README.txt 1011 B

  1. Metatag: Panels
  2. -----------------
  3. This module adds support for meta tag configuration for Panels pages.
  4. Configuration is done within the "Metatag" tab existent in the Page Manager
  5. variant configuration page.
  6. Known Issues
  7. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. - Only contexts of a type that is supported by the Token API work.
  9. - Only one context for each type is currently supported. If you have two 'node'
  10. contexts, only the first node is elligible for replacement.
  11. Credits / Contact
  12. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. Originally developed by Diogo Correia [1] and sponsored by DRI — Discovery / Reinvention / Integration [2].
  14. This module is based on Panels Breadcrumbs [3] and the Meta tag: Context module.
  15. References
  16. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  17. 1:
  18. 2:
  19. 3: