README.Predis.txt 1.9 KB

  1. Predis cache backend
  2. ====================
  3. This module will work with the Predis 1.x version. Any earlier versions
  4. are unsupported.
  5. This client, for now, is only able to use the Predis PHP library.
  6. The Predis library requires PHP 5.3 minimum. If your hosted environment does
  7. not ships with at least PHP 5.3, please do not use this cache backend.
  8. Please consider using an OPCode cache such as APC. Predis is a good and fully
  9. featured API, the cost is that the code is a lot more than a single file in
  10. opposition to some other backends such as the APC one.
  11. Get Predis
  12. ----------
  13. You can download this library at:
  15. This file explains how to install the Predis library and the Drupal cache
  16. backend. If you are an advanced Drupal integrator, please consider the fact
  17. that you can easily change all the pathes. Pathes used in this file are
  18. likely to be default for non advanced users.
  19. Download and install library
  20. ----------------------------
  21. Once done, you either have to clone it into:
  22. sites/all/libraries/predis
  23. So that you have the following directory tree:
  24. sites/all/libraries/predis/src/ # Where the PHP code stands
  25. Or, any other place in order to share it:
  26. For example, from your install profiles libraries folder:
  27. profiles/example/libraries/predis
  28. If you choose this solution, you have to alter a bit your $conf array into
  29. the settings.php file as this:
  30. define('PREDIS_BASE_PATH', DRUPAL_ROOT . '/profiles/example/libraries/predis/');
  31. Connect to a remote host and database
  32. -------------------------------------
  33. See README.txt file.
  34. Advanced configuration (PHP expert)
  35. -----------------------------------
  36. Best solution is, whatever is the place where you put the Predis library, that
  37. you set up a fully working autoloader able to use it. The one being used by the
  38. Redis module is a default fallback and will naturally being appened to the SPL
  39. autoloader stack.