user_import.test 24 KB

  1. <?php
  2. /**
  3. * User Import module base test class.
  4. */
  5. class UserImportWebTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
  6. protected $admin_user;
  7. protected $user_importer;
  8. /**
  9. * Select CSV file (the included example file)
  10. */
  11. function settingsFileSelect() {
  12. $edit = array('file_ftp' => 1);
  13. $this->drupalPost('admin/people/user_import/add', $edit, t('Next'));
  14. /* Check file was selected */
  15. $this->assertText(t('Use Different CSV File'), '[assert] File was selected');
  16. }
  17. function settingsEmailMatch(&$edit) {
  18. $edit['field_match[5][field_match]'] = 'user-email';
  19. }
  20. function settingsIgnoreFirstLine(&$edit) {
  21. $edit['first_line_skip'] = 1;
  22. }
  23. function checkAccountsExist($list_failures = FALSE) {
  24. $failures_list = '';
  25. $users_email = $this->usersList();
  26. $failed = array();
  27. foreach ($users_email as $mail) {
  28. $user = user_load_by_mail($mail);
  29. if (empty($user)) $failed[] = $mail;
  30. }
  31. if (!empty($failed) && $list_failures) {
  32. $failures_list = t('. Failed accounts: %failures', array('%failures' => implode(', ', $failed)));
  33. }
  34. $this->assertTrue(empty($failed), t('Accounts created for users imported') . $failures_list);
  35. }
  36. /**
  37. * List of users (email addresses) being imported
  38. * To Do - Generate this dynamically, bearing in mind it could be used for stress testing
  39. */
  40. function usersList() {
  41. return array(
  42. '',
  43. '',
  44. '',
  45. '',
  46. '',
  47. '',
  48. '',
  49. '',
  50. '',
  51. '',
  52. '',
  53. '',
  54. '',
  55. '',
  56. '',
  57. '',
  58. '',
  59. '',
  60. '',
  61. '',
  62. '',
  63. '',
  64. '',
  65. '',
  66. '',
  67. '',
  68. '',
  69. '',
  70. '',
  71. '',
  72. '',
  73. '',
  74. '',
  75. '',
  76. '',
  77. '',
  78. );
  79. }
  80. /**
  81. * Store import ID
  82. * - set on import settings page, retrieve on later tasks
  83. */
  84. function importID($url = NULL) {
  85. static $import_id = 0;
  86. if (empty($import_id) && !empty($url)) {
  87. $args = explode('/', $url);
  88. $import_id = $args[7];
  89. }
  90. return $import_id;
  91. }
  92. /**
  93. * SimpleTest core method: code run after each and every test method.
  94. */
  95. function tearDown() {
  96. // delete accounts of users imported
  97. $users_email = $this->usersList();
  98. foreach ($users_email as $mail) {
  99. $account = user_load_by_mail($mail);
  100. if (!empty($account)) user_delete($account->uid);
  101. }
  102. // delete the import
  103. $import_id = $this->importID();
  104. $this->assertTrue(!empty($import_id), t('Import ID: !id', array('!id' => $import_id)));
  105. _user_import_settings_deletion($import_id);
  106. // Always call the tearDown() function from the parent class.
  107. parent::tearDown();
  108. }
  109. }
  110. /**
  111. * User Import module base test class.
