tedserbinski.com
- http://tedserbinski.com
- Requirements: Drupal 5.0
- Icons from: http://www.famfamfam.com/
- jQuery Superfish: http://users.tpg.com.au/j_birch/plugins/superfish/
- --- INSTALLATION --------------------------------------------------------
- 1. Place simplemenu folder in your modules directory
- 2. Enable "SimpleMenu" under administer > site building > modules
- 3. Enable access to "view simplemenu" under administer > user management > access control
- 4. Configure menu to use under administer > site configuration > simplemenu
- --- CHANGELOG --------------------------------------------------------
- 4.0, 2007-Nov-21
- ----------------------
- - new CHANGELOG to keep track of changes
- - #156256 upgrade to SuperFish 1.3