INSTALL.txt 2.0 KB

  1. ================================================================================
  2. Date API Installation instructions:
  3. ================================================================================
  4. 1) If you have an earlier version of the Date module on your system, empty the
  5. date folder out completely. The files in later versions have different names
  6. and are located in different places.
  7. 2) Download the whole package of files from
  8. 3) Upload the date files to the modules directory. The package includes files
  9. needed by the Date API, and optional modules to to create date fields.
  10. 4) Go to admin/modules and enable the needed modules from the Date/Time group.
  11. You should end up with a structure like:
  12. /drupal/sites/all/modules/date/
  13. /drupal/sites/all/modules/date/date.install
  14. /drupal/sites/all/modules/date/date.module
  15. ...
  16. /drupal/sites/all/modules/date/date_api/
  17. /drupal/sites/all/modules/date/date_api/date_api.install
  18. /drupal/sites/all/modules/date/date_api/date_api.module
  19. ...
  20. ================================================================================
  21. Install Date Fields:
  22. ================================================================================
  23. 1) The date field type is included in the Date files at
  25. 2) Go to admin/modules and enable the Date module. Be sure that the Date API
  26. module, the Date Timezone module, and the core Field module are also enabled.
  27. 3) Go to admin/structure/types to view content types and edit a content type.
  28. 4) Make sure the default timezone name has been set at
  29. admin/config/regional/settings.
  30. 5) While viewing a content type, select the option to add a new field from the
  31. tabs at the top of the page. Several options for date fields will be visible.
  32. ================================================================================
  33. More documentation is available at
  34. ================================================================================