  112. */
  113. class UserImportBasicsTestCase extends UserImportWebTestCase {
  114. public static function getInfo() {
  115. return array(
  116. 'name' => 'Import Users (Basics)',
  117. 'description' => 'Import users from a CSV file, test basic functions.',
  118. 'group' => 'User Import',
  119. );
  120. }
  121. function setUp() {
  122. parent::setUp(array('user_import'));
  123. $this->admin_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('administer users', 'access administration pages', 'access overlay'));
  124. $this->user_importer = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('import users'));
  125. }
  126. /**
  127. * User with right permissions creates import (with new settings)
  128. * - test core functions
  129. */
  130. function testCreateImport() {
  131. // Prepare a user to do testing
  132. $this->drupalLogin($this->user_importer);
  133. // Select CSV file (the included example file)
  134. $this->settingsFileSelect();
  135. // import settings
  136. $this->importID($this->getUrl()); // store import ID for later
  137. $setting_edit = array();
  138. $this->settingsEmailMatch($settings);
  139. $this->settingsIgnoreFirstLine($settings);
  140. $this->drupalPost($this->getUrl(), $settings, 'Import');
  141. // check if users have been imported
  142. $this->checkAccountsExist(TRUE);
  143. }
  144. }
  145. /**
  146. * Test import of user data into Profile module
  147. */
  148. //class UserImportNodeprofileTestCase extends UserImportWebTestCase {
  149. //
  150. // public static function getInfo() {
  151. // return array(
  152. // 'name' => 'Import Users (Nodeprofile)',
  153. // 'description' => 'Test import of user data into Nodeprofile module.',
  154. // 'group' => 'User Import',
  155. // );
  156. // }
  157. //
  158. // function setUp() {
  159. // parent::setUp('content', 'number', 'optionwidgets', 'text', 'link', 'date_api', 'date', 'node_import', 'content_profile', 'user_import');
  160. // $this->admin_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('administer users', 'administer permissions', 'access administration pages', 'administer site configuration', 'administer content types', 'administer taxonomy'));
  161. // $this->user_importer = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('import users'));
  162. // }
  163. //
  164. // /**
  165. // * User with right permissions creates import (with new settings)
  166. // * - test import of user data into Nodeprofile module
  167. // */
  168. // function testCreateImport() {
  169. // $this->drupalLogin($this->admin_user);
  170. // // $this->drupalGet('admin/build/modules');
  171. // // file_put_contents('output.html', $this->drupalGetContent());
  172. //
  173. // $this->nodeprofileConfiguration();
  174. //
  175. // // Prepare a user to do testing
  176. // $this->drupalGet('logout'); // log out first
  177. // $this->drupalLogin($this->user_importer);
  178. //
  179. // // Select CSV file (the included example file)
  180. // $this->settingsFileSelect();
  181. //
  182. // // import settings
  183. // $this->importID($this->getUrl()); // store import ID for later
  184. // $settings = array();
  185. // $this->settingsEmailMatch($settings);
  186. // $this->settingsNodeprofileMatch($settings);
  187. // $this->settingsIgnoreFirstLine($settings);
  188. // $this->drupalPost($this->getUrl(), $settings, 'Import');
  189. //
  190. // // check if users have been imported
  191. // $this->checkNodeprofileExist();
  192. //
  193. // }
  194. //
  195. // /**
  196. // * Configure modules
  197. // */
  198. // function nodeprofileConfiguration() {
  199. //
  200. // // create Identity content type
  201. // $edit = array('name' => 'Identity', 'type' => 'identity', 'title_label' => 'Title', 'body_label' => '', 'node_options[promote]' => 0, 'content_profile_use' => 1);
  202. // $this->drupalPost('admin/content/types/add', $edit, t('Save content type'));
  203. //
  204. // // create First Name field
  205. // $edit = array('_add_new_field[label]' => 'First Name', '_add_new_field[field_name]' => 'first_name', '_add_new_field[type]' => 'text', '_add_new_field[widget_type]' => 'text_textfield');
  206. // $this->drupalPost('admin/content/node-type/identity/fields', $edit, t('Save'));
  207. //
  208. // $edit = array('required' => 1);
  209. // $this->drupalPost('admin/content/node-type/identity/fields/field_first_name', $edit, t('Save field settings'));
  210. //
  211. // // create Last Name field
  212. // $edit = array('_add_new_field[label]' => 'Last Name', '_add_new_field[field_name]' => 'last_name', '_add_new_field[type]' => 'text', '_add_new_field[widget_type]' => 'text_textfield');
  213. // $this->drupalPost('admin/content/node-type/identity/fields', $edit, t('Save'));
  214. //
  215. // $edit = array('required' => 1);
