'label' => t('Geocode from another field'),
'field types' => array('geofield', 'geolocation_latlng', 'location'),
'behaviors' => array(
'multiple values' => FIELD_BEHAVIOR_CUSTOM,
'default value' => FIELD_BEHAVIOR_NONE,
* Implements field_widget_settings_form().
function geocoder_field_widget_settings_form($this_field, $instance) {
$settings = $instance['widget']['settings'];
$entity_fields = field_info_instances($instance['entity_type'], $instance['bundle']);
$all_fields = field_info_fields();
$supported_field_types = geocoder_supported_field_types();
$processors = geocoder_handler_info();
$handlers_by_type = array();
$field_types = array();
$valid_fields = array();
$available_handlers = array();
// Add in the title/name
//@@TODO Do this programatically by getting entity_info
switch ($instance['entity_type']) {
case 'node':
$all_fields['title'] = array(
'field_name' => 'title',
'type' => 'text',
$entity_fields['title']['label'] = t('Title');
case 'taxonomy_term':
$all_fields['name'] = array(
'field_name' => 'name',
'type' => 'text',
$entity_fields['name']['label'] = t('Name');
// Get a list of all valid fields that we both support and are part of this entity
foreach ($all_fields as $field) {
if (array_key_exists($field['field_name'], $entity_fields)) {
if (in_array($field['type'], array_keys($supported_field_types)) && ($field['field_name'] != $this_field['field_name'])) {
$valid_fields[$field['field_name']] = $entity_fields[$field['field_name']]['label'];
foreach ($supported_field_types[$field['type']] as $handler) {
$available_handlers[$handler] = $processors[$handler]['title'];
$handlers_by_type[$field['type']][] = $handler;
$field_types[$field['field_name']] = $field['type'];
$form['geocoder_field'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Geocode from field'),
'#default_value' => isset($settings['geocoder_field']) ? $settings['geocoder_field']: '',
'#options' => $valid_fields,
'#description' => t('Select which field you would like to geocode from.'),
'#required' => TRUE,
'#attributes' => array('onchange' => 'geocoder_admin_field_selected();'),
$form['geocoder_handler'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Geocoder'),
'#prefix' => '
'#suffix' => '
'#default_value' => isset($settings['geocoder_handler']) ? $settings['geocoder_handler']: '',
'#options' => $available_handlers,
'#description' => t('Select which type of geocoding handler you would like to use'),
'#attributes' => array('onchange' => 'geocoder_admin_handler_selected();'),
'#required' => TRUE,
$form['handler_settings'] = array(
'#tree' => TRUE,
// Add the handler settings forms
foreach ($processors as $handler_id => $handler) {
if (isset($handler['settings_callback']) || isset($handler['terms_of_service'])) {
$default_values = isset($settings['handler_settings'][$handler_id]) ? $settings['handler_settings'][$handler_id] : array();
$form['handler_settings'][$handler_id] = array();
$form['handler_settings'][$handler_id]['#type'] = 'fieldset';
$form['handler_settings'][$handler_id]['#attributes'] = array('class' => array('geocoder-handler-setting', 'geocoder-handler-setting-' . $handler_id));
$form['handler_settings'][$handler_id]['#title'] = $handler['title'] . ' Settings';
if (isset($handler['terms_of_service'])) {
$form['handler_settings'][$handler_id]['tos'] = array(
'#type' => 'item',
'#markup' => t('This handler has terms of service. Click the following link to learn more.') . ' ' . l($handler['terms_of_service'], $handler['terms_of_service']),
if (isset($handler['settings_callback'])) {
$settings_callback = $handler['settings_callback'];
$form['handler_settings'][$handler_id] = array_merge($form['handler_settings'][$handler_id], $settings_callback($default_values));
$form['delta_handling'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Multi-value input handling'),
'#description' => t('Should geometries from multiple inputs be: - Matched with each input (e.g. One POINT for each address field)
- Aggregated into a single MULTIPOINT geofield (e.g. One MULTIPOINT polygon from multiple address fields)
- Broken up into multiple geometries (e.g. One MULTIPOINT to multiple POINTs.)
