<?php /** * @file * Allows to use PHP in views. */ /** * Implements hook_views_api(). */ function views_php_views_api() { return array( 'api' => 3, ); } /** * Menu access callback function; use PHP code to determine whether a user as * access. */ function views_php_check_access($php_access, $view_name, $display_id, $account = NULL) { global $user; static $function = array(); if (!isset($account)) { $account = $user; } if (!isset($function[$view_name . ':' . $display_id])) { $function[$view_name . ':' . $display_id] = create_function('$view_name, $display_id, $account', $php_access . ';'); } ob_start(); $access = (bool) $function[$view_name . ':' . $display_id]($view_name, $display_id, $account); ob_end_clean(); return $access; } /** * Helper function; builds form for PHP code options of views handlers/plugins. */ function views_php_form_element($handler, $checkbox = FALSE, $input, $variables = array()) { static $default_variables; if (!isset($default_variables)) { $default_variables = array( '$view' => t('The view object.'), '$handler' => t('The handler object.'), '$plugin' => t('The plugin object.'), '$static' => t('A variable that can be used to store reusable data per row.'), '$row' => t('Contains the retrieved record from the database per row.'), '$data' => t('Contains the retrieved record from the database for all rows.'), '$results' => t('Array containing the view\'s result.'), '$cache' => t('The cache object.'), ); } list($name, $title, $description, $use_delimiters) = $input; $container = array( '#type' => 'container', // @todo #tree => FALSE doesn't work here. '#parents' => array('options'), ); if (!empty($checkbox)) { list($checkbox_name, $checkbox_title, $checkbox_description) = $checkbox; $checkbox = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => $checkbox_title, '#description' => $checkbox_description, '#default_value' => $handler->options[$checkbox_name] && !empty($handler->options[$name]), ); $container['#states'] = array( 'invisible' => array( 'input[name="options[use_' . $name . ']"]' => array('checked' => FALSE), ), ); } $container[$name] = array( '#type' => 'textarea', '#id' => drupal_html_id('edit-options-' . $name), '#title' => $title, '#default_value' => $handler->options[$name], '#rows' => 5, '#description' => $description . ' <strong>' . ($use_delimiters ? t('Use <?php ?> delimiters to enclose PHP code.') : t('Do not use <?php ?> delimiters.')) . '</strong>', ); // Only users with use PHP permission can set/modify input. if (!user_access('use PHP for settings')) { $container[$name]['#disabled'] = TRUE; $container[$name]['#value'] = $container[$name]['#default_value']; $container[$name]['#description'] .= ' <strong>' . t('You do not have permission to modify this.') . '</strong>'; } $items = array(); foreach ($variables as $variable_name => $description) { if (is_int($variable_name)) { $variable_name = $description; $description = isset($default_variables[$description]) ? $default_variables[$description] : ''; } $items[] = l($variable_name, '', array('fragment' => $container[$name]['#id'], 'external' => TRUE)) . ': ' . $description; if (strpos($variable_name, '$row') === 0) { $php_value = ($input[0] == 'php_value') ? true : false; foreach ($handler->view->display_handler->get_handlers('field') as $field => $field_handler) { // Do not add fields that will not have data when evaluating the value code. This occurs because // the value code is evaluated in hook_views_post_execute(), but field data is made available in hook_views_pre_render(), // which is called after hook_views_post_execute(). if ($php_value && $field_handler->table != $field_handler->view->base_table) { continue; } $items[] = l($variable_name . '->' . $field, '', array('fragment' => $container[$name]['#id'], 'external' => TRUE)) . ': ' . $field_handler->ui_name(); } } } $container[$name . '_variables'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Available variables'), '#collapsible' => TRUE, '#collapsed' => TRUE, '#attributes' => array('class' => array('views-php-variables')), '#attached' => array( 'js' => array(drupal_get_path('module', 'views_php') . '/views_php.js'), ) ); $container[$name . '_variables']['variables'] = array( '#theme' => 'item_list', '#items' => $items, ); if (!empty($checkbox)) { return array($checkbox_name => $checkbox, $name => $container); } return array($name => $container); } /** * Implements hook_views_pre_execute(). */ function views_php_views_pre_execute($view) { // Seize control over the query plugin if a views handler requested so. if (!empty($view->views_php)) { $query = new views_php_plugin_query(); $query->php_wrap($view->query); } } /** * Implements hook_views_post_execute(). */ function views_php_views_post_render($view) { // Restore original query plugin if it was wrapped. if ($view->query instanceof views_php_plugin_wrapper) { $view->query->php_unwrap(); } } /** * Implements hook_views_post_build(). */ function views_php_views_post_build($view) { // Clear the limit and offset if (!empty($view->views_php) && !empty($view->build_info['query']) && is_object($view->build_info['query'])) { $view->build_info['query']->range(); } }