  216. // $this->drupalPost('admin/content/node-type/identity/fields/field_last_name', $edit, t('Save field settings'));
  217. //
  218. // // create Biography content type
  219. // $edit = array('name' => 'Biography', 'type' => 'biography', 'title_label' => 'Title', 'body_label' => '', 'node_options[promote]' => 0, 'content_profile_use' => 1);
  220. // $this->drupalPost('admin/content/types/add', $edit, t('Save content type'));
  221. //
  222. // // create CV field
  223. // $edit = array('_add_new_field[label]' => 'CV', '_add_new_field[field_name]' => 'cv', '_add_new_field[type]' => 'text', '_add_new_field[widget_type]' => 'text_textarea');
  224. // $this->drupalPost('admin/content/node-type/biography/fields', $edit, t('Save'));
  225. //
  226. // $edit = array('required' => 1, 'rows' => 5);
  227. // $this->drupalPost('admin/content/node-type/biography/fields/field_cv', $edit, t('Save field settings'));
  228. //
  229. // // create Blog field (URL)
  230. // $edit = array('_add_new_field[label]' => 'Blog', '_add_new_field[field_name]' => 'blog', '_add_new_field[type]' => 'link', '_add_new_field[widget_type]' => 'link');
  231. // $this->drupalPost('admin/content/node-type/biography/fields', $edit, t('Save'));
  232. //
  233. // // create Birthday field (date)
  234. // $edit = array('_add_new_field[label]' => 'Birthday', '_add_new_field[field_name]' => 'birthday', '_add_new_field[type]' => 'datestamp', '_add_new_field[widget_type]' => 'date_text');
  235. // $this->drupalPost('admin/content/node-type/biography/fields', $edit, t('Save'));
  236. //
  237. // // create Interests Vocabulary
  238. // $edit = array('name' => 'Interests', 'nodes[biography]' => 'biography', 'tags' => 1);
  239. // $this->drupalPost('admin/content/taxonomy/add/vocabulary', $edit, t('Save'));
  240. //
  241. // $vocabularies = taxonomy_get_vocabularies('biography');
  242. //
  243. // foreach ($vocabularies as $vocabulary) {
  244. // $this->vocabulary_id = $vocabulary->vid;
  245. // }
  246. //
  247. // // create Contact Details contact type
  248. // $edit = array('name' => 'Contact Details', 'type' => 'contact_details', 'title_label' => 'Title', 'body_label' => '', 'node_options[promote]' => 0, 'content_profile_use' => 1);
  249. // $this->drupalPost('admin/content/types/add', $edit, t('Save content type'));
  250. //
  251. // // create Can Be Contacted field
  252. // $edit = array('_add_new_field[label]' => 'Contact', '_add_new_field[field_name]' => 'can_be_contacted', '_add_new_field[type]' => 'number_integer', '_add_new_field[widget_type]' => 'optionwidgets_onoff');
  253. // $this->drupalPost('admin/content/node-type/contact-details/fields', $edit, t('Save'));
  254. //
  255. // $edit = array('allowed_values' => "0
  256. // 1|Can be contacted");
  257. // $this->drupalPost('admin/content/node-type/contact-details/fields/field_can_be_contacted', $edit, t('Save field settings'));
  258. //
  259. // // create Contact Preference field
  260. // $edit = array('_add_new_field[label]' => 'Contact Preference', '_add_new_field[field_name]' => 'contact_preference', '_add_new_field[type]' => 'text', '_add_new_field[widget_type]' => 'optionwidgets_select');
  261. // $this->drupalPost('admin/content/node-type/contact-details/fields', $edit, t('Save'));
  262. //
  263. // $edit = array('allowed_values' => 'email|email
  264. // telephone|telephone
  265. // post|post');
  266. // $this->drupalPost('admin/content/node-type/contact-details/fields/field_contact_preference', $edit, t('Save field settings'));
  267. //
  268. // // set access perm for authenticated users to creade profile nodes
  269. // $edit = array('2[create identity content]' => 'create identity content', '2[create biography content]' => 'create biography content', '2[create contact_details content]' => 'create contact_details content');
  270. // $this->drupalPost('admin/people/permissions', $edit, t('Save permissions'));
  271. // }
  272. //
  273. //
  274. // /**
  275. // * Match CSV columns to Profile fields
  276. // */
  277. // function settingsNodeprofileMatch(&$edit) {
  278. // $edit['field_match[0][field_match]'] = 'content_profile-identity cck:field_first_name:value'; // First Name
  279. // $edit['field_match[1][field_match]'] = 'content_profile-identity cck:field_last_name:value'; // Last Name
  280. // $edit['field_match[10][field_match]'] = 'content_profile-biography cck:field_cv:value'; // CV
  281. // $edit['field_match[7][field_match]'] = 'content_profile-contact_details cck:field_can_be_contacted:value'; // Contact Permision
  282. // $edit['field_match[8][field_match]'] = 'content_profile-contact_details cck:field_contact_preference:value'; // Contact Preference
  283. //// $edit['field_match[9][field_match]'] = 'taxonomy-' . $this->vocabulary_id; // Interests
