CONTENTS OF THIS FILE ---------------------- * Introduction * Installation * Configuration * Known Issues - No FAQs appear after module upgrade - <p> tags appear in FAQ question text - Clicking on category links takes user to front page INTRODUCTION ------------ Maintainer: Stella Power ( Documentation: The Frequently Asked Questions (faq) module allows users with the 'administer faq' permission to create question and answer pairs which they want displayed on the 'faq-page' page. The 'faq-page' page is automatically generated from the FAQ nodes configured and the layout of this page can be modified on the settings page. Users will need the 'view faq page' permission to view the 'faq-page' page. An alternative to the built-in 'faq-page' is to use one of the example Views layouts provided which you can easily customise to your needs using the Views UI. Note, the configuration settings for the module do not apply to the Views layouts. INSTALLATION ------------ 1. Copy faq folder to modules directory. 2. At admin/modules enable the faq module. 3. Enable permissions at admin/people/permissions. 4. Configure the module at admin/config/content/faq - not used for Views layouts. 5. You can use the default faq page at "faq-page" or enable one of the page layouts in the example Views. For the Views pages you can change the url if needed, but if you wish to change the url for the built-in page (faq-page) you need to create a url alias at admin/config/search/path. UPGRADE NOTICE --------------- When using categorized FAQ nodes, the disabling of the FAQ module causes the vocabulary to lose the association with the FAQ content type. This results in no FAQ nodes being displayed when you re-enable the FAQ module. Before opening an issue, please verify that this setting is still in place. CONFIGURATION ------------- Once the module is activated, you can create your question and answer pairs by creating FAQ nodes (Create content >> FAQ). This allows you to edit the question and answer text. In addition, if the 'Taxonomy' module is enabled and there are some terms configured for the FAQ node type, it will also be possible to put the questions into different categories when editing. KNOWN ISSUES ------------- No FAQs appear after module upgrade ----------------------------------- When using categorized FAQ nodes, the disabling of the FAQ module causes the vocabulary to lose the association with the FAQ content type. This results in no FAQ nodes being displayed when you re-enable the FAQ module. Before opening an issue, please verify that this setting is still in place. <p> tags appear in FAQ question text ------------------------------------ When using WYSIWYG editors, such as TinyMCE and FCKeditor, <p> and other HTML tags may appear in the displayed question text. This is because the faq title or question input box is a textarea and not a textfield, so the faq module can accommodate longer question texts. The p-tags come from the WYSIWYG editor used and not the FAQ module. This is because TinyMCE, and other WYSIWYG editors, attach themselves to all textareas on a given page. Details on how to prevent this can be found at Clicking on category links takes user to front page --------------------------------------------------- Reported for Drupal 5, unconfirmed for Drupal 6. Instead of being taken to the categorized faq page, the front page is displayed when the user clicks on a faq category. This is something to do with the pathauto module and can be easily fixed by doing a bulk update of paths for the faq vocabulary.