tao.info 891 B

  1. core = 7.x
  2. description = Tao is a base theme that is all about going with the flow. It takes care of key reset and utility tasks so that sub-themes can get on with their job.
  3. engine = phptemplate
  4. name = Tao
  5. ; Regions =====================================================================
  6. regions[sidebar_first] = Sidebar first
  7. regions[sidebar_second] = Sidebar second
  8. regions[content] = Content
  9. regions[header] = Header
  10. regions[help] = Help
  11. regions[footer] = Footer
  12. regions[page_top] = Page top
  13. regions[page_bottom] = Page bottom
  14. regions[highlighted] = Highlighted
  15. ; Stylesheets =================================================================
  16. stylesheets[all][] = reset.css
  17. stylesheets[all][] = base.css
  18. stylesheets[screen][] = drupal.css
  19. ; Information added by drupal.org packaging script on 2011-09-21
  20. version = "7.x-3.0-beta4"
  21. core = "7.x"
  22. project = "tao"
  23. datestamp = "1316616407"