  284. // $edit['field_match[6][field_match]'] = 'content_profile-biography cck:field_blog:url'; // Blog
  285. // $edit['field_match[11][field_match]'] = 'content_profile-biography cck:field_birthday:value'; // Birthday
  286. // }
  287. //
  288. // /**
  289. // * Check data in CSV file matches data in profiles
  290. // */
  291. // function checkNodeprofileExist() {
  292. // $file_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'user_import') . '/sample.txt';
  293. // $handle = @fopen($file_path, "r");
  294. // $row = 0;
  295. //
  296. // while ($csv = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ',')) {
  297. //
  298. // if ($row > 0) {
  299. //
  300. // $user = user_load_by_mail($csv[5]);
  301. // // test each data cell against nodeprofile field content
  302. // $identity = node_load(array('type' => 'identity', 'uid' => $user->uid), NULL, TRUE);
  303. // $this->drupalGet("node/$identity->nid");
  304. // $this->assertText(check_plain($csv[0]), "[Compare CSV and Profile data] Row: $row Field: First Name");
  305. // $this->assertText(check_plain($csv[1]), "[Compare CSV and Profile data] Row: $row Field: Last Name " . $csv[1]);
  306. //
  307. // $biography = node_load(array('type' => 'biography', 'uid' => $user->uid), NULL, TRUE);
  308. // $this->drupalGet("node/$biography->nid");
  309. // $this->assertText($csv[6], "[Compare CSV and Profile data] Row: $row Field: Blog");
  310. // $this->assertText($csv[10], "[Compare CSV and Profile data] Row: $row Field: CV");
  311. // $birthday = format_date(strtotime($csv[11]), 'custom', 'D, j/m/Y');
  312. // $this->assertText($birthday, "[Compare CSV and Profile data] Row: $row Field: Birthday " . $birthday);
  313. //
  314. //
  315. // $contact_details = node_load(array('type' => 'contact_details', 'uid' => $user->uid), NULL, TRUE);
  316. // $this->drupalGet("node/$contact_details->nid");
  317. //
  318. // if (isset($csv[7]) && !empty($csv[7])) {
  319. // $this->assertText('Can be contacted', "[Compare CSV and Profile data] Row: $row Field: Contact Permission set");
  320. // }
  321. // else {
  322. // $this->assertNoText('Can be contacted', "[Compare CSV and Profile data] Row: $row Field: Contact Permission not set");
  323. // }
  324. //
  325. // $this->assertText($csv[8], "[Compare CSV and Profile data] Row: $row Field: Contact Preference");
  326. //
  327. // //test interests link on profile page
  328. // if (!empty($user->profile_interests)) {
  329. // $interests = explode(',', $user->profile_interests);
  330. // $this->drupalGet('profile/profile_interests/' . $interests[0]);
  331. // $this->assertWantedRaw('<a title="View user profile." href="/' . url('user/' . $user->uid) . '">' . $user->name . '</a>' , '[Freeform List] User is listed on page about item in list');
  332. // }
  333. //
  334. // }
  335. //
  336. // $row++;
  337. // }
  338. //
  339. // }
  340. //
  341. // /**
  342. // * SimpleTest core method: code run after each and every test method.
  343. // */
  344. // function tearDown() {
  345. //
  346. // // delete accounts of users imported
  347. // $users_email = $this->usersList();
  348. //
  349. // foreach ($users_email as $mail) {
  350. // $account = user_load_by_mail($mail);
  351. // // delete node profile nodes
  352. // if (!empty($account)) {
  353. // $identity = node_load(array('type' => 'identity', 'uid' => $account->uid));
  354. // $biography = node_load(array('type' => 'biography', 'uid' => $account->uid));
  355. // $contact_details = node_load(array('type' => 'contact_details', 'uid' => $account->uid));
  356. // node_delete($identity->nid);
  357. // node_delete($biography->nid);
  358. // node_delete($contact_details->nid);
  359. // user_delete(array(), $account->uid);
  360. // }
  361. // }
  362. //
  363. // // delete the import
  364. // $import_id = $this->importID();
  365. // $this->assertTrue(!empty($import_id), t('Import ID: !id', array('!id' => $import_id)));
  366. // _user_import_settings_deletion($import_id);
  367. //
  368. // // delete vocabulary
  369. // taxonomy_del_vocabulary($this->vocabulary_id);
  370. //
  371. // // uninstall modules
  372. // // - tear down disable doesn't seem to do this
  373. // // foreach($this->modules as $module) {
  374. // // if (function_exists($module . '_uninstall')) {
  375. // // $result = call_user_func_array($module . '_uninstall', array());
  376. // // }
  377. // // }
  378. //
  379. // // delete nodeprofile content types
  380. // node_type_delete('dummy'); // (for some reason) the first node_type_delete is completely ignored
  381. // node_type_delete('identity');
  382. // node_type_delete('biography');
  383. // node_type_delete('contact_details');
  384. //
  385. // // Always call the tearDown() function from the parent class.