'#default_value' => isset($settings['delta_handling']) ? $settings['delta_handling']: 'default',
'#options' => array(
'default' => 'Match Multiples (default)',
'm_to_s' => 'Multiple to Single',
's_to_m' => 'Single to Multiple',
'c_to_s' => 'Concatenate to Single',
'c_to_m' => 'Concatenate to Multiple',
'#required' => TRUE,
drupal_add_js(array('geocoder_widget_settings' => array('handlers' => $handlers_by_type, 'types' => $field_types)), 'setting');
drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'geocoder') . '/geocoder.admin.js', 'file');
return $form;
* Implements hook_field_attach_presave().
* Geocoding for the geocoder widget is done here to ensure that only validated
* and fully processed fields values are accessed.
function geocoder_field_attach_presave($entity_type, $entity) {
// Loop over any geofield using our geocode widget
$entity_info = entity_get_info($entity_type);
$bundle_name = empty($entity_info['entity keys']['bundle']) ? $entity_type : $entity->{$entity_info['entity keys']['bundle']};
foreach (field_info_instances($entity_type, $bundle_name) as $field_instance) {
if ($field_instance['widget']['type'] === 'geocoder') {
// Required settings
if (isset($field_instance['widget']['settings']['geocoder_handler']) && isset($field_instance['widget']['settings']['geocoder_field'])) {
$handler = geocoder_get_handler($field_instance['widget']['settings']['geocoder_handler']);
$field_name = is_array($field_instance['widget']['settings']['geocoder_field']) ? reset($field_instance['widget']['settings']['geocoder_field']) : $field_instance['widget']['settings']['geocoder_field'];
$target_info = field_info_field($field_instance['field_name']);
$target_type = $target_info['type'];
// Get the handler-specific-settings
if (isset($field_instance['widget']['settings']['handler_settings'][$handler['name']])) {
$handler_settings = $field_instance['widget']['settings']['handler_settings'][$handler['name']];
// Determine how we deal with deltas (multi-value fields)
if (empty($field_instance['widget']['settings']['delta_handling'])) {
$delta_handling = 'default';
else {
$delta_handling = $field_instance['widget']['settings']['delta_handling'];
list($field_info, $items) = geocoder_widget_get_field_data($entity_type, $entity, $field_name, $delta_handling);
if (is_array($items) && count($items)) {
$values = array();
// Geocode geometries
$geometries = array();
foreach ($items as $delta => $item) {
// Geocode any value from our source field.
try {
if (isset($handler_settings)) {
$geometry = call_user_func($handler['field_callback'], $field_info, $item, $handler_settings);
else {
$geometry = call_user_func($handler['field_callback'], $field_info, $item);
if ($geometry instanceof Geometry) {
$geometries[] = $geometry;
catch (Exception $e) {
drupal_set_message($e->getMessage(), 'error');
if (empty($geometries)) $values = array(NULL);
else {
// Resolve multiple-values - get back values from our delta-resolver
$values = geocoder_widget_resolve_deltas($geometries, $delta_handling, $target_type);
// Set the values - geofields do not support languages
$entity->{$field_instance['field_name']}[LANGUAGE_NONE] = $values;
* Get field items and info
* We always pass the full field-item array (with all columns) to the handler, but there is some preprocessing
* that we need to do for the special case of entity-labels and multi-field contactenation
* For these two special cases we "mock-up" a text-field and pass it back for geocoding
function geocoder_widget_get_field_data($entity_type, $entity, $field_name, $delta_handling) {
$entity_info = entity_get_info($entity_type);
// First check to see if it's an entity field
if (in_array($field_name, $entity_info['entity keys'])) {
$items[]['value'] = $entity->$field_name;
$field_info = array(
'type' => 'text',
'entity key' => TRUE,
else {
// It's a normal field-api field
$field_info = field_info_field($field_name);
$langcode = field_language($entity_type, $entity, $field_name);
$items = field_get_items($entity_type, $entity, $field_name, $langcode);
// Check if we should concatenate
if ($delta_handling == 'c_to_s' || $delta_handling == 'c_to_m') {
$support_concat = array('text', 'text_long', 'computed', 'text_with_summary', 'computed');
if (!in_array($field_info['type'], $support_concat)) {
drupal_set_message(t('Trying to concatenate a non-text field'));
$concat = '';
foreach ($items as $item) {
$concat .= trim($item['value']) . ', ';
$concat = trim($concat, ', ');
$items = array(array('value' => $concat));
$field_info = array(
'type' => 'text',
'concated' => TRUE,
return array(
* Geocder Widget - Resolve Deltas
* Given a list of geometries, and user configuration on how to handle deltas,
* we created a list of items to be inserted into the fields.
