synonyms_behavior_implementation.html 2.7 KB

  1. <p>At this point you must possess good technical knowledge about what synonyms behaviors are. In this article we will show how you can implement an arbitrary behavior for an arbitrary storage.</p>
  2. <p>By implementing I mean to provide integration between your storage and a synonym behavior (how that behavior requires to work with synonyms data). It must sound a bit too baked, but the ongoing paragraphs should shed more light onto it.</p>
  3. <p>Throughout writing your own synonyms behavior implementation you can always look into Synonyms module source code to get better understanding. You will find the behavior implementations in <em>synonyms/synonyms_provider_{property,field}/includes/*</em> files.</p>
  4. <p>Just one last question before we dive into technical details: is your storage eventually comes from a field? In case it does, you might benefit from reading <a href="&topic:synonyms/synonyms_behavior_implementation_field_based&">this page</a> as it narrates about implementing behaviors based on fields. You can leverage some abstractions from synonyms_provider_field submodule to make your life easier.</p>
  5. <p>In case your storage is not field-based or you just happen to be Chuck Norris, read on! Creating a new implementation pretty much consists of 2 steps:</p>
  6. <ol>
  7. <li>Implementing behavior interface for a particular storage type.</li>
  8. <li>Notifying Synonyms module about your new behavior implementation, that is... for what behavior and what entity type and bundle you have implemented it.</li>
  9. </ol>
  10. <p>Now let us see each of the steps in further details.</p>
  11. <h2>Implementing behavior interface</h2>
  12. <p>Look up in behavior cTools plugin definition of your interest what interface it declares. The cTools plugin must be of type <em>behavior</em> owned by <em>synonyms</em> module. The interface is declared under the <em>interface</em> property of the plugin definition. Read the documentation for that interface and write a PHP class that implements this interface for your particular storage. We cannot give more precise instructions about this step, because it all depends on the interface of the behavior.</p>
  13. <h2>Notifying Synonyms module about your new implementation</h2>
  14. <p>For the purposes of such notification we have the following hook in Synonyms module:</p>
  15. <ul>
  16. <li><em>hook_synonyms_behavior_implementation_info()</em> to collect info from modules about existing behavior implementations</li>
  17. </ul>
  18. <p>Implementing the hook is highly straight forward, you will just inform the Synonyms module about what behavior implementations your module has to offer for a given behavior, entity type, and bundle. For more details, refer to <b>synonyms.api.php</b> file.</p>