  386. // parent::tearDown();
  387. // }
  388. //}
  389. /**
  390. * Test import of user data into Profile module
  391. */
  392. //class UserImportProfileTestCase extends UserImportWebTestCase {
  393. //
  394. //
  395. // public static function getInfo() {
  396. // return array(
  397. // 'name' => 'Import Users (Profile)',
  398. // 'description' => 'Test import of user data into Profile module.',
  399. // 'group' => 'User Import',
  400. // );
  401. // }
  402. //
  403. // function setUp() {
  404. // parent::setUp('user_import', 'profile');
  405. // $this->admin_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('administer users', 'access administration pages', 'administer site configuration'));
  406. // $this->user_importer = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('import users'));
  407. // }
  408. //
  409. // /**
  410. // * User with right permissions creates import (with new settings)
  411. // * - test import of user data into Profile module
  412. // */
  413. // function testCreateImport() {
  414. // $this->drupalLogin($this->admin_user);
  415. // $this->profileFieldsCreate();
  416. //
  417. // // Prepare a user to do testing
  418. // $this->drupalGet('logout'); // log out first
  419. // $this->drupalLogin($this->user_importer);
  420. //
  421. // // Select CSV file (the included example file)
  422. // $this->settingsFileSelect();
  423. //
  424. // // import settings
  425. // $this->importID($this->getUrl()); // store import ID for later
  426. //
  427. // $settings = array();
  428. // $this->settingsEmailMatch($settings);
  429. // $this->settingsProfileMatch($settings);
  430. // $this->settingsIgnoreFirstLine($settings);
  431. // $this->drupalPost($this->getUrl(), $settings, 'Import');
  432. //
  433. // // check if users have been imported
  434. // $this->checkProfileExist();
  435. // }
  436. //
  437. // /**
  438. // * create profile fields
  439. // */
  440. // function profileFieldsCreate() {
  441. //
  442. // // Textfield
  443. // $edit = array('category' => 'Name', 'title' => 'First Name', 'name' => 'profile_first_name');
  444. // $this->drupalPost('admin/people/profile/add/textfield', $edit, t('Save field'));
  445. //
  446. // // Textfield
  447. // $edit = array('category' => 'Name', 'title' => 'Last Name', 'name' => 'profile_last_name');
  448. // $this->drupalPost('admin/people/profile/add/textfield', $edit, t('Save field'));
  449. //
  450. // // Textarea
  451. // $edit = array('category' => 'Biography', 'title' => 'CV', 'name' => 'profile_cv');
  452. // $this->drupalPost('admin/people/profile/add/textarea', $edit, t('Save field'));
  453. //
  454. // // Checkbox
  455. // $edit = array('category' => 'Contact Details', 'title' => 'Can Be Contacted', 'name' => 'profile_contact_permission');
  456. // $this->drupalPost('admin/people/profile/add/checkbox', $edit, t('Save field'));
  457. //
  458. // // List
  459. // $edit = array('category' => 'Contact Details', 'title' => 'Contact Preference', 'name' => 'profile_contact_preference', 'options' => 'email,telephone,post');
  460. // $this->drupalPost('admin/people/profile/add/selection', $edit, t('Save field'));
  461. //
  462. // // Freeform List
  463. // $edit = array('category' => 'Biography', 'title' => 'Interests', 'name' => 'profile_interests');
  464. // $this->drupalPost('admin/people/profile/add/list', $edit, t('Save field'));
  465. //
  466. // // URL
  467. // $edit = array('category' => 'Biography', 'title' => 'Blog', 'name' => 'profile_blog');
  468. // $this->drupalPost('admin/people/profile/add/url', $edit, t('Save field'));
  469. //
  470. // // Date
  471. // $edit = array('category' => 'Biography', 'title' => 'Birthday', 'name' => 'profile_birthday');
  472. // $this->drupalPost('admin/people/profile/add/date', $edit, t('Save field'));
  473. // }
  474. //
  475. // /**
  476. // * Match CSV columns to Profile fields
  477. // */
  478. // function settingsProfileMatch(&$edit) {