function geocoder_widget_resolve_deltas($geometries, $delta_handling = 'default', $field_type) {
$values = array();
// Default delta handling: just pass one delta to the next
if ($delta_handling == 'default') {
foreach ($geometries as $geometry) {
$values[] = geocoder_widget_values_from_geometry($geometry, $field_type);
// Single-to-multiple handling - if we can, explode out the component geometries
if ($delta_handling == 's_to_m' || $delta_handling = 'c_to_m') {
$type = $geometries[0]->geometryType();
if (in_array($type, array('MultiPoint', 'MultiLineString', 'MultiPolygon', 'GeometryCollection'))) {
$components = $geometries[0]->getComponents();
foreach ($components as $component) {
$values[] = geocoder_widget_values_from_geometry($component, $field_type);
else {
$values[] = geocoder_widget_values_from_geometry($geometries[0], $field_type);
// For multiple-to-single handling, run it though geometryReduce
if ($delta_handling == 'm_to_s' || $delta_handling = 'c_to_s') {
$reduced_geom = geoPHP::geometryReduce($geometries);
$values[] = geocoder_widget_values_from_geometry($reduced_geom, $field_type);
return $values;
* Geocder Widget - Field values from geometry
* Given a geometry and the field type, return back a values array for that field.
* The passed back array represents a single delta.
function geocoder_widget_values_from_geometry($geometry, $field_type) {
if ($field_type == 'geofield') return geofield_get_values_from_geometry($geometry);
if ($field_type == 'geolocation_latlng') {
$centroid = $geometry->centroid();
$lat = $centroid->y();
$lng = $centroid->x();
return array(
'lat' => $lat,
'lng' => $lng,
'lat_sin' => sin(deg2rad($lat)),
'lat_cos' => cos(deg2rad($lng)),
'lng_rad' => deg2rad($lng),
if ($field_type == 'location') {
$centroid = $geometry->centroid();
return array(
'latitude' => $centroid->y(),
'longitude' => $centroid->x(),
'source' => 2,
* Geocoder Widget - Parse an address field
function geocoder_widget_parse_addressfield($field_item) {
$address = '';
if (!empty($field_item['premise'])) $address .= $field_item['premise'] . ',';
if (!empty($field_item['thoroughfare'])) $address .= $field_item['thoroughfare'] . ',';
if (!empty($field_item['locality'])) $address .= $field_item['locality'] . ',';
if (!empty($field_item['administrative_area'])) $address .= $field_item['administrative_area'] . ',';
if (!empty($field_item['sub_administrative_area'])) $address .= $field_item['sub_administrative_area'] . ',';
if (!empty($field_item['country'])) $address .= $field_item['country'] . ',';
if (!empty($field_item['postal_code'])) $address .= $field_item['postal_code'] . ',';
$address = rtrim($address, ', ');
return $address;