<?php /** * @file field.tpl.php * Default template implementation to display the value of a field. * * This file is not used and is here as a starting point for customization only. * @see theme_field() * * Available variables: * - $items: An array of field values. Use render() to output them. * - $label: The item label. * - $label_hidden: Whether the label display is set to 'hidden'. * - $classes: String of classes that can be used to style contextually through * CSS. It can be manipulated through the variable $classes_array from * preprocess functions. The default values can be one or more of the * following: * - field: The current template type, i.e., "theming hook". * - field-name-[field_name]: The current field name. For example, if the * field name is "field_description" it would result in * "field-name-field-description". * - field-type-[field_type]: The current field type. For example, if the * field type is "text" it would result in "field-type-text". * - field-label-[label_display]: The current label position. For example, if * the label position is "above" it would result in "field-label-above". * * Other variables: * - $element['#object']: The entity to which the field is attached. * - $element['#view_mode']: View mode, e.g. 'full', 'teaser'... * - $element['#field_name']: The field name. * - $element['#field_type']: The field type. * - $element['#field_language']: The field language. * - $element['#field_translatable']: Whether the field is translatable or not. * - $element['#label_display']: Position of label display, inline, above, or * hidden. * - $field_name_css: The css-compatible field name. * - $field_type_css: The css-compatible field type. * - $classes_array: Array of html class attribute values. It is flattened * into a string within the variable $classes. * * @see template_preprocess_field() * @see theme_field() */ ?> <?php if(count($items)): ?> <?php foreach ($items as $delta => $item): ?> <div class="<?php print $classes; ?> field-item"<?php print $item_attributes[$delta]; ?>> <div class="field-label"<?php print $title_attributes; ?>><?php print $label ?>: </div> <?php print render($item); ?> </div> <?php endforeach; ?> <?php endif; ?>