  479. // $edit['field_match[0][field_match]'] = 'profile-1'; // First Name
  480. // $edit['field_match[1][field_match]'] = 'profile-2'; // Last Name
  481. // $edit['field_match[10][field_match]'] = 'profile-3'; // CV
  482. // $edit['field_match[7][field_match]'] = 'profile-4'; // Contact Permision
  483. // $edit['field_match[8][field_match]'] = 'profile-5'; // Contact Preference
  484. // $edit['field_match[9][field_match]'] = 'profile-6'; // Interests
  485. // $edit['field_match[6][field_match]'] = 'profile-7'; // Blog
  486. // $edit['field_match[11][field_match]'] = 'profile-8'; // Birthday
  487. // }
  488. //
  489. // /**
  490. // * Check data in CSV file matches data in profiles
  491. // */
  492. // function checkProfileExist() {
  493. //
  494. // $file_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'user_import') . '/sample.txt';
  495. // $handle = @fopen($file_path, "r");
  496. // $row = 0;
  497. //
  498. // while ($csv = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ',')) {
  499. //
  500. // if ($row > 0) {
  501. // $user = user_load_by_mail($csv[5]);
  502. // // test each data cell against Profile field content
  503. // $profile_first_name = isset($user->profile_first_name) ? $user->profile_first_name : '';
  504. // $this->assertEqual($profile_first_name, $csv[0], "[Compare CSV data to Profile data] Row: $row Field: First Name");
  505. //
  506. // $profile_last_name = isset($user->profile_last_name) ? $user->profile_last_name : '';
  507. // $this->assertEqual($profile_last_name, $csv[1], "[Compare CSV data to Profile data] Row: $row Field: Last Name");
  508. //
  509. // $profile_blog = isset($user->profile_blog) ? $user->profile_blog : '';
  510. // $this->assertEqual($profile_blog, $csv[6], "[Compare CSV data to Profile data] Row: $row Field: Blog");
  511. //
  512. // $profile_contact_permission = isset($user->profile_contact_permission) ? $user->profile_contact_permission : '';
  513. // $file_field_value = (!isset($csv[7]) || empty($csv[7])) ? 0 : 1;
  514. // $this->assertEqual($profile_contact_permission, $file_field_value, "[Compare CSV data to Profile data] Row: $row Field: Contact Permission");
  515. //
  516. // $profile_contact_preference = isset($user->profile_contact_preference) ? $user->profile_contact_preference : '';
  517. // $this->assertEqual($profile_contact_preference, $csv[8], "[Compare CSV data to Profile data] Row: $row Field: Contact Preference");
  518. //
  519. // $profile_interests = isset($user->profile_interests) ? $user->profile_interests : '';
  520. // $this->assertEqual($profile_interests, $csv[9], "[Compare CSV data to Profile data] Row: $row Field: Profile Interests");
  521. //
  522. // $profile_cv = isset($user->profile_cv) ? $user->profile_cv : '';
  523. // $this->assertEqual($profile_cv, $csv[10], "[Compare CSV data to Profile data] Row: $row Field: CV");
  524. //
  525. // $profile_birthday = isset($user->profile_birthday) ? implode('/', $user->profile_birthday) : '';
  526. //
  527. // if (isset($user->profile_birthday)) {
  528. // $profile_birthday = $user->profile_birthday['month'] . '/' . $user->profile_birthday['day'] . '/' . $user->profile_birthday['year'];
  529. // }
  530. // else {
  531. // $profile_birthday = '';
  532. // }
  533. //
  534. // $this->assertEqual($profile_birthday, $csv[11], "[Compare CSV data to Profile data] Row: $row Field: Birthday");
  535. // /**
  536. // * @todo test below fails because it gets an access denied message.
  537. // */
  538. // //test interests link on profile page
  539. // // if (!empty($user->profile_interests)) {
  540. // // $interests = explode(',', $user->profile_interests);
  541. // // $this->drupalGet('profile/profile_interests/' . $interests[0]);
  542. // // $this->assertRaw('<a title="View user profile." href="/'. url('user/'. $user->uid) .'">'. $user->name .'</a>', '[Freeform List] User is listed on page about item in list');
  543. // // }
  544. //
  545. // }
  546. //
  547. // $row++;
  548. // }
  549. // }
  550. //
  551. //}